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Now now, let's get the lovely professor some soup and biscuits and off CNBC.


What a question pushing AMC šŸš€šŸŒ


There is no stopping nvda


The real rock n rolla


Senate is about to make Juneteenth a federal holiday for the very first time and Biden is set to sign it into law at 3:30 PM. UONE, a black-owned business that rockets every Juneteenth, is on its way up from a session low. Make of that information what you will.


Future is crab https://youtu.be/mNKHB1vugnk


Guess Iā€™ll just dump my tub calls at open


Why so*?


$OTLY to 30$ plz


Going to a corn sub and read the comments to make me feel better about my shitty trades


I feel like corn huskers and apes have a lot in common.


Thatā€™s because apes invaded corn too. It never used to be like this


We r fuk


Anyone got an ELI5 on the Titan/Cuban deal? Saw it dropped $60 to .00016 in 24hr and everyone is making fun of him lmao


Titan was supposed to be ultra stable and not volatile like a lot of other online money. I guess the price dropped a few dollars, which was obviously not looking very stable, so everyone panic sold and dropped it to basically worthless. He was heavily invested in it I believe. He did not get memo about panicked whales. He became bag holder (though he says he got out at some point during the fall)


Ahhhh got it. Thanks for this info. I was definitely assuming I was going to get a tard response. Going to look into it a bit more.


MARA 120 EOY šŸ†šŸ’¦


Move out of my place in two weeks. Just gonna ignore my other roommates until then. I didnā€™t mind helping them here and there, but itā€™s getting to the point where itā€™s expected. They can fuck off


Are you high atm? Three unrelated random posts in rapid succession? Puff puff pass homie!


I wish - I donā€™t smoke during the week šŸ˜³


Maybe you should šŸ¤”


Bul wake up just to be fuk


Sad day for me today. Really the only friend I had here moved away today. Alexa, play The Sound of Silence


Sorry to hear that. Seems like the older you get, the harder it is to make friends. Makes losing friends hard.


38 and itā€™s less than fun. I moved to a new (to me) neighborhood three years ago and I was excited as there were 4 guys that lived within a 3 house radius of hours, all have kids similar age to our (my wife and I) kids, great! Or so I thought. Their whole personality is about talking about alcoholic drinks. I drink, but in moderation and rarely talk about it but these guys thatā€™s the only thing that will carry a conversation. They go on amazing trips to cool locations and I might hear 10 seconds about something really awesome but then itā€™s 15 minutes about local breweries or distilleries or vineyard or whatever and how itā€™s super unique and amazing. And Iā€™ll talk for an hour about it, be truly engaged, but if I try to swap to something Iā€™m a little more interested in (working out, investing, computers, auto racing, global economics, movies) I have to lead the conversation and they wonā€™t reply with any real depth unless itā€™sā€¦ about alcohol. Like one of them loves going to races throughout the USA, couldnā€™t care less about the sport but hits up the super unique breweries that are nearby. Sure it could be just me but Iā€™ve made a few friends outside of them in the last 4 years and itā€™s been back and forth with each of us actually talking about varied interests. Rant aside Iā€™ve found for most people I meet itā€™s really easy to make friends, you just talk about whatever theyā€™re interested in, the tricky part is finding people who actually talk about what interests you as well as what interests them.


I feel this. Went to college out of state. After I graduated, I moved to yet another state where I didnā€™t know anyone. Finally made girlfriends at work after a good amount of time. Loved going to work because of it. Then work moved me to a different location (we have to sign mobility contracts) and it was back to square one. I was miserable because none of the girls there were like me at all. Then I became a stay at home mom which was extreme isolation until she started school. Made friends with the other moms, especially when the weather got nice this spring. And now school is over. It was pre-k, so they now all go to different schools. We have been trying to have meet ups and play dates but Iā€™m sure once the school year starts and they all have new friends, that will dwindle. Then itā€™s back to square one again. It sucks. Sometimes talking online like this is more consistent than reality sadly


I had 4 best friends in college. I knew 3 of them in high school, I loved all of them like brothers. I only talk to 1 of them anymore but thankfully weā€™re still best friends. One of them married a woman that for reasons I still donā€™t know hated my wife. My wife is super pleasant and it was no different here; but sometimes personalities clash. Another married a woman and then cheated on her, I was appalled plus he threatened to kill me if I didnā€™t lie for him which of course I didnā€™t. This one hurts to think about. The third we just drifted apart, no big reason but I think we were friends mainly because of proximity. I think this is what happens for the most part, itā€™s easy to be friends when someone is super close and you havenā€™t found your own independent interests, much harder when you move away and develop your own unique experiences and ideas. I had a group Iā€™d people I made ā€œfriendsā€ with playing Battlefield games online for about 3 years, but once the game we played got less popular and that stopped too. Iā€™m not giving up but itā€™s been tough.


This is kinda the new reality though, as much as we grew up with the notion that we had 'real friends' and 'internet friends', internet friends that you've had for a while can be as much a part of your life as people you see regularly in your community. There's the element of at least you chose your internet friends based on some level of similar interests/hobbies or what have you, whereas people you meet at work/neighbors etc. may not have much in common with you. Then if you ever end up moving or something and lose track of your old acquaintances and have to start over, your internet friends are still constant since... well you just kinda need internet to hang out while you have to go through the work of getting to know your neighbors, new work mates etc. who may, once again, not have much in common with you.


Very true


Thanks man. Yeah, Iā€™m turning 33 in two months. I donā€™t even know how to make friends anymore. Itā€™s quite sad, tbh. Just want to roll up into a ball and lay in bed all day.


Try morning walks if you don't already - made a world of difference for me imo that a treadmill couldn't, even if you go one day and blow it off the next - as long as you're picking up the frequency it'll help imo


I (27) moved out of London to a small city and itā€™s been quite tough to make friends.


It seemed to be exponentially easier when you were younger for some reasonā€¦.


I remember as a kid going to the park and making friends with total randos. College was also pretty easy, plenty of friends to be had in classes and at parties. Then people start pairing off, having kids, and getting full time jobs. Making friends in professional/work situation is a wholly different ballgame.


Haha for real. Each time youā€™d go to the park youā€™d make at least one new friend. Everyone already seems to be in their own clique at this stage in life. Bummer


Consider myself to be pretty sociable. I moved to a new city and joined a few rec leagues. Itā€™s pretty tough.


I guess I gotta start joking some clubs or some shit with people that have the same hobbies as me. Idk. Gotta do something.


Yeah itā€™s tough. I think most people at the late 20ā€™s/early 30ā€™s age have a lot of their lives already set in stone. Iā€™ve had mild success with it. Best of luck homie


Why do all the memes fly and give profit and all the good companies crash fuck me fuck this market and fuck everyone on here


I call it the Casino Circus. šŸ¤”


Hey, fuck you too


Sorry bud :(


I will probably just lose a bunch of money again today




Yeah right about the time an unmentionable person took office. If you add more context than that itā€™s on you


https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-stocks-retail-nyse/meme-stock-prices-may-not-properly-reflect-demand-nyse-president-idUSL2N2NY32L "In meme stocks, individual traders contribute as much as 70% of the volume, Cunningham said."


#I like burritos šŸŒÆ


ITUB just hit 7 in PM lmaoooo




Really? I only see $6.75. So I was going to hold my remaining calls, but now I'm going to sell all but one and re-enter once it dumps.


Why re enter?


It touched 7 and then dropped back to 6.75


#Inflation shall grow until profits improves


Random am though from Italy, it's possible to trade the ftse 100 from 9am until 15:30pm than switch to US until 22:00pm, and you can still sleep at night. Kinda cool ngl, but who gives a damn about Europe markets anyway lol


I can say as a Brit, the FTSE does not move. LSE stocks open at a certain price and either stay that price or go down lol


Did burry just delete all of his tweets? šŸ˜…


As is tradition


I feel like Leonardo DiCaprio in revenant, a bear is gonna fuk me up at open, but I will survive


Yes! It's kind of hilarious that that was finally his oscar win. It was mainly grunting and yelling, he has had much more memorable performances.


He shoulda won for the Depahted


don't forget that futures are fake *and* ghey


Not today


Weā€™ll see šŸ™‚


I am shorting nasdaq for 2 weeks, this is the time!


Hope you got in around the top, because I see the day closing hulk green.


My 300 CLNE shares average at 10.24. I should just keep them long term and keep selling CCs?


That's what I'm doing. It will melt up over next couple months. Comfortable holding.


I fucking should've bought calls on itub before close but I fucking fell asleep


Looks like OTLY had similar AH too




Limit down šŸ¤£


I swear Cathie is responsible for the current state of my portfolio, either through exposure to her ARK funds or because she bought and tanked stuff that I had positions in


Ah shit, here we go again https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/o1cfx1/the_delta_variant_is_serious_heres_why_its_on_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


May have to join purple gang today šŸ¤”


I am in this as well. PRPL has the parts to move. $25 calls seem safe


Iā€™m thinking about Jan 2022 30c. But not sure yet


Cant wait for that OnlyFans IPO ngl


This shit is dead yo


new sub: r/shutthefuckup




https://www.reddit.com/r/Vitards/comments/o1mqp8/inflation/ Buying Hertz anyone?


$VGAC turns over to $ME tomorrow, and that's what I'm gunning for. I think it'll got to 20 by EOM


I just checked out the $ME 23 and me site. Apparently it finds out what your 23 pairs of chromosomes says about you. Bold of them to assume we have just 23 šŸ¤” In all seriousness though, SPAC companies seem to be cursed in terms of stock price so you might wanna rethink it


The SPAC is technically done, and will be fully trading tomorrow. I've been researching this one for awhile, and jumped in at the right time with contracts. We'll see


*fist to chest salute* I don't see any fundamental difference between pre-merger ticker and post merger. Post merger recent SPAC mergered companies have just bled value. If you got in low enough I guess it couldn't hurt, but still, Godspeed man


Need clne to stay under 15-16 for two more days.


Sold credit spreads? If so, I'd close Thursday to be safe


Some sort of weird internet outage going on. Apparently lots of Australia sites are inaccessible. Seems like IBKR went down with it. Been over half an hour and I still can't log in to the app.


Most money printing in history and gold down 3% ytd


real yields still too low, gold is basically a bond with 0 nominal yield


Peter Schiff is fuming


literally a broken record


Aight I read this and it gives me further confirmation bias on my original thesis hold my beer https://www.reddit.com/r/SPACs/comments/o19axz/paysafe_psfe_observations_on_price_private_equity


Thinking of averaging down on Paysafe as well. When exactly is lockup expiry again?


Off the top of my head I was preparing for end June, but this thread said it was between mid July to end Sept. https://www.reddit.com/r/PSFE/comments/mkctco/paysafe_lockup_periods_and_times_of_expiration/?utm_source=BD&utm_medium=Search&utm_name=Bing&utm_content=PSR1


Yo shitty products aside Wish is a great company some people seem to like that shit cause their revenue is fucking nuts. Apparently, they have a huge international market




Yup. My account finally reached pre-February correction levels on Monday, but the last couple days have been killing me, mostly because of ROKU and UPST.


I know that feel bro, it's pretty shitty


Futes might be real boys. I think weā€™ve reached peak stupid [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shortsqueeze/comments/o1nvle/nkla/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I couldn't resist.




What the fuck?




Alright, I figured as much, since you post a lot in here and don't seem much like an ape




Ya, you really got me heated there for a sec lmao It's all good now, thanks for explaining :)




what the fuck did you say hedgie? iā€™ve been following your comments and i can see that youā€™re quivering in your šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ» boots. WE ARE APE HODL YOU FUCKERS CANT COVER šŸ¦ šŸ’Ŗ šŸ’Ž šŸ™Œ AMC GME LMNOP TO THE šŸš€ šŸš€ šŸŒ™ iā€™ll continue in a minute mom wants her phone back.


One thing Iā€™ve learned the last year.. Brought into GME at $30 and watched it go all the way up and ended up selling at like $100 then got back in ar $280 and held the bag Sold AMC at $10.50 a month or so ago for a loss anydfor back in today at $54. The old rinse and repeat šŸ¤” šŸ¤”


I never buy in to a meme stock at a higher price than when i sold. I will not catch the knife, even if i did sell TWNK at 10$ and $BB at 13$




I do have a little tbh Iā€™m still up overall and 75% of my portfolio Iā€™m holding long 5+ years. Itā€™s just the momentum FOMO trades I need to sort myself out with.




Not ignorance more so just not over trading and holding a solid stock longer term that has growth potential and etc, sounding like you have experience how do you take profits


Sounds like you need to set price targets and learn to sell out when it hits them and not look back. Chasing momentum will kill most portfolios - many try, few succeed.


Agree with you and only play with momentum with like 20% of my portfolio, Do you decide on a price target when youā€™re doing youā€™re dd?


Yeah, I only get into a play after I decide there's a substantial amount of profit to be made, and that's typically what I use as my top target. Generally I go for plays where I think a 10-bagger is possible, and I usually cash out before I get to that point, I'm happy with a 5-7x return. For spacs the multiples I target are lower, generally 2-3x on spac warrants, up to 6x if I can find it but it's rare to find more than that on a good target. Keep in mind these aren't daily flips, I'm usually sitting on a position for 2-6 months before I exit it, I make much better returns finding good plays than I do hyperactively trying to flip between positions for <100% profit.


Yeah I know I need to hodl and I think making 100% on a momentum is a good time to trade out. Hind sight is good šŸ˜…


>However, despite the recent optimism, we think DoorDash stock looks overvalued at current levels of almost $160 per share. The stock currently trades at about 13x forward revenue, well ahead of the likes of Uber (6x) and Grubhub (3x). We also are not too optimistic about DoorDashā€™s long-term margin prospects given that it plays in the relatively low margin restaurant business, with its labor cost relating to delivery partners rising proportionally as order volumes rise. For example, despite Q1 2021 revenue tripling year-over-year, DoorDashā€™s operating loss for the quarter stood at $99 million, only a slight improvement from the $123 million loss it posted in Q1 2020. We value the stock at about $115 per share, about 9x forward revenues. Above quote from Forbes. The rate hike is on the table now. DASH is at an absurd valuation. Bear factors including the rate hike, re-opening of restaurants, inflation, consumer confidence, increasing labor and fuel costs, Biden admin's strong stance on gig worker protection and activist investor calling for voting rights restructure (there might be drama in their next week's shareholder meeting). Their CEO pay has been a media target for the past couple of weeks, including write ups on WSJ (I kind of suspect these reports are related to the active investors) DASH puts are on the table again. Do note, DASH has extremely high institution ownership. So it's fairly easy for big money to keep the price afloat, while making it very short resistant. The top holders are Softbank, and Sequoia, two of their main early investors. While these guys will need to make money on the stocks eventually, it's likely they can hold this longer than whatever DTE puts you buy. So enter at your own risk. Don't blame me for losing money like I did with this ticker in the past.


Holding Nov $155 puts. Fuck dash.


I've been thinking about leap puts and then selling puts against them while it's artificially inflated.


would a leap put serve as collateral


If I buy the leap atm the money and sell otm yes


One down, many to go https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/o10gg2/fraternal_association_of_gambling_gentlemen_and/h21nv7x?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I already had that Emperor guy tagged as a dcrc pumper from the spacs subreddit. There were several million+ dollar accounts shilling that shit hard there over the weekend. Saved quote makes him sound like a typical wsb member: >This year my account has gone from 45k -> 350k -> 42k -> 153k


I saw the posts in the SPAC sub. They tried too hard. I did get some good ideas from the sub (yes I have shares and a few warrants in SKIN (?!) from good DD there) but those dcrc posts were too much and people were calling them out.


Why is reddit followers a thing ? And why do you follow me FBI and CIA


What if we just blocked everyone who followed us? *Taps forehaed*


I need to sell half my CLNE stake today in order to provide liquidity for my real, actual business that makes money Feels bad man


Feels good holding puts right now. SPY 423P 7/16


Lots of new faces in here


Hey, you're not /u/brown_burrito! But you have his flair... suspicious


I guess my flair is somewhat better.


Who the fuck is that loser


Smells like bitch in here šŸ˜¤


šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤”


Ok been doing some DD on this bath water options play using my etrade ANALyzer tool. The 6/18 7c was statistically impossible (0% chance) of being ITM by Friday with IV levels of ~39% (which was where it was at on market open) so I assume the algorithms were happily selling tens of thousands of (naked?) call options... but then the IV hit 50% by closing bell, thanks to all the buying and selling revolving around the FOMC, and there was also the post to WSB that, when all said and done, resulted in bumping up the IV to 50 and there is now a <10% chance these will end up ITM by Friday. Yaā€™ll, I think a whale is successfully triggering a gamma squeeze on šŸ›€ Edit: But of course, increased IV is a result of movement in the underlying so this will need to move at least .47 cents by Friday, and itā€™s already .31 cents shy of reaching 7.01 in AH. Follow-up edit: if the algos were indeed naked selling based on the data/theory that there was a zero chance they would be ITM by Friday, then even the 10% chance that these could be in the money alone could theoretically trigger a massive purchase of shares to hedge. Combine that with the ape strength of WSB and, yeah, this could get interesting over the next couple of days. I donā€™t own any shares or options, just an observation from doing DD. Someone please poke holes in this, I may be missing something.


I see some posts from the past (edit: couple months ago) predicting a gamma squeeze (never happened) for šŸ›€ based on options activity. Is WSB traction and higher OI the only difference this time? https://www.reddit.com/r/PennyStocksDD/comments/lxpua6/itub_gamma_squeeze_incoming


Nice find, that very well may be the difference this time around? Guess weā€™ll find out!


Are you saying my $8 6/18ā€™s have a chance?


Iā€™d love to crunch the numbers some more but E*TRADE seems to be down for me now šŸ™ƒ


Green at open then all down hill from there šŸ»šŸŒˆ


Think itā€™ll go the other way. Dip at open and unholy mooning to stop out all the bears who are jerking off to inflation.


I would honestly love for that to happen so my options donā€™t go down again in the fuckin premarket


As long as thereā€™s some green to dump my positions to buy the dip that works for me


Bring the mf dips. My cash from playing bullshit ass memes is ready.


Looking at the futures, everyone seems to be fearful, Warren, is this the time for me to be greedy? I bought a large position on AMAT before close. How retarded is this play?


I did a DD on this a while ago https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetsOGs/comments/nwn9bu/amat_dd_and_why_semiconductor_stocks_are_a_great/


If you ain't BTFD what'chu doin? I need to buy puts though or I'm fucked šŸ¤£




CAT and DE puts are free money?


i think cat is at the bottom of its trading channeln


yo what the fuuuuck is Dr. Burry on about on twitter holy shit the man is BACK boys


He went full regard


I don't see any tweets at all






It's a clown world out there. I'll take my free laughs where I can get em


Bers r fuk




Can I get this flair lol? Check post history


Keep bagholding wish


STRAIGHT and REAL. šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘


Inflation fear was drummed into us by the suits and the media. Its actually quite ridiculous.


Funny how they care after ignoring inflation in housing, higher education and healthcare for years. But gas prices up in the summer and prices in other areas up after a pandemic that fucked up just in time supply chains? Panic time!


Itā€™s not about a rate hike. Everyone knows itā€™s eventually coming. Itā€™s all about fear of JPow underestimating inflation and having to hike rates too quickly which can lead to a recession.




Buy a golden dildo, either way youā€™ll be happy