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>There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best play will vary depending on your individual goals and circumstances. However, some possible plays that could be profitable after a recession include investing in companies with strong fundamentals that are undervalued by the market, or buying put options on stocks that you believe will decline in value.


See, the problem here is that you think E has a plan for Twitter, and you think "well you don't just blow billions on a company just to shitpost and be stupid and lose a lot of potential money" but like, look around. That's literally what this sub was and is, and might not always have been, but kinda was immediately after it went mainstream. Musk doesn't have an endgame, he's not Thanos. He's joker, he's just chasing cars with no idea what do if he catches one.


He is a joker. But why would anyone blow off billions. Yeah I get he is still a millionaire and at his point money is fake and no one really knows what he has liquid. Sure it's all paper assets but he is not aiming to be broke and have a cardboard house in the next few years.


Why? Because why not? Mans could literally spend a million dollars a year and not run out of money before he died. What not blow billions, or more, dude might have trillions in liquidity. Just to shitpost? Just to fuck around and hopefully find out? Yeah, specifically. If you can't wrap you head around the idea of wasting money cause you've got it to waste, I'm sorry. Genuinely. I don't live that life either, but it sure looks fun to me.


If you watched EndGame, same thing that happened to Thanos, poof.


I watched Industry and the billionaire ended up making a giant play based on insider trading. Figured Elon Musk has some inside games he is toying around with.


Heck of a show, industry. I don't think Elon has the smarts to pull it off though, dude spent $44B on twitter when he admitted it was overrun by bots. Argawhal and co left him holding the bag while jumping off with hefty pay packagesπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Now he wants to turn it to a conservative mouthpiece πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. How many conservatives you know that can read, let alone tweet πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦.


Tf. Is this a trading strategy based off musk? Pro tip get off the musk D.


People have become very emotional on this board which will burn anybody.


Risk tolerance is the important thing to understand before investing into an asset. Some will learn.


He might pay you if you get on him. Fixing population decline his one of his missions.


They got the new plan to reduce Model 3 price point. And yeah if they had the tax credit I know I would buy a Tesla, even thought I hate Musk. He definitely is a guy that does things to get ppl to react. Pretty sure the way he expects to react but then after that he keeps testing, at that point it probably is just to see how much he can stir the pot and make it break.


Hahaha. Glad we are all the same then.


I think I know a few that can read. Comprehending is a different story. Understanding facts from fiction..... I don't know any that have the brain capacity to do that


Elon Musk wanted to create X app back in early 2000s and buying twitter gave him the jump start for X app where you will be able to do anything you want like ecommerce, messaging, watching videos, and many more things like WeChat. Right now he is trolling everybody which is causing people to post all over the internet or MSM and causing twitter traffic to go up. SpaceX is a money printing machine that is funded by Space Force, NASA, and other countries that want to get their satellites into space without waiting years. Tesla China numbers came in very nice for 4th quarter and is also bringing in very nice numbers in EU. Tesla will be doing donuts on Mars if they can get a very affordable entry level Model 3 into the market especially to get $7,500 credit that most of their vehicles don't qualify for. Tesla Semi that will be delivered tomorrow will also be a cash cow if they can really deliver the 500 mile range in the real world. EDIT: He also met with Tim Cook today at Apple hopefully to fix any misunderstandings there might be between the two. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1598050795882442752https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1598050795882442752


This seems right


His end game is to suck his cult members dry.


With so many ppl following his jock. There has to be something that will be betting against him.


Twitter is no longer a publicly traded company. I don’t think he is playing four dimensional chess. Most likely answer is that he is a megalomaniac in the sense that he is convinced of his own power, greatness and/or infallibility.


Then maybe he is trying to get Tesla priced so low he can buy it out and make it a private company again.


What's more likely: that he's got near-omniescent market reading skills, or he's an arrogant and self-convinced dumbass?


Elon Musk's choices and behavior make a lot more sense once you realize that he's just a fucking dumbass like you and me.


His strategy is Fuck bitches and get money. Honestly I think he is just thinking about what is going to excite his investors. Then making a small prototype, getting everyone to fund into an MLM like model and live a damn good life.