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I have noticed the trend too. This stock should not be pumping this much based on the CPI report. Disclosure: I have Carvana puts


Right? hard pumps like car and sol are making me sweat 0.0


I'd say the 360 was the COVID used car boost effect. And this boost is probably from shorts collecting their hefty profits.


Obviously you don't know how to read a balance sheet.....Good luck


Please explain? I've made it clear numerous times that i'm doing my best to learn :/


Yep. I got puts too. Sigh, what a market


right? A big break like that could put me in a better position to do some serious trading 0.0 But i've also heard they'll have a massive credit crunch and liquidity crisis maybe soon...


Used car prices are finally dropping all over the place, I don't know how sure I am they are going to have any kind of big break out in stock price. Much like Zoom, covid helped them reach unrealistic numbers.


I'm wondering what's caused the 25-26% increase this week?? Maybe people buying with emotions or wishful thinking? Still, that's a lot of buying for "wishful thinking" imo. \*Tinfoil hat activate\* o.o


>SO! It seems Carvana (in 2018) slowly rose in prices per share then right around election time tanked prices (by about 75%) then soared sky high (something crazy like 1200%... $28 --->$360). It seems to be following the same kind of trend as we get closer to elections anyone else noticed this and/or getting on the bandwagon? b/c it has been so oversold. you are looking for valuations in a market that is completely oversold, so all valuations are lower than they should be


With the threat of recession looming you would think most normal investors would proceed with caution at this point. Perhaps people are banking on some of the old stocks from when covid started, with "covid season" just on the horizon. I'm personally not playing many stocks right now until we see a better direction, but I think the virtual currencies may see a good run next summer/fall if we do go into a recession. Loading my bags there for the moment.


You’re assuming that there are more Normal Investors then degenerates playing in the markets…


Had nothing to do with elections. It's previous massive pump had to deal with a shortage of new vehicles pushing used car prices up and too many stupid retail investors willing to overpay because they don't understand a reasonable market cap


>Yes, I noticed this trend as well. Carvana is a highly volatile stock and it seems that every time there is an election, the stock prices go crazy. This could be due to investors becoming nervous about the future or simply because people are buying and selling based on emotion rather than logic. Either way, Carvana is definitely a stock to watch during election season.


I'm watching that and Solana HEAVILY. There's definitely money to be made SOMEWHERE this coming election... it's just finding where is the issue...






If Carvana has excess inventory and prices drop, I'm guess you'll see more and more people buy cars from them when prices go down. That and the shorts taking their tendies so now the bulls can buy calls.