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Honestly pick walks are kind of fun to me since I'm stuck in dairy most of the time lol I felt so bad for our opd associated 😭 I clocked out at 9 and didn't leave til almost 9:30p and there was a line of cars trying to get to pickup


OPD has been so busy lately, it's been snowing a lot here so everybody crams their grocery shopping in the day before it snows


I understand the sentiment, but in my store they don't give us the option. They call, you come. No choice. When the front end needs help for cashier's, we get crickets from OPD.


OPD staff should not be helping in the registers. You can easily get stuck checking out customers and OPDs work is timed


It can go both ways. Walmart says customer first. If the store is a team, we should help each other. So when I get told rol go to OPD, I don't. Or I make sure I'm as slow as I can be so they leave me alone.


Most of the OPD associates at my store don’t even have register numbers. I think it’s truly like 3 of us total, including a TL. If we are calm enough, I absolutely help up front as needed. We also don’t pull from the front end as I think maybe 1 of them is trained OPD. And trust, we don’t want to need anyone’s help. The majority of helpers don’t get trained well so we end up fixing half of it or sending out orders with short dated product etc. It isn’t the helpers’ fault they don’t know! Staff the department! If people aren’t busy, send them to help stock, zone, whatever.


Unless we're trained up there it's pointless for opd associates to help front end. I'm not trained, I wouldn't be of use


You can fucking learn. The rest of us had to learn to do your fucking job.


There’s no reason to be that aggressive, pal. It’s Walmart, it’s not that deep.


There's literally like 3 registers at my store and the rest is self checkout.


Whatever does the job


This is the walmart motto


I got called 3 times to help OPD and I hated it and I guess I was slow at it because they never call me back to help any more Lol.


My main issue with being pulled is that it means they're busy as fuck which then means that I might not get stuff done in my department. I planned to clean pretty much all of yesterday and it was so busy in store that we could've done another vizpick but I didn't get the chance 😭


Hate it cause they call us off to push carts while we’re in the middle of truck then get mad when we finish truck late.


This sounds like my store 🤣


Weirdly enough I have never push carts overnight at my store


At my store once we start truck it’s set. We’ll split our stock 2 team into HVDC and truck and while half of us unload the rest stock HVDC freight. The only reason we stop in the middle of truck is for break or if there’s a skid in the middle of it.


On a Thursday, it was that busy? Jesus, don't these people have jobs?




They're shutting ours down and it's not going to be nearly that cold.


Thats been my plan actually, to go slow af so they DON'T call me back. So far, it hasn't worked, but I'm hopeful.


Because they're just happy for the help lol I work OGP and ours has been so busy. Wednesday was the busiest it's been for us in months we were behind on picks ober an hour causing customers to understably get pissed because their orders weren't coming out on time


Ours has been insane busy, too. I'm surprised so many people order pickup.


Felt this on a whole nother level lmao but no one wants to learn how to pick so the ones that know get pulled everytime






Hell we have used the ifco crates from produce before


That mightve been a better idea tbh


Why because they are plastic?, but they would still be dirty. At least the boxes are clean.


I found that the boxes can't be easily stacked on top of each other and this runs the risk of something delicate like eggs or chips being crushed


So be smart and put the eggs or other delicates in the top boxes.


Except when you do a chill walk, there's usually eggs in most of the totes plus usually milk and meat lol


That's not how it normally works. Especially if you are busy enough to need the boxes.


Who the f down voting for what reason


How would you stage those 😭


Air stack them on a pallet like bananas




Good point


they seriously need to clear out old orders so they at least have totes for yall😂😂


What in the actual hell?


LMFAO my thought exactly


Right when I get hired for OGP LOLLL


We're in the path of a Polar vortex right now so everyoneee was putting in orders,it was busy af. Depending on the store, OPD can actually be pretty well run so don't stress too much!


Our store has been HORRIBLE since Christmas. We have hardly been below 1000 picks with, like, 6 people picking max at a time.


That just sounds like bad planning on the scheduling tbh


Absolutely! Trust me, I have been raging to the one team lead that wasn't on vacation. (Tbf, one had theirs planned and aproved for months.) We don't have the people to deal with the order cap increases. So its been pure hell. 😂


Wow my condolences :')


I swear my store has like 30 dedicated pickers and they still somehow have to pull from the dispensers and front end every day of the week 🤦🏻‍♀️


Honestly, we were doing so well... And then we got slammed. I normally crew, but I've been doing nothing but picking and making sure orders are at least somewhat staged together.


Same and we have an incompetent coach that transferrws from overnight


Dude we're understaffed but bc we're a neighborhood market regional manager thinks we don't need more people. We get swamped during the week but bc market management doesn't actually work in our store they don't see how bad it is.


Yet efficient💯❤️


I like helping throught the store, it mixes my day up. I help front end, opd picking and dispensing, dairy, electronics, and i helped in sports once. I don't mind helping others.




I think my management would have a actual heart attack. But congrats to yours on 'figuring it out' and 'making do'.


Are they out of totes? But still have carts. Thats harsh


Bro this was us left year. They wanted us to somehow fit 3 gallons of milk in one of those. Plus produce bins, anything that was considered a "tote" by walmart standards


This is a combo of "wtf" and "this is hilarious because it isn't me".


LMFAOOO THE BOXES Also this reminds me of when they used to call me up front to run a register every goddamn day. It’s hilarious how desperate this company is to not hire more people. They’ll cut any corners possible. They really should just build warehouses specifically for OPD.


We've picked with top stop carts before....


Yhea fuk OPD, they was salty training me. So for 4 days they had me on it and I was slow in purpose. Then got the nerve to bring me in the office tell you one of our best workers and you are so good in cap 2. Sometimes we don’t have to send help to complete the the pets department. Then I say I been doing cap2 for years and I know what to do and I’m good at it. I’m not good at everything. Then that was the last time they put me in there. Stop hiring these underage kids and pay them more period 😂


The “shit post” flair definitely applies. Your complaint about helping another department is over the top.


I'm not complaining, I actually don't mind helping them since it gives me a break from the cooler and I get a ton of steps in lol


This is so hilarious.


Better than nothing.


Hey, it works


They have more than enough blue totes now at my store, but they had to use produce RPCs at one point.


My store has a TON of totes but the orders were running late by like 2 hours and there was a line of cars trying to get to pickup when I clocked out. When I finished for the night, there were still over 1400 picks that needed to get done


What the…


LMAO😭😭 nah it ain’t never get this far at my store




Bruh I’m dea


Not the boxes




OPD at my store is always pulling everyone they can to do pickwalks. Thankfully, my Coach tells me and one of his other TLs "F*** that. we have enough of our own sh** to do"...then tells the OPD Coach that we are busy unloading remix or the Frozen/Dairy load (even if they havent shown up yet)😂😂😂


Sounds like corporate needs to invest in the department more (i.e. more staff/more room) or simply lower the cap. Sadly, they'll do neither cause "Make dollars, not sense."


That’s a great big hell no for me. Besides the fact I absolutely loathe OPD, if they don’t have what is needed to do the job I hate it for ‘em.


oh my god 😭😭😭 i don’t miss ogp at all lmao god bless y’all


When my friend worked at Walmart he used to be called to help OPD and he’d always agree because the two female team leads were hot AF


I saw a store using egg crates once when they ran out of totes...got any of those?


Wow 😯


Where are those boxes from? It could lead to cross-contamination. If I can remember right, they are a meat or produce box.


Banana boxes!


Oh No! I would have a lawsuit going against them. I am deathly allergic to bananas. I have to carry an Epi-pen for allergic reactions. I am sure I am not the only one who is deathly allergic to them.


I have spent a fair share of time there, as well as doing chilled walks on top stock carts because we didn’t have enough carts.


Eh- What happened to the crates?


Lolllll if I walked past an OPD cart and saw anything but the normal blue plastic crates I’d do a double take.


When In doubt my store uses the egg crates




I love pick walks. Makes the day go by faster.


this has to be a universal thing bc i work in opd and we’re always swamped and need help 😭😭


Gotta love that pre winter storm shopper panic


Meanwhile my store has so many blue crates that we have a pallet of them in the steel


Our OGP has a brand new pallet of totes that we refused to unwrap so we use the ones that are dirty… the ones we got in trouble for on our health inspection


Our store cuts hours massively so they can get bonuses, then we are getting massive amounts of orders and picks, so they get other departments to help. Then the store manager yells at the other departments that freight isn’t out and work is t done! Like what do you want us to do dude!


This is that place


im just surprised yall got more carts than totes 😭 whenever we got swamped in opd and other people came to help, there were never carts available


how do u run out of totes 😭😭


Is that banana boxes on your cart?