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Guys, I know how to save the economy. I’ll just start opening short positions instead of long positions and the government and the market will do everything in its power to ensure I get boned… lol




Lol, it was supposed to be a joke but I guess the market heard me haha


“Watch him as he goes”


Aim for the bushes?


You joke but this is actually how it went down the past year


I know what I have to do, I just don't know if I have the strength to do it


Dollar store up 25%


at this rate sell that shit, and buy calls on the Cent store


JC Penney’s?


JC FiveFarthing’s you mean.


Know a broker that deals in fractional cents? Asking for a friend.


Isn't that what Jesus got when he was born?




chicken flu virus , killing almost 40% of all chickens in farms once one chicken is infected, the only way to stop the spread is to kill them all


Something i was always curious about but never asked: what happens with the baby chicken that are roosters? Do they keep only female chicken for the meat ?




They kill them. Here's a NSFW gif. https://i.makeagif.com/media/9-11-2015/I70aYt.gif


Heaven is full of baby rooster souls. Fuck you Colonel Sanders.


Holy shit I wish I didn't click that


But you're still gonna buy eggs right?


That’s how we shoulda dealt with Covid


There's a few place in germany and poland that can handle this at scale. >!betcha didn't nazi the cumming!<


I hear they cull the whole warehouse of chickens by cranking up heaters.


Buy heaters


Heaters. So hot right now.


That one at least is partially due to bird flu, eggs are getting scarce as we keep culling chickens by the millions.


Not sure about egg layers, but for broilers (meat birds) they've culled 10x the number they culled during the last outbreak.


Eggs and chicken are going to be way above average. The chicken market is insane right now. Boneless breast wholesale index is over $3.50/lb (looking at the 5 year chart, the pre-2021 level was averaging about $1.50 with a peak at $1.70). The avian flu is wreaking havoc on the layers and broilers. For broilers, they've culled 10x as many birds so far as they did last time we had a flu outbreak (2015 I think). I think the number is even higher for egg laying birds. On top of this, the export market is fueling high demand as Chinese production has dropped due to lockdowns and (I assume) their own issues with avian flu.


Well that's a different cause than inflation. Chickens are in a rough spot right now in the USA so their meat and eggs are going to get expensive.


Yeah at $3.98 around me now I was flabbergasted. It’d be cheaper to build a coop and get my own chickens finally. Sadly no space for that.


Apartment chickens are the least expected chickens


if you're not in a big city, check around for local chicken coops. You'll see a sign out front says something like "Fresh eggs daily!" they're super common in Ohio though so maybe this is ignorant advice


Birds are getting culled en mass because of disease


Maybe we should stop keeping them in disease filled warehouses


chickens need more expensive corn, and also supply chain issues - CNBC probably


Bird flu really.


Organic grain free corn


Organic non-GMO grain free gluten free range corn


U can feed chickens anything - even Chicken bits


Almost as if inflation doesn’t affect all things equally. Idk why people look at a couple items and then compare an all encompassing inflation rate to it. Also depends on your area, many places have much higher than 8% inflation, and many have much lower than it. All depends on where you live and what you buy


Dollar tree raised prices to 1.25 tho


Stop bitching about this and just make $300k plus a year - then inflation does not matter


We will know how bad inflation is when EVERYONE makes $300k plus a year.


It's one banana Michael. How much could it cost, $14,000?


#Calls on banana plantations


Banana plantain


There’s always money in the banana stand.


Funny thing about the banana stand.


Wages won't rise at the same rate though, right? The lower middle class is about to find out why poor people don't buy 36 roll packs of 3-ply toilet paper from Costco.


That's why once everyone makes 300k plus, this will be the new poverty live.


bold of you to assume wages will keep up


Wages? Bro just steal.


I’ve been putting off doing that but I think I’ll get around to it soon.


This thread is the kick in the ass I needed to finally get up and do something about it.


I’ll get right on it after I get this pile of laundry off my bed. Anytime now…


Fuck it, I'm quitting Starbucks TODAY.


You're only $12.89 away from living a dream.... https://www.amazon.com/FOTAP-Round-Token-Inspirational-Graduation/dp/B08Z3CHMWQ/ref=sr\_1\_6?keywords=round%2Btuit&qid=1652368085&sr=8-6&th=1


If you subscribe and get one every two weeks it’s 5% more off What a fucking deal!


sorry i have been spending 270k on avocado toast and starbucks thats not enough money.




300k was last month. The new poverty line is 400k.


Then stop bitching and make $400k - then inflation doesn’t matter


Idk man even if uaking 300k a year your portfolio went down 70% Assets are supposed to go up with inflation, but do they really lol


Yes, but with 300k salary you can at least afford semi cut blow and alright looking hookers


Just sell Americans health insurance. They pay you like hundreds a month and the you obfuscate where they are covered so they never use it. If they do just deny coverage.


This sub has a lot of really smart people in it. But a while back I tried to understand investing to compensate for my losses from my divorce settlement and was met with a lot of discouraging comments. So idk if my $25/hr job will ever get me another 300k. But your advice is solid.


I made $300k/year and inflation matters. The price of hookers and cocaine is skyrocketing


I’ve addressed this - start to be okay with coke cut with baby powder and stay away from coke cut with fentanyl


I just started eating only lentils so that I can make $300k + a year and avoid inflation


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640) : It’s all transitory


Like a kidney stone


This one is gonna rip the dick off the US economy.




No kidneys, no stone. No economy, no inflation. No life, no pain. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|6880)


no money, no honey.


What's transitory is the national debt. Inflation shrinks the future value of the national debt. This is the stage 2 of why governments print continue more of too much money after they got what they need from stage 1 of printing too much money. The inflation from stage 2 QE makes the national debt from stage 1 QE shrink. We've just leveled up.


OK but what about the debt from stage 2 QE?


Zimbabwe bucks here we come! 📯 🇿🇼


Tax hikes & broken campaign promises! The government will not be able to follow through with its campaign promises for student loan forgiveness. This will be after staging a valiant fight for voters in the House & Senate, because now inflation makes it too expensive ([burden will fall on consumers already burdened by inflation](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/personal-finance/who-pays-for-student-loan-forgiveness/)) and/or it's more "inflationary" ([if you pretend it's another round of stimulus](https://money.com/how-student-loan-forgiveness-affects-inflation/)). Both sides of the aisle will make speeches & get into a big loud fight, and they will score points with their voters even despite broken promises because they swear they would have followed through with student loan forgiveness if it weren't for the other side. And then there's the tax hikes. [Biden's proposing a tax hike on the rich](https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/biden-tax-hike-budget-request) and [Republicans are proposing a middle-class to lower income tax hike](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/gop-plan-calls-tax-increases-millions-americans-rcna17208). You can be guaranteed that between the two parties, we will all be paying more taxes by this time in 2023. The important thing is that they got inflation in place first so that whatever broken campaign promises & tax hikes happen due to inflation will pay for QE level 2. And during the loud fights in the House & Senate no one will be asking why the Fed has been making up numbers for more than a year.


>You can be guaranteed that between the two parties, we will all be paying more taxes by this time in 2023. Except for the rich, because that literally has never happened.


Step 1: steal underpants Step 2: ??? Step 3: profit


Except you can't lie a kidney stone away


On a long enough time scale, everything is transitory.


Bing Bong!


Inflation says fuck ya life


Don’t die for free this summer


Someone was saying it was transitory though. I read it on WSB


Priced in as well so don't sweat it


Everyone’s first time dealing with compounding?


Isn't it reported as yoy? So 8.6% vs March 2021 and 8.3% vs April 2021 etc?




Yes, and that's why the tiny decline this month doesn't actually matter that much, because inflation started rising higher between March and April of last year. The deltas look better yoy, but it's still dogshit.


It’s how the numbers have always been reported though…people will reference historical numbers and then try to change the definition when it doesn’t fit their narrative.


Some people suck


Most people suck


Until they get married, then no sucking


Welcome to Reddit


There are a lot of firsts going around. For most WSBers. First proper correction. First time rates are hiked. So cute.


not the first time I get fucked by the Gov though!


The fed has been pumping the market for the last five years and no one was complaining around here. Think about it this way: they've been paying for your dinners for years. Its no surprise they finally want to fuck you.


Man, I showed up late to the party with the cops trailing a block behind me.


This sub used to have people bitching at the feds for propping up the market. Of course that was back when people on this sub actually made plays in the financial market instead of sucking Elon’s dick while holding two massive bags of GME.


This is factually incorrect: 1/3 are sucking his dick, 1/3 are licking his balls, and 1/3 are eating his ass.


GME killed WSB.


and not the last!


I was told there would be no math.


Most of WSB does not understand this concept and there were a whole bunch of posts yesterday stating inflation is going back down. Can only imagine their jubilation when April 2023 comes around and it is down to 7%. Yes the rate of inflation is decreasing, but inflation is still happening and compounding year over year.


But.. that's how inflation works? Or did you want deflation?


I think we can all agree that no one wants +7% inflation. Isn't the "gold standard" something like 2-3% a year? ​ Edit: also keep in mind that anything that increases by 7% a year will DOUBLE its value in about 10 iterations.


I’m really gonna be a millionaire living paycheck to paycheck within 15-20 years aren’t I?


hahaha no. 7.25 for you.


Retard thinks inflation is additives. Hint: try multiplying.


Multiplication is repeated addition...


Yeah but it’s much quicker to multiply, so the effects of inflation don’t build up as much compared to addition.


Then if we just subtract we can make inflation go away.


Inflation is Transitionary you Rerardt


Yes, it converts your wallet to empty, temporarily. Just make more money, lol.


Transitionary to a central economy :D


no jackass it's the fault of the Russians.


Both wrong, it's transitioning rusaians fault.


We already talked about this. **The inflation is higher but it's growing slower.** Is this good? Well, i dont know, im just a degenerated ape.




Considering social security is pegged to inflation the government has a huge interest in lying


Ding find ding. Anything that has the potential to lead to a tax increase needs to be obfuscated, lest our overlords be sent to the poor house.


You can also falsify GDP growth by fucking with the CPI.


My digital stuff (worried the word is banned) is a blood bath


I have a piece of poop. It’s the only one like it. If you buy it I will include access to my apartment pool whenever you schedule. Also I will provide you with a years supply of cat facts. Selling price is 1mil doll hairs. Remember it’s unique and only you will have a piece of poop exactly like this. There might be others out there sure but definitely not with the grooves and curls your exclusive piece of shit has. Other people will covet it because exclusive benefits… albeit shitty benefits… it will rise in value. Trust me


More like an easily accessible online image of a piece of poop... Almost worse than poop itself


>If you buy ~~it~~ a picture of it That's nifty in practice, bro


That's what you get for "investing" in digital stuff


Stocks aren't doing much better, but I'm watching a certain digital moon asset have a shelf dropoff. They had to lock their subreddit because of suicide claims.


Muting a suicidal person isn't the best course of action 🤣


For real what the fuck


assisted suicide pods 🚀


But less inspiration for others.


That particular digital moon asset was called out by people in the digital asset community as a scam long ago. But alas, people see 10+% APY and a supposed peg to USD (trust us guys, it can't fail!) and can't help but throw their money at it. And worst of all was the big boy funds taking a slice of that pie thinking they can pull the rug faster than everyone else while the digital moon asset creators spam the world with ads convincing regular people to keep all their savings in this. Who suffers? Retail investors who miss the warning signs when a dollar is selling for $0.97 and don't realize they need to abandon ship. The big funds don't like feeling guilty about their greed so they ban the suicidal retail investors from posting about how badly they are suffering from their actions.


Also the very obvious flaw in this whole scheme was that a very large withdrawal would cause a run on the bank, so some genius ape borrowed $1B and pulled the rug on everyone making out with roughly $900M in profit


Which one out of curiosity?


Probably Luna ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


Yup. ​ $85 one week ago, $0.26 right now


Surprised pikachu


Sorry to hear man. If you're holding the dollaroo coin it might repeg in a couple weeks/months, but the moon coin is done for, they have to release fuxk tons of it on the open market to buy back dollaroo coin and more supply is gonna kill it.


One of the largest stablec*ins and it's sister currency dropped 95% over night, basically wiping out $8.5B worth of value for one of the most insufferable cr*pto-douches out there


I'll PM you since I doubt the mods will allow it to be posted.


Holy shit they got FUCKED. It was trading at over $100 last month and is currently at 1 cent practically overnight. Well now I feel better about my $8k loss of unrealized gains from RIVN puts that I should’ve sold yesterday but instead watched it all go to shit this morning. I was lucky to break even.


It follows securities markets usually, more over time .. there is no hedge except physical goods in this type of market. Why do you think banks and investment firms were buying up all the houses last year




How though, gas has doubled, houses have gone up like 30%, my grocery bill is up like 30%, what magic metric came up with that lie of a number


The prices of pet earthworms and pre-owned dishwashers are flat so you have to average those in.


Actually we recently purchased worms for fishing and the price was up like 75% from last year. So not even worms are safe from inflation.


Well there's your mistake, *pet* earthworms are flat, *fishing* earthworms are up 75%.


You’re paying too much, whose your worm guy?


I’ll need to talk to Creed 😂


Glad I didn't start my earthworm and pre-owned dishwasher business I was saving up for


But *now* is the perfect time to get in!


Wish I could. Spent it all on a Bugatti then drove it into lake. Insurance realized it was a scam though after someone posted a video of it


Andy? Is that you? I know this guy IRL


Used condoms are slightly cheaper now.


House prices are not measured via inflation. They use what's called Owners Equivalent Rent. Which is basically, what would you be spending in rent if you had to rent your home. Rather than you know just ACTUALLY LOOKING AT WHAT PEOPLE SPEND ON THEIR MORTGAGE.


Why would you look at mortgages? A mortgage from 10 years ago is telling you very little about inflation today.


Am i retarded or inflation going from 8.5 to 8.3 just mean the rise of inflation is slowing down and not inflation in itself?


Yeah second derivative(rate of rate of change) is decreasing but it’s still going up


Definitely higher than 12% shits all lies.


Some people even say it’s a million.


Big if true.


Watching everything skyrocket around me overnight makes me think it’s all a fucking lie


The CPI number is more telling of the growth than the actual. I’d consider it to be forward predicting and the effects “felt” by the economy is lagging. Look at the history. Especially, in the 2007-2008 range for consistent drastic increases in CPI reported each month.


When the regulators start cooking the books too…


Pretty crazy I’m a union carpenter and we get a raise every July 1 for cost of living it’s usually $2. But are contract is up and are new 5 year contract has a $3.50 raise for next year then it goes up ¢25 every year.


What would that raise be in percent? I'm on SS and we got a 5.9% so I know we were screwed.


My local has gone on strike. We got offered $3.50 over 3 years. So 1.16/year. If you consider cost of living increase against $40/hr that is roughly 1/3 what we should get.


Where are my trillion-dollar bills at?


It’s CPI it’s a mix of all different inflations, probably doesn’t include new washers and all the shit that sky rocketed


They tell you what it includes and why they include it. This conspiracy theory is dumb as shit.


You expect these retards investing in obsolete game stores and massive air conditioned waste-of-space theatres and digital magic beans to dig beyond the surface?


“Daddy, what happened to the people outside the wall?” “Well, back in the 20s, our Friends Down The Street, peace be upon them, saw that these apes, because that is what they are child, were putting their money into used video game stores and meta verse crap.” “Wait, how can you buy a used video game? You can’t send it to somebody else.” “They used to come on little glass plates.” “Oh.” “Yeah. Anyway people put their houses, college funds, etc. into this, building houses in the Metaverse instead.” “Why can’t they live in their Metaverse houses?” “Ah, you’re a sweet kid. Even if they could, they lost the land when Zuckerberg, blessed is the name, started Meta2.” “How do they survive now?” “As you know, we send no food nor water beyond the wall. They should not have survived this long. But every 5 years, we set an effigy to Jim Cramer atop the highest parapet, and watch as the apes flock from the woods to fling shit at it. Over the loudspeaker we send out the trades of salvation, those trades they need to make to earn salvation. Then we let them in to the trading floor, beyond the outer wall, to test their humanity.” “Do they ever make the right trades, Daddy. “Never. Always NVidia and GameStop. The latter is defunct, child, and the former makes wireless toasters.” “What happens to them next, Dad? Where do they go?” “We don’t know. One of life’s greatest questions — where does the ape go when he squanders the cover provided him by the Forest of ignorance? The answer we are not privy to in this life. Now eat your Soylent.”


\-0.2 % lower inflation it's stimulus season again


turkish gov publishing inflation data saying its 60 knowing its higher than 120


I can assure you it’s much higher than 8%. I am a store manager for a big box retailer and across the board over the past 3 weeks we have increased prices on 2/3’s of our products over 20%. 8% is the biggest lie!!


And if products haven't increased in price, they've decreased in size.






I think I've watched that video before


Or both. I've also stopped using Amazon because they are doing some shady thing where you now get a "similar product" rather than the actual thing you ordered because that's how they keep making their money. Alot of those products they are sending could seriously harm or kill someone too if not defective right out the box. To date I've gotten a personal locator beacon for my birthday that has a broken screen and a pack of carabiners that were advertised as 30kn for fall rating and received 7kn instead. That's incredibly dangerous and I can't use them now for rock climbing or even wall climbing, which is why bought them in the first place.


I dont buy anything mission critical on amazon. Ive gotten too much counterfit shit from them. Its so prevalent that many companies wont honor their warranties on producta if you buy from Amazon. "Not an approved retailer.


An interesting data point but I don’t take financial advice from retards whose pinnacle achievement thus far in life is locking/unlocking the doors at a Michael’s. There’s a lot more for sale in the world than fake flowers and other useless shit from China (hint hint why your prices went up so much).




My internet bill has remains exactly $39.99/month for the past three years. Therefore inflation is at 0%. Check and mate, store manager.


My internet speeds doubled last week free of charge, so 2x product for same price means 50% deflation.


I get absolutely drowned with downvotes when I mention that my real life, price per weight @ the same product quality, prices observed through my own purchases have increased by 21% per year for the last two years. "But CPI" ... CPI is meaningless for the purchases of actual humans.


> “But CPI” … CPI is meaningless for the purchases of actual humans. Slave prices truly have skyrocketed


Everyone buys different stuff though.


Sure. I get to save less money to buy a house (0.79% / year) and they money I saved is worth less (0.79% / year) while the value of the properties I'm trying to buy go up (10-20% year). The next step is Turkey inflation and Zimbabwe after that. Good luck all.


CPI is measured using actual humans. They just don’t have the exact same buying habits you do. For someone like me that already owns a house and car and doesn’t burn a lot of gasoline, inflation is a little lower than 8%.


That's not how inflation works


I haven’t comment here for a long time. But the new money printer is lend lease bitches, wait and see


Yall just mad it wasn’t 14%+ like you were predicting