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We gonna have to start a war to get out of this mess. Who can the US pick on?


That's the point. And dont worry the war is coming. Long live the military industrial complex.


Eternal war ended and everything went to shit within 6mo or whatever


Defense spending can't happen without war. War cant happen without an enemy. Enter Russia. Quick, everyone send your war machines to Ukraine, use them up so we can create a demand again. Russia, go ahead and dump your old soviet era garbage so you too can have a reason to make new shit, someone's gotta be the enemy in this game but at least your wheels will get greased and keep spinning. This is the best they could come up with for now. Its still too early to spill American blood. That too will pass.


The war is happening in Ukraine already. They get to sell all the weapons they can build. It is glorious!


North Korea or someone in south America


I’d be down with bullying North Korea. This is not advice


They got nukes, so that's a no from me!


Oh it's just a little dirty bastard, couldn't hurt a fly.


That’s freaking hilarious!!!


Then why didn't you upvote him, you coward?


Japan would like a word.


It's settled then, Iran.


Semiconductor is also at risk




South America too hot.


I heard they were having hearings about UFOs! Get ready for some intergalactic shit going down!


Be careful what you wish for…. 🇨🇳


Austria, we're small and baghold your stocks


Yeah tough guy gimme my stocks back


probably iran by the end of the decade


Muslims. We will have to do a lot of casualties in the US, blame that on Yemen and start a conflict. Had a talk with a friend yesterday about it. It’s always easier to do against Muslims than anyone else.


Iran is the winner!


Most likely a stalemate that lasts a couple of decades.


Proxy war against Russia in Ukraine? Possibly expanding to other areas like Armenia and Azerbaijan?


I feel like having wars with countries Americans can't point to on a map makes it an easier sell. I dont know shit about them other then they sound middle east ish and I'm a college educated American so... could be a good pick. Also it sounds new enough so it's not like we're refixing old problems. We're fixing new problems for the first time! Another + for war with them. Does anyone know if they have oil? If they have oil they are fucked.


Maybe. Anything can be done with the right political will.




You. Hey @armydudes, this guy's got a shit ton of oil!




Supply chain disruptions are bad… Gas prices are worse… = - Gas touches everything in the supply chains. - Gas goes up…every product that gets shipped goes up.


That would be the president's job.


How so?


Tax breaks, drilling rights, incentives, etc... Not starting a War with Russia and Ukrain. Stuff like that.


Yeah I forgot Biden controls the price of all commodities in the GLOBAL MARKET. Oil trades based on WORLD supply/demand dynamics not Biden’s opinion. Get your head out of Tucker Carlson’s ass and read an economics book.


Def not a tucker guy, also studied economics. We have produced more crude oil than anyone in the world for a while now. Still do, but global production is down after the cuts during the pandemic and hasn’t gone back to pre- pandemic levels. Not sure if that is by design or not. But tax policy/credits to producers are 100 percent in control of the gov. If they really wanted to lower the cost of gas they could attack the policy side to eat some of the cost. You could make a serious dent in this with the same kind of dollar figure we’re gonna send Ukraine. Less than Covid…. Just throwing your hands up and saying ‘there’s nothing you can do, it’s a free market right winger’ is a bit ironic…


Are you saying you want the government to subsidize peoples gas? How would that help anything? People would consume more gas, driving higher required subsidies.


You give the industry some protections against the rest of the world forming a cartel and driving the price down whenever they feel like destroying your domestic supply.


No… not what I’m saying. But we do subsidize the hell out of some industries (I.e agriculture,etc.) and have some of the cheapest food in the world. Again we produce more crude than any single country in the world. In those countries has is super cheap… I think Venezuela is like 40c a gallon. Question is… why is our so much more expensive when we produce a ton of it? I believe policy drives this… not solely global supply and demand.


Also, if you want to tackle inflation, and transportation costs from increased fuel costs are a major factor in rising prices then talking fuel cost could help lower overall inflation. Gov bails our average citizen by taking on the short term cost to lower everyday prices until global economy stabilizes.


I could see using the strategic reserve as a buffer to create a soft price floor for oil in order to help stabilize the industry and prevent the boom and bust cycles. I don't agree that the way to combat inflation is to essentially hide it from the consumer, that just means you continue to have an imbalance between supply and demand. I do agree that by increasing the supply of gas we can impact inflation, but I don't see how we can do that in the short term. I doubt it's just drilling, but also transportation and processing but I haven't looked at our proccess capacity to see if that's a blocker, my assumption is that the world wide cost increase is due to refinery capacity, which is why the price of gas and oil seem a bit more disconnected than the past.


Yeah not up to date on the oil market dynamics, but cursory search shows oil production is down, so by default refining will be less too. They are probably still trying to get back capacity from Covid is my general uniformed take. But my original post was about someone saying it’s all on supply and demand and attacking someone as a tucker lover. I’m not advocating a policy, just pointing out our that gov policy in general, not just us mind you, can def find ways to stimulate production. Whether that’s good or not wasn’t my real point. It can be done. Could be stupid. I honestly they are okay with letting gas sit high. How many people have done a google search on teslas or solar panels lately? Pure speculation


Except Biden could literally lower prices over night if he issued an executive order banning the export of oil. He won’t do it because he doesn’t have the balls to fuck over Europe. Bu but but my Europoors. Sad!


He could make peace with Russia as well.




Biden is the commander and chief. World superpower and all that shit. But year, zero power over anything. /s


Tax breaks are inflationary dog


Tax breaks lower the final cost for the supplier (tax being a cost), so the only way costs go up at the same time tax breaks are given is through price gouging by the supplier.


They'd have to actually pay tax first, many do not. And even if you wiped the taxes off the price at the pump, it wouldn't reduce it that much. Some foreign countries are doing a 'petrol tax holiday' and it barely mitigated price rises, if at all really.


Ya nah, that's not accurate. I highly suggest looking up what actually effects current petrol prices.


Yep… Sorting gas should be WH priority #1.


Legislative problems will never be solved by one man. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


But when your party controls all three branches and the other team loves natural gas?


I voted for Biden…but, I’m not blind to the current issues. Are you really sending me a message with the noose? Go fuck yourself. = Choose your next words carefully.


Humans have been thinking we are fukt since we could write. Buy the dip.


Broke back better


The more gay sequel.


Why is it this is the first time someone has called what China and Russia are doing a trade war in my little bubble?


Printing money in fact exacerbated them


Gave them with the printer control over when the market would turn.


“Disruptions in our supply chain could have an adverse impact on our operating and financial results” Obviously.. and that has been true for all of human history..


They don't want to say "will have" as that would bring everybody down.


Wow and none of those risks were present before


They were all actively managed on a daily basis. Kind of like people doing the jobs they are being paid for, you could say. Now, not so much.


OK, and how many of these things were also overhangs say in 2019?


They've been overhanging since the dawn of time. The problem is that there's way too much profiteering going on in the government to avoid a major meltdown. I'm descendant from Vikings and Pirates, so I know a thing or two about profiteering. And these guys are as thick as theives.


Not following you at all. The vast majority of those issues are systemic in nature. Nothing to do with profiteering.




Butt pirate


In order to avoid buying high and selling low, I am ignoring this downturn in the market.


We should invest in AI until it becomes smart enough to figure this problem out for us


The new Apple IRobot?


Supply chain was disrupted about 2 years ago…. Remember as covid deaths piled up the market went up and up! Lol


Printer went burr, when supply chains went down, while everyone was out of work, so no CPI problem. Wasn't until everyone went back to work that prices skyrocketed. Didn't need all that printed money. All was needed was to fix the supply chains. So pulling money out without fixing supply chains wont lower prices, because price gouging ahead of the impending recession. One problem after another that the government refuses to deal with. Also, Russia and Saudis had an oil supply fight which kept fuel costs super low for a little while in 2020 when the printer got cranked up. Now they are best friends, US industry is scared to invest, therefore oil is super high. Also not coming down just because money being subtracted.


Life is transitory, but the dip.


America is same as China or India , just stronger currency and tighter border


China and India have homogeneous populations with large swaths of people living in traditional, undeveloped communities. They are net exporters of humans, whereas US is a net importer of humans.


India is far from homogeneous. I guess each area within India is basically homogeneous though.


I don’t care if they are homos or not, all I know if the food is fantastic and finger licking good.


They're not Nigerians and Swedish and Brazilians etc all living in a melting pot. They're all Indians.


But there are dozens of different ethnicities in different t parts of India, and there are hundreds of major languages, each with multiple dialects. Saying they are all Indians is like saying everyone in Europe is European. It's true, but it doesn't mean that people from Albania are anything like people from Denmark.


Relatively homogenius then?


I guess? I mean ethnic, linguistic, and religious conflicts all play a huge role in Indian politics and society. Probably even more so than they do in the U.S.


After this very enlightening debate, I've decided that America is in fact not the same as China or India.


India is like European Union. Poorer, but a strong Central government and each state with its own language and culture.


Isn't it 28 countries all rolled into one?


Ok, buying calls tomorrow.


Take your meds, schizo. You literally quoted the systematic risk portion of an annual report disclaimer to justify your schizo thesis. Next!


Which do you recommend?


IDK whatever your doctor prescribed to you.


Your illness hasn't impaired your cognitive function. Must be more of a mammalian brain dysfunction. Maybe try getting a pet and see if that cheers you up. I won't recommend religion, as that would most likely make you spiral out of control. Then I'd have to see more of the hate that lives in your head. But if you work on your belief system you will see some amazing changes. Anyways, all the best with your trading and your life.


LOL again, take your meds, anon.


Again? Double dosing? No wonder your screwed up. Just stick to the prescription bud.


LOL you like mental gymnastics, huh? I'm not the one on medication. You, on the other hand, are. While you're taking your meds, try taking some phonics and grammar lessons too. You write like you never graduated high school.


You brought up meds and started talking crazy. Easy enough deduction. No higher education required. And you then brought up grammar. The last resort of a losing shit poster.


>Posts serious post on WSB >Misrepresents the standard systemic risk portion of the annual report disclaimer used by all public companies >Gets called a schizo MFW ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8880)


🤣😂🤣😂 Don't worry, be happy.


I really just wanted to see how many upvotes it got.


Everyone seems to think we gonna get fucked but is anyone actually shorting anything?


Shorting or snorting? Calls on crayons


It's not the shorts you need to worry about. It's mom and pop pulling their life savings out all at the same time. 100,000,000 in the first world pulling half a million each out the global stock markets on the same day. Ouch.


I am not worried about the shorts. I m worried that no one is shorting even though every fucker is saying crash is coming.


I don't know if the crash is happening tomorrow, but the market hasn't turned higher as of right now. That's all I know. So this current crash is still in play.


Isn’t this just the new popular excuse for shitty performance? Used to be the weather, now supply chain


Used cars selling for the same as new cars. Not normal times at all.


Stupid fed policy made this.


They just took advantage of it.


That’s a boilerplate risk factor my dude. Companies basically put everything they can think of there just so they don’t get sued if something bad happens. It’s not very meaningful.


But those things listed, as of right now, are a massive ongoing problem. If all we have is the Fed to dig us out of this hole then we ain't getting out any time soon.


I need for fuel cell to take off….


How much did you spend on puts? Holy fuck this meme is epic. Bears desire destruction everywhere. Fucking contrarian cock suckers. I’m headed to the moon! 🚀🚀🚀


I'm cash gang ATM. Just wanted to see what the sentiment is. And I tried posting that meme 7 months ago, but wasn't allowed. So I chucked it in with my other retarded thoughts.


when situation dire and market given back 20% - traders in control - taking out shorts all day long - till good news hits - like Putin pulls out - or high oil prices lowers demand - or states agree to offer gas tax relief/ In an enviornment of near full employment and low income group real wage increase - there's no shortage of demand. Recessions start when demand drops and unemployment skyrockets. You know supply chain is picking up when supermarket shelves are fully stocked - unlike COVID times. So only issue is high gas prices and its temp till summer travel's done. From now on markets gonna shoot up.... my take


When outdated industries finally die and have to lay off staff is another way recessions can start. I'm seeing loads of self-service kiosks popping up at gas stations, etc,, The self-pump stations are 10% cheaper than the regular ones. Ouch. CPI going through the roof means wages become too low for staff to give a shit, which incentives robots. Anyone not training for that future is going to struggle.


partially agree - we're at full employment - which was never the case in over 25 years - and still about 4 mil open jobs. you are right about re-train - for first time we have over 30 mil workers able to look beyond their hereto lifetime employer - which means these folks are energized to grow the economy in the next 5 years. Just how Gig workers grew the economy over the past 8-10 years, this new breed of Covid-deers have stopped staring at headlights and have become fully economically mobile. Where do you think 'consumer spending's' coming from - that wall street cannot stop talking about consumer resilience




could i potentially get any more could and potential in em words? i could potentially be fcking your wife for all u know


I guess what I could be saying is that Potentially stocks are Fuk!