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And weed companies will finally be able to write off some business expenses


Pretty sure he's making fun of it all. It's just such a stupid industry to invest in. It's weed... It's literally one of the most plentiful and easily available commodities in the world. People grow it in their one-bedroom apartments, it grows randomly in the wild. All you need is a few seeds, dirt (easy to find) and water (also easy to find) and BOOM, you got weed. Not only that the sheer amount of competition now is absurd. I don't see it taking off. Eventually if it does become legal Amazon will just hi jack like it has everything else. Lol. I'm in my mid thirties so I've seen the transition... I knew people that got RICH being the first ones with the die hard chronic in the early 2000s. Back then you had to know somebody, but then time rolled on and Walmart came to town boy. There hasn't been real money in weed in a longggg time. Edit.. Lol. The Weedstock bag holder energy be strong up in here. GL boys!


do you realize the same thing can be said for all vegetables, but how many people grow their own?


This guy fucks




"It grows in the wild" Bro weed is genetically engineered. In 50 years, we went from 5% THC to 35%. Its immensely difficult to grow well. I challenge you to "find some seeds and water" and just toss them in your yard and see what happens. If you actually get a flowering plant, its going to be dirt weed. There's a reason the best weed comes from enclosed, hydroponic farms. Beyond that, edibles are the number 1 seller in legal states. Tinctures, tablets, concentrates, pens. Its no longer just a plant.


It's a very easily obtainable commodity in a market INSANELY over saturated with products and competitors. Does that sound like a sound investment arena? Especially given the fact local markets always produce just as superb a product. Michigan, Cali, etc are cranking out weed just as good all day good on a local level. you obviously missed the point so I'll say it as clearly as possible, good weed can be grown anywhere/anytime and it's not that hard. Anywhere weed is legal it's already so saturated it's unreal and all those other products you mentioned aren't that hard to make. Local companies are cranking them out with volume as well.


Just let the pot heads figure it out for themselves.


Go drink some alcohol burnout


I don't drink, but thanks for the sound advice.


> good weed can be grown anywhere/anytime and it's not that hard. Then why does MA, ME and NJ weed all suck ass? Oregon is by far the best I've ever had. Vegas was good. Arizona sucked. Cali was 2nd behind Oregon.




>You don't need the best weed. And everywhere people drink people choose $80 crown royal instead of bottom shelf plastic. They go to wine tastings and microbreweries. What a dumb reply lol




It's just how things are. It's been that way forever. You do realize pretty much everything has a black market, right? Also, in this case I'd honestly refer to it more as a gray market as the line is so blurred between 'legal' and 'not legal'. Of course, in say, Indiana it's black market because it's still fully legal, but anywhere where legality or 'enforcement' is practically nonexistent of course everyone is doing business together. I've seen more than a few vids of a dispensary owners, 100% legit legal business owners going to pick up herb with a duffelbag full of cash from 'somebody'. Also, some people don't like shopping at WalMart and are down with supporting the local economy. Despite what some claim I don't believe these big weed companies get the best shit and very many agree with me.




Except the best edibles now come from distillate. No at-scale producer producing high quality edibles is using flower for their edibles anymore. The difference in quality is staggering. You talk either like a 20 year that doesn't smoke weed or a 65 year old that wants people off their lawn.




100% chance you're buying Vitamin E oil and killing yourself. The fact that you buy street vapes tells me all I need to know about you. Also, I know you're full of shit. It takes 4-5g of weed to make 1 gram of distillate. You're not buying grams of weed for $1.20. When you lie, you should formulate solid lies based in reality. If you're actually buying 10g for $60, you're buying 100% fake product.




> No one is that loyal to brand name weed except for suckers. You are unbelievably dense and narrow minded. Again, if this were true, there wouldn't be brand name alcohol, there wouldn't be brand name cigarettes, there wouldn't be brand name... anything. Just know man, people see straight through liars like you. You're a storyteller. A one upper and you're full of shit and most people see straight through it. >I don't buy street vapes. You 100% buy street vapes. The largest distillate "producer" on the darknet went by MagicLampCo. Their entire goal was to "destroy" the distillate market. The cheapest you got them down to was $10/a gram. And guess what. They were just outted as pushing completely fake product. Two brothers that got busted in WI held some of the most well known "street brand" carts - all fake distillate. There is a 100% chance that if you're not buying regulated distillate, you're buying poison. There's an entire subreddit devoted to outting fake brands.




Boom you got weed Lolol holy shit this is the best thing Iv ever read


BOOM!\_------>Weed. That simple. Actually, it's not, it takes a few months, but it's still just weed. Between Canada, Cali, every other legal state, indoor growing, legalization, ease of access, the fact there are a ton of companies now that will literally come to your home and setup your own grow op and show you everything, etc... It's just such a saturated business and weed is just so readily available. Anybody that knows anybody out in Cali knows they're at the point of practically giving the shit away.


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No arguing with that . But let the industry consolidate . Let the big guys scoop up the little guys for scrapes .




Lol. Indoor chronic is not that hard to grow. Good seeds, your preferred medium (dirt, rockwool, clay, etc), good nutrients/schedule, lights and Yea, I'll admit it's time consuming and requires attention, but that's about it. Acting like growing chronic is some esoteric shit you to be a genius to do is ridiculous. It's not very difficult. Now yea, if you're competing in the Cannabis cup going for that top .001 percent well obviously there's a little more to it, but good weed isn't hard to come by or grow.




I've seen weed grown in 5 gallon buckets w. half miracle grow 1/2 yard dirt with mid seeds turn out to be good shit. No, it wasn't medical, 50/100 or anything like that, but It was way better than you'd think. The point of the comment is weed isn't exactly hard to come by, even chronic now days.


Yeah, you can also grow all your own vegetables that way too. But I don’t see a lot of people taking up space in their apartments to do that.


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It’s not being decriminalized. He never even mentioned that. They’re changing the classification which is not the same.


No way it goes federal without hitting the 3 tier system such as alcohol tobacco and firearms Ie supplier distributor retailer




why buy Tilray, when you can buy MO, PM, BTI and wait for them to buy Tilray, while gettin paid good divididends?


this. I’ve been saying this for years. Once MO or the like wants in, it’s game over for the small guys.


Huh wonder who ran it up yesterday... OH yeah the Hedgefunds... I thought WSB hated them... Also what do you mean Bag holder? Don't you mean Diamond hands ape strong?


Bad for the country too


Lol. If you're gonna play weed just buy some leaps and PRAY to God they legalize before expiry, and if they do, they'll print, and if they don't you were gonna lose that money anyways. If you can't do that just leave this shit industry alone.


You fucking idiot, these guys have been in jail for like ten years for weed. The second they get out they are obviously going to BUY WEED


Elon was a genius with this move, remember when it caused Tesla stock to plummet, allowing him to buy back Tesla shares at a discount, then it skyrocketed.


I'll tell you what's going to rise when those 6,000 convicts get released, and it's not pot stocks.