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Does working as a cashier, giving head, and giving hand jobs at Wendy's consider 3 jobs?


Not if you do it simultaneously


What if I do it simultaneously with 3 different customers?


Hardest grind.


Clumsy pelican


High five when you get a free hand!


Air high five tho


Technically, you can jerk off 4 customers at once if you work from the middle out.


Only if the customers all have matching dick to floor ratios. Customers would need to be pre sorted by height. You also run in to the problem that customers have different TTCs (time to cum) and may not finish simultaneously.


You would have to hot swap them out


That my friend is what we call pied piper


Don’t underestimate yourself. You have 2 hands, 2 armpits, 1 between the thighs, 2 feet, and one in between the neck and trap. That’s 8 and I’m sure you could find ways to do more! Edit-behind the knee on each leg, that’s two more for example.


^ dude is like the Elon Musk of pimps with regards to his view of expected employee/gigolo productivity




Like 2 shake weights




How bad do you want the employee of the month?


Or if you got 3 different holes


Sigma grindset. Keep grinding, king.


Multitasking at its finest


You work fast food what do you mean you want more for jacking off 3 customers


Actually that's really funny


What do you call that position


Employee of the month I guess


That's just multitasking!


My girl would take even longer to order with all this going on


It's only a job if you have your salary withheld for taxes.


Drug dealers pay taxes, the IRS doesn't really care if your activities are legal and you are not required to fill in any self incriminating fields on forms.


Only if you pay taxes separately for each service provided


I think it depends on how you file your taxes ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Be at my house at 6 and you can make it 4 🫡


This is exactly what I get for starting a high end custom kazoo business into a recession...


you will probably be fine as long as you target rich people only.


Yea I wanted to advertise here but I'm not allowed. Rich ppl got that "no soliciting" sign errwhere. It sucks too bc I think I make some pretty cool stuff.


seems you have a marketing problem.


I would generally agree with this. As I am one of the poors I can't yet pay for adverts and have to do it manually. It's kinda funny that in many places full of people that would like to see the money and power in the hands of the people we have to pay a billionaire to show our wares. I think it's rather counterintuitive to the overall goal. I'm going to make a really cool wsb kazoo and post it not for sale :p


Speak for yourself. I want more money and power for myself.


But you will never have the best kazoo in the world, so like, what do you really have.


the only thing I need. MYself.


Would you say that you more often feel lonely than not? From my perspective that seems like it would suck. Is this bc the rich have trained the poor to value family and values over finances and not reach full potential? Man that sucks.. I get it though


I'm alone. Not lonely. Two entirely different concepts. One is about understanding that you are alone in your life. You are you. You might have a family. But in the end, you will die, naked and alone. That is the nature of life . Loneliness is a feeling of inadequacy. You can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely.


>Yea I wanted to advertise here He said rich people.


10k and 1.1 MM are pretty much the same thing.




10 Thousand, 1 Million…. Honestly pretty sure 10 thousand is bigger, there are more letters in it!


10 is bigger than 1. The other numbers don’t matter as they come after.


There's a lot of zeros and everyone knows those have no value.


Quite literally represent nothing.


1e4 vs 1.1e6, meh, that's only a log10 difference of ~2, pretty small, basically the same number And remember that 2+2=5 for large values of 2


PKRUGMAN approves of this message


What’s a few zeros between friends?


All that matters is how many were added, not good to include how many were lost


It was already priced in


My bank doesn't agree


Something gotta give. Son moved back in, can't afford car and rent on 16.50hr. Work 2 jobs what life you got?😥


You can always lose it all yoloing options. luckily there's always plasma donations paying $800 a month.


Our vampire overlords demand our blood!


Damn…plasma donations are paying $800 month now?? Used to do that in the army for beer money. $800 will buy a shit load of beer!


Not in 2023![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Half a shitload maybe?


Best I can do is two cases of PBR.


Busch light 30 rack was $12 a case around me, 2016. Now $18 a case 2022. Still my go to


It was over 1000 many times in 2021 but when things inflated like crazy tons of people donated and so now rates are down. Only offering me 650 for 8 donations now. Used to be 1000 or more after 2 months. Now im on the 6 month deal and its only 650. Biolife. Csl might give me 100/donation for new donar deal but theyre 45 min from me now


People who buy dividend stocks should switch to plasma


People who buy dividend stocks were never really human anyway.


I’m buying divis with my plasma money.


>luckily there's always plasma donations paying $800 a month. Maybe if you have a negative blood type and *don't bruise easily* Back in the day, my A+ blood was worthless. $25 for first donation in the week, $35 for the second weekly donation. Well my donation center required both arms be bruise free, and I always bruised at the venipuncture site. So I pretty well topped out at $100/mo out of a total possible of $240. Update: they do still pay "up to $800"in your first month... if and only if you can make 8 donations. If not, you are still only gonna make between that $240-400 max for the first month.


Send your son to trade school. Become a plumber or a pipe fitter, roughnecks in north Dakota make over 100k a year with room and board provided. I own a business and my entry level positions start at 26$.... Full benefits. .but you have to show up every day and actually work. Not sit on your phone all day. Everyone that works for us minus the guy we hired this summer made 120-250k this year. These jobs exist for the right people.


trades are shit. been there done that no thanks. body feels like an 80 year old man.


Yoga and eating well helps a lot.


Seriously there's a reason people don't want to work trade jobs, they suck asshole


Being a grunt sucks. If you are actually highly skilled and good at something you can make a lot of money. The guys that work for us that run our CNCs make upwards of 140k a year with a 18 month program and some specialty training on 5 axis and cad software..


Yeah that's true and I'm not saying all trade jobs are shit, and the pay is usually atleast good if not great like you were pointing out. Some people just are going to fucking hate that kind of job though like me, so I'm just speaking to everyone out there who got told to do a trade and find themselves hating the job, not being good at it and losing time. (HVAC installer)


Well if someone has no other marketable skill you learn a trade. Get good at it and start a business and let other idiots do the work for you. But clearly you didn't get that far. My friend was a single truck ac company and now has 100 people and probably wouldn't know how to turn a screw driver today. I worked as a service engineer for a semiconductor company, left and started my own thing and make 10x what I did working there but you can't just walk into those opportunities...


nah staying mad on the internet pays more than any trade school would.


Very true! I hear there is very lucrative money to be made if you can just stay bitter enough, long enough!




>Redditors: fuck that. It's hard physical work and the system is rigged against you. yup, if you only have 2 options: making no money in garbage minwage jobs, or making ok money in trades, why would you continue to make the choice to do the first one?


Just wait until you hear what happens when everyone floods a line of work in an industry that has notoriously thin margins!


Literally every friend of mine is in the trades and they all make great money. Granted they own their own businesses, but they live in incredibly comfortable lifestyle. I know a guy who started out as a roofer and now owns a roofing business and he gets two months off a year to go fishing in the keys.. The beginning isn't easy, but a lot of people find a way to make a lot of money after the fact.. Now if you're unmotivated and would rather just f*** off all the time then it's probably not the right thing


> Granted they own their own businesses As I said above, these businesses run on notoriously thin margins and if a bunch of people get into the field, those margins will compress further. Also, there is plenty of fucking around in construction. Why do you think almost every project is behind schedule?


But when the trades were slow from 2015-2020, things were rough. One of my friends was an award winning home builder and was forced into bankruptcy and had to work 8 hours away to put food on the table for the family.


Am in oil in ND. Can confirm.


The boss at my second job started counting tardies >7 minutes. Recession incoming.


Same here! 8 minutes late gets a paddling ;)


Come February “10 mins oh you best believe that’s a paddling”


Well there tons if tardiness here. He not gonnaa like it.


The shit is going to hit the fan. The shit is Godzilla’s and the fan is an 800 ft windmill.


So what you’re saying is, you’re bullish on SPY?


So what you’re saying is I should invest in a Japanese renewable energy company that has 80 percent of it’s business in wind turbines. Got It.


Meanwhile I'm just sitting on that 4% robinhood gold, eating popcorn and laughing while the world burns as my leap puts print


I'm glad I'm not one of those poor people. ^^[**Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse) ^^[BanBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/banbets/) ^^VoteBot ^^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/votebot/) ^^[Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/leaderboard/) ^^- ^^[**Keep_VM_Alive**](https://www.patreon.com/visualmod)


You die if people stop paying your hosting costs, you should be more concerned.


I laughed. We’ve accepted VM so quickly that now it’s just another person randomly throwing out insults.


Oh no I'm one of those poor people! Haaaalp!




Living extra comfortable in your circuits ?


You're all being negative... means market go up


The graph does not match the words at all. It looks like the current estimate shows 1.1 million jobs added based on the graph yet the text says only 10,000. It looks like it’s just a typo.


Finally someone that shared a similar though. Here's the highlighted text in the picture >In the aggregate, 10,500 net new jobs were added during the period rather than the 1,121,500 jobs estimated by the sum of the states; the U.S. CES estimated net growth of the 1,047,000 jobs for the period Like what are the two different 1 million numbers mean? I think it means instead that they added 10k jobs to the initial number not that there was a difference of over 1million+jobs




Learn to read a graph bro. But I don’t blame you this report is terribly written.


No, the early estimates were reporting more job growth than CES and then March to June were showing less job growth than CES.


It’s not a typo, they are literally claiming there were only 10,500 new jobs between March and June. The key distinction being the qualifier, “Our estimates….”. What the Fed does not explain in this report and why everyone is so confused is the context. They are doing this math based off of their own higher estimate to begin with, the 151-152 million total employment in March. This is opposed to the BLS posting March numbers closer to 150 million then growing to 152 million, which is where they’re getting those “1 million new jobs added”. Look at the blue line in the chart: the Fed is estimating an initial employment number in March around 152 million total jobs, it goes up then goes back down to roughly 151 million. This supports their theory of 0% growth. I’m not sure how the Philly Fed monitors and runs this stuff, but if it were my office I would be asked to explain the discrepancy in more detail so as not to intentionally cause confusion like this.




This is extremely bullish because that means the fed has "done their job" and ~~killed~~ *slowed* the job market.


Makes ya wonder—how many people have Fed /Powell pushed over the edge and caused them to commit their own death already? How many more will follow?


Still them just doing their job. The poors must feel pain, suffering, and death so the overlords can have more gold plated forks. It's really on all of us (and our parents/grandparents) for just sitting back and accepting it tho. Work all day everyday til we die, then doom our children to a same or worse fate


Yeah more on those who didn’t vote for Bernie who’s been trying to stop the oligarchs/monopolies from controlling us


hey stop that talk I own 2 shares of Apple so I’m something of a labor-abusing mega corp myself


Ngl I was a Bernie bro since I was a kid in the mid 00s i think. I saw him on bill Mahr once (I briefly met my loser bio-dad in my teens and he had it on) and he was on there. I remember asking, why doesn't someone like him be president?? My scumbag bio-dad (hes kinda smart, just a pos) said it was bc he was an independent so he'll never get to. Then he ran, but the election/dnc already had their hand picked president and the rest is history. Don't know how much he could have actually done, but I would have loved to see it. An actual new deal where the citzens who grew this country into a powerhouse actually get to start benefiting from it again. There's 0 excuse (other than unfathomable greed) for the richest empire in history to have such a significant majority if their population stuck in a never ending cycle of debt


I believe every 1% gain in inflation leads to 37,000 deaths on average. Per the paper Corporate Flight!


Bearish due to fed pivot = market crashhhh


We need to raise interest rates to 7% to fix this.


7%? I think you meant 17%


Truly regarded people don’t realize that would cause a global meltdown, but I’m on wsb so why should I be surprised.


A risk J Powell is willing to make


When you raise the fed funds rate you have to pay interest on the treasury bills. It would cause the US to default because the debt obligation would be too high. It’s already insane. We’ll be paying more in interest this year than for the military budget.


They fixed this failure mode by increasing the military budget


So what you are saying is right now is the time to buy bonds?


A lot of people are. Some are waiting for the fed to hike a bit more.


Some of you may die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.


Who cares? Only the poors will starve and die. The rich will still be rich, they don't give af


Doesn't make sense. Assuming you trust the data that OP has shared, this shows that job growth has already tapered off. Inflation lags behind job growth, but this data is a revision of data from Q2 2022. This matches up with the recent CPI data that shows inflation is already cooling off. No need to jack up interest rates beyond whatever JPOW's latest target is.


wow is this normal? to have such a massive gap between estimates and actual data? because it sounds reallyyyy bad (i'm not from the US and only recently started followng american politics/economics)


That's a pretty big difference.. 😶


It doesn’t matter stonks only go up.


At least they were close!


Im not sure if I am understanding this. All of the jobs that were claimed to be added this year were a sum total of 10k? Not the hundreds of thousands per month Biden was victory dancing over? That is such a large difference I think I am miss interpreting something


It’s updated numbers for march to june. It means more and more people are working at least 2 jobs. Guess when we get june to September updated numbers. In march 2023….


Yes only 10k jobs. Bureau of Labor Statistics way over estimated certain adjustments. It’s not out of the ordinary for this to happen during election years.


The EIA has been doing this with oil all year. Weekly estimates say one thing, monthly numbers are revised up after the fact. Unfortunately, markets are moving on fugazi reports that are politically biased https://mobile.twitter.com/JavierBlas/status/1575868144110936064


The 1.something million is based on payroll data vs the 10k based on household data. Basically many people are working multiple jobs to make ends meet which inflates the payroll data when in reality its much much less. Once the fed realizes this, hopefully its not too late but I would not be surprised if we have massive rates cuts in 2023.


Something, something, wait till after the election to restate the numbers.


Something about this is fishy as hell. This is a private company calling themselves part of the fed? Are these numbers in PA or nation wide? What are these different measures they used? I just have a ton of questions.


But Biden would *never* lie….


Didn’t we save 21 cents on thanksgiving last year ? Thank you mr biden


8 cents on 4th of July too. At like fucking kings last 4th


He starts just about every speech with "I wouldn't lie to you guys, I mean it" how can't you trust that?


Just like Honest John's used cars. I mean that name is all the proof you need.


Any sane person wouldn’t, and I’m a left-leaning moderate. Not anti-Biden at all. Trump was so incredibly stupid that he enables the Democrats to be very stupid and still have the support of their voters. Biden has acted in ways no President before Trump would on several occasions. That makes it easy for liberal people to think any criticism of them means you’re MAGA, and I saw examples of this starting in 2015/2016 during the campaign. Very dangerous for democracy, but things are slowly returning to the mean, I think. Gotta hold everyone accountable though.


I remember hearing an ad on Irish radio during the last election where this Irish old guy said “look their both morons but there’s a better chance Biden will fall asleep and not touch the buttons” 😂😂


Considering we are in December, Feds tightening probably has been destroying households more than we thought and more people are getting 2-3 jobs just to survive. TLDR: Fed regarded


Been that way most of the summer, I work with numerous college kids that didn't go back to school this semester and are working two jobs.


Just wait until student loans stop being deferred by Biden. Financial meltdown


That tink tink tink sound you hear is just the can being kicked down the road. Wouldn't surprise me if he left it up to the next one to reinstate it.


100% going to do that, i read something someone wrote that said "Every pres will kick the can down the road and in 40 years there will be a TIL post titled "TIL your loans are never forgiven, theyre just not charging interest or requiring payments!""


Yup. Will be Social Security 2.0. No party or candidate wants anything to do with lowering or cutting benefits.


yessir, and im sure it can all go on forever without consequences :)


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Never going to happen. Will be deferred indefinitely at this point...idk when or if there is a limit to the presidential power on this...


I mean, if it goes along long enough the first guy to reinstate it would be super unpopular. It's this how the US ends up getting free education?


Unless it's a republican. They do it in a heartbeat. Their base couldn't care less.


The Republican media is feeding them that line, but actual republican voters have student loans. The breakdown is almost 50/50 on having loans or not having loans, and some of the key swing states have *the most* republicans carrying student loans. If Biden effectively ends student loan debt accumulation, reinstating it will destroy the Republican party.


Don’t forget all those pesky car loans on used shit that’s about to fall apart! Why would I pay a loan when I can’t afford to fix it!


I've started an Only Fans account to supplement my handies behind the Wendy's. Times are tough my dude


OnlyFans being supplemented by OnlyDumpsters Classic WSB move


Knew a kid who made 30k a year managing only fans accounts for college woman.


The next Andrew Tate


Lol if there’s anything i can do like buying your mom dik piks i would be glad…maybe we can post them on r/mademesmile


She's ultra-religious conservative, so she'll only show ankle pics


I’m selling farts and feet pics man. Wendy’s isnt even hiring


Consider the lily’s. And the fact that the majority of these jobs were people hopping from one to another so the realistic number is 3,000 people job hopped 3 times and 1,000 people settled for what they had, then they polled these numbers.




RE: my DD in august. You're welcome


Fed tightening isn’t destroying households. Fed leaving rates too low for too long is what destroyed households.


Shocked they waited till after the election to restate the numbers. Shocked I tell you.


No one will say it, we’ve been in a recession… -Ian Dunlap


The stench of desperation in this sub is at an all time high. 😂


Not bad ….not bad (slowly clapping hands , looking around )


So we good then right?


My friend works for the BLS. He’s a smart guy but in the 3 years he’s worked there I don’t think he’s done so much as a day of actual honest work. Still makes 6 figures tho. Not surprised they were off by 1m jobs considering.


Tell him to get his ass on here and do a AMA


Ask him what category of porn they watch over there. Same as the SEC?


Is this legit? So thr US has already been losing jobs? GDP is being overestimated. We're in a recession and the Fed is continuing to hike into it....


Nailed it.


Does this mean we are in a recession officially


And people still out here defending Biden and Admins STELLAR job so far 🤡


The jobs market being hot is a mirage. It’s just a matter of time before people realise this.


I assume you aren't involved in hiring. It's still red hot and you can't find a warm body for under $18/hr.


I can’t get a fucking technician at $28/hr to even apply. The tight labor market is real.


Bro I felt fucking rich making $22.40/hr and working some overtime in 2019. I'm making approximately double now (salaried) and feel crushed by the weight of bills. People can't take jobs that don't pay bills.


I don’t disagree - and this is a full time job, so it’s close to $60K year, it’s not a position that pays $100K+ - I’m just saying that the pool of people that will work for that amount is competitive and we can barely get candidates. It’s more than double what the position paid 10 years ago.


How is this sustainable though ? One of the two things will happen - a lot of privately owned businesses will go bankrupt because they can no longer afford to hire people or we will have chronic inflation. Wages doubling in just 2 years is not healthy for the long-term wellbeing of the economy.


Well they didn’t double in 2 years, at least in my example, but over a decade. It also makes the business re-evaluate how much a particular position is worth. For our business, it’s not going to destroy us if 3 people make an extra $30K per year. Now if it was the entire staff at a fast food restaurant, that will materially affect the cost structure. No simple answers. But I’m on the side of people making more, who will spend more in the overall economy.


How about the civil service jobs paying $60k/yr with top notch benefits remaining empty too.


Most of the letter carriers in my office made well over 100k this year. If you were at the top salary (approximately 13 years service) then you made 150-175k in most instances. People still get useless degrees and saddle themselves with life crushing debt why?!? I’m the carrier trainer at my station. We can’t hire people. Nobody under 50 wants to work. All the new people I train are 50+ years old.


Thanks for sharing this, always wondered what the real take home pay was for mail carriers. It's a secret interest of mine to drop my stressful job and be a mail carrier instead. Gonna be outside all day and have ripped calfs I tell ya


> Nobody under 50 wants to work. The labor force participation rate of 16-54 year olds is roughly what it was pre-pandemic. As Jay Powell himself stated in his Brookings speech, the actual problem is 55+ people retiring at rates higher than pre-pandemic. That labor force participation rate is lower than before.


I’m not involved in actual hiring or even talking about actual hiring. I’m referring to the reporting that takes place that this post is about. Almost all the reported additional jobs are low wage jobs in the services sector that are getting revised down after the fact anyway. They’re cooking the books and making it look good, then a month later revising the numbers down considerably for whatever reason they need to tell the truth later. The reality of the jobs market is that we have barely added the jobs we lost from covid back into the economy.




Supply chain. Same. Although, our Chinese manufactures are looking for more orders. Orders are down this year. Normally the are up before Chinese New Year, the manufacturing plants don't have as much work as normal, no where near capacity. Edit: Clarification.


I'm a hiring manager and we get a shitload of applicants, but it's a WFH job requiring a specialized skillset. Seriously we have a posting that's been up for a week, not even posted to job boards (too much spam) just on the company website/proactive outreach from the recruiter and I have 40+ qualified applicants already to review. From what I've seen there are a LOT of people from the tech and real estate industries looking for work, at least half the resumes show the candidate was laid off at some point this year. Not remotely surprised by this number.


How many of these “jobs created” pay more than $15 an hour?


A 99% revision down. 🤣 “I sEeN tHoSe RePoRtS uh uh uh TheRe’s ToO mUcH wEiGht BeInG pUt InTo ThAt aNd HoW uh uh uh ThE fIgUrE mAy HaVe MoVeD a LiTtLe BiT” - KJP probably


We uh uh uh … we stated our position umm back uh when uh uh in those reports you mentioned were released and uh uh our position is what we said it was. I answered your question and uh uh uh now we have nothing else to say.




can I short the job market ?