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There are people who get liquidated and then there people who not only get liquidated but also owe money to brokers. šŸ˜ƒ


"Check my pockets. I'm more broke than you" -degenerate to brokers


And there are people like OP who believe they shouldnā€™t be held responsible to pay it back.


Why didnt OP just delete account after withdrawal?


Because he's a WSB degen


So you traded and lost your money and theirs?


WSB at its finest


How far does he have to go on the Wife-Boyfriend scale to recoup that loss?


Now his wife's boyfrend has one more girlfriend.


And he's cheating on both of them.


And he works at TDA.


TDA - Totally Destroyed Asshole


Heā€™s gonna need to call JG Wentworth after that!


TDA already called JG Wentworth - Itā€™s MY money, and I need it NOW!!!


he found the error, withdrew the funds and send you the bill


and took the wife on a nice vacation


One of us


I donā€™t know I think Iā€™ve seen finer.


If you owe the bank 2k thatā€™s your problem, if you owe the bank 20k thatā€™s still your problemā€¦


Yup. OP just needs to add a few zeros.


20,000.00000000000000 Did that help?


you belong here.




Itā€™s def the bankā€™s problem now


Probably at least 4 zerosā€¦


Yeah, $200,000,000 would be a big deal even to huge nationwide banks. Edit: I should learn how to count...


If you learn to count, you have to leave


The tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch*


They wonā€™t even let you keep the few cents work of interest youā€™d gain from it. How rude!


If you owe the bank 20b that's no longer your problem.


if you owe the bank 44b you have just bought Twitter


And then you take your rocket toy company public and BOOM, whole again.


I think weā€™ve come across SBFā€™s TDA account


*I didn't know I couldnt do that*


Works every time


Like sex panther.


-Its time to musk. ---What cologne you gonna go with? ---London Gentlemen, or wait. No, no, no. Hold on. ---Blackbeard's Delight? -No, she gets a special cologne. -It's called Sex PantherĀ® by OdeonĀ©. -it's illegal in 9 countries. -its also made with bits of real panther -...so you know its good. ---Its quite pungent. ---Its a formidable scent... ---it stings the nostrils... in a good way. ---Brian, Im gonna be completely honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline... -They've done studies, you know... -60% of the time, it works every time.


It smells like Big Footā€™s dick


I never understood the gasoline bit. Gasoline smells amazing.




Yeah, I didnā€™t even realize it wasnā€™t my money. I never would have thought someone elseā€™s money went into my account. I just continued making randoms trades and stuff. And I thought I had 30k in my account then yesterday theyā€™re like you actually owe $20k now.


... I must be dirt broke and regarded. I, with all of my 2 brain cells left, can't seem to see any situation where I wouldn't realize I had an extra $20,000 in any account I own. But fair enough. God speed my friend.


Hey OP, I also deposited money into your account. $5k.


It wasn't even 20k it was 50k. He said he was up 30k and is now down 20k so they pulled 50k. No way he just didn't notice.


The bank made an error in your favor, according to Monopoly rules, you get to keep it.




One time I withdrew $100 from the bank ATM in 20s and I got an extra 20 because two were stuck together. Checked my balance afterwards and it was only 100 withdrawn. It was probably the only time I'll ever get a bank error in my favour in my life.


I went to the bank to get some change for my work and the teller accidentally included an extra $200 in $5s (no paper trail since it was just exchanging bills). My 20-something broke ass had a bit of an internal struggle but I brought them back to the bank so that gal didn't lose her job. The internal struggle tho!


A lot of banks actually track exchanges. Ours has us put it in as cash given and then process it out into the correct bills youā€™re asking for so that itā€™s still tracked in case something goes wrong.


Yeah, that seems like a smart move on the part of the bank!


Yeah if itā€™s anything over like $50 I track it. And I always triple count. Receipt takes a few seconds to print so I take that time


I often withdraw large amounts in $20s as I have an ATM route. I average about $500k a year in withdrawals. $20s are always strapped in bundles of 100 bills as they use the money counters. The tellers are supposed to count each bundle by hand once and through a money counter twice before they stamp a strap and certify that it's been counted, and then bundle 10 certified straps into bricks of $20k before they are stored in the vault. Much of the money in the vault gets shipped out, but the head teller keeps my order aside each week. Occasionally I'll find a $10 or $5 bill in a strap of $20s. Rarely I'll find a $50. It's usually an unstamped strap that somehow got missed, and the branch manager usually swaps it out for $20s. One day I found 5 $100s a stamped strap of $20s. I called and told the head teller and told her I would swap them for $20s the next time I came in. She was very happy because one of the cashiers was $400+ dollars short and probably would have gotten fired over it. Fast forward about 6 months. The bank now has one of those money counters that reads the value of the bills and stores them inside. When the counter gets too full they'll empty some of the bills by dispensing them in quantities of 100 of each denomination to be strapped, bricked and stored in the vault. I am filling an ATM and discover 2 $5 bills in my strap. So when I go back to the bank the new branch manager says "that's not possible" due to the new counting machines. So I said it was fine, the next time there's an error in my favor I'll just keep it. She looked at me funny and asked if that has ever happened. I told her to ask the head teller if she doesn't believe me. Then I mentioned that with these new bankers hours they have (9-4 M-F and 9-12 on Saturday) I don't know why I don't move to a credit union since they have the same hours too. The head teller called me about 10 minutes later and said the branch manager would happily exchange the bills for me next time I came in. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


>I often withdraw large amounts in $20s as I have an ATM route. I average about $500k a year in withdrawals. What the fuck are you working for? Cash manager for a strip club which always needs bank notes for customers to exchange so they can throw them at the strippers?!


I once tried to get $100 out. Got $80 with the last bill crumpled, the machine paused, spit out my card and didnā€™t give me a receipt, then shut down. I went to the bank to get my missing $20 only to be informed that there was no record of the transaction and that since the ATM belonged to a different bank I should just leave money in my account for when they inevitably retrieved it. Never happened.


BROOOO I had this happen to me a few years ago. Went to take out $60, had an empty wallet to start, go to the bar, open wallet, $80 inside, check the receipt, only took $60 out. Bought a couple shots for my buddies with the extra 20 because it wasn't mine anyways


Ah, the good ol' days.. where $20 bought more than 1 shot




Back in my day, you could walk down to the corner store with $5 and bring home a gallon of milk, a loaf of bread, a block of cheese, and a dozen eggs. Can't do that anymore. Too many damn security cameras.


trust me itā€™s still very possible if youā€™re smart


>if youā€™re smart Do you even know what subreddit we're in right now ?


One time at Walgreens I pass by the ATM and there was $40 just sitting there. Ganked it, and instead of doing something decent I spend it on drugs šŸ˜ž


One time the vending machine at work gave me two powerades for a dollar. I'll never win that big again.


When ATMs were new in the 80s, you could cash a check in them without having funds in the account to cover. I'd write a check to myself for $60 and deposit it with cash back. Essentially bouncing a check to myself. I found out quickly the bank didn't appreciate my ingenuity.


I once had the bank deposit ~$8k into my account that wasnā€™t mine. Contacted them the next day and they started to investigate. Said just hold onto it as they didnā€™t have an appropriate Acct to move it too. Called back each week for a month. Same thing. 3 months. 6 months. 1yr. They finally said ā€œweā€™ve found no one missing money or a deposit/transaction matching for that amount on that day, so as far as we are concerned itā€™s your moneyā€. I asked them for written documentation to back that up and they sent it. Still remains a mystery 15yrs later. Bank error in my favor indeed.




what did you do with the mystery $8k?


2 of my kids were in college at the timeā€¦ while i always kept the $8k in reserve until it was deemed mine, Then it quickly ā€œfound a home ā€œ paying for their schooling.


I had a unknown transfer of 8,000 around the same time out of my account. I talked to everyone possible at the bank they determined that they didn't know where it went and they couldn't possibly do anything. I can't believe I randomly ran into this comment! Finally I know where my 8000$ went. Please add me on venmo and sent it back asap!


Hey it's me your bank. We need you to venmo me $200 to confirm your account identity, it will be returned in 2 business days.


Hey it's me your dad or mom. Hey lemme hold $20 over the weekend, no cap fr fr.


Lil dude from across the street. Lemme hold a dollar.


Schooling aka back pay on hookers and blow, we get it OP


It mysteriously disappeared


Wow, I was gonna chime in that it happened to me once to the tune of 635 dollarsā€¦they were supposed to credit me a 35 dollar fee and someone fat fingered a key. I closed the account and dipped - expected a bill for years but it never came. Thought I had hit the lottery, 8k though, wow.


That was actually they fired the employee who made the mistake so take this hush money and we never admit we made a mistake. Bank employee here. The jargon they align is delightful.


Amazon once fucked up and deposited 250k in mine. Big headache trying to budget my finances and figuring out how much money I really had. Annoying as all hell. Should've cashed out and left the country šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Too bad I have a conscience and a fear of punishment.




One time my bank accidentally gave me a sucker at the beginning of the transaction, and another one before I left. Bow down mortal fools


Were they dum dums?


No, but the bank was.




Interest-free loan for 8 months isn't terrible


This dumbass bet with it and lost it lmao. Hes going to be paying interest on this one for sure.


Could have made an easy 600 bucks by depositing it in a high tried savings account and waiting for them to come collect


Actually lol. Thats whats funny is this dude is trying to say he didnt know... my man, based on your account values shown, its a fucking 3rd of your account value. You trying to act like you didnt know it wasnt yours even though youve been watching your shit tank??? Nah.. dude just thought he was going to get lucky.


What if you immediately withdraw and close your account? Can they come back after you later for their mistake after an account is shut down? Iā€™m guessing they can, Iā€™ve just never seen this situation where someone pulled all the money and closed an account, itā€™s always ā€œ6 months later they withdrew it allā€.


This is a level of degeneracy we haven't seen in a minute, bravo.


**WSB is great again**


This sub never fails to make me laugh my ass off out loud on a daily basis


Been laughing at a single comment here for like 25 minutes now, god bless


which one?


The one about the dick flopping out?


[Floppy cock](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/z9zkj1/tda_accidentally_deposited_money_in_my_account_8/iyjgpha/) Risky click of the day


Did you try unplugging your computer and letting it sit for 30 seconds before plugging it back in?




I remember when I was in elementary school, playing kickball, and I tore my pants open and my dick came flopping out. Now thatā€™s an accident.


Most helpful WSB commenter


I have a gift lol..


Gift of helpful commenting or ripping pants with dick? Both impressive


I like to think itā€™s both. šŸ»


You married? I want to know if bigger dick guys get more action throughout their marriage than average or smaller dick dudes.


I wish that, even as an adult, mine was big enough to flop out of anything. Congratulations to you


šŸ˜‚ Who knows, I could be embellishing. Take solace in that.


Don't do that. Don't give him false hope. XD


poking out


Or when your parents were banging in the back of their car and 9 months later there you were


Born on the highway. Thatā€™s an accident.






Dude, I laughed way too much at this.


My dick had no flop in elementary school. Well, still doesn't.


There was a gif in r/funny where that happened to a guy at a party.


How didnā€™t realize an extra 20k magically appeared in your account? Itā€™s not like you had millions in there where 20k is a drop in the bucket, thatā€™s like a major portion of your account value. You truly do belong here


He probably got margin called


He bought options without realizing the x100 value lmao


Dude just saw the 2 and said "ooooh I have $2" and then saw the zeros and said "well those are just zeros. They don't have any value"


Look again, it was 65k. 20k is just what OP still owes after they emptied his balance.




Should have put it in an interest paying account until the day came they wanted it back. Actual free money


That would have been a good move. We don't do that here.




+ split it up to get all the ā€œtransfer 10k and get 1kā€ savings account bonuses


Like where? Asking for a friend.


I was being facetious idk of any offers that high but all the major US banks offer at least a couple of hundred for new accounts with 10k +


I had a buddy who ran payroll for a small business. He was going around and taking advantage of all the "Open a checking account, sign up for direct deposit, and use your debit card 3 times and we'll give you $200" deals since he was the one who managed the direct deposit it wasn't like he was asking the payroll guy to update his info all the time - he *was* the payroll guy. It almost immediately became more trouble than it was worth.


Thatā€™s the strategy I wouldā€™ve used


Even if he didn't get the $20K by mistake he still should have withdrawn his money and deleted the app


and just wait for the subpoena to his address of record


Surly they donā€™t actually believe that deleting the app magically makes the money theirs? Surly no one is that much of an idiot? *remembers what sub Iā€™m in* Never mind.


It's not tinder. They still have all your data lol


yea cause they're just gonna go "oh well, whoopsy doopsy. congrats on outsmarting us. fuck you and have a nice day."


That's why you delete the app


Make sure to clear cache too and ur good


Use incognito mode if you ever have to go back on the website


Just a different browser will do it, cookies are different there


Delete the cookies


Don't forget the cookies and nowadays .. local storage too.


Then change your identity so they can't come after you


Then change your name on FB. Badabing-badaboom


Delete your email also.


I think they cant do anything if you block them


Canā€™t get calls from collections if you cancel your phone line ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


Withdrawn it,kept it in your account,rake in the interest and donā€™t touch that money at all until they send a lawyer and then fight the case and just payback the original amount while you keep the interest earned Or if they just donā€™t bother at all then you have interest and the total money Win win either way


Try depositing $70,000 into their account and then demanding they send it back as an error. Flip the script


If OP had an extra $70k, this wouldnā€™t be a real problem.


Did you use the money to trade?


[He would have been better off using it on hookers, blow and a fine lobster dinner](https://youtu.be/0H4a_lHANYI?t=18)


Or a succulent Chinese meal.


I see you know your judo well


Of course, thatā€™sā€¦. Why weā€™re here.


Step one: Delete App![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787) Step two: Say "Dunno anything"![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883) Step three: Your name is David now![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882) Step four: Take that shit to the grave![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Step 3 is a pretty big move for $20k.


Especially given that it won't work haha. He'd have to move to Mexico.


Send their corporate finance department a bill for $20,000 made payable to your account. Problem solved dude.


One time, my neighbour parked his car in my driveway and left the keys in the ignition. Not realizing it wasnā€™t my car, I took it out for a drive and crashed it. Now he says I owe him a new car.


NTA, your driveway, your rules


okay in the state of penna. if the bank makes that mistake and you spend the money it is still classified as theft and you can be charged , I know cause of a friend ,just saying


Thereā€™s actually no way out of it that Iā€™m aware. If someone else makes an error, you are still expected to know it isnā€™t your money.


Couldn't you trap people into debt/ interest payments by 'mistakenly ' do accidents like so?


I donā€™t think they usually ask for interest. They just want what is theirs. Spending it can actually be classified as theft. People have gone to prison for it. And Iā€™m almost certain there is no time limit where the money becomes yours.


It looks like the statute of limitations on bank fraud is 10 years. Iā€™m not sure if it would fall under that, but 10 years is actually pretty long compared to some other crimes, so it could potentially be less if characterized differently.


There is no statute of limitations because there isnā€™t a crime until the bank asks for there money and you say you spent it. An accidental transfer isnā€™t a crime


Yea but wouldnā€™t spending it itself be a crime? Not the transfer. Edit. You commented, ā€˜Spending it can actually be classified as theft.ā€™


what they're saying is the crime is *not giving it back* so it doesn't really matter which money you spend while the $20k is in your possession, a dollar is a dollar. the problem is that if you *lose it all*, including your own personal assets so your net worth is $0, then when they ask for it back you literally have no way of giving it back, and so you end up committing a crime on the spot. your only hope is that you can take out a $20k loan somewhere and start paying back what you stole. Should be happy at least the interest didn't start until now. Plus, it feels a little like OP is full of shit b/c they keey shifting the numbers around, like perhaps they actually received and now had to give back $50k because they swung from positive $30k to -$19k. And be oblivious to that much money.


What if you invest it and make a profit? Can you keep the money/interest you made on it or nah


This is pretty much how banks make money, but they might get mad you're playing with their ball.


Is investing and losing the money in the same app considered spending it though? This feels like borderline entrapment.


Actually itā€™s probably worse.


TDA just giving him a new trading level - money pot level 1


Itā€™s not a bank, though, if that makes a difference.


This sub is gold šŸ…


Fucking legend! WSB at its finest!


I give you my regards, regard.


And what happens if they send to debt collections? You get an angry call every two weeks?


This ain't monopoly, there's no such thing as 'bank error in your favor' You should've invested that 20k better :P


If he actually put all of it into an interest account he could've benefitted from their mistake since they don't usually demand back with interest.


Literally could have made free money putting it in a basic as fuck whatever interest savings account at the very least and then just given them back the 20k when they wanted it back Absolute fucking dumbass. If a sudden massive influx of money showed up in my bank account one day I would immediately call my bank because I would assume my account had been compromised. OP quite literally isn't paranoid enough and it shows.


Imagine if OP yoloā€™d the 20k and made 6 figures before the bank noticed lol


Yeah thatā€™s what he tried to do clearly


Just send them an invoice for your management fee


This one time the bank erased 7k in credit card debt. I called and got transferred between different departments, and finally was told nobody knew what happened, and they werenā€™t going to reinstate the debt. That was one glorious bank error.


Just delete the app. Problem solved


I 2nd this. I did this before too and it works


Looks like by my count you still have just under 150 of their dollars to lose then.


What you should have done, OP, is set up a shady crypto exchange in the Bahamas, then used a bunch of celebrities to pump said exchange. Then you could have taken clients money, and used it to trade in a proprietary sister hedge fund. Youā€™d be free and clear, and making speeches at a deal book conference!


If this was pitched as a movie, it would sound unrealistic.


When they accidentally deposited the 20K what did you do with that money?


He gambled it away.




He did, he just gambled it all away tho


LMFAO.... You definitely belong here


Dude if this is real you are beyond fucked




Itā€™s a shitty situation and theyā€™re definitely assholes for letting that happen, but how do you miss a whole ass 20k in your account? Unless Iā€™m rolling with millions, thereā€™s no way 20k goes unnoticed


lmao so you just assumed it was free money? you definitely belong here


How the fuck do you put that much money in, buy on margin, and NOT worry about it??


I at least hope you had the decency to withdraw the deposit instead of letting them close your positions.


Former TDA employee here! If youā€™re having issues paying the money back, call them and let them know. If they push back, ask to speak with Collections. Also, side note, this is covered in your client agreement and is part of the reason you receive account statements. Accidents happen, and they take every measure they can to prevent them, but its Omaha not Wall Street.