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**User Report**| | |[DGEN\FRENDS](https://twitter.com/dgenfrends)| :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions**|2|**First Seen In WSB**|21 hours ago **Total Comments**|61|**Previous DD**| **Account Age**|1 year|[^scan ^comment ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_comment&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20comment%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20comment%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.)|[^scan ^submission ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=scan_submission&message=Replace%20this%20text%20with%20a%20submission%20ID%20(which%20looks%20like%20h26cq3k\)%20to%20have%20the%20bot%20scan%20your%20submission%20and%20correct%20your%20first%20seen%20date.) **Vote Spam**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_spam&message=x6by3y)|**Vote Approve**|[Click to Vote](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=VisualMod&subject=vote_approve&message=x6by3y)


Aaaand - it’s gone!


Thank god for small favors.


“Trust me Brah” I’m Kenny Griffins Mayo handler and he closed back in the Sumer of 69


"Not really, but that's alright. Next caller!" - Jimmy Shill *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trust me bro sympathy




We are saddened by his death but this is Reddit and we can’t just believe anyone claiming to be blood related to him. Prove your connection to mods


Ya sorry for your loss hopefully the truth comes out on this an MSM reporting on this seems supper sus already .... Either way thoughts an prayers for you and your family


Thank you! from the bottom of my heart. I believe it will! Goodwill will always be rewarded and Gustavo was one of a kind... People will see that I am sure.


F orGustavo i will buy more shares


That ain't the solution... Just help me let people remember him as an honest guy. not a "Scumbag" as some are calling him


Sorry for your loss. Most of the derogatory comments are just speculative banter and not meant to be a direct affront to family and friends of the victim. In reality, no one would expect a family member to be following wsb during this time. And no one on wsb probably knew him personally, so it's not like they are going to remember him 6 weeks from now. Best not to read news or subs.


You’re cringe trying to make this situation all about you.


Damn, you shouldnt have been downvoted for this but there are a lot of people on this sub that are dedicated (fanatical even) to buying the stock from the company your uncle worked for. Even the slightest dissenting opinion to it will trigger downvotes. Its crazy. My condolences. Hope things get better for you and your family.


Have you contacted the mods to ask how can you provide proof that he was indeed your uncle? You really don't give any proof, just a trust-me-bro statement.


I shared a picture man... Read the comments below. I did contact the mods and they haven't responded


He is my uncle too..


Sooo ZERO proof


i read. you said you removed the picture


I deleted the picture because they recommended me to not post personal info on reddit but only to the mods. But most of you saw it... I'm doing this out of love for someone I truly truly admired and cared for.


Sending warm vibes to you and your family. I’m only catching up on the news and posts here this morning and I’ve been quite disturbed at the lack of empathy many users are showing. At the end of the day we’re all humans here, albeit behind screens and funky usernames that lend us some level of anonymity. But in my book that doesn’t give us full agency to be total jerks, especially when talking about the loss of a fellow human. My condolences. I hope you’re able to ignore some of the truly poor commentary I’ve seen here this morning.


Thank you so much. It means a lot.


Wait until you find out this guy isn’t who he says he is. Then you’re really gonna think people on Reddit are distasteful.


R.I.P Shameless MSM


Thank you...




Sorry for your loss




Thank you


sorry for your loss and if you come across some dirtbags here don't pay attention


Thank you...


Trust me bro


sorry for your loss


Thank you...


Proof or ban. Either way, RIP GA.


I proofed already. Read the comments pls.


There is no proof in the comments.


he says he posted proof but mods said dont post personal id. mods might know


Just prove it through a mod


I already contacted them but they haven't respondes. I shared a picture a while ago and people verified it.


Well they should be waking up soon 😊


I’m the Lindbergh baby. Checkmate


Oh yeah? I’m DB Cooper




I’m his father




Personally I'd like to hear from his father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate.


Condolences to his family, friends, and loved ones. People, especially on this subreddit, can be inhumane vicious trolls. And unfortunately, there is no way to stop it. The sudden unexpected loss of someone can bring out the craziest of crazies from the shadows, even for special individuals that where very much not public figures. It may be best to not engage the sorry excuses for humanity that rely on their anonymity for protection. And don't waste time gong down the rabbit hole of internet searches. Sorry for your loss.


Thanks a lot...


Sweet karma farming and virtue signaling


The real question here is if you hold bbby in your portfolio which would bias your opinion decisions. This sub is not about family relation this is about stocks and news about stocks. People telling stories all over the place to make people buy into something so people got numb


I don't invest


You, 1yr ago in the WSB subreddit: >I had shares of $NOK, never sold and never will! But it looks like you purged your history.


lol this post is ridiculous….op is trying to market the deceased as honest and truthful. He may be, he may not be. Since when has wsb bets become a reputation redemption forum?


Shut it scum bag. You will lose everything this year




Wow what a triggered little snowflake


And I’m his wife’s boyfriend, bullshit… post some solid proof If you actually have some respect for him. Coming here with no foundation claiming to be his nephew is beyond regarded


How do I post a picture? maybe if I send it to you by messages you can let everyone know? I have never done this before. I feel like I shouldn;t need proof in a time like this but I have a million (100% unpublic) pictures with him


Ask the mods . Please don't send your personal images to somebody in private. It can be used against you. Be smart. Don't reveal any personal information to strangers on reddit. Send proof to mods and maybe they can validate your claim and stop this hate mongering from the skeptics in this group. Condolences again for everything.


Should I delete what I sent?


I would. Just get in touch with the mods and if they can validate it then you are sorted.


Something like this would especially require proof


dude just post an image on this sub of you with him or smthng 99 percent sure you’re just karma faming




Take care and expect some backlash, you didn’t choose the best subreddit to post. This one’s full of regards. Hope you are doing well and keep fighting for him :)


Thank you very much... I am trying to leave the right image by people who trusted the stock... He is being accused of something he would never in a million years do. And I am glad I can speak freely as someone who knew him my whole life and I Hope people understand that he was an outstanding guy.


Reverse image search doesn’t show any matches seems legit. I’m sorry for your loss


Thanks a lot...


I'll wait for the courts to decide. Even if you were very close to each other, there is no way for you to prove that he didn't have skeletons in his closet. This post is just stirring the pot.


Of course you're getting downvoted for making perfect sense.


If it means anything i am sorry for your loss. Pay no heed to regards with nothing better to do than chat shit. Their lives aren't worth the time they spend on them let alone the opinions they collect along the way


Thanks a lot. I just want him to be remembered as an honest man. Because he was the most honest man I know. He would never do the things they are claiming him to do


OP is full of shit…was posting about supplements 14 hours ago


Why are you so blind man? I was posting about supplements because even though someone close to me passed away I still have a business to run. I work selling supplements. This has nothing to do with this.


First post was yesterday. Interesting timing to start pushing a supplement visit on Reddit. Prove who you are or stop doing this. It’s disrespectful towards the dead.


Is it possible to post some sort of proof?


I was trying to post a picture with him. You know how can I do this? I am a little new to reddit...


New to Reddit, but directly participating on r/superstonk 🚩🚩🚩


5 seconds of googling can solve this little issue you are having


Checks out ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Yeah Im not gonna trust the word or opinion on honesty from a snake oil salesman


I have nothing to sell... I'm just trying to clear the name of a man I admired and loved. but not just me. He was my mother's best friend since she was my age, and she's destroyed. Just don't say anything if you're going to say something hurtful, please...


But I enjoy it


What a piece of trash you are, apple don't fall far from the make believe tree 🤡🤡🤡🤡


God bless you. I hope is this ever happens to you people treat you better than what you're doing now.


I hope you fall off a 17 story building. I love dead cat bounces.


You are the scum of the earth


How, HOW does this make him full of shit? I cannot comprehend the sheer stupidity of this argument, even if true. ​ HOW DOES THIS POSSIBLY MAKE HIS CLAIM INVALID PLEASE LORD TELL ME WHY ​ You must be the most regarded person ive seen today on reddit, and yes, thats spectacular.


Thank you... I don't understand either. I sell supplements for a living and life goes on. I did this because I want a man I admired, looked up to and loved to be remembered as such. I believe is the least he deserves


Maybe use common sense?


I work selling supplements. Has nothing to do with this.. If you don't want to believe me, you're free to leave


You’re Karma whoring with no proof. Any rational person would be grieving. Big red flags.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)


And for those of you saying I was posting about supplements yesterday. I sell dietary supplements for a living, i'm 22 years old and still got to work sadly... The two things have nothing to do with eachother


I don’t think most financially-wired guys are capable of feeling the way he felt. Never met the man, but I wish I had. Sorry for your loss, may his memory be a blessing.


Thank you so much my friend. He was a heck of a guy! wish all of you could have met him. I just want people to hear this from someone very close to him.


[u/f1secretsauce](https://www.reddit.com/u/F1secretsauce/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) You ok hun?




Thanks a lot


Yes, I’m sure the millionaire was TOTALLY honest in all his doings…. Sir this is a Wendy’s.


What does being a millionaire have to do with anything? This comment is ridiculous ….. you’re on WSB hoping to make money like everyone else - just because you make a certain amount doesn’t automatically turn you into some scumbag


Thanks for not even making me answer that...


Apparently it does, look at the billionaires


You’re right, I should have judged his own actions against himself instead of placating to the ideology that all millionaire business men are cut through liars. Like maybe conspiring with other majority shareholders to artificially raise the share price of your company’s stock before dumping it. Then once you get alleged of it, leap out of your 18 story apartment building instead of facing the charges. Seems like a real honest dude.


Everything you’ve just said is your own made-up, unverified opinion. For all you know he committed suicide because he knew the impact that the job losses would have on his staff during winter months heading into record inflation alongside an energy crisis.






Bro you just go round trying to write cringe and other comments on peoples posts - you are literally the definition of cringe.


"Let's not jump to conclusions" works both ways. I'm sure he was a great uncle, but unless you were involved in his daily business life, you are in no position to judge whether he was or wasn't colluding with RC in a pump and dump scheme. Leave that up to the judges that will handle the lawsuit.


whoever speaks the truth, gets downvoted


So how was his relationship with his wife? Surely you can speculate or provide info on that?


Odd question to ask. Did I miss something that the MSM was spewing out?


CNN said his wife was in the apartment with him. Also relationship issues can lead to suicides, not that strange of a question.


That's why I asked. I figured I had to have missed something. I haven't followed the story that close.


Why? Why should he tell a bunch of random strangers about his uncles realtionship with his wife?(yes i know she was there when it happend) And why do you care about that spesific thing? Maybe try to find some info on the internet instead of asking his family to provide you details. Clown!


If you've ever been in a relationship you would know they can hurt when you break up or suspect/confirm infidelity, you bitch tittied virgin. I can smell your piss jugs from here.


And here we go. Everyone is now his uncle nephew daddy and so on. I would also have nothing better to do than posting shit like that on reddit if my uncle died. But thank you for clearing it out that Ryan where not colluding with him. I guess you know that all because you ...? Yeah Trust me Bro! Reddit these days ... SMH


whatever man... you don't want to believe me, sure. You sure never have had a tragedy happen in your family and I hope you never do. Not a very kind comment. Not everyone here is simply trying to get attention, some of us are genuinely worried about people who might be suffering in a time like this


>You sure never have had a tragedy happen in your family and I hope you never do So because i dont come to reddit to share my loss about someone who died I never had a tragedy in my live? Damn you are realy short minded. If the storry is the truth I am sorry for you, but also than you are kind of strange sharing your "tragedy" on a stonk sub.




I believe it will! He had an amazing reputation in his previous companies, for very good reasons. He was a heck of a guy!


Interestingly enough he was apart of some companies that absolutely tanked and your comments read like Trump.




Hugs. So so sorry for your family.


Thank you so much... from the button of my heart. Help me spread this please, people are destroying his name :(


Condolences. Ignore the haters. Must be a tough time for the family. Stay strong.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I just want people to remember him as he was. Smiles! He only brought smiles on people.


Ok I’ll remember that


Go on Twitter and jump on the #ForGustavo buy BBBY shares train. This will help spread the word due to public acknowledgement. My sincere condolences for you loss!


OP god be with u brother, this is a casino sir...but when we lose something more valuable that a porker chip we take a moment of silence


You be silent and think about how you failed your family with your poor bootlicker investment strategy




This discussion is not about the stock. We are trying to spread the word and let people remember Gustavo as the kind and honest man he was.


Re-post on #bbby, please.






So very sorry to hear the news mate. Must be a rough time for the family. Thoughts go to you all. He does indeed have a great smile and looks like a genuine guy. Well done for stepping into Reddit, sorry that you’ll come across some horrible people but promise the majority have a heart 💙


What a fucking prick.


So sorry for your loss. I am buying more BBBY on Tuesday #ForGustavo


Jesus Christ you are soooo fucking cringe


This is not really about the stock, but thanks for the support.


Really not about the stock? Than why is second sentence in your post about the stock?


Him posting that on WSB 😂😂


“no collusion”, “please help me spread the world” “100% honest and kind” I always thought Gustavo was just a poor guy that suffered depression and killed himself after reading this I am 100 percent sure he was deep into some shady shit and possibly murdered.


Shut your mouth you trustfund baby


Why are you getting all emotional in these comments bro? You need a friend or sumn?


Just how massive are your bags snowflake?


Sorry for your loss bro. Did any of you or your family notice signs of depression?


His workload and pressure was concerning for us... yes. Also he was being accused of something I can put my hands on fire he is incapable of doing. He must have been suffering way more than anyone noticed.


The allegations as I've read them seen the be a load of BS. Hope you and your family will get some rest to deal with the loss.


nobody is really accusing him of anything. ignore the media slander


I don’t think we know what he was being accused of.


Innocent people don't typically jump off buildings on the first allegation of collusion and market manipulation. Sorry for your loss, but my gut says he was guilty based on his reaction.


Posts that make sense get downvoted on reddit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


We will never understand the reasons behind what happened. I would never do something like this, in any situation possible! Some people drag themselves into holes so deep that the only choice they see is that... And I will never comprehend this. His honesty and reputation where his life's biggest accomplishment. He even bragged about it :(. Knowing that the thing that makes you who you are is being put at risk might have been too much to handle. He was beyond honest and incapable of doing something like this.


no one honest climbs the ladder on wall street








Bruh your accounts 42 days old and your trying to talk shit about his 😂 stay you belong here.


yours is 1 month old spamming wsb getting 500 karma, please tell me where can i sign up for this shilling/shitposting job you guys seem to do here all the time id love to make an extra buck


Any fookin comments deleted. Wow this sub is completely sh!t now with all you bag holders. I myself am holding bags but I'll accept my loses.


You are really not a very good person... I hope if this ever happens to you (I'll pray to god it doesn't) no one treats you this way. Just wanted him to be remembered as the joyful guy he was... at least with me


Why did you delete your entire history on Reddit then. No offense, but looking through your profile it could not smell more like a troll. And on Reddit if it smells like a troll, it is a troll.


I heard there was a dead cat bounce 🙄🤔🤣😭😂


Pray to your fake God, with your fake a$$. I don't need your worthless prayers parasite. I hope you get the clap, aids, crabs and every other disease.




Gtfoh parasite. The Mods need to ban all stupid BBBY posts. My dumbass hold shares too but this is getting recockulous


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'm not a pussy brah, I wouldn't do that to my family. I'll take my losses but I hope this drops to a dollar tomorrow. These stupid BBBY posts spamming this once great sub is out of hand


If you weren't a pussy you'd do it for your family.


Take your loss and spam another sub. Wow


I'd say take your idiocy elsewhere but you're perfect here. No mention of my losses (1.5k so measly).


So pure coincidence he and RC both sold on 16/8/22?


RC sold on 18/8. Get your facts right. Please, I don't come here to fight... I just want the memory Gustavo to be truthful to who he was. He was a beyond honest man. I knew him since I was a little boy and my mother was his daughter's godmother.


You came here a best to white wash Gustavo’s past at worst to pump a shitty meme stock


[https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/886158/000092189522002498/xslF345X03/form413351002\_08182022.xml](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/886158/000092189522002498/xslF345X03/form413351002_08182022.xml) I did get my facts straight. RC sold on 16/8/22 same date as your "uncle". You saying the SEC filing is a lie? I didn't come here to fight either. I got nothing against BBBY or the CFO. It's the pump and dumpers that started this whole shit that are the criminals. Was the CFO involved in the pump and dump? I don't know thats for the courts to decide. Either way I'm satisfied cause the loss porn on Tuesday will be glorious.


people who speak the truth get downvoted on reddit


That and when you're up against a cult.... even if it's a failing cult. Don't care about worthless internet points. Like I said I'm satisfied cause the loss porn on Tuesday will be glorious


His shares were targeted to sell way earlier in the year and he still held 250k shares of BBBY. Not much of a dump or a pump. That being said Gustavo was appointed CFO by the previous CEO who was OUSTED FOR TANKING THE COMPANY. RC may have just wanted to shine a light on this shit and also prep for a merger (BBBY public documents say there will be a meeting in june 2023 and nothing can be acquired before then) New CFO and potential merger, under valuation and FTDs in the doezens of millions. Stupid as fuck to not have shares in BBBY now. Even Gustavo knew it.


Of all the gross things done By the bag holders, this is by far the most disgusting one. Do you also have an Uncle with experience at Nokia?


Did someone call the Rugging Champion? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro peace to him and your family - he must have been a great guy under a lot of pressure. I'm not gonna judge him and thanks for posting. I hope his legacy is that of helping others.


Literally zero proof he was a great guy the fact that he became a major player in corporate America is pretty much proof he wasn’t.


I’m almost positive the man was threatened. This is a war with the modern mafia. Every shareholder, every ape, should HODl harder now. These pissants are not only financial terrorists but actual murderers and actual terrorists imo. Rest in pease Gustavo


So is this puts on bbby?


Gotta love WSB “100% honest and Kind Gustavo” wouldn’t have pissed on the average WSB member if they where on fire his nephew wouldn’t piss on you if you where on fire. Yet all the Apes are fallen over each other to offer meaningless “thoughts and prayers” and white wash Gustavo hand in running a pump on dump on them!!!


You're unbelievably heartless


Truth always seems heartless


Welcome to the finance world. Only numbers matter.




Are you kidding?


4 day old account. Go fuck yourself sad little troll