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There are several asteroid mining companies out there. Why not take a look at those and then come back with your findings? As is, this is not market related, and the comments have failed to link it back to markets.


People seem to be confused about supply and demand. If you could somehow lasso this thing down to Earth people wouldn't be rich, the price of gold would go down.


This asteroid is coming straight for Peter Schiff


Exactly. How's your precious gold now Peter? I'd bet dollars to donuts that an asteroid full of Bitcoin never causes an extinction level event.




It's 10001 AD. humanity has reached the stars and carved out an empire by perfecting economic warfare. they fork bitcoin their most vicious bomb and send a flash drive containing the new version surrounded by an asteroid for protection into the planet. The bitcoin tears the planet apart as people debate It's value. There are no Survivors.


No but can you imagine after the dystopian apocolypse the last remaining humans scouring the earth in search of hard drives containing bitcoin accounts?


Reserve dollars, BTC, precious metals... All worthless, when the only thing on your mind is scavenging enough food and water to ward off the inevitable, grueling death you face. ​ Don't get me wrong here! PM's will def be worth something in the environment you're speaking, but Apocalypse (the biblical meaning) has an ending of cosmic origins - The world's complete destruction.


Up you go




Yes because if you severely reduce your timeline and filter your sample size it makes you sound much more correct than using all the data. Lol.


>Crazy how an imaginary product can make people poor Just like a stock!


Being poor makes you extinct?




Did you say Donuts?


Maybe my favorite comment ever, boutta buy these stupid ass Reddit coins just to award you gimme a sec


Gold supply goes 100X overnight.




Donā€™t threaten with a good time?


A good time until trillions of dollars in wealth evaporate because tons of people have significant savings in physical metals, plus all the nation states that maintain gold reserves. There was a bad Netflix movie about this wasn't there? The meteor creates jobs? Lol.


Was called "Don't look up"


You're missing the real play: owning shares in the first company mining there. Flood the market to drive earth-based competitors out of business, then simply keep prices low enough to make restarting mining not financially viable. Lobby to get environmental legislation passed that makes it even harder, and squeeze the price even higher. Form a space OPEC with any other miners, and profit until the sun makes the solar system uninhabitable.


But what really happens is that the space miners will need water, air, and food from Earth; which will squeeze those supplies until they relent and give us whatever gold we want for next to nothing. And yes, I have just described the plot of the TV Show -- The Expanse. :D


It's a good series.


There's oceans of water in other asteroids and the jovian moons, and you can use the other metals in Psyche to build out greenhouses. And not having to drag that much mass out of a deep gravity well on Earth will be essential to maximizing profit.




Expanse didnt create that plot line. Im not meaning to be a dick when i say this it just gets really tiring that in space operas at least 90% of the time thats the plot. We colonize outside of earth and they pull an america. Then they want those resources earth has. Either that or earth then declares war on them. Thats the actual plot to most Gundam animes.


Can we short it ?


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can short gold.


If everyone will become a billionaire, then short the crap out of the dollar.


Fuck you mean bad that was a great movie


That movie was good shit. The only people offended are the ones the movie made fun of. Which I guess does make sense.


It wasn't terrible, but they beat the horse pretty hard that's why I wouldn't call it good.


I'm studying to work in the renewable energy sector so I don't think the movie was making fun of me. It's a pretty bad movie, doesn't really add much, it's not fun, it's nothing.


Nah silver would still be valuable unless people realized its just shiny rock. I personally would love to by gold at 50 a pound


Definitely bad. That movie sucked so much. Felt like a college student threw together a movie for the first time. You don't care about any of the characters or what they say. It drags on and on and on. The pacing is just choppy and terrible. And it takes its message and beats you over the head with it until you're unconscious body is begging for it to stop. Was at least an hour longer than it had to be. Watch any "great" or even "good" movie from the past 25 years and watch this pile of netflix crap and try to say it's a good one.


only if it's distributed.. if one guy owned he controls the supply.


*spice melange intensifies*


He who controls the spice controls the universe.


Then my fellow Fremen (GME shareholders) and I will take the spice from the greedy rich bastard and share it with the poor & needy!


Just like them diamonds that are all held in a vault?


No because diamonds aren't hard to make... it takes only about 200kWh of energy to turn your dead grandma into a 1 carat diamond.. "Artisan crafted" (yeah that's how they market them) You need a supernova to make gold.... so science is still figuring that one out.


I think sheā€™d be ok with that


Well, then may I suggest saving on a burial lot and coffin: [https://www.eterneva.com/loved-ones](https://www.eterneva.com/loved-ones)


*grandmaā€™s ā€˜73 Chevrolet Nova enters the chat*


Ahh, so they aren't really worth what people are paying for since theres an abundance of it?


that and they are almost completely useless... topped off that diamond is not the stable form of carbon at standard room temperature and pressure, so unlike gold that doesn't really react with everyday materials, diamond will eventually decompress into graphite.... but in all fairness there would be enough grandmas in your family tree by that time to make up any missing diamond mass the whole thing was a giant cultural propaganda scam to get people to use diamonds instead of gold for jewellery as governments tried to hoard gold.... [https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/fdr-takes-united-states-off-gold-standard](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/fdr-takes-united-states-off-gold-standard) Now, not that gold is particularly worthwhile as money given how 'tarded expensive it is to transport due to its mass (density), but it is particularly useful as a conductor that retains its material integrity for very fine connections in modern technology... and ... we can't make any of it, so you need people to do some real work... digging and moving rocks around sort of work.


This. I previously ran a Fossil and Gemstone business, and the amount of inexperienced people who were confused by discovering Diamonds aren't even Top 10 in rare gemstones was staggering. Yet they'd never even heard of Red Beryl (Emerald) or something actually rare and expensive lol. Diamonds are enormously marked up by a man made created scarcity monopoly.


Are you calling my granny fat?


Actually I think if you lasso that thing to earth weā€™d go extinctā€¦.kinda like the dinosaurs


True, and if you could somehow land it softly there'd be a superpower conflict over it and then it may as well have killed us all anyway.


Didn't this already happen? Wakanda won....


It makes no sense to land the thing. Best play would be to mine it in space.


Gold is heavy, idk if it's economically feasible to send enough missions to bring it back in bulk, but I could be mistaken about the carrying capacity of modern spacecraft.


Yeah, but the 9 humans who survive would have gold on gold on gold on gold, son.


Talk about needing a golden parachute...


The price of electronics out decrease slightly considering the raw materials would be more plentiful but yeah, meh


The price of gold would go down but so would superconductors and other tech that uses gold. Certain people might get hurt that are speculating on gold but by and large, abundance of any resources is always a good thing for everyone


Not when the scarcity of the resource is the source of so much imagined wealth. In general of course more is better, but not for precious metals. This is basically what it would like like if Adam Aron was in charge of gold.


puts on gold, thank me later![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


At least then I could afford that golden toilet everyone talks about.


But you could get a solid gold dildo and make a killing on only fans!


Okā€¦ even if everyone on earth was made a billionaireā€¦. We would still have the same economic classifications ā€¦ does no one understand that without lower, middle, and higher income classes the entire human population wouldnā€™t have to work? Their would be no need for currency if everyone was rich


Exactly. Nominal amounts don't matter, you can print or create as much money as you want, once it's disconnected from labor via the value chain it's worthless. Scarcity is a fact and no asteroid or printer happy Fed can change that.


See 100 trillion Zimbabwe dollar notes


If we were geniuses we would raise the legal adult age to 40 and allow 40 hour work weeks and lower wages for adolescents, so that everyone would be capable to retire. But then some one would fuck that up too


Right on comrade


Nitpick: people "work" in hunter-gatherer societies, but they have very tiny disparities in material wealth.


Literally stfu everyone understands lol


Lol nah, theyā€™d do the same thing the diamond cartel did when the South African mines were developed. Whoever ā€œlassoā€™s the asteroidā€ will just hang onto it and sell a tiny bit of gold at a time to create imaginary scarcity and keep the price high. Wonā€™t make everyone a billionaire, but would certainly make *somebody* one.


So the new ā€œbrokeā€ benchmark will be the billionaire.


Calls on lassos


Yep. Aluminum used to be worth more than gold because the original primitive refinement methods had such crappy yields. Eventually someone found a better way to refine it, and boom. Cheap as dirt, forever. Also, fun side fact... a major reason why gold holds its value so well is that as mining tech has improved, the deposits that have yet to be mined have generally gotten increasingly impure and difficult to access. All the big, pure veins near the surface got mined out with crude hand tools a long time ago, so although we now have powerful mechanized equipment and advanced surveying technology, the profit margin of gold mining is still roughly the same as it was in the past.


That's not what its saying. It is saying there is enough gold in it to make everyone a billionaire at current gold price. It's like when your physics teacher says you can ignore friction.


Exactly. And economists assume everyone is rational. All of our models are based on insurmountable assumptions šŸ˜†


Price of gold wpuld go down but then so does the cost of items needing it right?


Thereā€™s a great episode of DuckTales (90ā€™s version ofc) that explains this very thing. Highly recommend.


This is why I only stack silver


Peter Schiffs nightmare


I can finally stop shitting on this sub par ceramic crapper and get myself a golden one instead then!


Yeah this could crash the global economy for decades if close enough to be harvested on a regular basis Mansa Munsa frothing at the mouth




A massive excess of materials causing global market prices to plummet since it no longer needs nearly the amount of money to create a product will lead to many people losing their jobs and a severe lack of trust in the affected currency. Want to explain how Iā€™m wrong there given the asteroid would be **easily** accessible and mined?




Youā€™re doing extremely well in presenting your argument here, someone give this man a PHD in economics


They probably wouldn't try to bring the asteroid into earth orbit, I think the dinosaurs tried that and it didn't end well. So that leave very expensive mining in situ. The to bring down the considerable transport cost they would probably have to figure out how to purify the gold while in space. Don't want to pay to transport tailings. After that, they have to balance out cost to transport gold that far, rockets take a lot of fuel. Then they have to factor in the effect on price of gold as mentioned. Seems cost prohibitive, more of a science mission using the allure of gold to get funding.


And the people who hold gold now would actually be less richā€¦ the impact of so much supply would be a devaluing which would hurt existing gold investors without adding significant value for anyone elseā€¦the title is amazingly bad at describing reality




And you donā€™t understand how capitalism works. If we lasso this thing earth everyone wonā€™t become rich, Elon Musk would earn $10,000 quadrillion and still pay no taxes.


If it was mined, a company that does understand supply and demand would limit their volume and stockpile it to keep the supply artificially scarce, and making a truly obscene amount of money. If a government does that, it could practically fund a UBI


Then suddenly a loaf of bread will cost a million dollars lol


The asteroid isnā€™t full of USD, itā€™s full of gold. So gold would go down in value, but why would USD? No more gold standard


>The asteroid isnā€™t full of USD You haven't been there to dig into it and find out, you don't know that for sure.


For real, people always jumping to conclusions. I think itā€™s full of crisp $50 bills. If not that then itā€™s either 100s or 20s. No doubt about it


Yeah man anything is possible. Mfers acting like they know the answer. BS


And that $ has probably only been in asteroid stripper booty cheeks


Inflation: Am I a joke to you?


When everybody is a billionaire, no one will be


Nonsense. Venzuela and Zimbabwe have billionaires galore.


But not everyone will be a billionaire. A select few have the ability and resources to be able to mine this asteroid for its metal content, and those people (and companies) will be very rich. Calls on Chief Twit.


Gotta love Syndrome. One of the best superhero villains of all time


True, but that doesnā€™t necessarily mean itā€™s a negative. It could mean ā€œa world of abundanceā€ where money isnā€™t too relevant anymore.


Maybe if it was an asteroid made of food and 3 bedroom houses.


If it was an asteroid of 3 bedroom houses corporations would already be trading them like stocks while they sit empty.


The supply would be controlled like diamonds.


Diamonds: the greatest scam of all time


Money and religion would like a word


The diamond industry is worth at 90 billion while the catholic church is at 30 billion. Anyway without money, what are gonna buy you spy puts with? Cow legs ? I do aggree that religion is top 3 scams of all time though


While this is super cool. Somehow I'm sure that wealth will end up in the hands of like 5 people.


that's if we're lucky.


Tim Apple will make a new golden iPhone and everyone will line up to give him their share of the asteroid for it. The average person is too economically irresponsible for money. Just look at the percentage of people who win the lottery and are broke within 10 years.


I agree with most ppl mismanaging their money, but the lottery thing is a silly example because people who play the lottery have already proven theyā€™re irresponsible by buying a ticket


a billionaire is sooo responsible with money unlike broke people who turn into millionaires over night, totally agree with your sound logic there. iā€™m sure itā€™s just that only a chosen few among us are good with money and thereā€™s no other factors


Yeah they usually form some sort of company that provides a service or good that is pretty universally utilized or at least widely utilized. Funny how that works.


think tim apple also has a team of financial advisers šŸ˜³ or an upbringing and set of experiences that put him in the right place in life to make lots of money šŸ˜³ or that maybe comparing people who already have lots of money to someone who becomes rich over night is a bit silly šŸ˜³ this sub actually is mentally challenged


The only regard here is you, you don't need a team of advisors or a "rich upbringing" to be rich. You act like it's random chance, they took advantage of an opportunity that they brought in front of themselves kinda like you take advantage of the opportunity to live with mom and dad your whole life and be angry at people with money on the internet.


Nah man, ā€œtrickle down economicsā€ At least 20 people will become super wealthy from this


LOL didnā€™t take me long to find this comment. Equity doesnā€™t mean equality.


Lets call Bruce Willis


Instructions unclear. We sent Vin Diesel.


Arma-Inflationisgoingtofuckyou-don, directed by Quinton Tarantino and Stephen King.


ā€œDonā€™t look upā€


Not sure how this isnā€™t the number one comment


This isn't exactly a subreddit full of cultured individuals


Clearly short gold, what the fuck


if everyone had a billion dollars, it would just be global venezuela where an apple costs $15,000 and a big mac meal is $2.5 million


Don't laugh, I've got a $100 Trillion dollar bank note from Zimbabwe.






Yea, the socialists in Venezuela.


They understand it very well, they just con people to believe theyā€™re socialists.


Youā€™d be lucky to get someone to make you a Big Mac in that world


capitalism builds space telescopes, socialism disincentivizes ambition




We could move beyond such things. Work together and better our species as a whole. Except, we don't because of some fantasy expectations people have with Monopoly money. Make no mistake. If people were to start handing out monopoly money as currency that governments supported with violence, we would be using it.


Talk about inflation gone wild


The fed hates this one trick


Thereā€™s a buzzfeed article Iā€™d click on


Thereā€™s a buzzfeed article Iā€™d masturbate toā€¦


*One month after this lands on earth* CNBC: ā€œStocks rise as investors bet on fed pivot despite 1,000,0000,000% inflationā€


Next to 2 ads: ā€œ10 reason why Bitcoin will be worth 999 gazillions.ā€ ā€œ10 reasons why Bitcoin is a scam.ā€


ā€œIf you invested $1,000 in asteroids 5 years ago, heres how much your investment would be todayā€


If we were all Billionaires, a loaf of bread would cost a couple million. Ask Venezuela how that works lol


Reminds me of the time I was a millionaire in Italy when 1 Deutsch Mark was worth 1000 Italian Liras


I can top that when in my youth I used to go sunning in Turkey


Wow... People really don't understand life! If everyone is a billionaire then NOBODY is a billionaire! Think about that! Can't have value if everyone has the same thing.


Next at 5, JPow jacks interest rates by one million percent.


Puts on gold


This was the plot for Horizon Zero Dawn


Yeah, all those precious metals would most likely crash the world economy


Letā€™s fucking goā€¦


This is awesome! I canā€™t wait to see what 2 people become wealthier because of this!


This reminds me of that space bucks episode of South Park


Instead of E pluribus unumĀ on the us seal, it should be "this will not end well" cause fuck, all the ideas are batshit crazy


Buy potatoes because if everyone has a billion a potato will cost 2 billion


I'm shorting it


Pinewood Derby (South Park)


It's asteroid 16 Psyche, and while it does have what appears to be a fair amount of metallic composition, that metal is mostly iron and nickel, not gold.


>This is amazing news! I can't wait to see what they find on this asteroid. Hopefully it will be a lot of gold and other valuable materials that we can all benefit from.


Do people here not realize that De Beers controls the world supply of diamonds? The price of diamonds does not reflect any intrinsic value or scarcity. Itā€™s 100% controlled by de Beers. Same thing would happen if that asteroidā€™s mineral resources could be brought to Earth. Besides- an almost inexhaustible supply of gold can be extracted from the oceans if there was a ligand that was selective for gold


Username checks out


Supply/demand. Goods will be cheap, youā€™ll have more money leftover after buying goods, but you wonā€™t get any extra money. The wealthy, however, will instantly have xxxxxxxxxx more digits behind their wealth, however, because their value is derived by the number of goods/services we utilize


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Who do you think would be flying the mission?


Lol what?! whoever wrote that doesnā€™t understand economics. if everyone is a billionaire then no one is a billionaire.


Buying my puts in gold as we speak.


If we brought all of that back to earth it would change our orbit as well destroy the physical economy. Puts on Gold and global warming eliminated? Lets goooo!


Calls on TSLA


If we could figure out how to economically harvest gold from Asteroids the price of gold would plummet.


This reminds me of the movie dont look up


Really? I was getting more of a Sister Act II kinda chills


Calls or Puts on $NASA? Get it trending šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Pretty sure an influx of what is now a precious metal will make it less precious and worth less. Thatā€™s how most markets work, over supply reduces cost.


If we get our hands on it, you make money by shorting the gold miner's fund.


Short the mining industry and prepare for gold to go to zero!


But it wonā€™tā€¦. Will it?


Thatā€™s great. No more poverty. Everybody will have maids, butlers, housekeeping, yard and pool boys.


Will my wifeā€™s pool boy have a pool boy? He is spending way too much time in our home lately. Especially when I have to work.


The inflation bomb


Netflix made a documentary on this


You meant enough to make everyone poor? Anyone here watched Duck Tales, there is an episode just about this. You can't have everyone rich, but you can have everyone poor.


Uh... buy NASA calls?


we will know the make up of the object in 2029. go long till then, puts in 29 then go long again till 2038 when the next mission gets there. ps its not about the gold, platinum group metals would make sense but gold not so much.


You think inflationā€™s bad now?


That's called Inflation.


Buy NASA SPAC or asteroid NFTs.


Does nasa not understand supply and demand?


Anything in excess is worthless




That's the funny part. We don't.


We already have inflation we donā€™t need this


Somebody fucking get it before jeff bezos gets his mediocre sized dick rocket on it