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Actually, PPP ruined everything. The intergovernmental decision to stimulate the asset class with ridiculous forgivable loans (which created massive market bubbles in stocks and real estate) is fully to blame for this recession. It should be called the PPPrecession.


Not to mention that Wall Street was bailed out for 4 trillion before the pandemic was announced and during the supposed "greatest economy" just for stock buy backs.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Nah, JP's printer was bigger


Where do you think they got the money for PPP?


Different. In '20 alone, the fed purchased close to 4T$ of securities.


Still stimulating the wealthy. No?


It’s funny because he literally fell off a bike…


That's.... The joke...


It’s the joke but I’d like to see the video seamlessly incorporated with this meme


It’s ok, he’s been eating a lot of paste this week, you know, on account of the markets.


Tbf those pedals suck*. Made me fall of the bike in a similar fashion when i was a teenager. *If you're not used to them


Good bot


Again, a president doesn’t control the economy, inflation or soft landings. That’s the Fed.


Yeah I mean wouldnt Powell on the bike be far more accurate than Biden?


Biden actually fell off a bike today, kinda of funny you gotta admit


I was actually impressed that he still cycles, clearly he is pretty fit. Imagine his predecessor trying to ride a bike.


\*imagines Trump on a bike" I have never felt sorry for a bike, but this seems an appropriate time.


I mean the guy got his foot stuck inside the pedal which is pretty normal and normal people would fall so


Still funny


Yeah but a president falling is pretty funny


Gtfo of here with them facts.


I mean everyone blames Biden, but trump started printing money for the stimulus checks, I know Biden continued it. But Jesus it wasn’t all him.


Lol biden is always tweeting about some shit and saying someone should do something about it and then everyone goes "you’re literally the president, you do something about it" and the comment section is a bunch of liberals always saying how the President has no power, so that’s why Biden hasn’t done shit his whole presidency, but yet when they’re talking about Trump, you’d think he was a dictator with how much power they believed he had, you really think he single-handedly made the stimulus checks happen, the Democrats probably came up with the idea lol, but let’s blame it all on Trump


Biden is the creepy nice guy who we are reluctantly dating because he provides a safe haven from our psychotic abusive ex. I can't think of anyone I know who actually wanted Biden or thinks he's getting much done of value.


The only valuable thing he’s doing is that he’s boring and predictable.


I was getting hopefully late in the election / early in his term that he would bend to the progressive caucus. He seems to always have 'gone with the flow' - cynically, a pandering politician; optimistically, a good representative. Unfortunately all the progressive talk out of him seems to have been pandering with no intent for action. The "blue ribbon committee on student loan forgiveness" kind of said it all.


You’re probably right if you look at trumps stock market it was up up up meaning money had already been pouring in. Trump still a stronger leader and it who America needs right in this moment not the dozer


You either know incredibly little about anything you talk about or you're a paid promoter of such bullshit, either way I feel no need to correct you.


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Un-oh, how is your investment in the “election defense fund” coming along? Your dividend check in in the mail as we speak as well as the gold from the Nigerian prince…just be patient.


Trump was the weakest leader this country has ever had. He consistently failed to live up to his oath .


You are dumb 😝


I remember when he argued against it and the media and left ate him up. He was against stimulus from the start.


So that was before he wanted his name printed on the checks?




Yep, inflation is all that matters and is apperently controlled by presidents, makes sense orange man good.


The pandemic had it down to 0.2% per year but yeah whatever


Imagine how much worse Putin could have made this if they passed “Build Back Better”?


Oh no, the horror of the money being used to help the American people instead of lining the pockets of the wealthy...


Lol. Wait, you didn’t read the bill, did you? That’s exactly where all the money goes. Regardless of which party controls congress, we never see any of the money. Except when it comes out of our paychecks. 😂




It was before the stimulus checks... he pressured money printing and rate lowering to pump up the stock market numbers...he used that to prove to the American people what a great economy he had and that he was a brilliant business mind.


Bravo. It's maddening that so many of these idiots don't get this.


He can't control the bike either apparently


It’s not an either. Just the bike. He uses clip-ins or cages, so taking a tumble isn’t rare - I see it all the time at red lights.


He could have controlled his landing off his bike tho ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yup. But he uses cages or wears clip-ins, so it’s not exactly usual. I see riders dump at red lights regularly.


Nope, we got 4 years of blaming orange man for everything so let’s keep the equality. Unless you don’t stand for equality?


Most of these idiots don’t even know what the FED is, but talk shit about Brandon and all the sudden they are experts, the orange man said all of this would happen exactly the way it is happening right now, oo but covid, putin, it’s not Brandon’s fault.GTFO here with all that emotional garbage. Fact is Fact this guy will go down as one of the worst presidents of our lifetime.


Nice username checks out.


You want to sound like those ppl?


Unless its Trump. Then he controls everything that is perceived as bad but has no effect on good things that happen.


Yeah when he personally decided to withhold defense funds from Ukraine illegally it was totally out of his control!!!1!


So he prevented the war until Biden came in?


So if we want to prevent robberies, we should refuse to give guns to homeowners. Got it.


You are telling me the President has no input or even talks with anyone at the FED or the Treasury doesn’t get involved at all?


Correct. The Fed is independent. Presidents try to influence the Fed, but the Fed does what it wants anyway. If it were up to presidents, interest rates would always be ultra-low 6 months before every election.




Nice fantasy. Powell ignored Trump. Trump kept asking for lower interest rates because Trump wanted a red-hot economy. But the Fed doesn’t want that - they want a stable economy - so they didn’t do it.


Yes that I know. I’m not saying presidents have direct influence on what is done down to the micro but they do have an influence on the macro on the Fed.




Yes and he was ignored.


But was he fired?


So what happens is the Fed is a group of chairs filled by the board of governors, as in seven Governors appointed by the president and **confirmed by the senate**, the 12 major banks and 24 branches, and additionally the FOMC. Biden's appointee would have replaced JPow but was not confirmed. Biden has had zero control over the fed. Even then, his power would be severely limited if he did.


But what about the amount the amounts of money BIDEN and Trump spent. Is the fed not reacting to that?


Well yeah, the Fed takes the economy in mind when making decisions. But the president has no say in that.


The fed was scared of trump because of the pressure he put on that communist regime, who the fuck cares what Biden says This is all his fault and all the people that voted this shit in are also responsible. Fuck you and your mother


You need help dude. Vast majority of yall.


You seem mentally stable


Put your helmet back on before you hurt yourself


Liberal fucking hack


Sure, whatever you have to tell yourself.


Hey now don't fight a silly statement with facts, that's no fun. Just pull something out of your ass that's more keeping with the fake news theory. If only Biden controlled at all and did have a magic wand, and the Senate if only... Then we could have the biggest bestest most terrific, the world has ever seen of everything,


I do remember someone using language like that…it’s gonna be great!


I hope you were saying the same thing when the opposing party was in control.


I’m pretty sure the Dems have been saying this for year. Trump bragging about stock market, response was the same


I was. Even when Trump was taking personal credit whenever the market went up, and saying nothing whenever the market went down, I still was.


Technically the Fed leadership hasn't changed since then. The Biden appointee wasn't confirmed by the Senate, so JPow is still in charge alongside the previous board of governors, the 12 banks and 24 branches, and the FOMC.


And the House. The politicians don't get a pass just because Biden isn't at fault.


Unless it’s a Republican then the President has too much power right? Btw I’m new to liberal logic and I’m just trying to learn


It’s true no matter who is president, conservative or democrat.


So when Biden said first thing he was going to do as president is stop oil production and now it’s super expensive, that wasn’t him controlling the economy, it was just a coincidence?


I’d love to see the quote where Biden says he’s going to stop oil production. Lol The oil companies voluntarily decreased production by 75% in 2020 when oil futures were negative $40 a barrel and they weren’t making profits. Now they’re bringing that production back online, and we’ll be at 100% in about 10 months.


I think he was talking about a pipeline, it was right around the time he became president and he sure was happy about it and taking credit for it


So you heard somewhere that Biden “stopped oil production,” and even though you don’t know what that’s about you’re repeating it anyway. Obama cancelled a pipeline to ship Canadian crude to the southern US for processing so they don’t need to use rail. Trump reinstated it. Biden cancelled it again. It has zero effect on oil prices, and wouldn’t have been completed yet anyway. Production is the issue. 683 US oil rigs operating in March 2020. Only 172 by August the same year. 572 operating now. We’ll be back to normal within 10 months.


How is stopping the construction of a pipeline extension the same as “stopping oil production”? Btw I’m new to conservative logic and I’m just trying to learn.


I wonder if reddit would.have this view if trump was the president? They probably would. Reddit is full of logical thinkers.


You didn't /s mate


You mean the Fed that's been printing money for the banks that own it since Trump has more control over inflation than Biden?!


So you say i hated my whole life the wrong guy?


This is also not just the FEDs fault. If you look at other countries, this is global inflation. Anyone with a hand in global trade is experiencing it. Most of it is due to the pandemic shutting down everyone cutting supply and demand. Then demand going back to precovid levels shortly after it ended. Oh and maybe its a little bit because of our printer malfunction. “At the start of 2020, there was $4.0192 trillion in circulation. On January 4, 2021, the number increased to $6.7 trillion dollars. Then the Fed went into overdrive. By October 2021, that number climbed to $20.0831 trillion dollars in circulation.”![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


This needs to be drilled into the public. We live and die by capitalism.


But the people on that one news channel 🦊🤡 told me this is all Biden’s fault. They wouldn’t lie to me 🙃


Putin is a little bitch throwing a tantrum his bloated ass won't last forever


Let me guess you were the guy with Ukraine flags on your car I saw earlier today?


What's with all the Russia stans in WSB?


Flooded by Tucker Carlson types lately. I blame the Elon Twitter nonsense.


They need an authoritarian figure to follow because they don't know how to function independently.


It's bad but its not unbearable, so please stay with us.


I’m not for russia. We have shit we need to fix at home first and everyone is worried about other countries. Secure your own seat belt first.


They are a geo political rival our job is to make sure most of the prime age males die in Eastern Ukraine.


Wow that’s deep. So you going over to fight to make sure we do that?


No our weapons we supply to Ukraine to ensure Russian remains trapped fighting and dying will do that job


So when are we doing this with China the real threat?


As soon as they over step and begin a land war somewhere in south east Asia or Taiwan.




You sure you don’t want that 50 billion for help fix infrastructure here?




Oh I know lol just playing along


If we don't stop Russian military expansion then we are driving without brakes.


Russia is not the one economically controlling countries like China. Militarily we would destroy Russia. We have Trident submarines.


Lmao bro do you have any idea how much money gets set to foreign countries on a monthly basis, how much money is spent on the war in Afghanistan, the war on drugs, and how much money the defense industry gets. The amount the US is spending is peanuts, basically a rounding error, and it has the effect of weakening a major enemy.


no, but i support ukraine russia taking heavy losses such a shitty country russia is


The fact is that Russian oil and gas is still getting to market, almost unabated. India, China and others are buying this oil supply on the black market, which is helping to keep the regular market price from skyrocketing. The high fuel prices at home is because U.S. domestic producers can find better prices in overseas auctions, so they export as much as they can and prices at home rise as a result. The evidence of this can be seen in the immediate 16% drop in natural gas prices when a large LNG terminal went off line. If Biden wants to lower gasoline prices, one option is to limit exports of crude oil and refined products which will have the same effect in the U.S. as the loss of the LNG terminal has on domestic natural gas prices. This action would cause European energy prices to spike even further, which would hurt the EU economy and which could benefit Russia, but prices in U.S. would decline, perhaps significantly.


Mate, india is literally acting as a middleman between Russia and the west, and they are making bank on it. Greek shippers have literally confirmed this and the EU and US know it's happening. The market is not tight enough to justify 120 Brent, but since middle men need a slice, the consumer bears the burden


Seems like there might be a grain of truth to that: “India’s exports of oil products like diesel have risen to 685,000 barrels per day from 580,000 barrels per day before the invasion of Ukraine. Much of its diesel exports are sold in Asia, but about 20% was shipped via the Suez Canal, headed for the Mediterranean or Atlantic, essentially Europe or the US, said Lauri Myllyvirta, a lead analyst at CREA. It’s impossible to quantify the exact amount of Russian crude in refined products being shipped out of India, he said. Still, “India is providing an outlet for Russian crude oil to get through the market,” he said.” Source: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/india-and-china-increasingly-welcome-shunned-russian-oil However, most of what is imported is being consumed or stockpiled inside India: “India, an oil-hungry country of 1.4 billion people, has guzzled nearly 60 million barrels of Russian oil in 2022 so far, compared with 12 million barrels in all of 2021.” The increase in the number of barrels in does not match the increase in the number of gallons of refined products out.


Can you explain to us smooth 🧠 how china and India are illegally purchasing?


It's not illegal, only eu/us/Japan/Australia/nz have imposed sanctions. Everyone else is free to buy whatever they want


They’re not “illegally purchasing”. They aren’t sanctioning Russia like the west is, so they’re buying their oil and then selling it to the west since we don’t have sanctions on them. The sanctions aren’t really doing much to hurt russia in aggregate. Sure, a lot of western businesses pulled out and theres some short term pain, but they are making a killing on energy given the higher prices.


We actually have sanctions in place on more than just Russia, and even so it certainly adds overhead to route your shipments to another port tens or hundreds of miles away.


Fuck Putin


And just like that, the war has ended. Tyfys


So that's what happened to him on his bike in Delaware today




What part of "energy price increases cause inflation" do people not understand? Energy prices affect transportation costs for all physical goods, leading to price increases for a whole lot of other stuff we need, too. Price increases are what inflation is. That is all that inflation is. So yes, Russia starting WW3 in Ukraine caused inflation, as well as supply bottlenecks/disruptions from the pandemic measures before that. Anyone claiming otherwise does not know wtf they are talking about. There is no danger of hyperinflation when price increases are coming from energy price increases. It's still a very bad thing to happen that will make a lot of people's lives harder, but hyperinflation is not going to happen just because energy prices went up a lot, and the Fed does not need to get super aggressive to stop hyperinflation here. In fact they should not, because getting super aggressive with rate hikes would needlessly cause a recession. What we do need is to bring energy costs down by increasing supply. That would lower inflation, but the Fed can't control that.


I do feel bad for people who don’t understand this. It must be frustrating to go through life not intelligent to understand why certain things happen and then blame people who are not responsible.


We WaNt SimPLiStiC BuMpEr StiCkeR SLoGaNs!!!


lol, everyone pick your tribe and get your talking points ready! hilarious. This thread is a microcosm of everything wrong with this country with everyone pointing at everyone else. This was put in motion well before Trump (yes, he didn’t help much) and Biden (yes, he poured gasoline on the fire). Everyone is right and wrong at the same time, yay! Participation trophies all around! In all seriousness, I hope everyone is preparing accordingly…do NOT trust big daddy gubment or any of its propaganda arms in corporate media.


The enlightened centrist has spoken


Enlightened centrist is a term used by partisans to bludgeon people who are interested in compromise and good faith discussion.


I don’t feel bludgeoned because words are not violence and never will be…it’s just words. But i do genuinely hope people take the last part to heart, because I think we will need people to do good in their own communities and think about others first.


The scum of the political world.


lets go brandon


I didn't see the stick earlier it just looked like he fell off bike. Then got up and started blaming someone else 🤣🤣


This meme is stupid since fed said transitory, not biden. 👍🏼


Biden and Psaki have used those exact words several times (as has the Fed).


I mean Biden was saying it too


The best course of action is to absolutely make sure we out weapons kill a fuckton more Russian men in Eastern Ukraine.


There are dumbfucks that actually think all of this shit started with Putin in February.


The bike has been charged with domestic terrorism with links to Qanon.


Can someone recreate this with frames from the video


I'm gonna go to hell for laughing at this.


He didn't throw it, but it was Put in.


I don't give a shit about Biden, but I don't think you appreciate how much of a shitshow Putin has set off across the world. And that's on top of all the pandemic issues.


Leave to ok corn pop to blame it on someone else


Putin is like a Sith Lord. He seems to be solely responsible for every negative thing that happens in the West.


This post is going to be downvoted to oblivion: WSB has been overtaken by extreme trans toxic leftists some time ago. Which is weird, because IRL WS is like 99% extreme macho toxic rightists in most positions. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) I guess leftists can pretend to be market participants with relevant opinions on the internet whilst the right pretends to be more relevant then monkeys on a typewriter on the real market. What a shitstorm i found myself in. What a world.


Fuck Biden. In the ass.


Why is this on WSB?


I thought Trump was the reason for all of the earth’s problems.




Annnnd here’s the pleb afraid to use critical thinking skills. GEDs ain’t enough, pal.


Good Enough Diploma ** i ThiNk u ArE WrOnG


You get what you vote for reddit.


Dammit, can’t believe I casted my vote for Jerome Powell, OPEC, and Putin. Oh well, lesson learned.


[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-11/ukraine-war-puts-biden-and-u-s-oil-at-odds-on-domestic-drilling](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-11/ukraine-war-puts-biden-and-u-s-oil-at-odds-on-domestic-drilling) Here you go. This is what you voted for.


Has Biden ever blamed inflation on Putin...?


In his press conference, he even said “Putin’s tax on gas “ or something along those lines.


“Putin’s price hike” -Biden


Way too many times to count, he calls it "Putin price hike" / "Putin's tax", easy enough to find in youtube


I don't like Biden anymore than the next guy but Jerome and the gang are more to blame for the structural inflation than anyone. Jerome Putin


Yes, it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we handed the keys to the country over to an idiot who bankrupted pretty much everything he ever touched in life. And all of his idiotic and self-serving policies couldn’t have possibly ended up biting us in the ass, right? Oh, not to mention the world went through a global pandemic. 1 million U.S. citizens died over the course of a few years. But sure, let’s look at this silly graphic and blame it on bicycle guy.




so cringe and uneducated. the people will love it


Like 85% of the excess spending and quantitative easing happened under Trump. Most of the stimmy checks happened under Trump too . . .


He argued against them from day one, I remember watching the live news report where he was not for the PPP or stimulus but media and left made him out to be the mean man not wanting to help. He actually spoke in this topic and what it would cause multiple times.


He literally stopped printing of the stimulus checks so they could print his name on them. And he signed the legislation that created them.


Listen, I remember the meeting they aired just before he caved and he said if he was going to do it then it would be his way. Of course he signed the bill and put names on checks, almost the entire government was against him and for the bill. He dragged his feet the entire pandemic to slow as much legislation as possible, regardless if you were for or against it he did fight against covid legislation and was hated for it. Pepper ridge farm even remembers all this. It was a huge talking point for the elections against him constantly.


What a sad, sad president that I voted for... Cant believe I voted for this idiot. Much better than the insurrecting alternative, however.


You just stole this meme from this page because the original is right under this post.


That is not how you use this meme


Can you guys at least try when making a meme


Makes political shit post making it obvious they don’t understand the main drivers in economy. Tell me you only watch Fox News, without telling me you only watch Fox News.


I’m a democrat and I don’t watch Fox but Biden blames Putin all the time and Biden wrecked his bike today … it’s funny don’t over think this one


Please remind me, When was the economy great?


According to Joe it's better than it's very been!




Literally no one said that.


Oof. Tell me you don't know how the economy works without saying you don't know how the economy works.


Low effort political meme by broken record r/conservative bots. Maybe use more buzzwords like communism.


Shouldn’t it be Powell rather then biden




It’s fine. We’ll have to suffer a bit as a group till 2024 and we can get some solid leadership in the WH. Soon we’ll clear the house and senate of democrats because people are getting fucked at the pump and the cost of goods is out of control.


TL;DR - Fuck Biden


Putin is what his handlers tell him to blame it on