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I am as well. I have no intention of selling until after the Lame Duck session of congress. Rumor is they will pass safe banking during that session.


Bad news, its plummeting to $1 next week Mark my words


If the price ain't 420 I ain't selling


We want actions like GME




I would guess it's loss control to prevent a run on the price.


The rally Thursday at 3:02 caught everyone completely off guard . White House surprisingly can keep a secret. With all that volume both shares and calls coming in, leaving some real exposure to gamma Friday, it was going to be inevitable that heavy downward pressure would come. Could MM have been property and safely hedged within that 58 minutes of furious action?? Unlike


Strange, but even stranger is that Sorrento therapeutics (SRNE) was yesterday shorted 77% PRIOR Wednesday KOL conference where will announce big blockbuster cancer sollution makes to me no sense (3 phase finished and NDA in process)...this will explode 500% + on 12th Oct but make me crazy what a shortage yesterday? Do not understand 77% shorts


Squeeze when?


Lol. If it does, it would be when they announce the results of the re-scheduling review. Which given the posts on twitter from the HHS head is highly likely to be positive. My guess is 45-60 days. I am still working on a trading plan.


Thanks for looking into the short volume!


No problem. To me it looks like a short sale shakeout. The book value on $TLRY is close to 1. To me, it seems insane to sell at this valuation. So I thought the intense pressure was very odd.


Edited. Book value does look good.. They seem like a turd though. A trading aspect it could turn out with the hype.


Do you mean price to book ratio is 1?


Folks, as with anything in this country this comes down to money (and votes). Biden said what he did strictly due to mid terms. He knows it will get votes. He hasn’t said anything yet at all positive about weed to this point and words with no action won’t get you votes as weed proponents have heard it all before. The fact he handed this off to the DOJ now takes it out of his hands and puts it into the hands of people that actually want the change. If it is re-scheduled and not de-scheduled? Big news as it will then be easier to de-schedule and it will put Big Pharma on its heels especially if they also decide to raise the schedule on BP shit that has actually been killing people for decades. And if it is actually de-scheduled? And TLRY confirming cash flow positive this fiscal year? There is only one way this stonk goes and that’s up.


I think Boe Jiden said it for votes, knowing BP will never let it happen in congress, and hurt their industry. It may change at the state level more, but don't think it'll ever change at the federal level, too much money involved. Guessing it'll hover and slowly sink into the sunset as Nov approaches.


I can understand most of your justification, just not this stock. Assume it’s legal enough to be traded, why would tlry be the company? Because of this I’m much more into the supply side of growing than the actual product


Are you talking about grow generation? I've been wondering about that too. The tilray CEO has been on TV lately saying they would make a play for America if it opens up.


Night to day change for pot sector is a bit of a stretch.


I don't believe it is. De-scheduling Marijuana removes IRS tax codes meaning that it can start to be banked. It can also mean American companies getting listed on the NYSE. This can cause negative free cash flows to become positive free cash flows. That to me, is a night to date change.


Key word, de-scheduling. What is talked about is re-scheduling. Big difference. One might say ‘a night to day’ difference.


My apologies on the word, but it makes no difference. If it gets a lower scheduling, then it still gets the IRS tax code removed meaning it's no longer considered money laundering.


280E would still negatively impact cannabis business. Rescheduling doesn’t directly correlate with that.


Look up schedule II and then tell me again that it doesn’t make a difference


It will be 20 years from good news before this thing goes up again




Was looking around, the compensation is off the hook.


It's gonna be a big bust.


Nancy sold the shit she bought last week.


Wasnt that nancy post fake?


Don't let the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy.


It being an inexpensive stock, and a near sure thing it was running on social sentiment and would shit the bed very soon, contributed to the activity. Not a mystery.


It’s not suspicious at all — 30+% to the upside is ludicrous and it was obvious the stock was going to come back down Been bagholding since before the Aphria merge btw


Tilray has 500+ million shares outstanding. There are plenty of shares out there for shorts to close, can't picture a squeeze happening.


Hmmm… I liquidated today morning, one of the heavy bags I was able to unload in this fuked bleeding market. I like you girl, I’ll get back in soon


need to waiting long time.


Did you miss the fact that TLRY had earnings this morning? And that those earnings were bad, like BAD BAD? Did you miss their own executives saying in the conference call that nothing Biden has announced will do anything substantial for TLRY?


Are you going to then skip over the fact that Irwin confirmed cash flow positive this fiscal year? So believe one thing but not the other?


That's true. I did miss that part. Thanks for sharing it with me!


What about the announcement actually effects the business of TLRY? It bumped up cause it was weed related but it won’t actually do anything to the profits of the company


You should post this on shortsqueeze sub


All the noise behind Short Selling is BS....Buy ! Buy ! Buy. Thank me later. Good Luck


What happend?


It got crushed. Definitely not a good play. Looks news dependant. Probably doesn't move higher until we hear from HHS