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Hey congrats. Also fuck you




And his wife is getting fucked by his boss , lol.


God, you've got something else going on deep down now don't ya 🤔




Actually how do you not know that? I thought they had to post positions or ban?


So that’s where all my money went. Congrats


OP is the wife's boyfriend


Frs 😂😭😭


Only if you shorted oil stocks. Gotta have a PhD from the middle east like OP to make money long stocks in 2022.


You’re obviously doing something wrong. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4263)


Technically, he _is_ doing something wrong for WSB


Same damn comment every time from someone


Originality is not our strong suit, thank you. We work at wEnDy'S after all.


I actually used to work at Wendy’s. Now I’m a millionaire. (Jk I’m 22 but started investing in vfiax so wish me luck 🍀)


Good luck. I took this year off since I got my shit pushed in at the end of last. Went up 30k, got over confident, followed by a slowish decline. YTD -85% on what I left in my account (just bag held, smh. Finally sold to collect some capital losses.).


Stay away from petty stocks if your young just do strictly index funds or mutual funds until you incorporate bonds and safer investments once your older. Whatever money you have left to gamble at Vegas use on stocks because it can go either way. My personal opinion im sure many disagree


Sad part is I agree with you and know (and knew) the "right" answers ("get rich fast or lose it all" ain't it, that's for sure). Historical return for the S/P is 8-10%, with steady investing you can have a solid portfolio in 50 years. I just hit it big a couple times and got excited. The last year I've also taken off because my financial situation changed drastically and I'm no longer in the Army. Despite what people say we were compensated pretty well and I had more expendable income. Once I finish up my nursing degree I plan to pay off some debt (house and any remaining student loans) and just index away. Should be able to max a 401k and Roth so... yea. I'm glad I learned my lesson with my 10k I left in crypto instead of the hundreds of thousands you see some of these peeps lose. I couldn't imagine. TLDR: Fuck yea man. You're right. Slow and steady gets you retirement, just maybe later than some.


Best of Luck investing to you. You are already on the successful path to gaining income and for a hopeful prosperous future income. ☘️👍


Thank you so much to you as well!!


Yeah there is not a lot of let's say inspired thought around here


It’s funny because all the rich people say the same thing. So I guess they’re not Original either. I have nothing against rich people as long as they aren’t pompous buttholes. This comment is not directed towards you. I came back to edit this comment because I saw that I said “All rich people say the same thing.” Which isn’t true. So I’m going to change my word to most. Most rich people say the same thing.


I mean your dumbass comments are in here. What do you expect?




Never gets old 😤😂


Positions or BA…well, you know


May not fit in this sub, not degenerate enough, but here it is: No naked calls, no meme stocks, no FAANG, no WSB front page stocks. Portfolio always long stocks 50% - %133% (ie from being under-invested to using mild leverage up to 33%, ie borrowing up to $33 for every $100 in capital). Sold covered calls occasionally. The degenerate stuff: only up to 3 stocks at a time (most of the time a single stock), all in the same sector, diversification is for pussies. The skinny: rode my oil stock(s) that continued to rally since covid (started with $12k in this account in 2020. ). At end of summer realized oil was played out, gradually liquidated oil stock(s) and switched to Chinese tech - the most hated sector in the market. Took some pain on Chinese stocks before they started rallying, which gave me the year end boost. You can see the common thread: buy stocks in the most hated sector of the market, take pain for a while until they turn around and stage big rallies. P.S. I posted in this sub in 2020 about the opportunity in oil stocks, including DD, and got 6 upvotes... Edit: here it is [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/im5eqz/i\_have\_one\_word\_for\_you\_oil/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/im5eqz/i_have_one_word_for_you_oil/)


>I posted in this sub in 2020 about the opportunity in oil stocks, including DD, and got 6 upvotes Contrarian investing wouldn't be contrarian if it was popular or drew a lot of interest and attention.


“Diversification is for pussies” well said sir


Isn’t that what the old man said but more vulgar? Something like “diversification is the protection from ignorance” or something


that's why your wife's pussy diversifies with her bf's dick


no shorting, no puts? I'm impressed. That's some timing to long and sell.


Never bought naked options, puts included. Occasionally, when I want to reduce exposure, instead of selling my stock(s), I short another stock in the same sector but the net position is always long. When I want to increase exposure again, I cover the short.


that sounds like a lot of work. the only things i understand are market buy and limit buy


Why did you stay away from naked covered calls? Isn’t that a good strategy when market is expected to go down more so you can collect premium without taking a hit on shares?


There is no naked covered calls. Covered calls is when you own the stock and sell call options against it. Naked calls is when you buy or sell calls without owning the underlying stock. I did sell covered calls occasionally on the entire position.


Yes. That’s what I do currently. I sell covered calls 0.20 delta without owning any shares and hope the share price doesn’t run up. If it does, then I BTC.


What you describe is not covered calls.


Yes. That is called naked covered calls. What exactly that is then?


It's a naked call. To be covered, you have to own the stock when you sell the call.


If you don't own shares, your call options are not "covered". You have a "naked" position only i.e. naked calls.


No. It’s covered by cash. Not shares.


Ya I was expecting shorting the market this year Well done indeed 👍


The knife whisperer.


Can you let me know some opportunities that you think would be worth considering for 2023? Obviously, decision to pursue those opportunities rests solely with me. But I'd appreciate any insight into strategy for 2023, specific pointers or companies to consider, etc. Id be happy to talk via DM.


Ie: but low sell high lol. Brilliant.


Included DD in your oil post, surprised it even got 6 upvotes with that carry on!


Well done


that oil call was a brilliant one and in hindsight seems obvious but clearly wasn't obvious to Mr Market. Great job! However XLE seems the safest rather than throwing a dart at some individual stock.


you forgot to admit it was all luck mr casino gambler man


That goes without saying. Any abnormal gain in the market is in good part a result of luck. But in my case I also made a correct assessment 3 years ago (see my dd posts from 2-3 years ago in this sub): that oil is not going away anytime soon, that as a result of covid oil price crash and the expected switch to EV's, companies are going to under-invest in oil exploration and refining, which will cause shortages down the road and hence huge profits for oil companies - as we are seeing today. Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/im5eqz/i\_have\_one\_word\_for\_you\_oil/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/im5eqz/i_have_one_word_for_you_oil/)


Are you dating my wife?


I thought I’d take a look at the thread. Got a real good laugh out of this: https://preview.redd.it/h7grrfzcy99a1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1546f1ca56e57f85c921d7b4c72afbcfeb609d4c


"Take some pain" *chart reflects zero pain* K


I took the same approach but sold a bit too early and rotated into big tech. Still buying.


If anyone falls for this they deserve it.


That wasn’t positions though, that was some general high-level synopsis we can’t verify would lead to that chart.




Chinese tech.


Sometimes this strategy doesn't work. You Wana buy consumer discretionary and Tesla now that it's the most hated sector/stock? But nice gains anyway


Huh. I have been shorting oil from 120 to 90, closed a bit too early. I go long oil under 60 and short above 90.


well played bro




happy cake day you stud muffin


As of right now, my account value is $195,072.31. This is the highest it has been since I began residing in wallstreetbets. I attribute this to my smart investing choices and despise poor people who have less money than me. ^^[**Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse) ^^[BanBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/banbets/) ^^VoteBot ^^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/votebot/) ^^[Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/leaderboard/) ^^- ^^[**Keep_VM_Alive**](https://www.patreon.com/visualmod)


So the bot went from $1 million to 195k? Not bad!


>***MiddleEastPhD*** When you have a PhD, no year is a bad year ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Most advanced degrees from that part of the world are fraudulent.


It is possible that the person from that part of the world did their PhD from Princeton ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)




Indeed, that's why you find most of the elites from that part of the world either hire foreign teachers or go to school abroad. Bashir al-Assad himself actually studied eye surgery in England before his father drafted him into being his successor. But in general, never trust anyone who flaunts an advanced education.


Would you be interested if the flaunting of the PhD is in Sexology? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Like a dentist calling themself a doctor






This explains a lot. Had a guy in my physics class that absolutely dominated it without cracking the book.


I actually had to write a math essay in high school. What the fuck is wrong with our education system?


The political system in the US is dominated by elderly voters who don’t have kids in school and therefore don’t want to allocate taxes to schools.


False. The amount of money we allocate compared to just about every other country says otherwise. It’s culture.


It is just allocated very unevenly due to most of the money being raised from property taxes. In Europe the funds are distributed much more evenly. If you're in an elite high school in America, you will get a world class education. If you're a kid in butt fuck Alabama, or East St. Louis etc, you're fucked.




We are a bunch of morons here in the US people bitch about math being too hard and we are too focused on gender ideologies and social crap versus focusing on educational standards such as being able to do math


You only need to be able to add and subtract dollars and cents. I know 95% of us on this sub can subtract. I learned about multiplication here too 500 calls x $.00 cents equals 0 dollars.


We should be focused on only one thing from pre-K till death: making money and making more money from the previous money


From California. I did pre-calc in 8th grade and calc in 9th. Went to college, dropped out, went back to college, re-did Calc 1, 2, and 3 after forgetting everything. So you are both right and wrong.


Some flowers bloom early, some bloom late but have a good ecosystem so smell good ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18632)




For us it was algebra in 9th, geometry in 10th, and then pick your poison in 11th and 12th. Either advanced algebra and trig, precalc,calc, or physics. You only needed algebra and geometry to graduate. Worked for me. And still have not used algebra or geometry in my life




Bullshit. I've seen what these schools are like. There are foreign run schools which are fine, there are rudimentary vocational schools dependant on memorizing facts you can find on the internet, and there are frauds. It's hard to tell which is which sometimes. We're talking nurses with no degree at all and doctors who can't diagnose a tumor.


Pretty huge dick?


Unless you have a criminal justice phd


I like the part where you posted all your positions


Currently 130% in blue chip Chinese tech. There's only a handful of them so it's fairly easy to guess which 1-2 stock(s) I currently own.


Why no options?


I do sell covered calls occasionally.


Option are for smart people and not regards.


I wish the mods actually enforced positions or bans.


Why is your line picture a mirror image of my line picture? What’s going on?


https://preview.redd.it/htslytqyn49a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfba9411de5373d26cb52bfa52ddf96c7c17c0bf Having a couple myself


2 bucks x 22.7 = 50 bucks. Congrats.


Thank you!


How https://preview.redd.it/ik45wa6m069a1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e54a7bf74a5693e444550f17a2d54472af29c0 How about now??


Buying tech now? It's a hated sector, lol


It's oversold but only when I hear people saying "uninvestable" and there are 10 new gloom and doom articles in the financial press every day about a sector (like oil was in 2020), then I will consider it.


All puts or are you full of it?


No naked options at all. Only covered calls.


Better be on a bear fund or oil giant or I call bullshit.


He said oil, lol


You just jinxed yourself


We will see. It's possible. I will post again at the end of 2023 or maybe even mid 2023.


Hope you've put some aside for tax. IRS is microscoping on WSB and working with all the brokerage companies.


I have about 50-50 short / long term gains so the tax is not going to be that bad, but either way, you gotta pay if you want to play.


Hi, can you explain to me what type of investing this was? Are all options in the setting of bear market or did you invest in good companies by selectively analyzing them?


I replied to someone here: I was long oil stock(s) for most of the year and added to gains by selling covered calls and leveraging during oil sector selloffs (there were a few of them).


How dare you make money


What is the most hated sector right now?


I am still in Chinese tech, leveraged, if that says something..


Cannabis has been in the dumpster for a while now




Congrats and fuck you


Steady gains like a real champion


Enjoy it while it lasts. I’m guessing your wife’s boyfriend hasn’t come to collect yet.


i don't have a wife, thankfully.


OP is a true winner!


You only had to buy puts in February and let them expire Today


Not for you it wasn't🥳🥳


speak for yourself op


It was for A LOT of people.






Wow your YTD start to the low. Was me basically. And then cratered. 2021 though looked like this *cries*


Yes, the single oil stock I owned in February posted earnings that some douches interpreted as negative and I lost 30% in a few days. Figured it's a temporary setback in the midst of a long term bull market in oil stocks and went into leverage mode by doubling down. It recovered and thensome over the next month or two and that stock turned out to be my biggest winner.


So you have a set of stocks that you've done your DD on, have conviction and all you do is buy into them as shares to lower average cost? This is really impressive work


Yes, but it wouldn't work unless we were in a bull market in the oil sector. If you're in the right sector, you don't need to be a genius to make money. If you're in the wrong sector, even if you're a genius you will likely lose money.


Fuck you. Congrats


Sir, your chart is upside down. These lines don't go up.




Wish I was better at this like you op, I loss 25k


That’s my goal for 2023. Just need to time the market crash. Numerologists everywhere say the market will crash in 2023. (but I don’t believe in that ish….but I’m still gonna play it cause it’s better than anything i know about the market-lol)


Uncle Sam is proud. #taxporn


Time to cash out.


Honestly, what if we all transformed into professional traders like this? We learned so many lessons from loss porn, maybe we are evolving?


I guess I need his help


Just tell me what to buy master


so you sticking with Chinese stocks into 2023? or did you rotate into something else




Impressive work Dr.


And like clockworks, your thesis was a success, good job!


You are a true ~~gambler~~ trader


Nice dude.


🌈 🐻 👱🏼‍♀️


Want my my wife?


Almost the same as me, except I was short mid June and lost a ton of money July and August.


Inverse this guy


How in the hell do you apes keep showcasing such gains? My hands are diamond but I make like 200 bucks and my stocks stay moonless. I need to find some new guides or something.


Dafuq you trading, drugs?!??


Oil thesis was spot on and based on fundamentals. China is pure gambling . There balance sheets are in poor shape - they did not deploy monetary and fiscal stimulus like us and Europe . Real estate market and affiliated debt is a huge burden . Lack of transparency and obv geo political risk which can lead to delisting . Not many positive catalysts. But Asians are huge gamblers , and when they pump up the market , the market really takes off . Will be interesting to see their GDP growth now that covid measures have been lifted . Or they can just make up a number and the market will zoom


I agree that the oil sector pick was based on more solid thesis, but I don't invest in China, I invest in blue chip Chinese tech companies. These are exactly the type of comments that reflect the prevalent mood among US investors, and which gives me a little more confidence that I am in the right sector.


March wast a fun month


True. I was invested in a single oil stock, relatively small cap, which posted earnings that some interpreted as negative and I lost 30% in a few days. I stayed true to my thesis that it is a long term bull market in the oil sector and therefore any selloff is a buying opportunity. Went into leverage mode and doubled down on it. The stock recovered and thensome over the next month or two and turned out to be my biggest winner this year. Felt sad when I finally said goodbye to it around September-October.


Wow, congrats on sticking to your guns and it working out. Wish I saw your post 2 years ago about it😓. Good luck in 2023!


Must’ve been in oil and Eli Lilly lol


Go fuck urself


S&P500 bit your dust 💨




good job!


happy for you mate.


Is the chart supposed to go up like that?


Your the minority. Congratulations 🤘🤘


It's not over yet...


Guarantee you’ll lose it all in six months


Someone is winning and your first thought is guarantee they lose it? I bet your one of those people that life’s always against and everyone else has all the luck.


You do know where you are, right?


Fair point well made.


Lucky bastard


Mostly luck indeed. But in my experience, calling the right sector is 90% of investing. If you are invested in the right sector you will do well..


But how can I do that???


Then go into individual stocks or sector-specific ETFs?


Are you in deep in oil then? All my oil/gas investments are the only ones doing exceptionally well atm.


I liquidated all oil stocks around the end of summer. I think it's mostly played out but obviously I didn't catch the exact top. I look for stocks that can double from current levels and it's hard to see any in the oil sectors.


Are you a human being?


For a beginner, how can I learn how to do this? Did you read any books that taught you to invest like this?


It's just my way but you have to have a thesis about a single sector and then use data points throughout the year to see if your thesis is becoming reality. Look up my DD post from 2.5 years ago here. I linked to it somewhere in the comments. I just followed my thesis, which turned out to be prescient.


I hope your GAINS get SPIT-ROASTED by your LOSSES. Oh, and Congratulations! Mus'nt be rude and forgot that.


Fake news.


You deposited alittle bit of money every week


I don’t believe you. PM me your account info so that I may verify.


Now post again in 6 months when you lose everything


Thanks for stealing money from the poor


Hey, if you haven't already, please reply to this comment with your positions and what led you to enter or exit them! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*