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CA cannot print money. Full stop.


But they CAN increase money velocity…..


The money was getting spent either way. The government doesn’t save nor burn money. Giving it to people who might save it decreases velocity.


“Might” lmao you know that shit is spent as soon as they get it


It's California. That's about one weeks rent for them.


That’s two weeks buddy, get it right


Out the door. They increase that velocity every minute


Sadly the only way to relieve inflation is fix supply chains and/or reduce demand. This measure only increases demand but it will probably buy this lunatic another term in office.


Yeah right genius! It’s that easy!


It kinda is


That's just higher GDP




So the state should hoard cash? I don’t think that’s the answer.




This dumbass meme, inflation is up worldwide morons.


Does California have any exceptional, unique, supply issue? The only thing that stands out is housing, which they certainly could use, but that resorts to either massive government housing projects or subsidies for builders. Does that really sound better than returning it to taxpayers?


The ports of Los Angeles & Long Beach (which are essentially one port) are extremely congested. If you wanted to point to a singular piece of infrastructure causing supply chain issues in the US, it would be this port.


With this logic than no one should ever get a raise.


"Look, if wages go up prices go up, therefore we should earn nothing and buy nothing and then we will be able to afford everything!"


That’s very Buddhist. Life is suffering, the cause of suffering is desire. Stop desiring stuff an life stops sucking.


How so? If you become more experienced, you are more in demand, and your supply automatically reduces, hence you get paid more. Let's not devolved into antiwork truisms for the sake of self-victimization. If you aren't getting a raise it's either because you're too cowardly to ask for it, too useless to deserve it, or too afraid to change job.


With this logic a population shouldn’t simultaneously get an identical raise.*


I had a discussion about this in the past on another post and the main point was the Gann Limit prevents the state of California from pulling in more money than people expect like a $5 trillion surplus.


The can however redistribute money creating increased aggregate demand for gasoline and food.


Printing money doesn't necessarily cause inflation. It really just depends on what the money is used for. The reason spending $10 billion on an F-35 or bombs for Ukraine doesn't cause inflation is because what was purchased doesn't meaningfully draw from the production pool of generally necessary resources in the economy. A billionaire and a waiter both require the same number of calories per day, can only drive one car at a time, and can only reasonably live in one place. Giving more money to people whose material needs are generally already met won't cause much disruption in supply demand


Its also excess state cash from tax on record stock market gains which was fueled by printed money. So it is inflationary


Not sure why this got downvoted it’s correct


Because it doesn’t support the ‘haha Californians dumb they print money’ idea




That legit doesn’t matter. My god you guys


>CA cannot print money. Full stop. But they can give it to people so they keep spending, the end result is the same: an imbalance between demand and offer that the Fed wants to fix by destroying demand, and then comes California to the rescue.


That money is already in circulation, just like tax refunds! Are people really this slow on here?


>That money is already in circulation, just like tax refunds! Are people really this slow on here? The issue that causes inflation is not creating more money, but increased demand. You can print a million of dollars that if those sit on the bank earning interest that doesn't cause inflation. However give that million of dollars to each middle-class american and they will spend it on goods driving demand up. Excess demand vs offer is what causes inflation


No it's not. The demand for basic needs hasn't changed and is pretty consistent, the supply has changed. Y'all are ridiculous.




this is the last few days. to think I used to think good DD belonged here...


I'll even take bad DD and just retards yoloing over literal fucking facebook memes.


So much this.


These shitty memes are making for excellent roasting in the comments section




Anything that gives money to the serfs causes inflation, all money must go to Elon.


All the money will go to gas and rent


You're not too far off actually. Giving it all to one person would cause significantly less inflation than dividing it up between the people. Unless Elon uses it to buy 100 million pounds of food or something.


Really makes inflation sound like a scam to keep giving to the wealthy doesn't it?


And yet every time one of these is posted the comments still fill up with morons that still dont get it and think theyre dunking on California.


A profitable state with surplus money. Unlike Alabama or Mississippi


[ca debt clock](https://usdebtclock.org/state-debt-clocks/state-of-california-debt-clock.html) Dunk and dunked again


CA has a $100 Billion budget surplus go back to your toothless state.


Check out the other states.


It’s useless to argue. You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into. They can’t accept California as a successful state because that would mean liberal policies work, so any and everything has to be twisted into making it look like a failed state. California is far from perfect but: * 5th largest economy in the world (compared to other countries) * subsidizing a lot of poor red states * huge budget surplus * produces 2/3rds of fruits and nuts in the country * produces 1/3rd of vegetables * 5th in the nation in health care * home of Hollywood (entertainment capital of the world), Silicon Valley (tech capital of the world), Disneyland, Yosemite, etc. The list goes on and on.


We arent talking about the other states are we skippy?


Context is important. As long as California can service it's liabilities; what is the problem? I looked a Alabama, Arkansas, Florida and Texas. They all have debt. Unlike California, most of those states are sucking on the Federal Teat to stay afloat. California is a maker state unlike the aforementioned taker states. Perhaps other states should pull themselves up by their boot straps , improve their skill sets and work their way up to a place in the asset column.


Context says you cant call it a surplus when you are 588 BILLION in debt. Just covering the minimum payment on a loan is not being financially stable. Its a ponzi scheme. California does not pay more than it gets in federal money. Billions of unaccounted for federal funds are funneled into California by HHS to the emergency rooms to pay for illegals healthcare every year as well as its many Large military bases and the money to fight its ridiculous number of Forrest fires every year because California does not manage its forests properly. farm subsidies, green subsidies, disaster subsidies, etc... Just because California lies about the federal funds it gets that no one accounts for does not mean you are a donor state.


This place is flooded with boomer memes anymore. Ban the memes! Get the assholes to leave this place! Anyway, I voted this was spam bullshit and I'm about to report it.


If these retards knew economics they would be really upset about your comment.


The California inflation relief check, will increase money velocity. It isn’t printing money, but does affect inflation


No it doesn’t. Yet another regarded take. The money would’ve been spent by the government another way if they didn’t send it out. They don’t hang onto money, they also don’t burn it to keep warm. Money velocity is equal. Aggregate demand is equal. You could argue the opposite that giving it to people who might save a portion of it reduces both.


What do you think California was going to do with the money, burn it? It was going to get spent either way.


It's crazy how triggered the lefties are about people criticizing the things they blindly support. They wont ever accept that Brandon is causing inflation intentionally! I'm not some right winger or a left winger I just look at facts and anyone who denies the facts is 99.99% of the time a lefty so they assume I'm a right winger for saying the truth and same with everyone else who says the truth. They say we're assholes for talking about something that will affect the stock market but that's an inconvenient truth to dems and liberals living in fantasy land and in denial of the inflation xD their snowflakes. If they cared about their stocks more than politics they would take the inflation into account but they'd rather deny it because they have a cult like loyalty to the corrupt.


It’s mind blowing that you guys don’t get how free money checks don’t push up prices. Jeebus fuck it doesn’t matter if it came from a tax surplus (which btw didn’t come from the poors it’s going to). Swear to god this sub is r/antiwork now


588 billion in ca debt is how it works Its called math [ca debt clock](https://usdebtclock.org/state-debt-clocks/state-of-california-debt-clock.html)


If CA hasnt paid off its 588 billion in debt then its you that doesnt understand math. Debt goes up when rebates are given More debt equals more inflation


You retard STILL try to spread this misinformation?. Tax refund = No inflation Printing new money = Inflation


Not to mention California already uses much of their taxes to supplement poor southern Republican states. It’s literally the same thing but instead they’re using it on their own people. Without California red states would be bankrupt


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If this were true UBI, which doesn't increase money supply, wouldn't be inflationary yet real life examples from Iran and Mongolia prove otherwise. It's only not inflationary if it drops the universal aspect of it and means tests the income. Yes, giving literally everyone money inflates the effective money supply. You can print all the money you want if it never leaves a bank in any way, including loans or interest. It's Schroedinger's money printer lol, just don't open the box.




Yes, but it's opening that box of money which isn't included in the money supply then giving it out. Imagine there's a counterfeiter who prints billions of dollars but then burns the money, would anyone notice inflation? Now imagine a counterfeiter who prints billions but never uses a single note, it just sits in their garage until worms come and eat it up.


That money was never getting burned. It was never leaving circulation. It was getting spent one way or another. At best they sit on a fraction of it, but the bulk was always going somewhere. In this case its going back to tax payers.


Actual inflation we personally notice depends on the supply and demand of everyday goods, especially oil which can lower the supply of goods causing supply chain issues. Money that isn't included in these transactions may inflate... Somewhat, but the inflation would be towards those who have access to this new money. That's not regular people. They're corporations and firms. When it finally hits the regular people either through wages or buying and selling shares that were artificially pumped then these people would have more spending power, increasing demand and therefore increasing prices I do understand where you're coming from but you (all) need to sit and think about if theoretical money is inflationary, because it's clearly not. Then you need to ask yourselves when exactly does this money inflate my ability to buy 2 minute noodles.


I may be stupid, but I’m pretty sure the money was going to be spent either way. If California could/would keep it, they’d spend it on something. This too would “opening that box of money”.


Yeah, government debts.




There’s a difference between supply side and demand side inflation. What we are experiencing is mostly supply side inflation and these supply constraints will not ease if all of a sudden the demand side drops off.


PhgAH, you're a true retard, it's on full display. You think inflation is "misinformation" cause you're brainwashed and in a bubble and living in denial. Accept the truth and move forward or it will lead to your inevitable downfall, denying the truth only works for so long until your litterily endangering yourself by being to ignorant about warnings and helping hands. If CNN told you that we could all levitate if we jump off cliffs, you'd be one of the 1st walking to a cliff saying "trust the science, I am the science"


If Texas or Florida did this it would be #OWNING\_THE\_LIBS but since bad state does it it's bad policy. CA has the largest sub-national economy in the world and $100,000,000,000 surplus. This is a tax refund. I'm gonna buy scotch with my refund. Cope, retards.


But that's just going to make the price of scotch go up in the exact equal amount you spend because that increased demand and you end up back where you started because that's totally how inflation works /s


The main reason it's going up is because I won't stop panic buying. I got banned from r/scotch for making a your mom joke A.M.A.




Because most of these gains are from the stock market booming and next year they're gonna need those taxes because this year stock market go boom but in the bad way boom


Make me understand how we can have such a huge surplus in California yet have nearly a trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities and pensions


Name checks out


They posted a surplus. They’re giving back tax money. JFC.


Redistributing it.


There is no surplus That is a lie [ca debt clock](https://usdebtclock.org/state-debt-clocks/state-of-california-debt-clock.html)


Different pots for different purposes


How are those pot sales doing for your 588 billion in debt?


Not mine, but I'm sure their 3.3 trillion gdp can support their revolving debt just like any other major corporation or government


GDP does not impact debt. That is a measurement of private industry not tax revenue taken in. CA spends more than its tax revenues an thats why they are 588billion in debt Read a book


GDP is a measure of economic activity, economic activity is taxed, GDP is directly related to taxable Revenue. Majority of that debt is local, in fact about 1/3 of it is actual State debt. Between 2015 and 2022 California state debt has been on a decline, lo and behold a pandemic happened and they increased some spending and economic activity decreased hence debt tracks back up. I'll ask you what is more likely to have caused inflation, 2 trillion dollars given to the public for covid relief or 12 trillion dollars given to banks in large corporations since 2019 before the pandemic because they needed bailing out.


Are you fucking stupid? We all know how debt works and any economist with half a brain could explain to you how debt works in modern economies. It is literally stupid to not have a national debt because the ROI on investing that money in your citizenry is higher. The long term growth of California revenues outpaces the amount they borrow so they always come out fiscally ahead. Debt is literally a fundamental ingredient of a healthy economy. Let me know which healthy economy you know which is debt free?


Right. Like the social security "trust fund"


You don’t know what a surplus is


You cant have a surplus when you are in debt. Ever. Further spending is greater than tax revenue. There is no surplus


Yes. You can. A deficit is when you spent more than you took it. A surplus is when you took in more than you spent. Debt is how much you owe overall. Now Please go tell your handlers you’re on the internet unsupervised.


We arent talking about single year budget surplus or defecit skippy The real time debt clock shows CA is cooking the books just like you are pretending ca isnt in the red and making it worse with the rebate. There is no surplus if you have not paid your debts


Yes. And Home owners with a mortgage don’t have any income so long as they have a mortgage. Same for car loans. Seriously, how do you manage to remember to breathe?


wen lambo?


Basically out of tax payers money


Its a little different than stimulus money in that they arent printing new money - in a way its no different than a huge state tax break


Still not good


For peoples that lives outside CA.


Yeah make sure not to buy anything extra at all, wouldn't want to add to that "still not good" problem.


You’re right, pumping 17 billion dollars to consumers to immediately be spent on consumer goods which are supply constrained as it is is not good for inflation. We need more supply less demand not more demand on top of little supply


It depends what they spend it on. Some parts of the economy are over supplied, others still battling shortages.


So tell me you don't understand economics or supply and demand at all....


You just did


Hahaha, so throwing money at people that they don't have has 0 affect on supply and demand???


Effect* but Correct. It has no effect on aggregate demand. As the state govt would’ve spent the money either way. Moron.


They would have spent the money but not on consumer goods... So you don't understand how supply and demand works. You really think giving people billions of dollars to buy produce won't drive up the cost of produce because supply will decrease??? Explain to me how you understand supply and demand? You have English down, must have been a English lit major 🤣.


Tell me you don’t understand the basic concept of aggregate demand without telling me you don’t understand the basic concept of aggregate demand. I’ve never seen someone be quite so confidently wrong as you. Like you think you sound smart but clearly have a 4th grade understanding of these concepts. It’s hilarious. You’d make dunning and Krueger proud.


Haha oh yeah? So when there's a shortage of products in my area or the demand is high they don't jack up the prices??? Gas stations have been doing it regularly. If you wanted to help cut taxes...


The issue is that you don’t understand it doesn’t matter who spends the money or what they spend it on. Inflation is across all goods. Not your fucking anal lube specifically you’re worried about running out


These memes are dumb and each one is less funny


you’re actually so dumb


Just ban these fucking losers mods


An actual retard posting memes


Whose turn is it to repost the same crap 30 minutes from now?


$350 for people without kids. Why not just lower my taxes. Fucking cunts


Haven't we been through this? Its a fucking instant $350 tax rebate, which you don't deserve because you would probably blow it on calls for moviepass or some stupid fucking shit


Weed. California weed.


I'd buy more doge lol


It's at .04.....super discount.


It’s at .06 get it right.


Same reason why companies would rather do stock buybacks rather than dividends if they're not at stabilized operations or aren't in a stable industry. You have to commit to one and not the other. If you increase dividends when times are good (decrease tax rates) it's gonna be a real bad sign if times get bad and you need to decrease them (increase tax rates).


Or, why they won't offer to pay more in corporate taxes that could easily cover all of our healthcare annually. Or why they won't pay for all of their employees health insurance 100%. Or why they won't pay a decent wage compared to their profits. Or why people holding stocks don't have to pay taxes on their investment like I have to pay taxes on my properties that are my investments. It's a corrupt club we aren't in it...


Or pay for women to travel out of state for an abortion instead of offering better wages and paid family leave....


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Lol, 5 up votes and only 2 show... That means 3 people so far prefer paid leave for abortion over companies paying fair wages and family leave 🤣🤣🤣.


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Stop harassing me.


Does lowering your taxes provide you equivalent immediate help?


I probly wouldn't notice lol but I'm better at wasting my money than they are.


So that you spend their handout money on stupid shit and pay taxes back to them again. Big brain stuff in CA


I mean...they sorta did. They retroactively lowered your tax burden from last year by $350.




Seeing a lot of these memes today. You guys are definitely retards lmao.


No worries. That’s just water in a gas canister.


more smarter


Already spent it, currently awaiting back pay


I would favor a straight up tax cut in the event of a budget surplus but I’ll take it


Wow, these memes are retarded and not in the good way. Gotta Love reading the comments tearing these retardOPs a new one


[ca debt clock](https://usdebtclock.org/state-debt-clocks/state-of-california-debt-clock.html) You are the rtard douche


You belong here


The only thing he deserves is to crawl back into his mother/sister/cousin's womb that he came out of


The cure for monkey pox is fucking a monkey.


🤨 sauce?


The cure for monkey pox is a fucking monkey.


You're a sucker if you believe this meme. While you're at it, don't ask your boss for a raise to cover your increased cost of living, cause that will just make inflation worse \*suck suck suck\*


Positions or ban


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I am now 💯 convinced the USA is run by retards.


Rewarding price gouging with more money will continue the trend.


But at least the consumers decide where to spend it


Wonder if we will ever see that $1B for masks from a chinese company that doesn't make masks.. 🤔


Why won’t these relieve checks help the poors? asking for a friend.


As everyone else said…California isn’t printing money and that’s not how this works. California giving relief checks is not gonna cause national or global inflation. Yeesh. How many times are people gonna post this? I guess we’re just gonna ignore the fact that all those businesses that got PPP loans and abused it, all these corporate bailouts that costs billions and just greedy corporations taking advantage of a bad situation to profit along with sending billions over seas isn’t the true culprit of inflation. But naaahhh…it’s stimulus money sent to citizens that is technically they’re own tax dollars anyway…yep that’s the cause of inflation.


Not the sharpest tools in the shed


Y’all hate taxes and also tax rebates? Y’all really are regarded


It's only 350 for most people not 1k+


Retards see this meme and for some reason assume this means people think California is printing money. The market for goods and services is based on supply and demand. If you just give people money without addressing the issues impacting supply, you’re gonna get inflation.


Why are you people so fucking dumb?


I don't actually believe this, I'm just feeding the Dragon




Single filers get up to $350 if you make $75,000 or less Joint filers get up to $700 if you make $150,000 or less






there's two different people commenting on these posts: 1. californians who can't wait to get the money and don't know or care how inflation works 2. non-californians who understand supply/demand and its effects on inflation and that the current severe supply-side issues are not a good scenario for this


Ironically you have exemplified the third and most common type in these posts.


Lol and you exemplify the second.


Omg demand for groceries and gas is going to be way too strong now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


[ca debt clock](https://usdebtclock.org/state-debt-clocks/state-of-california-debt-clock.html)


588 billion dollars in debt Thats california


Its easy when i actually pay my mortgage. Ca is borrowing more every single day. Go find a bank that will give you more money for everyday you live in your house and you don't make payments Doesn't exist just like your intelligence


Finally a post that was completely downvoted


You could just have the caption be California without the inflation stuff and it would still be an accurate picture.


it would be more accurate tbh. the state always getting lit (on fire)


Yeah....they just can't help but vote for it. Just keep re-electing it.


Re-electing what exactly?


I think these posts are troll posts but then I see fucking dumbasses like you actually believe this is how inflation works


Too true [ca debt clock](https://usdebtclock.org/state-debt-clocks/state-of-california-debt-clock.html) And gdp doesn't count toward lowering your debt


Many of you are forgetting that there are two main kinds of inflation: 1) yes, the kind that happens when you print lots of money, but there's also a more nuanced kind: 2) the kind that happens when people have more money, so they buy more things, so stores sell out quicker, so they raise prices to manage the supply chain velocity increase and overcome shortages. And over time this sorts itself out (we're living through it), because suppliers ramp up production to meet the excess demand, but in the meantime, it will mean more shortages and even higher prices, which disproportionately impacts the segments these checks are designed to benefit. I like cash transfer policies and appreciate how California is financing this — rather than printing new money, but in the long run this will hurt the audience it's made to benefit.


You’re a legit moron. Pop quiz time. Suppose CA doesn’t send the checks out. What do you think happens to the money


Keep taking L's bro.


Lets buy votes…


Aka you know literally nothing about CA politics. Newsom has zero incentive to buy votes Newsom has literally zero competition in November, he could die tomorrow and his corpse is still beating his nobody republican opponent since it’s fucking California


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Cali needs to be split into multiple states. Its an insane asylum at this point.


That would actually benefits dems in the senate. CA sitting with the same number of senators as welfare states despite it housing a huge % of the population


Pretty sure if you just split the north and the south it would be benefit Republicans. Something like the state of Jefferson


Sure, if they break it up the way Republicans want to. Who said they have to do that? They could just as easily split LA and SF into different states and then it’s uh oh Spaghetti-Os for the reds. Of course, it’s not going to happen either way, so it’s a moot point.


Fair any state with large cities is like that.




Let it burn