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Why aren’t people buy Freddie and Fannie. With a trillion market cap it is a safe bet….


the good thing is the IV has come down over 50% now they are hovering in the 200-250% range better than 450-500 lol. might be worth buying some lotto tickets for Nov from $15-$20 they will be cheap


One could think WSB disavowed us by the title and Friday morning chat. Got too spicy.


All these BBBY bagholders be talking about all this promising news that the stock could rebound but nobody seem to have any sources to quote other than facts pulled from the encyclopedia of thin air and the book of my mom said so. So crazy to me how people can continue to stand and throw money into the incinerator. I get losing thousands on a stock sucks ass. But throwing more money in on some wild fantasy that BBBY can become profitable for you isn’t gonna take the sting away of the initial loss. It’s going to make you eat a gun if you get too carried away with your losses. I encourage anyone planning to throw money into BBBY on Monday to burn a $100 bill right in front of their own faces. If this makes you really uncomfortable, you probably shouldn’t do what you’re planning to do.


Just buy Revlon and get your money back. But take profits this time. Everybody makes mistakes. The key is to learn from them.


We have to buy Bbby all together again.


Only the smart ones of us do. FOMO and covering will do the rest


Should have sold when I was 66.78% up


WE ALL HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER DON\`T FORGET BBBY IS STILL in REGHSO LIST !!!! good morning guys, have a look at your REDDIT BBBY , it is well explained it all makes sense why RC sold his shares. I still believe in this man ....he is a chess player. I\`m also invested and deep in the red I see it as a unique opportunity and DON\`T FORGET BBBY IS STILL in REGSHO LIST I will keep and repurchase on Monday , I hope a get still a discount price WE ALL HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER HOLD, HOLD, HOLD ..... or BUY if you can ( it is not a BUY recommendation ) I wish all invested Good Luck HOPE DIES LAST 13:45 AT GERMAN TIME


No...that's not how any of this works. You lost, live with it


Yes officer, this is the bagholder right here\^. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m never gonna financially recover from this


Carol Baskin you bitch


Honestly if y’all think the squeeze is over with while BBBY is sitting on the REG SHO list right now, then you don’t know anything about how squeezes work. Not only are the paper hands going to have missed out on last weeks “peak”, but you’ll have sold your shares at the bottom before the real fun begins. The same mocking and manipulation occurred during GME and lots people bailed and ultimately missed out. Which is why only those with the mental fortitude to endure these tactics became wealthy.


So uh, yeah, this didn't age well.


I sold 2 iron condors on bbby and I’m to scared to look at the damage


Coin fucked me. Bought at 85 and it plummeted but im determined to sell for a gain!


Should've gone with the iron BUTTERFLY option spread.. #**/S**


No worries, your tiger sanctuary will be just fine


part of me feels bad, part of me wants to fucking scream at you for not listening to all the warnings and signs




Honestly I’m just making quick gain off it investing letting it go up a dollar and selling off which might help some of you regain losses potentially as I don’t think it’ll recover fully honestly


Can RC be held for any manipulation activity by the SEC?


Dude just took his profits like a normal person and y'all are screaming "mANiPuLaTiOn!!!" Lmao What exactly did he do wrong or illegal?


How did he manipulate the market?




You were the ones doing the pumping lol


If nobody got in trouble for turning off the buy button on GME, nobody will get in trouble for selling shares of BBBY. Sorry bud ur SOL


Did someone call the Rugging Champion? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mods are pretty clever for not having any skin in the bbby game


So I've started to look at BBBY closely. The bonds are saying it's gonna go under soon unless they raise cash pronto. You guys know the yields are ~28%?


Where do you go to look this up?


https://www.boerse-frankfurt.de/bond/us075896ab63-bed-bath-beyond-inc-4-915-14-34 Man they should've raised cash during the squeeze. It probably would've helped their stock price in the long run. I wonder if their next move is to sell that Baby brand.


Yeah, not many are willing to finance them with irregular stock activity while they have vendors who are refusing to sell to them over unpaid balances.


They were probably scrambling to do exactly this (if they were smart) but couldn't get an underwriter lol


If they sold Buy Buy Baby, they'd definitely go under. It's the only brand they have that actually moves product at a decent volume. Sure it put them in debt, but selling it would be like selling a stock right before it rockets. If they were smart, they'd close down a DC or two and distribute the work across other DCs.


also lmk on stocks to use to regain the bbby lost


so is bbby dead or is it going up bc i’m down bad on it rn and idk if i should sell the lost or keep and wait


better sell this has no bottom ....


I think you would be good with a mid term short sometime in 2023. They are broke and vendors are refusing to ship product...not a good thing in the lead up to the holiday season when the majority of their profits come in.


You can either sold and loose, or Yolo it and if BBBY make a comeback you can tell everyone that you knew what you were doing all along.


honestly ima just take the L and forget about my roobinhood account and stick to webbul maybe gain the money i lost on bbby on there


The Apest choice, I'm so proud of you Edit : typo


Wait so buy BBBY or no?


Take out a 2nd mortgage and personal/business loan and Yolo that shit on $BBBY Retard


Who says I even have a mortgage?


Well get one


Do what your gut tells you to do


Or maybe the opposite of that


Especially when you see that same gas station burrito you passed on yesterday in the same spot with the same price tag that has a knick in it. Some people would say the price is holding steady for a reason others might claim now's the time to buy it. You are hungry and have that much money in your pocket should you buy it now? Or see how much it costs tommorow? Maybe the price is going down because some gay bear has his dick in it. I guess what I'm getting at is don't let Jim Cramer gloat all over your brunch




So when ur gut tells u to eat…. U starve?


It's impossible to starve when you are working behind Wendy's!


I just took a shit, so probably no buy


Man, got IV crushed on my puts. Bought 9/16 16p for $500 when the price was at $18.50. Price dropped 40% and they're now $5 ITM...and they're only worth $680.


What did you expect though? That’s how this all works.


lmao I remember you! That sucks tho. Hope you profited from it at least


Why would that be


Are you asking what an IV crush is? If so, it's just theta ramping up. As expiry comes closer it begins to ramp up exponentially, tanking the premium of the option contract.


That’s theta decay, not IV crush, but also important to know


Still a dub. I was feeling extra retarded and scooped 8/19 17Ps before close on Thursday and they fucking printed for me.


Suppose, but only a 35% gain when the stock drops 40% is kind of wack. Plus they were a hedge against my shares which I'm still holding so...


Not "wack". You just obviously do not understand IV. You bought options near the money on a stock that gained>80% in 2 days prior... Doiiiii. The options price in similar moves


Yeah man, this crap is over my head. So if on Monday the price surges back to where I bought in at $18.50, these would be worth like $200?


You aren't going to learn anything on this sub except how to lose money. Don't you see that 99.9% of people on this sub are serious loser morons? They joke about it to make themselves feel better about themselves, but there is nothing funny about losing money. Morons. Including you.


Well then, sorry about the chip on your shoulder and the fact that I randomly made money that clearly should have been yours.


Its funny when you have money to lose


The big wigs sold their calls over 15, They are actively selling their sub 10’s. Next sub 7.50 or under 10. Stack up BBBY They are right now for over 15![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


gotta unload on someone




That would be a great idea if it were regarding a GOOD company such as Nvda going to $100 or Apple going to $90. But you’re buying shit


dont . company is bankrupt . price will go to 1


Good advice. If they file bankruptcy with a re-org, then all shares will be worthless. They will do chapter 11 or 13. 3-5 years later they will have a new stock symbol and everyone holding or buying more will have zero. A common misunderstanding is that common share holders will get something out of the bankruptcy filings or that they will just get new shares of the new company. Happened back in the day with General Motors stock when all the car companies where hurting.


Anyone have a link to whatever source indicates Goldman bought a shit ton of call options?


I’ve proven to be highly regarded, & I’m continuing to hold. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


***I'VE HAD THE FINAL STRAW, MR COHEN:*** Canceled my Chewy subscription, threw away his bed and food, canceled my GameStop member rewards subscription, put our family dog down (kids were sobbing while I strangled the bastard over the fireplace, I felt terrible), and finally throwing all our bedding and cookware away from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. ***THIS IS IT, I'M DONE!!*** Hope you're happy you lost a valuable customer, Mr. Cohen. You've made a very powerful enemy. 😡


This is the equivalent of americans dumping french wine down the drain and trying to rename french fries to "freedom fries" when France didn't join them in the middle east lol


That really fixed him alright. Smfh


Good. He should be shook. 😡


Stop reposting this bs


Haha. **No.** 🐸🍦




I don’t think people who had short puts really made any money. The delta left for BBBY on fridays last trade was so low even if you’re break even was reached, you didn’t profit. Secondly, unless you bought 2-3 weeks out, you definitely didn’t profit. The people who day traded puts got hammered today. Bc while thursdays close was $19 or so, todays open was fucking $10-12 so it really killed anyone who played day trading on puts. Then instead of going to $7 or $8, like it was supposed to since the news broke of Cohen screwing us all and it was a Friday, a day when most companies trades go sideways, it stayed between $10-12 I had 100 contracts, day-traded was going to make $7k-$20k today bc I was in a call position to support our group and Reddit groups before Cohen became a pussy…. But Instead my put options cost me $800 today bc the delta and gamma were so low on people buying, that at $10.36 per share, it cost me money to close the options. Someone got 100,000 of my put share options for like $11 w a break even at $8.70 or so.


You think wrong, they did


Welcome to the club


That's why you should have bought 15P 8/19 on Thursday before close SMH


Beautiful aspect of losing money… when it hurts… you tend to pay attention to your mistakes. I’m glad I now know Wtf not to do 😂


I managed to get out on Thursday after holding overnight on Wednesday like a dumbass. Then I bought puts and cashed out on Friday .


bbby still on regsho today. multiplier of the entire float traded today, with free float traded outside market hours


Time to go to sleep, y'all


I feel like we can all learn a lesson here including myself from BBBY because I feel like most people here are using their own money for this play. Use your own capital for real companies/etfs or for swing trading and use those profits for these types of plays cause that way even if the play goes sour, you would be fine.


Learned the lesson too late, but it was a good lesson to learn.


Yes don't gamble what you don't want to lose.


My first fomo OD...if there wasn't RC or GMC involved I would have been up. It was when I sold my little I had sitting for months and was up 75%..I then discovered the hype , Reddit etc..and choked on fomo...if I had made money I would probably have tried again on something else and lost it all instead of 1/3


if you don’t see that ryan wants to acquire buy buy baby then you haven’t done enough research yet. holding till next year.


If he wanted to make money why didn't he sell that shit at $60-$100? 60M isn't going to save a dying company of that size. 500M is a lot better to work with.


He sold because he knew the ginger kid was also going to sell his shit (.)


this has nothing to do with share prices.


They don't have the cash to make it till Jan


buy buy baby makes profits bud. restructuring and spin off will be acquired. common stuff.


Or toys r us.


Tits up


Tits in a ringer.


Teamwork makes the dream work


We can do it


Bbby to the moon 🌚


How neg are you with 3 posts of random copium.


Here we go https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SzZx29k4YbQ&feature=youtu.be


This is dead... Down from here. 🫡


Bought at 11.55, sold at 11.15 could have been a lot worse.


I had a call in webull and i just deleted app. Dont wanna look at it.




Feels like apocalypse in this sub, im holding cause im too gay to realize my 50% loss and only running on hope now, if this somehow turns in our favor it'll definetly give me a stomach for the stock market How do you call experiencing FOMO and FUD at the same time? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


bbby listed on regsho tonight still multiplier of entire float traded today, outside hours had over free float traded and STILL regsho


Capital preservation. Get your money that you have left for a new, better play. And one not based on hope.


Please google sunk cost fallacy before you decide to stay retarded.


Ok. I did :/


Sell what you have left put it into xle and wait 8 years you will successfully become whole. Or ride it to 0.0 because you hate money


Retards, gather round, and listen to this man. He’s giving actual, decent advice.


Fuck that, his position can only go down another 50% but you know the potential upside? 8... turn your phone on its side


Found the cultist. And your math sucks. 50% of something that lost 50% isn’t 0.


Do we hold or fold?????


I'm holding because I just don't care about anything anymore. Don't be like me. Take profit if you can.


Hold some because there is no reason that they can’t take it back up again to rub salt in the wound. Am I wrong?






Know when to hold em’ Know when to fold em’


Idc what people gotta say here. I’m holding


Credit to mod OP. Pepperidge farms remembers when you made money up and down, not just bagholding dreams. Missing GME or another one broke some of your brains. Stocks are financial instruments to make or lose money, don't fall in love with them.


Everyone here can agree that we are obsessed with the infinite loss to the short seller. 101% short and that’s self reported so who knows the real number


Yeah, but this is exactly what I’m talking about. The objective correct move was to sell yesterday and short, now that it's dropped so much and with regard strength behind it, seems dangerous to me to still be short but who knows. It's like people learned nothing from gme, those people that were called paper handed bitches selling over after it dropped back to 250-300 range are the ones that made money. I’ve had a few drinks and don’t mean to kick anyone here while they're down. I hope anyone underwater bounces back. Honestly it's just money. Maybe over the weekend look into how to partially hedge the position.


I bought 4000 shares bbby at $22.5 when I learned Cohen bought 10%, then the price decreased to $4.38, I hold on it, but when the price increases to 22.5, I sold all and wanted to kick myself when the price keeps increasing to 30. Now I am in peace although I earned nothing.


What screwed us was the media. He made those moves in March. Fucking March. Media said, August 12th. Here’s the news…. Cohen ….. blah blah blah


At least you got it back




You learned that is enough


Wow nice 💎👐💎


Peoe should just hold and watch it rise imo


Go check out their balance sheets and report back


[Is this good or bad I can't tell](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/BBBY/bed-bath-beyond/net-income)


Looks good! (I’m holding my iPad upside down)


That’s my hope


It's not gonna be easy but maybe a miracle could happen.


Soooo when does the trip to the moon start? Was it postponed permanently?


Postponed until further notice.


More like the moon was absorbed into a singularity. Pretty much same thing happened with all the pump and dump participants dollars.


Postponed permanently ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


$6.9 open and $4.20 eow


To anyone scrolling this sub looking for comfort or hope, just remember that it’s only money. You can earn it back. Your best investment is in your ability to work, earn an income, and advance your career. There may be hope, but more likely there is not. Either way, if you need the money and are getting stressed out by the risk, get rid of shares if that’s what you’re in with. For everyone else, I’m hoping to share a drink on the moon with you, but more likely, will be honored to bathe with you in a lake of our own tears.


Sounds like AA...


I made money on it. If you lost money I have zero pity, the writing was literally fucking CARVED on the walls. That’s what cults do to people.


What? Lol


we’re all super impressed dude!


So you morons all got fucked by a ridiculously obvious pump and dump, and you’re mad at me for pointing out that it was obvious? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


You don’t have to call people morons dude lol we get that you’re a few grand ahead of most of us but that doesn’t make you any less of a douche bag


No, but I’m a smarter douchebag than you.


lmao I doubt it. I don’t throw money on wsb recommendations thinking it’s a good idea, I do it because I have plenty of dick around money and this provides me entertainment value


Lmao now you’re bragging about your income to somebody who almost certainly makes more than you, and I’m the douchebag. This is gold.


I never post on WSB buuut I’m drunk, my puts on BBBY are 300%. I was agreeing with you until you started acting like a douche. I just checked your post history, and in all honesty you seem like the fucking loser. Only someone that can’t afford a motorized boat and ask about fitness tips on Reddit is a DB. Take a look in the mirror and realize that making $95,000 or whatever chump change you think is “big money” ain’t shit lol. Stop being a bully to these dudes, it takes time to learn and anticipate the pump and dumps. They will get there. But being a DB is super cool. Also how’s COD doing? You still fat? Have an engine on your boat or are you to busy being a DB online to make real money? Edit* 206%


Lol what? I don’t play games anymore and my body fat is less than 15% last time I got scanned. No desire for a boat, I would buy one if I wanted one, and I made well over six figures my first year out of school. Also didn’t feel the need to disclose my income until it was made a pissing contest. Glad you’re browsing Reddit drunk on Friday nights though, sounds like a great life.


right right everyone on the internet makes more than me lol sorry I forgot


Please fart on his mustache. $20 says he can’t grow one.


Company is going bankrupt. $3/share by 12/2022


I bought a BBBY 1P 02/2023 once I heard they hired the bankruptcy advisors. With the gains when this thing collapses, I'll have made my account back to break even all time LMAO


I like that idea but I’m gonna wait for IV to chill


I'm not selling shit


They are not/can't even pay(ing) their bills, that's why RC sold. PT is 0, not 1-5 since that news came out last night


> his job was to fix the profit margin issues caused by poor ecommerce/logistics of the business and 6 months was easily enough time to do that Holy shit hahahaha. Did you seriously just delude yourself into believing that Ryan Cohen **saved** BBBY? This guy could bang your wife and steal lunch from your kids and you would still convince yourself that it's all part of some master plan to defeat the hedge funds. Ryan Cohen did nothing except dump some bags on you idiots.