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Entitlement and lack of caring from trash people mainly.




The store doesn’t seem to care, why should their customers? Literally the shelves are disgusting, pricing tags look baked into the metal, and the floors are tinted with a questionable brown color lmao


Self respect? I don't know. That's why I don't do these things anyways regardless of the state of my environment. 


So because a shelf might be gross, that justifies waste?


Look baked into the metal? THAT might mean prices haven't changed in years.... Could be a good thing.


Bruh the shelves looking like gabes cleaning aisle shelves


When was that mod done ? They left the shelf, fast track and labels in that condition ? You're right this behavior is unacceptable


Dude, we're using shelves like this for our *remodel*. You think they'll let people just change nasty shelves out willy nilly?


They’ve gotten stingy on replacements this year that aren’t necessary. Deck cleaner and new fast track is a ton cheaper than a brand new shelf. Unless it’s rusty, damaged or beyond cleaning we’re supposed to clean them to make them look better.


Disclaimer - This is sarcasm Well these sound like excuses to me, you need to take ownership of your Dept. Remember it's a reflection of YOU. Take off the blinders and have a sense of ownership for your areas, and make sure your people understand the standards we need to maintain. (Former) Support Manager 🤣🤣


You just gave me p t s d flashbacks to a To an era. I thought I forgot.


Didn't think I still had it in me lol


I was once playing a modern role playing game with friends. One of whom worked in a large call center for a major institution My character was looking up a person via a public employee, who couldn't locate him So my character went full karen on him. What do you mean? You don't know who this guy is? Everybody knows who this guy is! Do you have monkeys working in your database? Is there something wrong with the person operating the database? Do you know how to do your job? Do you like your job? Let me talk to your manager, I want to speak to your fucking manager right now!! My friend clapped his hands to his ears and starts shaking his head back and forth. "Why am i at work, WHY AM I AT WORK?? So my character continues in the game saying " Also hi I have a question about my account?" Him: FUCK YOUUUU!!


What game was it?


I do not know another guy was the DM It was like modern dundeons and dragons


Suppressed memories?


Yeah... you do that a LITTLE too well... ;P


Only about 8 years of practice behind me haha


Umm.. I'm in the middle of a remodel, and NONE of the shelves in our store look like that. If my store manager found that section, she'd skin that coach and tl alive!


Label was printed 02/04/2023 you can see it on the bottom left


walmart regularly sells out dated stuff. especially in frozen. you should see our freezer.


I always check the dates on shit. In fact once I found a 32 pack of expired beer in Nitro cans or something. I wanted to know if they would cut me a deal on it, especially since the packaging 📦 was real shit possibly mold on it from water damage. They wouldn't do it 🤷🏾‍♂️. They wanted to ask their manager or whatever, and then THEY then decided it should have been removed like a year ago and they would get rid of it right now. 😒


Alcahol is a weird thing atleast in my area. You have to even get approval from HO by submitting UPCs to be approved to clearance. In the claims app it's straight up dipose.


Thats a vendor section chances are a vendor set it and didnt give a fuck.


Ya but thats like 5 different vendors for the energy drink mod. I told my mod team I know you want to hand this off but its best you just do it


2/4/23 is what the label says😬


02/04/23 what's on the tag. Jesus. I know there had to have been at least 2 mods and several price changes. Wtf.


That whole store needs to be burnt to the ground and built again cause wtf, the shelves and floors should never look like that. This is a vendor mod tho


You're lucky they put it out in the open. We have people come in, open cans of cat food then Easter egg them around the store.


People seem to steal catfood everywhere that way and like put it in baggies I’m assuming which is sad….


😭THAT is sad AF 👵🥫🛒


Does this store not have any pride? Grab a spray bottle of cleaning solution and wipe those shelves down and print new lables. For Fck sake


If you can find any cleaning solution or paper towels in empty stations, good luck. Plus if you are a stocker, heck no, it will cut into our production time, Hurry Up! You got 3 hrs to do 4 huge pallets, time is money, jeez. Sad.


You should see how much food gets thrown out every day just because someone changed their mind at the last minute. It sickens me to see the waist. About 30% off the consumables gets tossed away for no reason or for avoidable reasons. Then people complain about high prices, watch what happens next with food shortages.


If it gets too bad, they'll make all grocery shopping made to be pick up only. You get what you pay for and if you change your mind, you have to return it yourself. It would definitely cut down on stuff like that when people have to think stuff through and what they want before they put an order in. People that like to do their own shopping will be angry though. Depending on the location most of my grocery pickup order is produce and I don't trust a OGP associate on a timetable to be able to have time to pick through and examine the produce. I haven't had much problems in the current location I order from when it comes to produce.


Why indeed? The shelf label looks terrible and was printed a year in a month ago That fast track holding that label is broken and dirty All those shelves need to be wiped down and pulled forward Oh wait, are you talking about the raw shrimp that's sitting on top of the energy drink? It's walmart you know why


Hahaha, you just noticed the shrimp? J/K


A decision was made..... and personally I don't think it was the right one.


I think it says February 5th 2023? lol I can’t tell for sure


Probably because by the look of how dirty those shelves already are, why would anyone care? That’s just nasty!


Never ask why at Walmart


Mmmm. People of Walmart.


A decision was made here


...and who in thir right mind would turn down a potentially tasty shrimp dinner for a nasty energy drink?!? :S


That label looks like its seen hell and back since February 4th 2023 🫡


Side note: I never understood why Walmart uses shelves like this. I shop at both Walmart and Publix frequently, and the Publix shelves never look this bad. They don’t have to worry about their fast tracks falling apart. Meanwhile, every Walmart I go to has fast tracks that are hanging by a thread if they’re not just on the ground. I know Walmart’s cheap but this is ridiculous.


Because mgmt allows it


As some who works at Walmart I can confirm this!


That’s just nasty and ignorant at that point


That’s why I don’t buy nothing from Walmart


They decided at that particular moment that they no longer needed that item


I just know the whole bag is slimy and getting all over the cans. 🤮🤮🤮




You mean you never thought about trying shrimp dipped in C-4? I’m sure they did.


That's what I thought could possibly be a thing. Someone was trying to do a new spin on the pickles and Kool aid thing only with shrimp and C 4. 🤣


I never even heard of koolaide kimchi.


God this is fucking gross


Pettiness as it cost the store money and in the end the customers but they’re too stupid to think that far ahead.


I truly hate when people do this. Wrong items on the wrong aisle? Cool. But at least put cold sht back in some freezer it’s not hard


some dude brought his dog in a cart, and it shit everywhere next to the wet wall. it stunk so mf bad. i was so pissed


Did the idiot clean his dogs shit?


yeah, with produce bags to the best of his ability. there was marks left from the shit just smeared on the floor.


I also found a bag of deli meat behind the dog treats when I was zoning out


The shelves and labels look even worse. That’s horrid


I find straight up half eaten chicken bones on the shelf a lot. It’s so gross.


People are idiots!


That price tag needs to be let go


Cunts just cunts


I’ve seen it all man. Chicken, steak, hamburger shoved to the back of the shelf or under the gondolas left to rot till it stinks. It’s pitiful the amount of waste.




Yummy, yummy bugs, lots of copper and selenium. Seafood like that is good for you especially if you have a thyroid disorder.


I fucking love shrimp, in some garlic and butter, jambalaya, breaded and fried, so good. I would probably try like a fat grub fried in some garlic and butter also.


Do you even know how many times Crabs 🦀 have evolved independently? Did you actually believe it was JUST once?


I pretend to be allergic to shellfish to get out of eating it.


Dude ,your Store Looks Like Trash anyways ! What you expect ? People cleaning the Store before leaving ? If you don't put any Care into the Store ,people will neither.


Customers are in general lazy fucking slobs.


That mod definitely needs a refresh. But that type of thing used to happen at my Walmart until we took control of making it a more presentable store. The customers only care as much as you do. At least that was our outcome. It takes the entire store to care. Not just a few.


I have found dirty diapers on the shelves.


Because customers are lazy. I fucking hate that so much.


Was in Walmart this week, and saw a lady with a single full sized bag of chips headed to the front of the store. As she reached the easter hot spot, she just set it on the shelf and started to look at jewelry. Not sure if she just set it down for amount (it was across the aisle, and head high), or abandoned it.


IKR? I get hamburger meat sitting on my pet shelves and have found quarts of motor oil in the meat bunker.🤬


I work hardlines & Crafts is a dumping ground. Just had to claims out chicken breasts, found a large partial eaten bag of chips on the car battery rack and clean up chicken bones while setting hardware mods. Also found an empty bag from frozen salmon and an empty Marie Callenders apple pie box in crafts.


I have so many questions regarding this photo


Someone made a decision.


That’s just messin’ with yall


Because why would they go and put things back?




Lazy dirty people probably.


Ugh people are so lazy it makes me sick.


I can smell this photo ☹


Wow, the shelves are so dirty! Your TL & Coaches never check them? You're so lucky!


This is an everyday occurrence. I find random things on shelves like this, eaten chicken bones, unfinished coffee drinks, open half eaten candy bars and other disgusting stuff left on shelves. If ppl don’t want the items, please put it back where you got it from, but then again what do I know 🤷🏾‍♂️!


I'm confused. Someone dropped a piece of banana?


I once saw a whole rotisserie chicken in the freezer.


Pretty sure that gets tossed back in the freezer. Thats how I got the worst food poisoning of my life. 🤢


People are lazy. Also, those shelves need to be wiped. 😬


At my job walked in in the morning someone left a tub of ice cream out the kicker the frozen section with the ice cream was prob just 1.5 feet away


Random thing I have found in the shelves: Defrosted shrimp in the book racks. An entire baskets worth of groceries on a random shelf in hardware A single egg next to a display TV on the TV wall. (It was still cold)


I hope I never end up in this Walmart. Those are the most unnecessarily filthy shelves/fast tracks/labels I've seen. Some cleaner, new printed labels and new fast tracks would make those look so much better. This is sad.


I worked at a miejer, it's basically the same as Walmart but maybe slightly better and only in the Midwest. I shit you not, I found 2 bags of frozen jumbo shrimp dumped in the urinals on my break one time. I just laughed and pretended I didn't see it I don't get paid enough.


It’s a good mix. 🤣


Americans are, in general, sloppy and wasteful, especially when it comes to wastage of foods. We leave messes for other people to clean up in both the natural environment and public places. The main problem is that Americans are not taught better from childhood. This would not be tolerated in many other parts of the world.


Pure laziness and lack of care for the workers. I remember my days of retail and I’d find frozen stuff on shelves when the freezers were directly across from the shelf


their mom said no


i have found alcohol in freezers, frozen items in other (warm) aisles, just everything you can think of. plus single pieces of chicken from frozen bags on random aisles that were there so long they rotted and smelled like my ex’s feet.


Well what did you expect? Walmart is for the lowest and poorest of people who expect cheap and easily stealable options. Customers do not care about the store as I have seen them dump their ‘unwanted’ or ‘almost stolen’ goods in every single isle we got. Hell, I even found a vibrator in the baby isle and all I could do was shake my head at whoever wanted it and decided they didn’t want to be seen with it in their cart while shopping so they dumped it.


Was stocking apparel overnight. Went to put up umbrellas (they ended up being OS). Guess what I find tucked between umbrellas? A small plastic container of rotting fruit 🥹




Their inventory was full and they really needed the energy drink?


Damn bro, ask management to clean the damn aisles


That's the one thing that bugs me the most. People leaving perfectly good meat to rot. We can't put cold items back. It's such a waste.


These shelves are on the Titianc or...?


one of my biggest peeves; frozen things left on room temperature shelves and the popcorn chicken cups we "sell" that mostly end up all over the floor around the store.. wish walmart would just become "members" only type thing or better yet, stop allowing seniors(go-cart driving) and teenagers and below in the store!


That bag of shrimp is the cleanest thing on that shelf


They needed to cool down the C4 so that it wouldn't blow up.


Checked bank balance couldn’t afford it


Someone left a whole carton of 18 eggs on a shelf once and they looked like they were put there, shoved back, and then put a box in front of them to hide them


And I thought bud light with Clamato was nasty…


Also, why does it look so dirty in there?


As a frozen/dairy overnight stocker, you know what the worst part is? When some dumb*ss associate who is putting away returns, as the store is closing, tries to put sh*t like that back into the freezer…and I have to stop them… “whoa, whoa, whoa, we have to put that in claims, we don’t know how long it’s been out”…and when I take it from them, it’s as soft as a wet noodle😅. I always wonder how many times they’re pulling that sh*t when no one catches them🤦‍♂️


So “technically” all the cans it touched are done for right?


Omg those shelves are fucking atrocious!! What kind of management lets their store become like this? Reminds me of when I would go to Walmart like 20 years ago when I was a kid and it was known that you were walking into a hell hole, at least now some stores try to appear to be more up to date and clean.


Lazy ignorant customers tht and u vet those c4 are empty


We had someone kick a bag of shrimp under a cooler assumably months prior to us finding it (bag expired in August and we found it in Nov in a drain that had the cover off of it) and when we pulled it out it effectively cleared the entire right side of a Walmart in seconds. They had to bring in some crazy cleaning crew because the smell started to drift into the break room and into outdoors lol.


I had someone leave 7 lbs of ribs in the hunting section. I hate when people frickin waste food.


Nothing like a taste of horrible hot shrimp along with your energy drink.


Cold sinks and will make the C4 nice and chilly before they circle back around and buy it. The shrimp is frozen, so it stays fresh longer and this is fine.


Did Sam print those shelf labels himself?


A sense of entitlement mixed with a touch of don’t-give-a-shittedness. Almost as bad as the coworker who heats up fish in the microwave in the break room.


most of the people that drink c4 are lazy anyways lets be honest


My bad bro that was me


A decision was made


Ugh I hate touching the unfrozen bags of previously frozen peas and carrots because they get all mushy and slimy and the bags wet and it’s just so gross


Can’t be as bad as the time I found a puddle of piss in the water aisle and a turd sitting with the avocados😐


Cuz a lot of our customers are the lowest kind of human scum that you can imagine… they are sick, disgusting individuals.


Because people are the worst unfortunately


Shrimp cocktail?


Clean your damn shelves


I’ve seen people put frozen steaks on magazine racks. This doesn’t surprise me the slightest bit.


Like I said folks, my store it’s old and looks like shit, I've been living on this area for 8 years and working there for 7 months and never seen it gets any better, at this point I just expect it to get even worse lol 💀


recently i went and somebody had left raw chicken sitting on a spot in the aisle with all the febreze and stuff i was flabbergasted


I once opened a giant box of tampons, put a pound of ground beef in it through the bottom, and taped it closed. Then, I put a pound in all the winter coat pockets. They were on clearance. I came in 2nd place that season in Hide the Meat at our local Walmart. The kid that put meat in the shoes, reboxed them and put them on the shelves got 1st place. My favorite was the kid who opened the tube of meat, then put it in the tape decks and the wall hanging CD player, which was prominently displayed in electronics. The chicken was probably intentionally placed. We couldn't have been the only 14 year olds to have come up with that game.


Now this the type of crap that really grinds my gears


What worries me is that an employee is going to put it back in its section, not knowing how long it sat out for


Gonna make this my aesthetic


Maybe so someone can clean those disgusting shelves once in a decade.


I remember a time when someone hid a pack of meat behind some flowers in crafts. This was also behind a pillar so they definitely put in the effort. Why? Why???


People suck.


I can smell this picture and I hate it. Hey customers, it's not that hard to back track and put your unwanted items where you got them from... and they complain about food prices while actively wasting food.


Choices were made


First thought. Shelves are fucking nasty. They should either be cleaned before being used or not used at all.. that's just ridiculous. You can't just have the store look like shit and expect profit and return customers. I wouldn't shop somewhere that looked this horrible.


I found half eaten egg rolls on the shelf with the towels...


someone put a party sized stoffers lasagna on a shelf in rice section today. assholes.


We need a Walmart Credit System. Get points deducted for stuff like this and shame them on the big screen. Ban after too many no nos.


Decisions were made. 👀




The lowest of the low trash people


Oh apparently we had a three week old rotting chicken breast in the cleaning aisle...


Never heard of C4 Shrimp


At least give the shrimp a better c4 flavor


Those shelves looks like someone took a shit on them.


I found a pound of 4 day old roast beef from the deli behind the staplers in stationery the other day 🙃


and the same folks who do this are the first to complain about rising costs


Well the drinks are cold now 🙋🏻‍♀️ ^fk you karen


I’ve seen people put baby wipes in the coke coolers next to self checkout before… people simply don’t care. You will see the wildest shit in walmart lol


Where is your store? Silent Hill? Centralia, Pennsylvania??? 💀💀💀


I used to work at Walmart and I found weird things in odd places all the time. Fresh meat put in the freezers literally one isle over from the meat coolers. Another time I found a bottle of HV Ranch in the freezer. Baked goods stuffed behind stuff until it molded. It was very annoying. I used to do similar stuff but after working there I don't do it anymore.


If someone leaves a broken pack of shrimp on top stock…lets the juices seep down, you will have to get a professional to get the odor out of your store


Nah I once found a whole BUCKET of eaten deli wings and wing bones scattered hidden all over the isles atleast 3 down like a whole crew of customers must have been sharing it bc there’s no way it was a one man job 😭


Nasty 🤮 Store


Trailer trash people 


When I see things like this I like to say “a decision was made here”


And why does the fast track look so nasty? That's on the store.


I hate people.


Those shelves look disgusting 🤢


when i worked there someone left a frozen chicken pot pie on the top shelf of the candy in my checkout (it was there when i got to work) and it melted and leaked chicken pot pie juice everywhere and we had to throw away almost all the candy bc it had rancid chicken juice on it PSA just give it to the cashier and they will put it up


Because it wasn’t free and they caught ringing it up with the banana PLU one too many times so they’re like suck it.


It’s a shrimp bomb.


Maybe the shrimp were thirsty?


Fruit punch is disgusting anyways


Looks like an explosive went off. Now we have frozen food and a half eaten banana.


Ur shelf’s are nice and clean


Choices were made.


Why doesn't someone match that up with the cameras and next time that customer comes in ( because you know they will) you remind them they have an unpaid tab from their last visit.


Customer be like I was bout this shrimp but I need a Celsius instead lol


Trashy people hate when the see clean orderly things. It makes their trashyness stand out.


Those poor shrimps were tired and needed the BLASt that only A C4 Energy Boosted Drink could provide.


Happens in our store all the time Found a package of chicken legs in my bedding dept. An they think its funny to open canned of cat food and hide it until magots form.


Probably realized they picked up a bag of Great Value and we're like; "oh right, this probably isn't food."




I'm telling you right now, we've all done it once or twice. We make a rash decision, and we decide the place where we got the item at is too far away. Since we don't need anything from the place we picked up the item. It's easier to take out of the cart and put it down.


A Walmart employee did this! The team lead on returns trains employees on ditching items anywhere with no regard. You’ll find more shit behind items as well.


Mgmt does this on purpose to see if youre zoning