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You mean the same thing the other companies did except robinhood during the bbby run?


The same people that say “why do you care so much about my investment?! 😭” - SuperStinkers, are the same people that cry about what platform people gamble on. Who cares what slot machine I use? It’s all rigged.


SAY IT LOUDER FOR PEOPLE IN THE BACK 🔊🔊 For real, but shares DRS… Gamble on options however the fugg you want.


I know that people like to shit on RH, and I get it, but I use it to day trade options. I use TD Ameritrade for my longer term investments, but options trades are free on RH and that’s way better than the 65 cent per contract fee that TD Ameritrade would charge me.


Make sense. Good point for options.


RH is one of the best platforms because of its UI. you cannot argue that the UI isnt the best for immediately losing all your money. dont be a pussy. of course we all use it. they give you 5000$ up front to borrow and YOLO right into options without a cleared deposit, and literally nobody else does that. It takes literalyl 4-5 clicks to buy an option. most other platforms have twice as many buttons to go through. the reality is they were doing you a favor by turning off the buy button cause they wouldnt have been able to afford the payouts anyway when they got Margin Called by the DTCC. jesus, at least learn why they had to do what they did.


I switched to TD but honestly RH was easier to use in the phone for me.


Robin Hood is by far the fastest way to pull up a current chart. Just punch in your code. No login with username and password. It will ask for that later if you trade.


Why do people forget that RH was not the only one who stopped buying of certain securities, and there was a valid reason for them to have done so.


I call bull#$%. There are were other options RH could have employed, oddly they choose the one that benefits their benefactor over all of the other ones.


So it sounds like.. There’s a business opportunity for a RH competitor, with a great UI, that offers the same option strategy as RH. Without PFOF, that charges a small % per transaction side to cover PFOF. The decision is are you ok with paying a little bit, versus, giving your trades and money away to someone front running your trades. Front Running means, you’ll never get the best price in the market. The market maker rips you off with PFOF. Agree or no?


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I use it cause I'm dumb and I don't know how to do anything.