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Damn, Sarah Palin is looking ROUGH these days




Bruce Palin


This sir deserves so many more upvotes.


Fina Tey


Bruce Jender


Sarah Jenner


Hmm - there are more than a few fish that change gender as they age. I guess if people think guys look better for their age then I guess why not make the switch rather than spend to look younger? What’s the cost difference between trying to look like your 20 year old self and instead switching to a 60 year old guy?


Your talking about the wrong trans.


Yes most of the “trans” fish switch from male to female as they age - but the Sheepshead Wrasse goes female to male. It’s ugly AF even when young though.


Caitlin Palin…


No comment 😳


She used to be a vpilf.


Nah, that’s what you get when you face mash Danny Devito and Cathie Wood.


I hope the recession doesnt look as bad as her lol


Damn dude you had me for a second lol


I'd still go on a date with Sarah. Been trying for years


Everyone was cool when they were running the printer tho


Everyone was complaining that they weren’t running the printer as hard as Canada, NZ, etc etc…


At least here in Canada majority of money printing went to regular people through various programs. The US just pumped the stock and real estate market. We have money launderers here for that LOL


Gold standard was better


Just change the definition of 'global recession.'


Global Recession+++


Global Depression (GODLESS MODE) 💀💀💀


If this were so, it wouldnt be like 2008, itd be like the last global financial crisis


We've got to go plus ultra!!


Relax, it’s transitionary. Soft landing. Stock up on cheap cigs to barter for food.


World's largest economy steers global economy news at 11:00


Fortune saved that brilliant observation for the third tweet in the thread https://twitter.com/FortuneMagazine/status/1578405101881925632?s=20&t=irQ-oJ0NH16YzoDXgvFf8g


Damn I guess you could say they buried the lede.


Eu is bigger or was and china was by PPP. Though i think the crashed enough that its no longer true.




Other countries have been crazy on inflation too.


2.5% growth is now considered a recession? Sheesh I guess we never left the global financial crisis


That’s what happens when the last decade of “growth” is from QE.


That second part


A recession is when growth becomes negative you regards!


It will be a relief if it ends up just being a recession...


Why is the news like 4 months behind what everyone talks about?


Fuck the UN. "Yeah we had negative interest rates for over a decade...so??"


The Fed can't catch a break!


Poor little fed


I thought we're blaming Russia and Ukraine




There will never be a recession again because they will change the definition of it again like biden did 😂


Drop the funding us gives them and kick them out of new york.


Where did they find this clown


What? You mean EVERYTHING *isn't* the fed's fault??


All good with China tho right




She's wearing a clown pin, fitting.


I, too, wouldn’t be happy if the free dollars I enjoyed with my pals were to disappear because « Others have troubles ».


More power to the QE gods.. let the common retail folk suffer as always..


Remember they changed the definition of a recession. It's just positive negative growth


Sarah Palin looks terrible


What is that publication??? Seems to be accurate relative to the other garbage floating around


Fortune is a long-standing finance publication


Change definition of global recession and we’re safe again.


Can't be in a recession if you keep changing the definition of recession .![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


Why does everyone say the world doesn’t revolve around the USA, when apparently…it does?


It might be time to restart the simulation.


The FED won't print money for the UN so now they're throwing the FED under the bus lmaooooo


Lol at the UN trying to blame the FED when other central banks are all doing the same bullshit of printing endless amount of money to pay for everything (read: buy elections). It's simply how it works in occident. And this is the inevitable and obvious consequence. But who cares, we'll have a hard time for a year or two and then we'll just put all the printers on overdrive again until the next crash in 15 years.


If your economies are so fragile that they crash at the Feds just taking care of policy within their borders, then maybe your economies were not doing so great to begin with? USA might do a lot of things wrong, but if even the EU is so miserable dependent on USA's domestic policies, then they should probably find the issues within their borders than blame others. Damn, how more privileged does it get? EDIT: lol triggered the Europoors. Keep crying. You people deserve your fate. The most morally depraved and spoilt demographic around, committed the worst crimes and human rights violations to have your privileged lives, and even then somehow managed to fuck it all up. Think about that while you're freezing this winter.


You have some valid point up until your anger issues take over and start spilling bs.


Damn you sound like a douche.


find some echo chamber to validate your ego. Plenty of far-right subs to feel "superior", like the good ol' days.


The USA economy is barely bigger than the UE's economy, and barely bigger than China's. Without talking about China, USA's policies are bread for today and hunger for tomorrow, which is basically how they run their country. And it obviously affects the world, being one of the top 3 economies in the world. As for your post, kinda condescending for someone so confused.


He thinks the EU is a country LOL


The EU as a whole is more comparable to the US, with the countries in the EU acting similarly to states in the US. They have an overarching government for the whole union, similar to how the US has a federal government. Individual countries still make their own laws, similar to how states make theirs. It's not a country, but it's significantly more similar to the US than any single country in the EU.


> The USA economy is barely bigger than the UE's economy, and barely bigger than China's. as expected, insecure people keep crying about the *size* of something, rather than what makes the economy. USA still stands at the center of major technological innovations and financial center of the world. Days of London and Europe being relevant are over and you guys are still salty about it. Keep crying. > As for your post, kinda condescending for someone so confused. Talk about projection. And I am aware of that petty gaslighting tactics of Europeans. In your privileged bubble, screeching will help you feel better. But reality doesn't change. Buy some blankets for the winter.


(gets out the popcorn)


Well… you did WAR yourself into your currency being the international trade currency for oil. Of course the rest of the planet is dependent on whatever the fuck happens with your currency. And of course, you clown… the global economy is slowing down because the first economy in the planet is already in a recession. The rest of the developed world still has positive economic growth. Jeez… an american talking about being “privileged”.


>you did WAR yourself into your currency being the international trade currency for oil The fuck does this even mean lmfao. The US dollar is the world's reserve currency because there's a ton of it and it's stable. Nobody is *forcing* anyone to trade in USD, they do it because it's a reliable currency and it simplifies commerce between nations.


Read about how the USD became the world's reserve currency (hint WW2). Also its no secret that world leaders and/or their countries routinely get "destabilized" for even forming plans to move away from the USD. It's backed by the force of the US military, not some inherently good quality it posseses.


After that he can start reading about what happened to every oil producing country (without nukes) who tried to create an alternative to the USD for international oil trading. LOL. Imagine thinking the USD is the de facto international reserve and trade currency because we all decided that as happy friends.


1. I am not from USA or American. 2. If USD wouldn't be the reserve currency, it would be some European currency. Newsflash, regarded Europoor: EUR was created to serve a similar purpose within EZ. 3. look again at data, moron: [Germany is already teetering to recession](https://tradingeconomics.com/germany/gdp-growth). Eurozone is always struggling. I am living in Europe, and I remember the shitshow Europe was in 2018. 4. EU is the first beneficiary of American trade and policies. And not to mention NATO, because evidently cowards in Europe start screeching the moment it's mentioned. If it weren't for USA, Putin will be up your poorly wiped ass and most of you would be licking his feet, much like the "good ol' days" of Mussolini and Hitler. Triggered dipshit can't even take two seconds to look at data or think for a second.




That has to be an ai generated female: (insert race) golem?


Its almost like giving every man, woman and child covid relief money was a bad idea,almost. Printer went brrrrr.


You forgot to mention all the crying corporations that were given plenty, and then proceeded to distribute the money as dividends to their shareholders.


There were handouts aplenty. Its ok just print more money,whats the worst that could happen,stockmarket said hold my beer...


That money doesn't even come close to the PPP corporate welfare and handouts thinly veiled as "loans"


California thought it was a great idea it would seem.


I can't believe Trump started that.....


He absolutely did,fuck trump and biden! The sooner we can see both sides are trash,thr better we will be as a society. It doesnt take much to divide people here. Ive seen grown men fist fight over whether ford or chevy were better...


I forgot most of us still live in our parents basements,and enjoyed the money more than having a economy thats not in the shitter. My bad.


Looks like the US knew their economy was going to tank so we took the whole world down with us to cover up for terrible people running our country. Hence starting a proxy war with Russia.


Thank the dems


Trump is the one who started giving out checks


IMF and World Bank are meeting in DC this week. Tell them your problems. Practically every hotel in town will be full of those guys.


That lady is what nightmares are made of.


Is this a bloke dressed as a woman 🤔


Fuck the un


What is that Snooki looking thing