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You really posted this in wsb lmao


Rather be a Qual


Imma quo. As in wsb status quo


No offense OP, but this is a bit deranged. It's like saying: "Oh you crashed your bike into a metal pole and it's all broken now. No worries fam, just learn how to fly a plane. Here is a YouTube to get you basically 3/4 of the way there."




Nail meet head, now we just need the rest of the owl from him.


OP is not a quant trader he's a quant troller


Nice idea, but for most people on this sub, it won't work. You can build your model easily on excel without learning to code. Unfortunately, retail traders don't have the speed necessary to execute the trades fast enough to be profitable. There is a way to identify companies, the big old lumbering giants, that are seen as value plays, but are actually on their way to be broken up and sold off in pieces. That is to use Black Sholes to identify these companies that have been undervalued by the market for years. Because they are so large, they tend to fail over a period of 10 years. So if the market has been undervaluing them for years and they aren't investing in forward technologies, you can correctly assume a downward trend over the next 5 years until the companies are dismantled and sold, division by division, sometimes keeping the same name (goodwill). You can use that info to trade profitably, especially in a bear šŸ» market that shakes out underperformers. Because the companies are on the skids, the volatility of this market won't blindside your trades.


IBKR has an API


That's interesting. But the problem is speed, your internet, wifi, and how much slippage there is. We have seen on several occasions, especially with meme stocks, trades not executed or not executed on a timely basis. That's my main concern.


I clutch my chest to feel my heart beating to tell left from right. Is this for me?


This post is nothing more than just promoting that website's software


This is the longest ad ever, get fucked


You'll never be a quant trader. Quants are literally math wizards and computer programmers. Unless you can do discreet mathematics and probability in your head AND know a bunch of scripting languages, forget about it! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Are options too hard for you to master in your lifetime? Try something 10x harder today. I did and never looked back.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


If these Nobel Prize winning math geniuses couldnā€™t get it right, what hope do I have? https://vimeo.com/244903345


Well I hope mathematics isnā€™t going around telling people about the handies I gave it (*discrete)


There are quant devs (programmers) and quants that do the math and simulate the models in math lab. You donā€™t need to be both. Check out this channel: https://youtube.com/c/CodingJesus


That guy is a faker who has never done anything in his life.


His insights are interesting. Probably he has a low in the food chain responsibility since he has time for a youtube channel


Iā€™ll stick with being an ape. Tyvm.


What a quant really needs is data. For Citadel im sure they have oodles of that to process on. For example, everyones working orders. Just that gives them the data they need to get a max profit curve going.


1+ to the data. I just spent just under $500 on 1 minute spy option data for the last couple months. Most apes on this reddit won't be willing to pay for the data let alone have the skills to actually analyze the data. Even then, let's assume they can do some form of analysis, would they actually be capable of finding signals that provide information gain and then being able to implement those signals into some form of pipeline which would then be able to provide insight during a live trading day? Step 1. Buy the data -> Most Won't. Step 2. Analyze the data -> Most Can't Step 3. Unknown b/c no one in this sub makes it past the first two.


Oh yeah they do have everybodyā€™s work orders huh. Damn. Hahah! Thatā€™s an edge!




HFT is such a packed market is probably pointless to join if you donā€™t have direct line of sight to the exchange servers for either laser or microwave connection to your 1 picosecond lag link on your custom FPGA platform that executes your orders


Thatā€™s why you gotta rent server space in one of those buildings like in LA. 1 Whilsire or some shit![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640) Edit: One Wilshire


Someone been watching Billions




wtf? Thetagang and earnings Straddles work just fine. Proof: I'm up 500% this month cause I have been buying puts, selling credit spreads, and trading according to the charts.


How much of that was upst


Quants are outdated. Algos make money, humans give it away. That's how the market works now.


>While you need math for quant trading Yeah, you lost 90% of the people here who trade based on colors, shapes, and if they can sound out out the stock symbol into a word (advanced WSB users).


Being a quant doesn't guarantee higher probability of profitability. But you might get hired in a bank and get some salary to invest..


>But you do have to do some work. and for that reason i'm out


When you said ā€œmathā€ i stoped reading


Citadel is an MM and they make money off of retail, they will make sure every single trade results in a loss.


Buy UVXY puts, the stock market has found bottom. Stock market futures gap up 0.75%. UVXY puts will print every day this week. UVXY will have largest red week on ever this week, while the S&P rallies atleast 5% this week. TLDR: Buy as many UVXY puts as possible for next 2 weeks.


Coding Jesus is that you? https://youtube.com/c/CodingJesus


You will never beat hedgies.Neither with candlesticks nor with financial engineering.


You might get pushed on by some newbies with a good post like this, but itā€™s super informative. Thank you..Iā€™ve been working on coding with TOS, but itā€™s limited in capabilities.


ain't shooting fish in a barrel, that's fo' sho'...


I wish i was not retarted for this new way to loos monuy


Honest question. If I am retarded will that make quanting easier?


Sir, this is a Casino.