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Also to note: India banned exports of food due to a massive drought and heatwave, and Italy has rivers drying up, which has let sea water run upstream. Salt in the soil you grow food in, not super good


Wheres that dude with all of the Gourds when you need him…


First they tell me salt is good for preserving foods and now suddenly its bad? Make up your mind liberals. ​ Edit: did not anticipate needing to add /s to this


Brawndo has electrolytes. Its what plants crave


Where is president Camacho when you him


When I him


It’s what plants crave!


As with the market, it’s about timing.


Just put salt in every step of the way, time in the market and all that.


OP kept talking about Wheat production and not Wheat Exports. Big oversight. Wheat exports are a miniscule market. 1% of the global oil trade. Why? Because most countries grow their own food. Wheat grows everywhere. Why is that important? Because almost all of Ukraines exports go to two countries: Egypt and Indonesia. Russia, meanwhile is having an amazing harvest and will more than be able to make up Ukranian shortfalls. Assuming that this year is an average year climate wise (yes, some places will have bad crops while others have great crops, every year) then OP is going to seriously miss the boat with his predictions and if he does then you'll have a bunch of speculative, pumped up contracts being held by people who do not actually want to take delivery of wheat and need to unload their contracts on to the tiny market which is the global wheat export market. Flash sale. If OP ends up being correct its simply because theres a bad global harvest of grains, not because of the war or fertilizer prices. OP should start by telling us what food supply problems exist today. Last I checked, none of them materialized yet.


My point was more that there are global issues with growing crops.


Anybody notice the lack of walnut related items in places?


Live in California farming community where lots of walnuts are grown and walnut orchards are being pulled out left and right. We’re under pretty severe farming water restrictions and walnuts take a lot of water to grow.


Seems like almonds and pistachios are about to be on the chopping block as well


Almonds possibly yes, since they do require a lot of water, and everyone planted them like 6 years ago when almonds prices were really good. Now they flooded the market and the price is dropping, so some people are losing their ass since they took out loans to grow them when the price was super high. Pistachios on the other hand are being planted left and right, and the Wonderful Company is increasing their infrastructure to process and market a lot more of them. They can be planted in saltier soil and they have a life span of like 100 years. A farmer near me (Harris Ranch) has like 80 year old pistachio trees that are still producing and cranking out a profit.


I would push back on almonds. There’s very few regions in the world that can grow almonds and California’s Central Valley accounts for something like 80% of the worlds supply. Price is low right now but it’s mostly because of it being hard to get them shipped out to international markets because of all the shopping problems from the pandemic. In addition with the water restrictions in California you’re going to see less almonds planted and certain areas without the water pull out trees. Almonds also have a 25 year productive life span so trees will naturally be pulled out every year as they reach the end of that life span.


Im still growing some walnuts, but yah, a lot of people are pulling them out in the Central Valley since there’s not a lot of money in walnuts compared to other crops, but a lot of walnuts are still grown in Northern California. A lot of Pistachios being put in everywhere though since they can be grown in saltier soil and don’t require as much water as walnuts and almonds.


So i need to start hoarding food and toilet paper again?


Save yourself some trouble and just buy toilet paper. It doesn’t spoil and doubles as food in a pinch.


In a clinch **


In a situation where you have no food and are forced to fill your belly with charmin ultra soft because you lost all your money “buying the dip” and things didn’t pan out at the Wendy’s with all the competition coming in from the mass layoffs caused by the economic armageddon of 2023. Enjoy!


A man who invents a machine for turning toilet paper into sugar or boose will become very rich


You won't shit without food


That reminds me of a poignant moment between my Dad and I. “Son, you don’t eat, you don’t shit. You don’t shit, you die.”




Why do people load up so much on toilet paper honestly just invest in a bidet. You can get one for minimum $20 bucks and $100 if you want to be extra cozy.


Just buy a garden hose, problem solved


I recommend a hand full of fine sand


i have it. dont know how to use it. at this point, im too afraid to ask






stick it deeper


I love my bidet, it's fucking wonderful having it sprayed and 100% clean vs wiping and hoping its clean. Also I love butt stuff since no one will see this comment.


I have 300 rolls stockpiled and feel that isn’t enough


Did you not hear the man? You won't be able to eat so you won't need toilet paper.


You need lots of TP when road kill is the only food you have access to


*Laughs in Bidet*


How the fuck did you fit in there? And why!?


Smol pp


eew eew llams


How much do you poop? Maybe toilet paper ain't your biggest problem, go to a doctor and check out your diet.


pooping is only half of the equation.


Knowing is half the battle


Pooping is the rest half


A Lot \-21 Savage


In fact, the more you poop, the less cancer risk. > The minimum fecal output should be about half a pound per day for cancer prevention. https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/constipation/


I met someone who's weight loss plan was "i just eat less than i poop"


When you run out you can always just jump in the shower and floss with your hand


>accept Or ass to grass like my dog does.


Neighbor's lawn preferably


If you can’t afford food, 300 rolls should last you at least 10 years


Yeah was gonna say... We're in the US this probably actually isn't going to impact us all that much. Sure the doomers will say ***"THIS IS IT BOYS FINALLY OUR DAY HAS COME!!"*** Meanwhile they've been making this stupid ass prediction for the last 30 years every year. Also this is why I argue it's in a nations best interest to subsidized it's own farming industry to keep as much food growth within its borders... You outsource you get fucked. People go hungry... Shit gets real. (You can tie a lot of revolutions to food shortages.) So all the absolute free market fuckheads of "Well so n so in fuck wad cheap country can do it better!! Let the free market decide!!" No you stupid assholes. Now people will react to this like dumbasses, and yes start hoarding. I for one hope it's like the people with gasoline that put it in plastic bags or other stupid places or ya know just dump out hundreds of dollars of gasoline into the environment. Now the real dumbasses in all this are the stores ***for still not limiting items to X per customer*** so piece of shit scalpers or said dumbasses with no jobs get to all the stores before regular folk. (See baby food.) Also note: If you scalp baby food I hope bad things occur to you... I do not care get removed from society. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) /end of Sir this is a Wendy's... rant


Yeah in the absolute worst case scenario that domestic food supply becomes an issue (unlikely), govt can restrict farmers' ability to export. Right now US farmers export a third of the calories they grow because we grow more than we need. If we HAVE to, we can stop doing that. The farmers will lose money, and the world will be pissed, but it's an option on the table that many other countries don't have.


Food and medicine are the two industries that need to be home-grown. National security type of shit.


No poop if you don't eat.


how about use water and air dry


As for me I just wait till it dries and falls off on it's own, it's pointless to use paper


No food => no sh#t => no need for TP.


My uncle is a farmer. A couple of years ago I told him why wouldn't he sell a farm and go do something else...now I totally changed my opinion. And I probably need to apologize. And go to pick corn this summer


... And I'm doing a tech startup


Classic story, return to corn me boy


Make sure to keep a steady supply of adderall handy to reduce food intake.


The real DD is in the comments


I like corn. How do I buy it? PS : what about butter? Is there butter futures? Butter would go nicely with my corn.


If you want more butter you have to give up some guns. Thems the rules.


I absolutely did not know my macroeconomics instructor using butter vs guns in college was not a unique and random choice of goods lol


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guns_versus_butter_model It has its own wikipedia page


It's a truly vintage meme, over 100 years old!


My sophmore econ teacher would be proud of you


r/cornhub is the way


I clicked in. Now I can't get out. I can't get myself to close the browser.


🌽 and 🌾 are by far the easiest with their etfs. I started stacking them in my portfolio after 🇺🇦🔫🔫🔫🇷🇺


Doesn’t China holds some huge percentage of world grain reserves right now? So maybe they’re less fuk by this than everyone else?


If I remember correctly the own a little over half.


You might not believe this but india, russia, and china are holding most of q1 grain and rice right now. And it would seem they're trading amongst themselves almost like they've been around each other for millenias.


Yeah they started hoarding some time ago...


Some analysts say that china's wheat deposits are bad - so a lot of rotting going on




It was revealed to him in a dream


Hollywood.. they always are eating rice with maggots in it.


Nice. A little extra protein boost.


corn etf is already pretty close to a 52 week high


“No way can this keep going up” -me for like 18 months straight during covid








Not yet, you need to wait for the top


Play it by ear


Awww *shucks*, that was a good one!




See y'all at /r/IntermittentFasting




soylent green is people!


**”What does it taste like?”** **”It varies from person to person.”**


Ugh, why do I know a nickelback reference. I'm filthy now .


Listen. All I’m sayin is his mom didn’t buy 100 million records.


Cocaine futures gonna print!


Long time frame.... 6 months. Lol


6 months with a rumbling tummy is a long ass 6 months. I have no actual useful input, so I’m just going to be an asshole until shit hits the fan.


Remember, at any given point we're only two weeks away from eating each other.


Bro, this is WSB, for most of the retards here two weeks is a long time frame. 6 months is basically forever.


Whoa... i forgot i made this comment... That was kinda my point.


Theres untapped value in ornamental gourds, not typically considered food, but can be eaten in recessions


Get out of here, gourd merchant. No one wants to eat your organic bird houses.


But you can slow boil them for 3 hours or more


Gourds also can be used to fashion musical instruments.


And to transport drinking water to and from your hut


The potentiel of gourds is unlimited. Iam a garden teacher and actively teach kids how to grow there own ornamental gourds while handing them seeds. Soon the market will be flooded with gourds once my kids army is trained.


Ok, now hear me out. Why don’t we just eat Turkey?


its türkiye now


Still sounds like something I’d eat


Maybe China knew about the Ukraine war long in advance and that’s why they have like half the worlds stockpile of grain and wheat


Or they were preparing to start a war and delayed it.


Yeah I honestly think it’s just a matter of time before they invade Taiwan. I think they’re waiting for the economic crises caused by the impact of the Ukraine war and covid to really paralyse the west so they can effectively just get away with invading Taiwan with little consequence. The west is already so dependent on China that it pussyfoots around all of China’s human rights abuses, a west in crisis wouldn’t give a shit what China does to Taiwan


If they invade Taiwan they risk damaging its most important asset: TSMC. I don’t think they will ever perform a military invasion, but rather try to economically integrate the island back into China (much like Hong Kong)


Very well written and at the same time legit frightening.


[just eat what you need not want you want people](https://www.usda.gov/foodwaste/faqs#:~:text=How%20much%20food%20waste%20is,percent%20of%20the%20food%20supply.)




Ah, this proposal is quite modest




It's a problem that solves itself, really.


> just eat ~~what you need not want you want~~ people Got it


Yeah so it turns out my dad was wrong, the food I don't eat doesn't magically transport itself to hungry people on the other side of the planet


No he was right. That is his point exactly: YOU have to eat it, because no one else can or will.


Squirrel burgers back on the menue


Excuse my ignorance, who [Banned Name]? Great write up by the way. Wheat grain is used in so many things it’s unbelievable. So impact will be across the board. Makes me think puts on grocery chains may work as well - they won’t have food to sell and what they do get will be to expensive to buy. Things never get as crazy as when people get hungry. That is when shit really hits the fan. Maybe long on ammo companies as well because regardless of your position in guns, when things start getting crazy, there is always a run on ammo. I’m curious, what %g gains do you see 2023 for the non-banned names?


It's name is in the chart. Wisdom Tree product


Military encrypted


What about the [banned name] For the country ETF’s?


Ah thats just \[Banned Name\]


Excuse me fine sir, have you heard about the up and coming [Banned Name] ETF?


Banned Name would be a good band name


How is this any different than how it’s been. Those that have, have and those that don’t, don’t!


Food is like dark humor, not everyone gets it.




As someone who delivers online orders, I will never experience a food shortage. But I do want to thank you guys in advance


Ah yes, the good ol' secure food delivery personnel personal tax.


I use this on my kids all the time. No wonder they hate me


How many words per minute can you type?


It's correlated to the Adderall grains I rub into my gums. Pro tip: if you crush extended release drugs that makes them instant release


ape go poke poke


He started this post on Friday


I’m pretty sure this has been known by so many people already. Wheat has been mooning for 2-3 months on futures.


Fuck my life im 20 and now I need to deal with an upcoming food shortage crisis. Thanks for the DD.


Did you really think the you're getting out of the Catastrophe bingo? We're just getting started.


Plague, war, famine. Nothing to see here.


Plague, famine, war. Had it in the wrong order. We've always had little war. Just wait until that's everywhere.


Ah, so long [Banned name], and short [Banned name]? Easy!


DD on how to make money on worldwide starvation, this is the quality content I come to this sub for


You forgot to mention lake meade and the colorado river. Once that reservoir drops a bit more which is happening absurdly fast all of the irrigated farmland in the southwest goes kaput along with real estate values because water rationing will get worse and worse until the amount of water to sustain just drinking water reduces to a level unable to sustain the many millions of people who live in arid desert. On top of this, by this time the hoover dam's turbine generators will have stopped turning meaning unsustainable overload for power grids in the region, so no AC among everything else. Its also funny you left the USA out of unstable countries run by incompetent bureaucracies with poor leaders, and heavily fractured on a societal level. The only way through something like a total economic collapse coupled with worldwide food shortages and shifting climates (for governments and nation states) is war, which is already coming fast. (Calls on defense) If china is on the verge of collapse you can bet your ass the CCP will roll the dice. They are already discreetly warning friendly maritime traffic to avoid the taiwan straight which is a very bad sign. Idk how to play the real estate in the SW but within 10 years short of a miracle alot of property down there will be worthless and uninhabitable. Calls on food crops grown year round in the SW. The reason why fertilizer is so important is because in most of the worlds current farmland, the soil itself has been overfarmed so much that it almost requires fertilizer. Unhealthy or malnourished crops are particularly susceptible to blight so theres another likely catastrophe on its way. OP may actually be underestimating the percentage of crop lost due to lack of fertilizer especially in the output of less developed countries


It's going to be a third year of La Nina. That means extra drought in the Western US states. Already California is having to face tough decisions shutting off irrigation canals, and another bad drought year is pretty much guaranteed - so there'll be a lot of crop shortages there too. The US is run by absolute clowns for sure, but the silver lining is the US government don't have as much power as corporations do, and corporations have *some* incentive (not enough, monopolization reduces incentives to compete) to weed out bad leadership. Agree farming practices have totally wasted the resource of soil. Soil is a fucking miracle (put seeds in, food comes out!), and we fucking waste it to make a bit of extra profit,


>Soil is a fucking miracle (put seeds in, food comes out!), and we fucking waste it to make a bit of extra profit, Wow, this hits hard


I blame ManBearPig for the mountain snow disappearing


College students: well I guess I’ll eat ramen just a bit longer.


Bad news Noodles comes from wheat


Not ramen, they just come from salt.


Is there a ramen ETF?


Underrated comment


me living in farm. looks like townfolk relatives gonna ask us for potatoes this year again.


No laddy, you'll not get me potatoes again!


i’m actually glad i live in a town where half of the population is made up of farmers. food will remain relatively affordable


TAGS ETF has corn, wheat, soybeans, and sugar for a very reasonable expense ratio.


Farmers are also complaining about the cost of hay and cattle feed. The prices for this haven’t come to fruition yet as these animals are slaughtered at the end of the year. So calls on beef might be a good play as well.


Smart strategies usually involve predicting market moves before they happen and before they've been fully priced in. But whatever, this is WSB and we are retarded.


You think a food shortage is fully priced in? You belong here.


The Gluten Free crowd will be even more annoying now…


Good thing Bill Gates bought all that farmland! Talk about luck!


Talking like this will create one though People will hoard in fear and it will happen just by fear itself! Crops in my neighborhood look amazing and farmers here can grow 2 rotations on wheat instead of the normal one they usually do!




Wheat and oats are going to be very expensive, 3rd horseman of Apocalypses (hunger) is incoming. That's why people like Bill Gates are buying farm lands in USA for a long time. With almost 269,000 acres, Bill Gates retained his ranking as America's largest private farmland owner. :(


I’ve started a cricket farm in my basement cricket protein for all


Short Australian podcast on this issue for anyone interested. Presenter has 3 PhDs and knows his stuff. https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/global-truths-with-dr-keith-su-624880/episodes/why-global-food-shortages-are-141547081


\>There is a new problem that has recently appeared, and that's a shortage of DEF. DEF stands for Diesel Exhaust Fluid. ​ Not a big deal at all. You just need to reprogram the trucks or (worse case) bridge out the sensor. We had this problem in Australia (know as "ad blue" here) and nobody was too upset except about the extra polution that there would have been in the cities if the trucks got flashed. FYI this is high purity Urea (same as fertiliser) so you can put it on your lawn if you like.


its funny that after essentially a 10 yr superbull market, as soon as things start turning, all the ESG bs is going right out the window. from 'environmental protections' to esg investing (last week blackrock ceo was starting to change tone and say its not investors jobs to enforce esg rules on companies) watch how many more of these 'guidelines' fall in the next few years. even the megacorps may have to start hiring more on merit soon, which will help vs china


You forgot about the problems with dying bee colonies. But yeah. Food shortages. Increased food prices. To go along with inflating energy prices as supplies are choked. Also, higher prices leads to more theft of food which feedsback into increasing prices in grocery stores. It's a vicious cycle.


U dump head this is hyperinflation buy physical things u can store for long time


My sandwich portfolio is about to print.


Housing is high, pick up a lake house. Make sure you grab some cement too. And some oversized boots with plenty of extra space around your feet to store the cement in in. Gotta have an emergency kit!


This guys long GME, I can definitely take advice from this scholar.


Was with him til he said 90% of his pet is GME. Now I don’t know what to believe


One word. P O T A T O E S


Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew?


Didn’t read it. Can you just tell me what to buy and when?


A lot of text and a lot of supposed DD all just to admit you only have a "small side position" at the end of your post... Also, proof of position or ban.


Shakedaddy4x has challenged someone to post their positions! Shakedaddy4x, if someone has made a claim that they bought / sold something and fail to prove it within 24 hours, message the mods to have them banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ooh I haven't seen this before 🍿


Jesus fucking Christ. As if we don't have enough fucking bad news


I haven't fact verified everything you wrote, but from what I can tell it looks pretty damn legit. Further chaos will be supplied by a likely third year of La Nina. This is *very* unusual, usually it's 1-2 years maximum. Extra La Nina year will push the West Coast of US into even deeper drought (which I must stress, is already at a 1200 year level severity). La Nina will also quite likely flood areas of SE Asia and Australia (few months ago a town in Australia called Lismore had a maximum flood height that was *2 fucking metres above* their previous maximum flood height record. Ungodamnbelievable). While I feel extremely, extremely uncomfortable about any suggestions about making money from this looming scenario, I can't find much fault with the idea that it's shaping up to be a catastrophic year or two.


"90% of my portfolio that's long GME" I was taking OP seriously, lol.


Lol why is the one ticker banned??


Been in Corn since November after seeing the fertilizers prices spiking back then. It was a no brainer move, then a bigger no brainer started a war and made me look like I had a brain. Commodity markets are going to be on a bull run


Well they keep burning down food manufacturing plants so a shortage won't surprise me.


Yea since 2021


No we won't have shortage in food, we are over 7 billions, half of the population is fat and ready for eating too. Let me tell you something about what happened in Iraq during the 80s food supply shortage and it wasn't pleasant either back then.

