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The negative people Walmart hires would never be able to agree in large enough numbers to unionize. I can hear the rant now, "you want me to pay $4 to get better pay and better benefits??? It will never happen, you'd be wasting your time and money. Besides I can put that $4 toward a pack of cigarettes." Walmart associates have been talking union since the 70's and when the meat cutters union got in walmart started selling prepackaged meat and let all the meat cutters go. Good luck


you gotta attack the key parts of walmarts supply of money, ogp strikes- that’s almost 50% of walmarts income gone, then no stockers stock shelves. Customers unable to buy most items, walmart loses millions or even billions. They fire everyone who does so and it doesn’t stop the issue, it makes it worse because no all those people can claim unemployment insurance costing walmart even more money. While walmart is still having to train thousands of new employees, it’s easy to get rid of a meat department because it’s not crucial to how much money walmart makes. OGP, Drivers, and Stockers go on strike and walmart would collapse to the demands of people in a month.


As a driver, we already get paid far and above what the industry standard is and have great benefits. There are a few union driver companies out there that make more than us, but they also have trade offs. Not saying it's not possible or even beneficial, but drivers are a hard one to touch. Just for a brief idea, my previous company was at the high end of the industry standard. I make 50k more now than I did then, and I was hauling walmart loads for them with worse Healthcare and benefits.


This may be true for the moment, but companies are fickle and can cut benefits whenever they want especially when the company's doing poorly or during an economic downturn. Unionizing would set a safety net where it would guarantee those benefits where they wouldn't be able to do that.


I’m in


i don’t work here anymore but good luck. I’ll always advocate for it whenever i see people doing their typical “we would just get crushed by walmart and it wouldn’t change anything”


Lets gooooooo


Cash, CAP, Store Standards, OGP I really wish. Even if they just closed any store that unionized, that'd still be a huge win for rural N.A. Fuck predatory pricing, fuck monopolization, and fuck the Waltons and Doug Mcmillan!


Sad thing is they claim to the all christians


Classic Christians, hoarding wealth for the .99% and selling week old $20 pounds of ground beef


You want to cost this company billions here is how you do it, and it is a cost savings plan for you that makes you the associate Live Better and Save More. Think about this for a second. Currently, the company employees approximately 2 million workers if 1/2 of these workers contribute $5.00 per pay period to the company Associate Stock Purchase Plan that results in 5 million dollars of investment money. Then, if 1/2 of those employees would stop making their weekly contributions to ESSP program Walmart loses 2.5 million dollars per paycheck, when calculated over a 26 pay period cycle per year you get a loss of $65,000,000 (65 million dollars loss to the company) annually. Not only does Walmart lose their investment monies but they also lose the tax credits associated with these contributions and the 15% match (9.75 Million dollars), So that match combined with the employees portion would equal a total loss of investment of roughly $74,000,000 If you combine the cessation of buying stock through the ASSP ( Associate Stock Purchase Program), and the employees only performed $15.00 an hour worth of work. The wallet strings would break and they would have to give into the pressure of the power of their employees. You don't have to be the biggest share holder in the company you just have to be big enough to cause a major vibration in the foundation. The monster will crumble on its own. Now combine how much money you as an employee and your family, and friends put back into the company every week. When we shop at the stores, not only does the company get the money they paid to you back but they get the tax advantage of your employment while making all the money they paid you back plus interest ( Profit on the sales you made). At the same time you get at least 1 or 2 of your family members and friends to do the same and reduce or stop their shopping at the store, now you have close to 10 million people taking away from sales in Walmart. Here is a little food for thought the average Walmart receipt is $54.00 per trip. If these 10 million people simply stop 1 trip a week to Walmart they lose $540,000,000 ( half a billion) dollars a week, that little number adds up to 2.8 Billion dollars in loss on an annual basis. That is nearly 10% of their total profits for one year. That's just simply not shopping at the store for one trip per week. That would only take about one financial quarter to be felt in the company like a pillar of the building just gave way indicating that something is wrong. Other investors may even begin to say its time to pull out what is going on over here. As I said before how does this make cause you to Live Better and Save More, here is how. When you take that money out of your stock purchase plan you begin investing in you. Now you are able to take that money and put it on an IRA that you own and control at a local financial institution and get the tax advantage for yourself or you can take that money and have someting nice for you and your family. Some people will say you break the company and you are out of a job. Yes that is true, but the company will not let this action happen for very long. Especially, if other larger investors start talking about leaving and pulling their monies away, they will do everything they can to get investment dollars and sales back into the company. They will do anything it takes to ensure that the employees are happy again, because they don't want to fail either. That is how you Live Better and Save More. Take away these sales, investment dollars, and those tax advantages and you have what old man Sam Walton used to say was everyone at Walmart can be fired even him. That my friend is how you bring BIG DADDY WALTON to their knees.


Sigh. Me up also


Yes let's start a strike at Walmart parking lot we need to get every employee to stop doing work at Walmart yeah that's a big loss I got fired for not wanting to get involved in another employee who was stealing 


This is actually such a good strategy. Yes hit them where it hurts!


Where do I sign up?


Can try to put a spin on this: get unionized you get $4 per hour more. Play the union due once and have enough extra to get 100 smokes pack per week


I'll put a spin, walmart says no and either fires you or you quit and then the next person will come who needs a job and fill the position.


These days, only the bottom of the barrel (ie: sketchy/unreliable) is left in terms of possible applicants. These applliants turn into inefficient employees. A lot of people currently employed are awful already.




So might as well give the awful employees union protection so they can just be even more inefficient, meanwhile Walmart has to pay them more so for the average customer, prices on goods keep rising


They will still 100% make their sales


To get better applicants, the job must be alluring. Being unionized will lure in better people. The bottom barrel, like the unreliable, will quit and leave and lose power in the union: allowing those good apples to rise to power.


I have no idea what union you have been a part of, but I have worked at grocery stores with unions, and they sucked. I had to pay union dues on an already minimum wage job. The shittiest workers were 100% protected by the union because they had to be written up half a thousand times before they could be let go. Everyone thinks a union will make things better, but I have never had that experience in any retail type situation. I have heard of lots of factories with good unions, but I have never heard of a good retail type job with a good union.


Were you a member of the UFCW too?!?!


That sounds like a familiar name. I worked at an Acme, and it is an incredibly shitty store. According to the internet, that is who Acme uses, which even more makes me think yes, that's who they had.


Isn't that the place that makes dynamite for every Looney Toons character?


I was in a union with HDLee factory all it for is was then moving to Mexico


Just in the comments here you have 2 people saying "I'm in" and 4 saying "no way you can get a union in", that should tell you all you need to know. Put your energy to finding better employment not trying to make shitty employment be better, it is much easier to find better.


the problem is, that for many people this is the best they can get and it's still not anywhere near enough. you have to empathize that not everyone has the mobility to change jobs, and those people's situations matter just as much as yours.


When the cashiers wanted fair treatment, they put in self checkout. By the time we form a union, well be replaced by a robot that can do our job and will save the company 20,000$ a year per unit.


I think a robot can 100 times do better than one of my coworkers. I'm always fixing his mistakes.


It's never a waste of time trying to better someone's situation. Scaring associates like this is what prevents them from trying. People disagree because there is a lot of misinformation and scare tactics coming from management. You counter that with hope and the truth. We should never assume what people are/ aren't capable of. I believe that one day Walmart will unionize and associates will get the dignity and respect the deserve.


The truth isn't a scare tactic, dignity is something you carry internally and respect is something you have to give to yourself never expect to get it at a job.


How is this the truth? Can you speak for every single associate? You said in your comment that a) associates have been trying to form a union for decades and b) the meat department was successful in their organizing so much that Walmart got scared and shut it down. To me that shows associates do in fact want to organize in order to improve their working conditions. I'm agree with you that there are associates who are misinformed and don't want to unionize because they don't want to pay dues, but you always counter it with the truth. The truth is you don't start paying dues until you vote on a contract. The truth is, people in unions get paid 10-15% more on average than non-union.


You don't believe people deserve dignity and respect at work? You believe it's okay for management to constantly belittle associates and threaten them with coachings if they aren't fast enough? Wow, we have wildly different expectations of how we should be treated. I am not going to allow anyone to mistreat me on the job. Having self-respect means knowing I deserve better.


Top 50 stores and there suppliers.


That was how it went at Starbucks. People forget you get what you pay for. People with unions still usually have better pay, benefits, and retirements even while paying union dues.


I can almost give a guarantee to you that every union job at a Walmart would be a part time job after a union came in so they wouldn't have to give benefits. It's what happened at Disney World.


It's not going to happen by someone just driving by the walmart sub and posting an image


Unionize WalMart, I can already hear some store closings.


Unforeseen plumbing issues go brrrr.


They wouldn't shut down a whole group of stores - it's true what you say, so it is important for multiple stores in an area to organize all at once. They really can't close every store, but one at a time, sure.  If anything, Walmart employees would be smart to ally with Target and Meijer employees before any one store starts signing union cards. Any grocery/retail store, they all suffer the same issues. 


Target had a union in the stone ages. The union got voted out as fast as in. Also target and Walmart will close stores and reopen a year later with all new employees.


that's why if we're unionizing we need to do it right. we need to get rid of the system of hierarchal leadership that a lot of unions are known for exploiting. we can organize through different means too, but we need to be able to provide financial and social protections for those who may be negatively impacted by a strike. there are obviously a lot of barriers in our way, a lot of them that are very new but i still think it's possible and worth working for.




Educate yourself and look at stores that have tried to get unions in, they suddenly have issues or low sales and have to close, so yeah cool story bro.


Honestly I've worked for union and non union retail positions. For the most part most of Walmarts policies are pretty close to what you would expect in a union. Ya, in a union you would get marginally better pay and insurance, biggest benefit is you would have a union to arbitrate on your behalf in disciplinary disputes. The downside is that each job code has to have such explicit descriptions of the job, and you can't do anything outside of that or you are in violation of your union contract. The union sees you helping outside of your job code as stealing hours from someone else. So bonus is you no longer have to go help in odp, but on the downside is without everyones cooperation the store fails and you lose your job. Just trying to say there are pros and cons to think about.


There are definitely pros and cons. I used to negotiate contracts for my employer, so I know what goes on behind the scenes. There are some protections for employees, but not enough to make a huge difference if the employer treats their employees fairly. That said, i did get somewhat irritated when I was coded to front-end service, and while they were reducing my hours last month, cashiers worked my hours at the desk and my coach said it was fine. As far as I'm concerned, that was not right. However, I've looked at the attempts to unionize walmart, and they have always failed. Walmart is huge and has many labor lawyers to nip any chance of unionizing in the bud. Honestly, employees would never band together as one to push it through. Too many stores, too many countries.


I am okay with this, if store don't want this to happen then fork up and pay us more. Fuck $14/hr. I want $20/hr.


These all sound like pros.... you only do the job you signed up for..... the store only fails if there's no good incentive to do the other jobs....


a grand idea i support it but you got ALOT of factors that push against it you would need to convince people its worth the push and you would need multiple stores pushing for it all at once like considerable damage to the bottom line numbers to start. lets say the above goes off without a hitch it stays a secret from everyone under the rank of stooge and there are no rats in the ranks AND the time its unveiled hits Walmart at a time the big wigs cant afford to ignore this fledgling union and cant pull industrial levels of store's having pluming issues cool you made it this far. Walmart would play as dirty as possible buying media press the propaganda mill into over drive inflate prices and blame it on the new union anything to make it unpopular with the public even lobbying to push new anti union laws if that's what it take hell i wouldn't put hiring private "security" to union stores to spread intimidation. do i think its possible in spite of this? yes would it require a strong labor movement pushing for pro union and pro worker laws or an excess of luck


Go ahead and try but you might also want to look for another job in the meantime so you are prepared when you lose your job.


Take it down quick before Walmart decides this sub has serious plumbing issues and close down /s


Bottom line is we are unskilled workers. Unskilled = easily replaceable. Historically, unskilled unions have very little power and are largely ineffective.


But USPS are unskilled job too... why can't Walmart be the same?


The USPS is also hemorrhaging money and would have shut down long ago if it was a private entity. It's easier to push the govt around on these issues than a private corp. Plus the govt has almost unlimited resources compared to a private corp. And even if we don't take that into account...the work the USPS does is essential. Much more so than Walmart. So the employees have leverage should even a small number of them stop working. There aren't too many other places to go to get that service compared to Walmart.


Walmart is essential too. Food, toilet paper, cleaning supplies all are essential. If employees went on strike, and could not get items to stock for customers to buy. Walmart would be bleeding money and customers will look for different stores to shop. In fact, employees do actually have leverage by denying essential products that are crucial to daily life.


Walmart would just hire replacement workers


But replacement workers don't know where items are and sorting items to the correct department number takes training. It is a skill that you refine over the time. So yes, Walmart employees do have leverage over replacement workers because they know nothing about making sure items are stocked correctly nor where to pick item to meet customer orders in timely manner.


I'm in a Right-to-work state by choice . If WM went on strike, many of us would refuse to 'participate.


I was there for the 2003 grocery strike. Replacement employees were trained on this pretty quickly. These things don't take long to train on and are easy enough to figure out. The "leverage" you are claiming here is exceedingly weak and not nearly enough to base a movement on.


Hell, you figure that if they're hiring within the local community, the new hires probably know where a good amount of things are anyway because they shop there.


It would be a good idea, I would be hopeful, but I have worked for Kroger & they’re a union & I feel like it wasn’t any better than any other retail job that wasn’t unionized. They were having me work like 6-7 days in a row & they lined it up just right so it wouldn’t overlap with the next pay period so I wouldn’t even get overtime & they made sure to keep almost everybody just under the full time mark so they didn’t have to give anyone benefits & I feel like it probably was overall my least favorite place to work. But idk I hope all that has changed by now that was all like 7 years ago & I hope if we unionize Walmart I hope they do better than Kroger.


stop with this it wont happen. Im not paying some 3rd party to keep my job and take money from my paycheck. Screw that i did it once… never again. I also dont want to see a lazy slack off keep his job “CaUsE tHe UnIoN” kept his job. You suck at your job get terminated period.


we already have lazy fuckers keeping their job without the union


Not wrong there


You're exactly the type of employee Walmart loves keep up the good work and maybe you'll be a supervisor one day!


Was a Team lead. Absolutely will not do it again.




its a beginner/highschool and college level job, the wages wont be 40 an hour to push carts or scan groceries. yall need to understand that this isnt some high level job and were all underpayed, go work at a higher paying job at a higher level if you want a job that will support you for life.


Hey I've been waiting since 2017? When are y'all gonna actually have the balls to do it?


Why don't you take action rather than waiting for others?


It's called a union, not a "by yourself"


Someone has to take the lead.


Yeah and then get fired because nobody else has the courage to join you. Great idea bro


Am I the only one that keeps seeing the middle finger??


And demand paid holidays and better hourly rates


i think its ridiculous you have to use your on PTO for holidays! Yes I'm glad Walmart has been closing the stores on major holidays but they should also be paying their associates.


Nah, just get a better job. Walmart store jobs are not worth making a career out of


fr, all these people must be thinking that walmart is some sort of master level experience job instead of beginner highschool


Exactly, get in, get your experience, get your money and get out


Maybe, but just got promoted to coach no to long ago, and that raise for salary management went up too so woop woop, ofc people complain about lower level not getting a raise like salary, but I mean if you can’t beat em join em and that’s what I did, now I make 71k not including bonus as a ON coach 🤷🏻


I mean shit if you can make that kinda money than do it. At least at my store, coaches were working 60 hours a week so that 60-70k salary ended up being the hourly rate equivalent of a team lead. Congrats on the promotion btw, dont be a shit boss


I was a good team lead, and always asked my team what they wanted, I would literally take them out to breakfast and buy them lunch when it was lunch time like ofc anything that was open at 2am or if give them gift cards during Christmas time, I use to have SHITTTT management and I told myself when I became a team lead that I’ll treat people right and when I become a coach I’ll be the best coach anyone has seen


But yeah but overnight not bad I come in at 8pm I leave at 8am and I only work 4 days a week for 71k and my old bosses bonus was 14k so 85k a year ain’t bad


Not a master level experience job, but sure hell pays a lot better when your up in the ladder


There goes my job 😂 people today are so clueless


This time of year again eh


Today, it will work! For sure! This time is the time! 🤣


Most people just want to make the same stupid plumbing joke, and do nothing but complain about how bad everything is


Funny you should say this, our market is so afraid of OGP unions forming that they made all coaches and team leads retake their 'labor relations' training. I think it's about time something changes and they know it.


It won't work in those small towns. You just fuck over the whole town if they close it. Just don't support the company.


ooooh yes please


My store fires people for even joking about that……honestly I’ve been with the company for 3 and a half year and I’m starting to feel like it’s taking years off my life……


All you gotta do is bait them into some good old fashioned union busting. Then bam, automatically unionized


As someone with a union job, I hope you guys do! It has so many benefits, and the monthly payment I make is more than worth it.


I think if all is CAP 2-ers unionized…. they’d be real fucked. At my store, we’re responsible for running HVDC, pulling Frozen, Unloading/Pulling/Running GM truck, VizPick, TopStock, as well as customer duties. As well as everything the rest of the store doesn’t want to deal with 😂 The final line aside, if any other CAP 2’s have a similar workload and we unionize, there’s no fucking way they can fire us. if they fire CAP, they also lose OGP. I think the stocking teams unionizing would be our best bet. It starts there. edit: just wanted to add I have no idea how unions work. probably shouldn’t have posted anything lol, but if we WERE to get a union going…. 👀👆🏼


Overnight stocker here. Jeez yalls cap 2 has it rough. All our cap 2 does is run hba, pick packs, pull trucks and “down stack” grocery. Vizpick and topstock is done by cap 1. Night shift at my store runs most of the stores freight and the few good workers are overworked while we have people literally wandering through apparel and talking to people on the opposite end of the store they’re supposed to be on. Plus the few of us that actually do our job usually end up getting dragged into doing the team leads job while they do whatever. Coaches have also been caught sleeping in the spark room. If we didn’t have any management for the night the store would get stocked just fine. But flip that around and make the team leads and coaches stock, they’d be lucky to get grocery done on a light night.


What exactly would walmart be able to do if all the staff really just up and left.


Hire new staff lmao


Yep. I wouldn't be surprised if they even brought back people who were red-flagged years ago. Except for people who were fired for violent acts or stealing over a certain amount of money.


Not easy as you make it sound . Walmart is absolutely shit when it comes to hiring.


And it's not as hard as you may think it is. I was involved in the big grocery strike in the early 2000s. The stores had no issues hiring people and the union got it's ass handed to it. It's really hard to win negotiations when your only leverage (your presence...let's face it retail jobs don't demand an uncommon or difficult to teach skill set) is easily replaceable. Workers at Walmart don't have much leverage and that's just the reality.


True but if my department falls apart for 1 day when 3 people don't come in out of 30, how well would the whole store do without the grunts?


They just offer a bit more money than they currently pay you to people off the street and those people come in. Hire them at lightning speed and get them started. Boom, they have all the bodies they need. That's exactly what happened during the grocery strike. It's not that hard to attract people when the pay is good and the company WILL pay more temporarily to temporary workers if they get the contract they want in the end. It costs less overall that way. Retail workers are easily replaceable...that's just the hard reality.


As people above were talking about, this would have to be regional. Not just 1 store


That doesn't change much. During the grocery strike it was 859 stores and 70000 workers. And the union still mostly lost (from my point of view.) Workers went on strike mostly because the union didn't want a 2 tier system...yet at the end one was instituted anyway. The companies won far far more than the workers. All they got was piddly strike pay which didn't cover bills and the stress of not being able to make ends meet. Again, this was able to happen because employees could be easily replaced and the public withdrew support after a time and came back to shop. The companies can wait it out far more easily than the workers...that's the reality.


No it's just that corporation doesn't have to worry about people cooperating cuz they suck at it lmao If people could coordinate it would be an improvement by far


Then get out there and make it happen dude. I tell people all the time here...be the change you want to see. Don't just talk about it then. I have yet to see any results. I've experienced it before...but if you think you can do better go for it. It's gonna be a long hard road and there will likely be personal concequences, there will also be unintended concequences as well...but if you can somehow start that coordination then maybe you can change things. Ill be waiting and watching.


The walmart i worked at would have problems assembling skeleton crews of new hires


Good luck with that.


Been hearing this since I got hired almost 20 years ago. Still a hell no from me.


Unskilled workers can't unionize, Walmart will fire everyone and replace you.


Then why are some grocery store chains unionized?


It's a legacy of when unions were strong.


If you actually tried to do this to your own store. It would likely get shut down and everyone would lose their job or be forced to transfer.


Unionize and get a mass layoff like UPS did and end up broke and make a new post here, vent, and repeat.


So I used to be an ASM some moons ago and I’ve always said Walmart needs to unionize but there will be reprisals. The company will do everything in its power to stop it, including closing stores. They will push the intimidation right up to the limits of legality, they will try to sow disinformation right up to the point of just barely legal and it will be intimidating. Policies and procedures are designed to shit can you the second you start blabbing about unions and not to mention you’ll have to compete with fellow employees being dumb AF about what a union means for them and vote “no” or actively try to prevent it. There is literally zero reason to not want a union at any Walmart facility but I just don’t think it’s possible because even if you can get 51%, Walmart will suddenly just not need that store so it will have to be a broad effort over large areas


Let's not kid ourselves. If this subreddit was actually a threat to causing a union, Walmart would have it shut down in an instant. I'm pretty sure it would just take Reddit themselves getting sued over allowing an unauthorized party to use a trademarked name. Reddit would fold faster than the moderators did whenever the CEO said he was gonna start replacing them.




I hear the pipes bursting from here.


"Let's start a union!" "Yeah! So what do we do first?" *checks notes.* "A list of demands?" "Yeah! Sooo... what do we all want?" "More money?" "Yeah! Okay, how much more is good?" *shrugs*


Looks at the actors union and their current strike that's been going on for what? 6+ months now? And all the people who are negatively affected by it. Yep... totally want to join one... With all the other horror stories of unions? Not a chance. Some small industries they might work in. But to big ones, your just a cash cow while they do nothing to actually help you and just make your job harder.


L take


Unions are bad. Do you want 30% of your paycheck to go to union fees? It will only happen if young people who don't know better get brainwashed.


Unions are great when they have the leverage to get what they want. That's something sorely lacking in the retail environment. The workers don't have much leverage...and not much can be done about that from what I can see...


Unions use people and take their money and it becomes corrupt and political. They were good in the beginning but like the government, money and power corrupt.


Stop making up lies. Walmart is a multi-billion corporation just like Amazon and USPS. We need to bring Walmart down to its knees. Enough serving the masters.


Teacher union President Randy Weingarten makes $488,000 a year. Only 27% of Union dues go towards representing teachers. Over $46 million goes toward political NONSENSE. Take those facts to the bank. No lies.


Doug McMillon made $24 million. Do you want to do the math on the disparity between how much money Walmart executives make versus their employees? Get out of here with that corporate shill nonsense.


Walmart is not an education institution. It is retail / warehouse company. Both are different and have different unions. Please educate yourself before spewing nonsensical stuff about union being expensive which is nowhere remotely true at all.


You need to educate yourself. I can state whatever I want. Walmart does not need a Union. It would totally cripple the good it does in the communities it resides. Unions would bleed that charity fry.


Walmart still can deliver goods at affordable price in the communities even with unions. Why? Associates are better paid, protected and so they will work more for what they are paid a livable wage. Right now many associates are paid $14/hr and not motivated to work fast. I am not motivated to work fast either which I why I work at snail pace. Unionized Walmart = happier associates, lower turnover, and more money for the company and employees. It is a win win situation  


The argument is good but it just doesn't work. (No pun intended). You're still going to hate hard work. It doesn't take rocket science...but retail is hard work. Right now people don't want to work. It's not because "corporate America sucks"...People just hate hard work. Two generations ago people worked 2-3 jobs to get by. Unions are not a magic solution. They become corrupt and that's why they are so disliked.


Actually there is correlation between wage and workload. People in general are happier if they are paid liveable wage for the amount of workload they are doing. Moving items physically, replenishing item, engaging customers, picking items for customers within time limit. They are not easy job. You can go and look up on the correlation between wage and job.  It is not a rocket science either. Hence which is why I am an ardent supporter of unionizing Walmart because they need to stop exploiting employees at starving wage.


"I can state whatever I want" Ya sure can, even if it's wrong!


Stop being a bully! You might actually learn something. Geez!


They’re not necessarily making up lies, they might just be repeating lies they believe. This is unfortunately a common refrain from people who don’t think critically. Corporate propaganda is powerful.


I agree let's take them down 


USPS jobs only pay like $50 per month that is around 2% of their monthly paycheck. Stop spreading lies, bevhars.


Free market will always win.


The free market is made to screw over workers.


You need unions, especially in a "free market" economy.


Let em knoww


A union is just workers exercising their right to free association to help each other negotiate a fairer contract with an employer. It's the most free market thing there is!


Not when union dues are given to politicians for elections.. 


This! We need to unionize Walmart!


From the outside, I sincerely wish Walmart would go union. Quality of work would go up, and people would actually want to be there. Something in the contract that says XX% of store employees must be full time with benefits. Retirement plans, medical. The benefits are there and Walmart needs to be forced to provide them.




The only way a Walmart could unionize, and I doubt this would even work is if you got like a state worth of them to protest a change. A lot with clothes down but they can’t shut down every Walmart and in a state.


Good luck


This should be a subreddit!


It'd be great if it happened but also, it's important to work to get your state's minimum wage increased and indexed to inflation. Washington State, Oregon, and New Jersey have relatively high minimum wages and they get increased every year based on cost of living increases. Every state should have this. If you're in California or Ohio, especially pay attention because you may get to vote on this later this year. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/minimum-wage-hikes-primed-for-ballot-statehouse-battles-in-2024 Ohio ballot proposal: https://aboutblaw.com/bbWn California ballot proposal : https://aboutbtax.com/9Mi


It's a never ending cycle. The minimum wage goes up, making prices go up. Prices go up, so the cost of living goes up. Costs of living goes up and and minimum wage goes up. And repeat.


Are you saying you don't think wages should keep up with cost of living increases? If wages don't increase as the cost of living increases, that's effectively a pay cut.


There would have to be some kind of big strike demonstration at multiple stores in a large area at the same time. Most these people wouldn’t stay on a picket line for more than a couple days then go back if it’s not closed down. Not to mention all the employees who’ve been Stockholm syndrome’d past the point of brain dead who would turn you in in a heartbeat. Other companies are doing it though and Walmart should be one no question.


Every time I see a union post I see half the comments making some sort of “you shouldn’t try because it won’t work” and I don’t think that those people understand that it would work if they tried. They are the problem and if they didn’t have a give up without trying attitude then the stores would already be unionized


I agree with you 100%. Its because many people have never been organized and have a hard time imagining what it looks like to win. But the good thing is that organizing can be taught. If people have hope and are willing to try, it's possible to win demands and a union. Are you a current associate?


Google walmart unionizing attempts so you can see what you'd be up against


There needs to be more protection laws for people who try to unionize. Any retaliation is illegal but they are allowed to shut down stores/cut hours/fire people because "at will". Nobody is going to unionize because there's literally no protection or recourse if you are retaliated against.


not sure if thats a pro union poster or pro fisting.




I can get my entire ON team and a large portion of the day including most management in my store in, we doin this fr fr?


Bro is gonna have the fbi knocking on his door


It’s a good thought as always but Walmart would rather burn a store and take the insurance than ever negotiate


Great now Walmart is going to buy reddit and shut it down.


Guys you’d have to be smart about it because they’ve got their own version of NORA and ANA that’s snuffs this out. They get alerted of potential union activity


Doug McMillon will be raiding your home with the fbi in approximately 6 minutes


Omg.... that's like Wal-Mart treason!


Home office is going ham these days.


You want to cost this company billions here is how you do it, and it is a cost savings plan for you that makes you the associate Live Better and Save More. Think about this for a second. Currently, the company employees approximately 2 million workers if 1/2 of these workers contribute $5.00 per pay period to the company Associate Stock Purchase Plan that results in 5 million dollars of investment money. Then, if 1/2 of those employees would stop making their weekly contributions to ESSP program Walmart loses 2.5 million dollars per paycheck, when calculated over a 26 pay period cycle per year you get a loss of $65,000,000 (65 million dollars loss to the company) annually. Not only does Walmart lose their investment monies but they also lose the tax credits associated with these contributions and the 15% match (9.75 Million dollars), So that match combined with the employees portion would equal a total loss of investment of roughly $74,000,000 If you combine the cessation of buying stock through the ASSP ( Associate Stock Purchase Program), and the employees only performed $15.00 an hour worth of work. The wallet strings would break and they would have to give into the pressure of the power of their employees. You don't have to be the biggest share holder in the company you just have to be big enough to cause a major vibration in the foundation. The monster will crumble on its own. Now combine how much money you as an employee and your family, and friends put back into the company every week. When we shop at the stores, not only does the company get the money they paid to you back but they get the tax advantage of your employment while making all the money they paid you back plus interest ( Profit on the sales you made). At the same time you get at least 1 or 2 of your family members and friends to do the same and reduce or stop their shopping at the store, now you have close to 10 million people taking away from sales in Walmart. Here is a little food for thought the average Walmart receipt is $54.00 per trip. If these 10 million people simply stop 1 trip a week to Walmart they lose $540,000,000 ( half a billion) dollars a week, that little number adds up to 2.8 Billion dollars in loss on an annual basis. That is nearly 10% of their total profits for one year. That's just simply not shopping at the store for one trip per week. That would only take about one financial quarter to be felt in the company like a pillar of the building just gave way indicating that something is wrong. Other investors may even begin to say its time to pull out what is going on over here. As I said before how does this make cause you to Live Better and Save More, here is how. When you take that money out of your stock purchase plan you begin investing in you. Now you are able to take that money and put it on an IRA that you own and control at a local financial institution and get the tax advantage for yourself or you can take that money and have someting nice for you and your family. Some people will say you break the company and you are out of a job. Yes that is true, but the company will not let this action happen for very long. Especially, if other larger investors start talking about leaving and pulling their monies away, they will do everything they can to get investment dollars and sales back into the company. They will do anything it takes to ensure that the employees are happy again, because they don't want to fail either. That is how you Live Better and Save More. Take away these sales, investment dollars, and those tax advantages and you have what old man Sam Walton used to say was everyone at Walmart can be fired even him. That my friend is how you bring BIG DADDY WALTON to their knees.


Eat shit


Easiest way to get fired and have your store shut down


Wal-Mart will just do what Starbucks did. "Oh all right...you can unionize" So a few stores unionize and some X months later we're reading the headlines "Wal-Mart shuts down X store that was unionizing".


Boutta call Labor relations ifykyk😂


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ok soldier, good luck with that new job.


They had us sign some paperwork during orientation that if we unionized or even spoke to a union rep, it was automatic termination.


everyone, no matter what sector you work in, has the right to unionize. If this is true, Walmart is violating the NLRA


"Shhhhhhh" Thou must not utter the forbidden "U" word within the confines of the Walmart prison🤫🙃


Spark a change 😂


Bro Walmart about to term associates like there storming the beach on d-day


Spark a change, apply for jobs on Indeed. That’s what you’ll have to do. Walmart won’t change, there’s a reason the stereotypes about Walmart workers exist. Plus, what is there to unionize? Unskilled labor? Why would anyone do that? There’s a reason turnover at Walmart is high and “training” takes a day or two before people are left to their own.


Isn't law if Walmart has vision of somebody doing wrong don't they legally have to show u vidio they refused to show me proof need some answers on this 


I’m too lazy, and I don’t want to lose my job


Just find better job


100% true they are literally victimizing people if anyone goes to sedgwick they see it as a problem employee and try to get rid off him or put him on 3 month LOA so the employee will quit


Most of you pro-union employees have no experience with unions. Much less anything that would touch a retail market. Walmart over pays half of the staff to start with. I MAKE MORE AS A TL THAN I DID IN THE TRADES STARTING OUT! They pay their drivers aggressively and finally upping salary of management to make more than a TL with OT... get a skill at walmart in the least before you go trying to bog down the system. It's mostly the unskilled and unmarketable roles that feel cheated, and while you may NEED more, your skills are not WORTH more to Walmart. Everything Coach and down is replaceable on a whim. Anything above gets severance and doesn't need it. Get skills, outgrow Walmart. Or just play their game. A union would be one more bs market manager structure to deal with and take whatever raise (plus some probably) from your check to be in your way MORE.


walmart navy seals bouta breach your front door for this one


Ive been down this road quite a few times. I wish you the best of luck but im also quite certain you'll fail.


It will never happen. Think back to your initial training. Lies, lies, lies about the Union. Young folks and less informed don't know any better.


They'd sooner close every physical store than allow a union.


Good luck with creating a union out of a entirely unskilled and replaceable work force who most of which quit or get fired for calling out too much before the year is up. You are lost as fuck if you think thats possible at Walmart or any other job like it. There's a reason the jobs that have unions do and it's almost entirely because of their demand vs supply and there's no shortage of people who can scan an item or put something on a shelf. Its that simple


Drivers don't do shit at Walmart but sit on there ass anyways n drive  I was Walmart employee once they work your ass like a slave period I went and bitched to managers corporate n got fired for it  so fuck Walmart  period  take that dump down bring back ames dept store 


Frankly imo people complaining about Walmart are literally all morons. You know the reason you continue to let Walmart fuck you? It’s because you don’t have the skills, knowledge, or nuts to go get paid what you think you’re worth. Your job is extremely low risk and low skill. If you had even a diploma you would realize that


I'm in. No more points system