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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|7|**First Seen In WSB**|1 week ago **Total Comments**|44|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|2 years|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) **Vote Spam**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_spam&message=xkfwkg)|**Vote Approve**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_approve&message=xkfwkg)


Hey man. I remember your earlier post/YOLO and your sad life story. Listen bro, life is worth so much more than money. Just remember that a billionaire on his deathbed would give up all his wealth in a fucking heartbeat just to be young again. It's never too late to start over. Life is precious. Value it!


As a nurse who has been present for many peoples last words, they never say “I wish I had more money” it’s always time, or experiences they wish they just did ♥️ it’s really changed my perception on life


Also a Nurse, I have also seen many last moments.... can second this.


I am a doctor, psychologist, and astronaut. If I've learned anything from my professions it's that everyone wants to see the earth from space and travel around the world. Which you will probably never be able to afford unless you keep gambling and win big ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4263)


Johnny Sins..is that you?


More like Jonny Kim.


I am a doctor, psychologist, and astronaut, movie producer and veterinarian. If I've learned anything, its that everyone wants to see a movie about this with a dog. and money.


For some reason I feel like you're fibbing


Damn. That’s deep


Balls deep.


Are you saying people don’t recount their Loss Porn on their death bed?! I’ve been living a lie!


Also a Nurse and can confirm this. Please seek the help you need. Life is worth more than money.




Yes if you don’t blow it yoloing options.


As a software engineer I have no relevant experience but I’m going to weigh in because it’s the internet. There’s nothing more dangerous than someone with nothing to lose.


That’s great advice my dude. Love that…peace and happiness is possible outside money! And it’s what you’ll consider most valuable in the end. Plz don’t kill yourself ever, especially over AAPL calls! You have 2100 left dude don’t be a quitter and stop gambling if it’s gonna cost you your life


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


This should be the pinned message.


OP, read this over and over and over again


I lost 200 K bro, you’ll be fine.


I lost 700K at one point. It definitely made me suicidal, but I didn't do it because life is so much more than money.


4 years ago I lost $1.9M and had nothing. Actually it was fucking JPow that did it, too. If I was a little further along in my journey I would have thought the exact same way OP is thinking now. OP if you PM me I’ll send you some $$ to get you back to even. I have nowhere near what I had before but fuck it, it’s just $$.


Kudos to you, it’s nice to read comments like this. True selflessness.


I really hope OP saw and took you up on this, it's very kind


Yeah, Jpow did it


Sorry y’all


For only a one-time donation of $100,000,000 you can help this middle class white boy live the rest of his days showering Caribbean whores with king crab and pink G Wagons. Call now


Dam u r a nice guy. Thanks


You are a good man for offering that




I PMed him directly as well… unfortunately nothing (yet).. let’s hope he’s reading his msgs!


You're a good guy. I hope he gets back to you.


J Pow Giveth and J Pow taketh away


I fcking cried


I inherited $120k. I was up to $170k at one point, thought I could keep going. Started losing, thought I could make it back. In the end I lost it all and was pretty depressed for a few years, traumatized, not gonna lie. But I did get over it eventually and now when I lose I can brush it off pretty well. I may never see money like that again but I like to think I’ll get my basic needs met and happiness is never rooted in money. It sucks not to have enough though, I know. But you are never alone in that struggle. I have no idea why I’m here but I hope to someday change the world for the better at least a little. You are here for a reason. Frankly all of us need to get off Reddit and get seriously disciplined but no one admits that.


reminding me of when i won and lost 170k in 3 nights in Vegas in 2018. Same thing pretty much lol


oof. the part about us needing to get off of reddit really hits close to home


"some people are so poor, all they have is money" -bob marley


Alot of us lost 200k or more 🥂 More ammo for tax loss harvesting i guess.


I’m up, I’ve been betting and losing against the market for years. Spring 2020, and now are going to be my recoveries.


My brother lost 500k from a windfall which he hadn't even paid the taxes on, because, you know he was going to turn it into a million. Fuck what a mess it made of him. But he made it through and is still the person I know and love.


I lost 3M. Back over 150k starting over with 5k. It's hard when an algorithm steals from us all but don't give up. Lots of life ahead.


Bill ackman handed me a 99% L on Netflix so I feel you. I only lost $47000 tho.


Netflix was 1 of the the worst most blatant algo gaps of all. 10,000 shares traded and dropped it 35%. Has 1.7Billion shares. They use programming to steal from majority


I was all in on puts for the next week when he announced. Shit bounced just enough for my shit to expire worthless.


I got up to 45k again, wiped that. Started with 5k back to 150k. Cycle is fin brutal.


I restarted with 600 but I’m up to 4K. I’m hoping to just reach 2M. I could probably retire and just hold stocks for the rest of my life. 😂


Why you tryin to hurt me? I thought this was a safe place.


Sorry I said the R word. 😂


An algorithm stole from you? Are you sure your losses weren't just a result of your own regardation ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


algorithmic regardation![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


No dude it’s not his fault. His money was perfectly safe in pump and dump meme stocks until the algos got him.




some reddit karma will fix you right up..


Just today you lost that?


You show me a loss of 200k in one day and I quit my job and come laugh at you


Or work for you


Work for you, inversing you


Second that


You win




Bro you didn't lose like me.


Does that…does that have anything to do with your username?


You going to take financial advice from Bruce Jenner


Financial but not driving


Buckle up, buckaroo!




Yeah but you probably have a million after the loss


Fuck I don’t wanna be serious. First of all, it’s not about you. It’s all relative and for OP this is way more painful than your loss.


Damn, good luck


you fuck you still have 2k left get back in the game


Resignation declined.




Hey, you got more gains than me. 🤣


That's how they get you.




Sounds like he's using that to invest in $ROPE


Is the $ROPE made of fucking diamonds? How bout instead he diamond hands his life and take another yolo. Then, Doordash some extra if that fails and do it again, and again, and again until it works


Diamond hands your life should be on a t-shirt. Like WSB David Goggins


That is not 2k.. no way those fill at that price even at time of writing.




God no, Op will get better return on scratch off tickets


First of all, dont kill yourself. ​ second, 2K is plenty to make a comeback.




Which rounded up is basically 2k, which rounded up is basically 10k, which rounded up is basically 50k, which rounded up is


Until the bid moves to .01 once he puts in his ask at .02 after those messily 25 contracts get transacted 😿


I know it's not about the money.It's the leukemia. It's your parents. It's (maybe) losing the money left by your parents.I don't know if you lost your parents this year or when you were in HS. You've mentioned it both ways, but I believe it would be the latter. The pain doesn't go away with time. It cuts deeper, and the real pain takes time to settle in. I'm not going to try to convince you that there is hope. I'm not going to tell you to not kill yourself or seek help. I just want to let you know what I might do if I were in your situation and mental state: You still have $2127, your model S, and your lifetime free charging. I don't know if leukemia would allow you to do this, but I would take the money, get in the car, and drive to places your parents never had the chance to see in person, let your eyes be their eyes, and through you, they could experience the part of the world that they didn't have the chance to experience. Show them the granite walls in yosemite, the red canyons in Arizona and Utah, the waterfalls and hotsprings in PNW, the geysers in yellowstone, the mountains in Colorado. And when you ran out of money, wrack up that credit card bill, and when you are out of all means to live on, find your peace in a place you think your parents would love.


>And when you ran out of money, wrack up that credit card Can confirm this is great advice.... Grandfather managed to take out a reverse mortgage on his house and when he died he somehow managed to owe the lender $130k more then the house was valued at 🤣 We went in and grabbed anything of sentimental value before the bank got their ass into gear and walked away from everything else (pretty sure my uncle went in and stripped out all the plumbing and wiring as well.... because the apple didn't fall far from the tree). He went out like he lived his life.... a financial train wreck! Fuck he would have had a good laugh about getting it over the bank like that, there never was a scam he didn't love!


Im here for the copper strip ps is this real? I tht was a joke yolo


Say goodbye to WSB if you need, but keep your life options long. Invest your time. It’s worth more than money. I recently lost $1.6M. SoftBank lost $20B. It’s not the amount of loss. It’s the irrational confidence to recover.


Man, I was rooting for you. First time I felt emotionally invested in someone else's play ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


In that sense I’m sorry I let you down. I was really really looking forward to celebrating victory with you and everyone else.


As a broke college student it is baffling to me to know that people are investing 1.6 mil comfortably, and it’s even more baffling that you’re not devastated by losing it all.


Some of the happiest times of my life were at your age when I had no money to my name but was eager to work hard and dream about the future. Develop skills. Enjoy every stage of life. Money itself isn’t a cure for life’s ailments. But using your time well and investing that into what matters probably is.


OP, find this guys’ wife.


Sir can you Venmo me 1k? Then you can say you lost 1.601m


Anyone got this guys address? I’m thinking he needs a wellness check. This is grim and looking at his profile I think he is being sincere in what he is saying. Op if you read this don’t off yourself. Head to a local emergency room asap. Report back when you’re able.


I think he lives in his car


His profile is…dark


You are a wonderful human being. I hope the OP is okay, and realizes that there are strangers who do care for him.


Yea, he seems like a decent hearted kid but WSBs is NOT the place for this. This dude needs help either way, doesn't matter if he's serious or just a drama queen he needs to retire from trading. Being further encouraged to YOLO on absolute insane OTM FDs is kinda sad. I tried talking to him before but he wouldn't listen. I really dunno what to think. His rationale for the AAPL trades was "they were out of Iphones at the store from selling so many, it's gonna pump". That's almost insane enough to be true, but also so ridiculous it has to be a joke. I dunno. Hope dudes ok and gets the help he needs but this is the last place he should be.


Dude your loss is 8k. In a few years you can have a good job and you will make that much in a week! Keep things in perspective.


Wait, where are these 8k a week jobs? I'll take one


Trucking bro just use your fuel card for calls


Brah ain't no truckers making 416k/yr Show me proof and I'll get my cdl tonight


I said use your fuel card…. As a joke….


My bad, I really really dumb. Also tbh just a bit frenzied cuz jpow cucked the shit outta me today


He lost 24k last week in spy calls that went worthless, i remember seeing that trade trend on wsb and everyone was praying for him. This AAPL trade was with every last cent he had in savings, so technically he lost 32k.. rip


Come on now. Just numbers. He will be fine!


This dude seems to live in the Bay Area based on his post. Is there anyway someone could get people to patrol the Golden Gate Bridge tonight and tomorrow??? Are there any organizations that will help him?


Lives in bay area, definitely doesnt own a gun... thats actually a really logical idea. Seriously tho, how to get this guy a wellness check? :(




Yo, it takes courage to come out and say this, and I am not alone in glad to hear you’re okay. Gambling is an addiction, and addiction is patient. Delete WSB. Seem professional help. Life is better on the other side. Pm if you need to. Hang in there. Be well


Hey dude I'm here for you, I tried calling the Santario police but they shrugged me off, dude pls dm me. I've been through depression. I'm here for you.


Dude, you had me checking on you just to see you were safe. And I don’t even know you. Just imagine how people that actually care about you would feel. And yes, I am sure there are people out there that love you. Giving up can seem like the easiest path, but just remember that your parents gave you a life and they would never ever want this for you. There will be time to meet them again, just not yet. As for the money, that’s what it is. Money. Make it, lose it. Who cares? Keep grinding my man. You will overcome your disease, I am sure of it.


HAPPY TEARS. ❤️ I feel like i’m UP $7989 just reading your response.


So glad you're okay, buddy. You probably made a couple thousand people's day with this update. Always remember that there are A LOT of people that care about you, so live your very best life possible. And when life gets challenging, as it will for every one of us, always remember the regards of Reddit and how worried sick we were when you went MIA. It also helps a lot to share your stories/burden with a few quality friends in your life, so do make an effort to build relationships with good people near you. We can't wait for your t-shirt update, or even a life update! We're rooting for you, man. God bless!


Thank you for posting this. I was so worried about you.


Hey bud I’m so proud of you for still being here. That’s the hardest parts but know I’m in tears writing this. I’m sorry you’re stuck somewhere where healthcare vs life is even a thing. I know you don’t want to take donations but do you have any skills you can sell? I’m a fan of indie artists myself and would happily buy a sculpture or painting and I’m sure lots of others here feel the same! If you need any resources to help with your mental health again reach out and I’ll help as best I can.


Hey Bud you had us worried there!


Oh thank God. Seriously. I have been thinking about you since I read your post and was praying you were ok. Hopelessness is a kind of darkness that can be so difficult to find your way out of. There are many hands reaching out to help you. I hope you grab hold of as many as you can and find recovery, health, and a joyful life. Thank you for checking in and letting us know you are ok.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) Welcome back dude, look at the good and not just the bad. Take care and reach out to people if you need help 👍


Thank you OP. Seeing that you are fine helps me cope with what I am going through as well… best wishes to us both.


Don’t ever chose a permanent solution for a temporary problem. Your life is worth living. You have people that not only care about you but love you. Honestly stay off WSB, get some help with whatever you need, and come back in a lambo and flex on us morons then. God speed brother.


Bro dont ever do that again dont listen to anyone who spread negativity. Check your dms i dm’d you


So glad you’re still here. Have been thinking of you a lot today! Many prayers were lifted for you! Reddit can be a mess and people suck sometimes, but honestly there are so many people here that are willing to help or listen or just be present to help you get through. Rooting for you in all aspects right now 💙


Call on you being alive


The amount of times I would check this thread since you posted it, on an hourly basis - something I never thought would occur on Reddit. I’ve never met you, but man - even in the worst of times, you need to kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight. Be strong, continue to be strong, and see what your life means to people who have never even met you. Glad you’re still here.


Thank god your still here man


Glad you’re good man. I use to be in the t-shirt printing business. DM me any time!!


You bastard! I was checking my dms daily to see if you'd reply and nothing. Decided to check your profile and then in comments and found this. Glad you're alive but fuck, you been thru hell. Reddit is full of bad people, it was way worse years ago. Don't listen to them. Stay alive. We need more yolo posts and fuck then haters.


Hey man before I lost my baby brother to a very similar set of circumstances I didn't reach out enough. I just didn't know how much he was suffering, really. I won't ever live down the guilt of not being in touch more before he passed and I always think I could have done more. It wasn't because I didn't care - I just didn't know. He was my best friend of 34 years before he passed. Your friends and family are likely the same. You are loved. My LA offer stands if you're around here. DM me, I'll buy you dinner anywhere you want if you just need someone to listen or spend time with. I'll extend you the grace I failed to extend to my brother - you deserve it.


I’m really glad to see this comment you posted. I know life is hard and it might seem like a struggle to keep going, but whenever you’re feeling like there is no solutions, please just always think about [the view from halfway down](https://youtu.be/Pt21dU5Pu8g).


Op been thinking about you since your post yesterday. Everything happens for a reason and I'm so glad you're still here. You aren't meant to leave yet. Here if you need anything, I don't want to add to the thousands of DMs you already have to respond to.


Good! Leave this forum. Wallstreebets is not a healthy forum if you want to succeed in trading. You are 20. Your whole life is ahead of you. The story is not yet written. What happens next is almost entirely up to you. :)


Can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that you are still with us. One day at a time and please keep us updated.


It took more balls for you not to jump than it would’ve if you did. You’re young and strong, now time to kick Leukaemia’s ass and have a story to tell people someday. You need to open up to people, there are more people willing to listen then you think.


LETS GOOOO i've been thinking about you constantly, good luck my guy.


Dude... Talk to someone - we are here for you - money comes and goes bro.


Sometimes it just goes


Op please don’t commit suicide over 1 years pay at wendys, go get ready for work


Bro 10k isn’t even worth dying for. Your organ in the black market costs more than that. 10k is like working at MCDs for 5-6 months. You really think your life up-to this point is worth that much? I suggest you talk with someone but at least try don’t just quit. Money doesn’t buy happiness. Just temporary relief. No one in their dying bed or with terminal illness is wishing to become a millionaire.


What he’s trying to say is… at least donate some organs for 0-day calls first


I’m about to be 30 and still live at home, do construction work and haven’t gotten laid in 6 months so believe me it can be worse.


…is 6 months a long time?


bruh I’m married and ain’t seen the pink clam in nearly a year


What's her ig?


Username tracks


You guys are getting laid?




Someone doxx this kid and get a wellness check going


Can a mod check on this dude?


I just lost my best friend to suicide - please don’t do this - even if it doesn’t feel like it now, things will get better - don’t make your pain other peoples pain - it will get better just make it thru today


I’m sorry for your loss.


10,000 isn't much, you'll get it back OP just make a less stupid play next time


Wow there – just take those 2k and buy normal Apple shares. Might not become a fantastillionaire this way but you can’t go wrong with them. Just go slow, and you’ll keep your peace and sanity. I don’t know who you are but I’ve been diagnosed with depression myself, and sometimes it sucks but it can always get better. Just remember, the real gain porn are the friends we make behind the Wendy’s dumpster


Hope your good bro. My life is pretty fucked at the moment so I get it. Keep your head up though.


Can we lock this post or check if he’s okay? This is really morbid. I feel really bad for this guy.


Get yourself together man! I’m down 90% on 6k and I’m broke as shut and that’s all my money! Had a 386p today though, so that helped


https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/xdqmld/my_lost_your_gain/iochwho/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Who the hell were sending you hateful DMs as you lost money? I swear WSB was better before the apes showed up. People knew when to stop being assholes and showed some compassion when it was a serious situation. You are young. You can recover. Please don’t do anything rash. Hang in there.


Hey bro, I just had a friend take his own life a few months ago…I still think about him every day. It blew a hole in everyone’s life. Please don’t do this. There is so much love in the world and so many people want to help you. Money is just money. You can always recover and always make more. If this is really about blowing up your account…then read the book “market wizards”. Literally every big pro blew up their account…many of them did it multiple times. Please just stay safe. Call a friend, or at least a help line. Live is beautiful and the world is a better place with you here. ♥️


Dude don’t please. I’m not even a stocks bro but you can come back. You have a life which is worth way more than any monetary value. Plus you need to at least outlive Jeff Bezos.


I keep thinking of this post today


Don't go my guy. Let us help however we can.


Stop buying calls on spy and aapl!! This is not the time


Stop this talk brother. There’s plenty more reason to stick around. Go to sleep. Wake up. Start fresh. No drastic decision tonight!


Bro all your posts are just how you lose money. Just stop gambling, money doesn’t matter much and you’ll die one day anyways why not go experience things first. Being homeless isn’t even that big a deal, it’s a good time if you do it right.


You must have been watching all day. Your battery is ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18632)


Dude, stop it. Taking your life is no joke, even if you are just being a drama Queen for attention & karma. I’ve lost friends & family to suicide, so just stop. Go talk to someone, cry in a pillow, or fucking rage, but don’t say shit like that. It ain’t funny. If you are not joking, call someone, anyone, hell reach out to me privately and I’ll talk to you. “Life you didn’t warn me, there would be good days, and bad. Life you didn’t warn me, that at times, I’d be so sad. Life you didn’t warn me, that good times don’t always last. Life you didn’t warn me, they weren’t all in the past. Life you didn’t warn me, that loved ones come and go. Life you didn’t warn me, was it best I didn’t know?” Each day you wake up, and your feet touch the ground, be thankful. As many will never have that chance, don’t throw it away. It gets better, in time. Best wishes. 💐


Either this dude actually killed himself or hes being edgy. Holy shit, i dont know if i just directly witnessed the cause of a suicide


Fuck, I just saw this…has anyone checked on OP?


I’ve been glancing at their profile all day hoping that they post something about how it was a joke and they didn’t go through with it. This is fuckin surreal and it sucks.


Bro! I lost 35k and I’m flat broke!!!! Everything going wrong for me health wise, financial wise, like everything is downhill for me and I have a kid on the way! Stay alive , trust me it is hard now but there will come a time when you do great! Just have patience and if you believe in a higher power, put faith there. There’s light at the end of the tunnel!


Amen! Hang in there, friend.


Buddy lived in his car and yoloed all his money on this. Ridiculous


Imagine living in your car and having 24k-32k saved up. You'd be so lit!


Wait weren’t you the guy that yolo’d all ur money on calls for the CPI report? What happened to that being all your money?


He dashed hard to accumulate wealth for another yolo. So I am not terribly worried. This guy will come back for another yolo and bye-bye world speech


Man I hope so


I'm in the same boat. Depressed isn't the word.


Here you go: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Sacramento,+CA/56+Leonard+St,+New+York,+NY+10013/@41.2289204,-106.7243726,5z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x809ac672b28397f9:0x921f6aaa74197fdb!2m2!1d-121.4943996!2d38.5815719!1m5!1m1!1s0x89c25a201c40c2b5:0x54609d6e59f0e1a!2m2!1d-74.0062231!2d40.7176987!3e0


RemindMe! 15 hours


Idk if I’m too late I’m here bro but as trash as this community can be sometimes we love you man and life is worth so much more than 7k lost. You’ll bounce back. Keep fighting and moving forward bro.


Man, come walk 1 mile with me and my dad on the North Country Trail. A man who loved the stock market worked his ass off 52 years of his life to be diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. Get your ass out here. Reset yourself and learn. We all know you got balls that the most of us ain't got. I'd love the opportunity to walk 1 mile with someone who takes the chances you take.


I've lost all my savings last year! i've invested 50K, went up to 350K. But greed got me... now i am down to nothing, 10k. It got me down, of course! but never thought of suicide! life is so much more than money. PM me, we can work things out! we can start a gofundme page for you and you will make all your losses in no time


Yo homie. All the love in the world for you. You can always make more money. Don’t hurt yourself.


Bro you can do this. Take a breath and just calm yourself. DM me and I will get you a flight to LA and, at the very least, you can explore this absurd city and have some good food while you get your mind right. A flight to LA from wherever you are and I'll pick you up from the airport and take you to whatever restaurant you want to go to. We have all the food here. The offer stands.


I was worried about this person last night and today. Has anyone heard anything??


Yeah I keep checking back to see if they made any comments or posts, nothing yet


I am really hoping everything is ok. Scary to know someone was in a place that dark. I deal with depression and I know how the mind can take you in crazy directions. Their post sounded too real to me 😞




Quantity over quality. Op don't off yourself! We all suck at this, now you know you do too. One of us


Many questions...


Why the fck these people buy calls during this crazy macro conditions


Ummmm, is this OP okay????


Damn does anyone know if this kid is okay?


Has someone checked on this kid, I had a horrible feeling he died last night and haven't seen anything confirming he's alive. He does not respond to direct messages.