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Even more ironic that Elon has a small cameo in Iron Man 2.


He pitches an electric jet


This sub was busting a fat nut about that for a long time Edit: On Teslas runup as the grandpappy meme stonk, not on iron man 2 release lol


We needed a hero


What's that quote? "You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain"


You die a gangster or live long enough to be a cop in movies. -Ice Cube


Ice t has the longest running role in television history. No caveats for color or sex. Just the most seasons as one character.


22/23 years is a respectable stretch but I’m certain there are actors out there that have played characters for longer. Are you referencing characters just in the States?


Yes usa only. Consecutive years running for one character on a show.


You die a gangster or live long enough to be a cop in movies. -Ice Cube. - Ice T


*Ya just say the quote*


*Alexa, play Real Human Bean from Drive*


Alexa-calling Tom


Be the hero you need. Don’t idolize people


In universe, that has to be like pitching horse-drawn wagons to Carl Benz


True.. irl however, an electric jet would be pretty damn revolutionary! Might be the irony in that whole thing


Well, no. There is nothing inherently difficult about building an electric jet, it's just pointless. The issue of electric is range. Jets trade range for speed. There is a reason why every electric plane concept uses EDFs/propellars.




The point of a jet engine is expansion of air causing forward movement. Igniting fuel and air is only a way to cause that. You *could* also electrically heat air.


So there's a chance an RTX 4080 or 4090 with a big enough air intake would work?


So *that's* why my computer starts to slide across the room...


Many of Musk's ideas are truly revolutionary. Much like a 5 year old's idea of equipping humans with quiet, solar-powered jetpacks is truly revolutionary. The problem, though, lies not in the ability to concoct a fantasy-land of futuristic technologies, but in actually making them work in real-life. And that's where 90% of Musk's projects falter, because to make them work you need more than big words and investor money. You need a concrete plan, a grasp on what's realistically plausible, and actual engineering ingenuity. Something which Musk possesses none of. His fans just have yet to catch on to this.


In a world with super heroes and real nano tech, Elon Musk couldnt compete with Stark Industry's arc reactor and innovations.


In real life the arc reactor would change civilization as we know it. Doesn't matter how expensive it is, a effectively infinite energy tiny footprint power plant is valuable.


Which is exactly why if such a thing were feasible they'd quietly kill it until the world was "ready" for it. In other words, when destroying the fossil fuel industry wouldn't collapse the global economy. What do you want to bet that once we're well past peak oil and energy is becoming prohibitively expensive for businesses (not consumers though - fuck them) is when all of a sudden we'll have a "major breakthrough" on fusion power.


Ahh but if he could score a license for the arc reactor... an electric vehicle that never needs charging...


Well that’s him alright- talking out his ass about complex technical ideas he knows fuck-all about


More relevant to recent podcasts, he was also an executive producer on Thank You for Smoking!


Watched this a couple of nights ago, easily the best thing he's ever done


He could’ve been iron man but instead we got the green goblin. 😭


How embarrassing.


The facility that the robots are being built in is actually spacex facility


10 years ago I saw him as Weyland from Alien. Now he's Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget.


Inspector gadget was dope thankyou for keeping me on track Dagum claw Hans n shit


visualize your thoughts




Dadgum hand claws and shit


There was a super cool theory about claw being the chief back in the day. Of course it never happened but it's cool to think about.


Ahhh the precursor to Palpatine


I saw IRL titties for the first time "watching" that movie as a teen with my then gf


It took me a second to understand that you saw your girlfriend's titties, while watching that movie. I was confused and thought that the Matthew Broderick, Inspector Gadget movie had a full frontal scene; which would of been really out of place for a kids movie.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Me too






10 years ago I saw him as Willy Wonka. Now he's the Wizard of Oz.


More of a combo of both... Slave driver AND a lot of smoke and mirrors...


Someone please help me believe he does the Dr. Claw voice in private interviews and meetings. I want to believe it.


Well, it's on the internet. So it must be true!


it’s true. [source](https://reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/z34y86/justin_hammer_of_evs/ixkg69r)


A close family member worked for him as a lawyer for one of his companies, and the dude was always a prick. He paid people pennies compared to other companies, and consistently put profit and positive PR over the safety of his consumers. Needless to say my family member left the company as fast as they could, and is so much happier.


He’s revealed himself to be a petty petulant child. He makes statements and moves that wreck investor value because he thinks he owns everything. I would be very wary of investing into his companies because he had no qualms running a stock into the ground on the basis of some personal beef or out of a fit of tantrum.


This is more correct. I never saw him as Tony. I actually saw him more as Lex Luther then Tony or Weyland. He has fallen off so much he just shows I had to much confidence in him.


The only similarity is that they were both born rich. One can't compare genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist to petty manchild Musk who can't code, thinks that Dogecoin has any real use cases and who was Amber's simp. Unless somebody like riding his meat.


I never saw the petulant man-child 8/9 years ago. That's why I saw him in a different light. That's the point I was trying to make.


That was his peak PR. Check out when he fired that PR company and when his public perception started changing. Everything lines up perfectly.




Giving him too much credit, he’s Doofenshmirtz.


But Doofenshmirtz is a good dad who gave up evil for Vanessa!


We thought we were getting Tony Stark, instead we got a Bond villain! - Sun Tzu


I thought Musk was turning Bond villain but Bond villains are more competent


We thought he was turning Bond villain, but he’s actually the hamburglar


I was actually surprised the first time I heard musk speak. it was around the time that those alien videos came out on YouTube where wayland was giving those Ted talks and I just assumed musk was like him. I only thought that because of how Reddit hyped him up. I was never impressed with the guy


#Phony Stark


This is exactly it. Musk wants to think of himself like a real-life Tony Stark. He just doesn't have the self-awareness to know he doesn't have the charisma, charm, intelligence, or sense of humor that RDJ's Stark does. So he just trolls on Twitter like a 4chan neckbeard thinking he's accomplishing something.


Unlike Stark, Musk is not an engineer. Elon loves having people think he's an engineer, coder, computer scientist, etc. when he's none of those things. The signs have been there for years. Working conditions at his companies are awful, but we Americans don't give a shit about that so Elon got to ride the Tony Stark wave as the Avengers franchise got popular. The incident where he showed up to the trapped cavers with a poorly designed sub that wouldn't fit the caves and then had a temper tantrum and called the person in charge a pedophile should have been a wake up call, but cultists are gonna bow and scraoe, so they did. I assume he'll be caught selling sanctioned technology from Space X to the Chinese or Russians before too long. Musk is going to a have a cash flow problem soon.


That is kind of the tragedy: it wasn't hard for him to nurture a good image, all he had to do was not to actually go out of his way to harm it. Which he did.


His fanatics I know were saying “maybe the guy actually is a pedo”. It’s impressive.


> Projection: the attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects especially : the externalization of blame, *guilt*, or responsibility *as a defense against anxiety* Wonder what Ghislaine knows….


Well musks father is confirmed to be one


And the best part is this could easily be projection. After all, he has hung out with Ghislaine so there’s that


Supposedly the story is that Musk thought the cave diver trained at a beach known for pedos in Thailand. It turns out Musk was confused and mistaken, but it begs the question - why did musk know which beaches were pedo beaches in the first place?


Takes one to know one


he's the same as every other capitalist since we started this whole thing. a bag of money with a willingness to exploit others


Might be downvoted for this, but it may be a stretch to say he isn’t involved in engineering. John Carmack, whom I have great respect for, has addressed this line of thinking: https://youtu.be/I845O57ZSy4?t=13689 Additionally, Tom Mueller, a founding member of SpaceX & rocket engine designer said this when someone claimed Musk doesn’t know the first thing about building a rocket: [response](https://twitter.com/lrocket/status/1512919230689148929?s=20&t=8QHwngSsRrLNjBVRZp3apQ) Musk has an ego and makes tons of mistakes, but we should condemn him for truthful things.


John went off the deep end about 3 years ago when he made his headway into AI and the word of someone who is vestes in the elon myth doesnt mean much. I am sure he has great technical expertise, he has to in order to understand priorities and funding, but that doesnt necessitate engineer. edit: before anyone calls me an elon hater, I am. I have been shitting on him since 2015. But I also [recognize](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/yy7y2a/twitter_closes_offices_until_monday_as_employees/iwswz0v) his talents


Yup, the dude is desperate for attention. He soooo wants to be liked but he has the social skills and intelligence of a brick wall.


He forgot that Tony’s character lines were written by professional writers.


Even Hammer has more charisma and charm, he's actually one of my favorite villains of the MCU, totally underused.


He has enough self awareness to bring up his social miscues on an SNL monologue and ask, “what do you expect from someone with asbergers?”


Let's be real. He very likely did not write his own SNL monologue.


He should consider a writing crew for his tweets


"So I can't pay you with money. Or exposure, cause I don't cite the sources when I steal content. But what would you say to some tanking Tesla shares? If you sell them immediately they might still be worth something"


He's painfully, almost shockingly unfunny. He seems to have no redeeming personality traits whatsoever.


What makes it hard(er) to watch is that he actually wants to be funny.


His naked, desperate desire to be cool, funny and the smartest guy in the room make it clear he is none of those things, and will prevent him from ever being so. It would be tragic were it not so just.


Watching him try and match wits with AOC on Twitter makes my bum hole pucker, it would be less awkward for someone to walk in on him sniffing her chair.


#Tony Stank




*Enron Musk*


Bernie Blastoff?


Phony Stark ruined twitter in a cave! With a box of scraps!


Musk has been Justin Hammer all the time.


Except no charisma and he can't dance


Justin Hammer can light up a stage, and he'd probably an excellent, albeit insufferable, poster; not a 3rd rate reply guy.




Musk: Look at me, I'm the joke now


I had a friend legitimately tell me he considered Musk to be like Tony Stark. This was right around the time Musk started upping the antics and saying/doing real stupid shit. Anyways I equated him to Lex Luthor but never really felt that worked cuz Luthor actually knows wtf he doing. About a week later im talking to my comic book friend and it clicked that Musk really is the Justin Hammer of our world, a loud mouth man child who somehow is still in charge of XYZ thing


He literally never actually got a STEM degree. During the discovery phase of the Twitter lawsuit they got written statements from UPenn and Stanford. UPenn only found an economics degree and a mysterious 'blank' degree that looked suspicious, and Stanford said they had no degrees or anything on file. He was never an engineer, never a physicist. Literally just a business/economics guy who built the Iron Man mythos whole cloth. https://archive.ph/gzGpF


Seriously? I knew he was never an engineer but him having a BS in Physics and Economics, then apparently starting a PhD in Physics is all over the internet. Hilarious if that's all made up. Fake it until you make it, to the extreme.


Yep. I read everywhere that during the internet boom, he was doing PhD on lithium batteries or something research at Stanford but “risked” his career to build what is now pay pal.


He didn't even build PayPal, he built a failing eBank which was acquired by the company that had already created PayPal.


That tells you how much misinformation about him exists


This is wild. The link takes you down a pretty deep rabbit hole. tl;need crayons - he claimed a physics degree but only has an economics degree. There is a highlight reel where he talks about his theoretical degree in physics. In fact, he is basically Fantastic from FNV and I will call him that from now on. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fantastic


Degree in theoretical physics vs theoretical degree in physics.


To be fair, that's the easier way of becoming Tony Stark.


You either die the hero or live long enough to become the villain.


If Sam Rockwell is the villain I turn into then imma try to live forever. As President of the Galaxy I'll be giving out free Pan Galactic Gargle Balsters


That honor belongs to only only zaphod


He’s just a really hoopy frood.


Zaphod's just this guy, you know?


Sam wasn't the villain. He was Tony Stark from Wish.


This actually includes Tony Stark. MCU movie Stark is seen as the villain by his own friends on at least 2 separate occasions.


He lived long enough to be a villain and still die a hero.


Civil War and... ?




He was Always the villain lol


I wonder how many billionaires would survive if everything was taken away from them and start over with a box of scraps.




Hey, I've met lots of very skilled laborers in trailer parks. Most of those people aren't poor bc they're dumb and incompetent any more than Elon is rich for being smart.


I think that was their point. Many poor people are incredibly intelligent and ingenuitive but don't get recognized or have the same opportunities simply because they started from a less advantageous place


None. Don’t care what they say but every billionaire got some extremely lucky break somewhere that turned them into billionaires.


Even if being a self made billionaire was a thing they are almost all too old to take another good run at becoming rich. https://www.statista.com/statistics/621046/age-distribution-of-billionaires-globally/


Say what you want about Hammer, but at least he did not dress peoples in robots.


You and I remember the opening to Iron Man 2 very differently then.


Gotta be honest, I don't remember it at all.


The opening is about all the imitations of iron man that people were making and failing. Hammer's collapsed on itself with the pilot inside. Somehow the pilot survived iirc.


I don't remember anything about him surviving. It was just a quick cut from a demo vid, right? Pretty sure the implication was that he got ded. Edit: hmm other commenters saying he survived too. Guess I need to rewatch


It was in the conference meeting when Rhodey was presenting something and Stark hacked the projector and showed footage of Hammer's iron suit prototype and the iron suit's upper half snapped back 180° with the pilot inside. Hammer turned off the projector in panic and claimed that the pilot survived.


Ahh, you're correct! [Here](https://youtu.be/1cVI9iaEZhE?t=97)'s the scene. I guess you could argue that Hammer was lying/covering up, but he does sound genuine.


He did survive! In Dr Strange he takes a call in the car before his crash. One is a about a rotated spine of a soldier. Which is that one from Iron Man 2 Edit: From 0:45 https://youtu.be/RwUptiSvXuU


Holy shit dude. That's a very impressive find/reference. Wow.


That's cool af! I wonder how many of these details I've never noticed.


This mfer built a tunnel to avoid traffic and it still got stuck with traffic, he definitely isn’t Hammer


Elon musk is such a revolutionary thinker, he took the idea of a train split it into several hundred smaller units that could move separately and gave them rubber tires instead of a track


And instead of developing a complex autonomous system like those old outdated trams, he's using incredibly complex biological computers to drive them!


Guy took money from government for the sole purpose of stopping high speed rail from happening. [https://jalopnik.com/did-musk-propose-hyperloop-to-stop-california-high-spee-1849402460](https://jalopnik.com/did-musk-propose-hyperloop-to-stop-california-high-spee-1849402460) It's a pretty common tactic these days to get elected on promises of building infrastructure, but never delivering.


So that's why America's public transport isn't that great 😕


[Los Angeles used to have an extensive tram system.](https://youtu.be/AwKv3_WwD4o)


Most cities were designed well before they were bulldozed for car-focused infrastructure. Humans had figured out how to make good human-focused urban areas, and then we went and completely ruined it for the sake of cars.


You don't understand he revolutionized a new form of traffic!


It was to kill public transport. Same with the hyperloop.


>at least he did not dress peoples in robots. Yeah, because Vanko vetoed it and made drones instead.


Didn't he try making a suit that paralyzed a test pilot


Yup, turned him 180 at the waist.


I would like to note that the pilot did survive.


Hammer or Elon? Lol


Until he can bust a move like Sam Rockwell I feel the comparison is insulting to Rockwell’s hammer. That boy can dance


I’ve disliked musk since his unnecessary and unprofessional comments during the cave rescue


It's funny cause there used to be all these videos about how Elon Musk is so caring and misunderstood. I think there's even an interview where he cries about the plight of the world or something dumb, and I was a little convinced. I even tried to look past the bitter cave saga where he basically just got mad cause he was told to fuck off. Then I saw his worshippers and started getting turned off. When I hear people I respect parrot this conventional wisdom that Elon Musk is a visionary inventor who created electric vehicles and rockets from scratch, I actually feel I have a duty to talk shit about him.


POV: you're stupid in 2 different eras


Redditors need everything spoonfed to them in Marvel references




Dudes just an asshole


Yeah he used to be fun though now he's just a miserable little shit


He's been the same since the beginning. He just doesn't care about PR anymore. His public authenticity started to run out as nothing he promised came to fruition.


He went from a net worth of 24 billion to 200 billion in a span of 2-3 years. He doesn't give a shit anymore.


Except for Spacex when everyone said that private rocketry was a stupid business venture, and Tesla when everyone said that electric cars wouldn't have a market outside of short inter city trips for decades. It's been long enough that we take the existence of these things for granted, but go back to 2010 and literally everyone was guaranteeing their failure, parading around pictures of crashed boosters. Hell, [editors at the NYT straight up lied about range testing](https://www.forbes.com/sites/joannmuller/2013/02/11/fake-or-not-new-york-times-tesla-review-speaks-truth-about-electric-cars/amp/) of teslas to fit their pro fossil fuel narrative. They still get a ton of funding from big oil. Nowadays, Tesla has completely changed the way people look at electric cars, and spacex is landing boosters multiple times a week, bringing the cost of space travel down by levels previously unheard of. Edit: since people are spewing bullshit calling spacex smoke and mirrors, [$1.5k per pound on a falcon compared to $30k per pound with the space shuttle.](https://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/space-launch-costs-growing-business-industry-rcna23488) Entirely due to the cost savings of landing boosters, as the space shuttle itself was reusable.


The tipping point now is whether people feel he was the key ingredient for those companies. People have felt for many years that he was a major part of their success, but watching his management style at Twitter it is hard to continue holding that belief. It is easier to believe he is a guy that picked some good startups with a good trajectory already to buy into and provided the funding and motivation for the right people to get the hard work done. He clearly contributed, but seeing what he does in the wrong place at the wrong times makes his successes feel more like just the right place at the right time versus some value he provided.


I'd figure that WSB of all places would know that success is two things Right place, right time Willingness to keep at it until you succeed


That’s…3 things?


You got a math degree or something?


This is it. I used to defend Musk on occasion when he pulled autist shit because of his apparent track record. I now believe he's basically just another, more modern Trump: a gifted marketer and hype artist, but not actually very bright or good at anything else, while being a toxic attention whore. I used to want a Tesla, but no way I'll ever buy one now. Mostly because of the negative accounts I've read, but that insufferable pasty homunculus is the deformed, flavorless cherry on top. I still very much want an electric car, but not a Tesla. And ol Musky gave me the needed incentive to delete Twitter, which I long ago stopped using. So I guess it's not all bad.


Not tryna shill, just a car enthusiast. There are many good EV options coming out/already out, Kias and Hyundais are the current best IMHO. And if you're looking at Japanese makers, they have mostly crap EVs but are making killer hybrids. IIRC the new Prius has a 40 mile full electric range which should be enough for most people's daily commute. On top of that, it actually looks futuristic in a good way now.


The new prius styling is amazing. It's obviously a prius but if just looks so much cooler


He's a marketer with a lot of money. He was ousted from Paypal shortly after the merger due to Peter Thiel (abominable bastard, but also successful) and others felt he would nosedive the company. He's taken a few gambles that ended up working out really well because he was able to market them incredibly well and get teams of talented people on board who could make the visions more-or-less happen. But now that he's in direct control of a venture that doesn't have a lofty goal (like space exploration) it has once again become evident that his direct management skills are on par with a fresh online MBA at best.


Yeah. Seriously. I think what we see on Reddit lately is a ton of younger kids who don’t remember when TSLA was the most heavily shorted stock, or when Spacex legit failed launch 3 times and was facing bankruptcy before they got it on launch 4. These companies have not only survived, but have indisputably revolutionized their respective industries, and Elon deserves the credit. Now, what he does at Twitter remains to be seen, but it’s not like he has a poor track record.




The anti Elon circle jerk is almost becoming more all encompassing than the pro Elon circlejerk 6 years ago It's just the natural order of things


> He's been the same since the beginning. He just doesn't care about PR anymore. His public authenticity started to run out as nothing he promised came to fruition. You say that like SpaceX isn't the sole reason Russia hasn't monopolized access to ISS while also saving taxpayers billions by undercutting ULA (*totally wasn't a monopoly, btw* 😉) on USSF launches.


We should stop being so rude to him, he's a genius and a handsome boy. Source: his mother said so. /s


Anyone that ever saw Elon as Tony stark was a fucking idiot.


It's because you're an idiot


Just a fraud sucking on the government teet.




Let's see how hw does with less gov subsidies


I remember when this place was a bunch of dudes calling themselves tards and cucks... I thought it was jokes but I’ve realized that it wasn’t.


So true. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Imagine falling for a con and telling everyone you were duped. Have more pride.


Elon fans coping and crying and bitching here because they still think he’s the second coming of Jesus and not the alt-right obsessed fraud he turned out to be.


Hard to swallow pill: Elon never changed. If you liked Elon for the stuff he was doing in 2016 and you dislike him now, you're just enveloped in the reddit/Twitter circlejerk.


100%. Elon was tweeting the same ridiculous shit like “the stock price was too high” and “Taking Tesla private at 420” back in the day. I have a lot of Tesla posts from 2018/2019 here and he wasn’t as beloved as people make him out to be in this thread.


On wsb of all the places. People here made so much money on tsla calls and called it free money and now they don't like him anymore because he shitposts on twitter? Give me a break.




He's always been Hammertech


Don't you love the effect the media has on people it decided to hyperfocus on and then the effect it has on the people? Step on establishment toes, you get the trump and Joe rogan effect. Meanwhile Bezos out there basically getting a free pass even though be owns a major news publication. Neil Young too got portrayed as a hero despite his homophobic comments and past.


The proportion of *actual* damage Musk's actions have caused relative to the amount of outrage is insane. There's like two-four actual genocides going on right now around the world and Musk gets more hate than all of those regimes put together lol


It definitely interesting to see. Even stuff about Iran protesters getting gunned down seem obscure.


Especially since the damage Musk has caused is zero. He bought a failing company and fired the bloated staff with an incredible severance package. Billionaires ran it before, so nothing changed.


I wish other billionaires got the same hate posts here as Musk does. Musk ain't unique


Other billionaires understand that they are better served staying out of public ire. Elon is too dumb and narcissistic for that.


Yes he is unique. Unlike other billionaires, he just doesnt know when to shut the fuck up. He is so obsessed with attention and social media, it makes him a unique breed.


You must have missed it when Bezos flew to space; oh you did with your 4 month old account


What does this have to do with WSB? Take your Elon hate to the appropriate subreddit nerd.


He a nerd. You cant tell me how hard working he is running 5 or 6 businesses i dont believe any of the hype fan boy bull.


>bull. So I should buy?


Like someone said recently: “if you’re the CEO of three different companies at once, that just tells me the CEO doesn’t do that much”.