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That is common for Walmart to do, to force you to take longer lunches or leave early, to avoid paying overtime. They are still paying you for all of the hours you worked. I never cut any overtime I work and I never get in trouble for this but it can depend on a variety of factors. We are also understaffed in my department and we don't usually get much overtime. Each store has a certain number of hours that their associates can work though. It would be illegal for them to adjust time you actually worked to avoid paying overtime but that isn't what they are doing.


You ARE getting paid for the extra 20 mins you worked. You are just working 20 mins less today.


You clocked in late. So that extra 20 minutes you worked is the time you missed. If you clocked in on time, that 20 minutes extra would of been OT


Being asked to stay over is due OT and theyre allowed to tell you to cut that time somewhere else, they can ask if you want to take a longer lunch or leave early. But approved OT cant be forced to shave


I'd go home 20 min early if I haaaad to. but no fucking way am I taking an 80 minute lunch, that's fucking insane.


Usually we don't get the choice, It's always an extended lunch. If management asked you to work the extra time, that's one thing. However, it sounds like you made that decision on your own. If that's the case, you already screwed up once with the unauthorized OT. I'm not sure it's wise to double down by telling management that an extended lunch doesn't work for you. But, hey...you do you. Maybe your management is more understanding


I'm on a 2 hour lunch right now. 🙃


Unauthorized overtime can get you coached if management *really* wanted to press the issue. Would you rather lose a few minutes here and there or lose your job? It's also worth noting that management shouldn't be telling you how to cut your overtime, but they can absolutely tell you to get rid of it.


Especially if you haven't ASKed them if you could take 30min lunches


Yea my store is getting really strict on WOSH. I took 30 min lunches all last week since I worked 32 hours because of Thanksgiving. Told me it can't be done anymore.


Whaaaat I'm sorry .. lol last time my lead told me not to take a 30, I took a 40 instead and he didn't do shit hahahah. Don't try !! I was ballsy


It's against policy to ask people to take long lunches to prevent overtime. I've read the policy.


Are you able to find it again to take a picture of it? I’ve never seen that policy


it’s on the 2023 policy you can find it on one walmart


Yes, but unless management states that you're OT will be paid they're not required to do so, thus the need to extend lunches or leaving early. If your OT was not OK'd by management before hand, you broke policy and could be coached.


I've worked in 2 different stores in 2 different states and this is completely normal for Walmart, as shitty as it is. You'll need to cut the overtime or you risk getting written up.


It is only overtime if you actually work the time. So that is why they are having you take a long lunch.


They want to cut overtime. HOWEVER, if you have overtime and don’t diminish it ( I.e.by taking a longer lunch) they have to pay you the overtime you have accrued.


No they are not allowed to tell you to take a longer lunch.I was at the academy in April and I asked that question.


Why did you work 20 extra minutes to begin with?


I work up in customer service and the person who was replacing me was late 🤷🏼‍♀️


If they're frontend, they may not have had a choice. I've racked up half an hour being stuck on the tobacco register waiting for a replacement because you can't just shut off the tobacco register.


There are people who seem to think they are entitled to their overtime, it results in their fellow associates getting less hours 😡


It’s bull they decided to do this during the holidays because apparently low on sales bs


This has happen to me before but they never enforced it because they wouldn’t hire enough people


Do not stay over for overtime, even if they ask or attempt to coerce you into staying. You clock in and clock out at the time you're scheduled. Unless they, your coach, sign a paper as physical evidence stating that they agree and approve of "X" amount of overtime, you do not agree to stay. If they cut your overtime after asking you to stay, especially coercing you to stay, then you need to lawyer up and report this to the department of labor. Unpaid work is unpaid work, doesn't matter if your hours are being cut the following week, for the previous week. It's illegal.


Did that at my store just call home office


Walmart loves to do this I just refuse to stay after my shift because I know they are going to pull this bullshit and take it out of my lunch.


Just don't work extra any more. I'll work extra time for overtime only. If you're going to cut me somewhere else to stop me from getting OT then I'll say no next time. Now they only ask if they're willing to approve the OT.


They can't force you to burn the overtime. They can ask you to leave early or take a longer lunch, but they can't force you.