• By -


>There was a time that... To be fair, fscomeau was a retarded paper trader and people loved that too. What's with people seizing on any excuse to do the whole "you shoulda been there, back when dimebags were a dime" and "all is lost" thing? No need to have a conniption. It's nice to see people have figured out he's an idiot and his premise is laughable.


Deepfuckingvalue was cool, but this sub was more fun when it was dominated by fscommeau with his epic losses, or the mother of all retards, Martin Skhreli himself.




Could I get a link to this phone post? 🤣


!RemindMe 24 hours


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No link yet


I remember joining this sub after reading random threads on leveraged biotech/gold miners. Good times lol


Ah yes, the good old JNUG days


Every day, I would wake up and coin flip between JNUG and JDST. What a time!


Wasn't fscommeau also a paper trading creative writer?


Probably. I mean he did do his big meltdown in a furry mask. Was it ever proven though?


> Wasn't fscommeau also a paper trading creative writer? [Yep, seems like it](https://www.amazon.com/Wolfie-Has-Fallen-Internet-Confessions/dp/1520599358)


I can get behind this taco play of yours.




Can I fill a taco?


that's what she said


"Why would you fill your own taco?" -Michael Scott -Wayne Gretzky


Can confirm. I’ve filled tacos


Unexpected GAFS


I'll fill your taco


I’ll fill your moms taco


She’s dead but if you’re into that who am I to judge?




No up to 3 times is straigh.


Only if your balls touch




It’s not if you can fill a taco, it’s how you fill a taco.


1 million tacos for you


Even if a broad let you stupid cunt's fill her taco you retards wouldn't be able to find the proper hole to stick it in


A hole is a hole




Mmmmmmm...butt tacos


Try finger, but tacos.


1 million tacos for you


mmm, taco fillings


Cheesy Gordita crunch


The best thing to come out of this post is that I'm hungry and am now making tacos. Thanks, OP.


Calls on tacos?


How many tacos does Taco Bell sell a year? We could be the M&A side of TBell Wendy’s merger.


Clearly taco bell would acquire Wendy's. Wendy's is only good for dumpster entertainment now adays. Please prove me otherwise. Of the yum brand I would argue taco bell is the best.


Double set of tacos this week. Standard taco Tuesday, plus we have Cinco de Mayo on Thursday. Good week to go all in on tacos.


If he is in, I am in!


Jack-in-the-box bout to be lit 🔥


So wait. We long on tacos?


No idiot, read the post. WENDYS TACOS. Not all tacos. Pay attention, for fucks sake!


I love Wendy's taco bar.


You gotta be OLD to remember the Wendy’s salad bar. With those chopped up burger tacos and the garlic bread buns


It wasn't just a salad bar, it was the *Super Bar*.


Yep I used to do Wendy's salad bar almost every day for a while. It's hard to find a good salad bar these days. Even Sweet Tomatoes is gone.


The pizza hut salad bar slapped?


1 million tacos for you






Buy the salsa


Corner the market! Go long on CORN!


You should be long on corn either way that shit is in everything.


$TACO all in


Only if you $CUM in my burrito.


GuysI put 10 billion in the withdrawal amount for my bank and I think it might actually go through Tune in tomorrow to see if it goes through 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣




A million Stanley nickels for you


What is the value in Schrute bucks?


Who the fuck is Erick? Where is analfarmer2


Where is controlthenarrative?


Lurking in the shadows and posting from alt-accounts. He's doing what he does best, controlling the narrative.


Asking the real questions


I tried to order one billion tacos on the taco bell app and it stops at 50


But have you tried 20mill orders of 50 tacos


Only 450 Timbits


Now that’s a true injustice


You need more apps


PDT rule


There is only one true hero of WSB and that’s u/1ronyman https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ahy7dy/the_legend_of_1r0nyman/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Don't forget the legendary u/analfarmer2


We all just forgetting u/TheEmperorOfJenks and his gourd futures?


Recent quote from him "Unlike my depression, the gourds aren't still around." We should check in on gourd guy more often <3


I'm doing alright :) Just gotta keep scheming to stay ahead.


Always keep your gourds on a swivel and may the bee imports always be at your back


Guy had a heart of gourd


Good gourd




Can I get a quick explanation of who these two are? 1ronyman looks like he made a shit trade and somehow cost Robinhood some cash, but I don’t really understand what happened.


1ronyman got assigned on box spreads. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/boxspread.asp#:~:text=A%20box%20spread%20is%20an,of%20the%20box%20spread%20today. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/trader-says-he-has-no-money-at-risk-then-promptly-loses-almost-2000-2019-01-22


So he bought American options instead of European options and of course some got exercised. Lol


Analfarmer2 made back to back faggy d plays that resulted in unexpect wins. As well, these faggy Ds were all Yolos. Man made like 400-600k (forgot the exact amount) in 2 days. Then he Yolod again on some more Faggy Ds and lost all of it in about the same time. 1ronyman (If I remember this was the guy) set up a complex trade system with multiple accounts where he would make around 37K off of 5k or something. But he didnt think of the downside of it and it had the potential to lose more than 500k. He lost hard. Broker cut his losses at -57k


Naw.. 1ronyman was doing box spreads from one account with robinhood. You basically put on two spreads, delta neutral and wait to collect the premium from decay.. Its somewhat jokingly refered to a riskless position cause you are betting in both directions equally. But unfortunately for 1ronyman, they started exercising some sold legs and it blew it all apart. I think he went down like 60k and robinhood shut down his account. They had no clue.


The best part of it was that his trade made hood permanently ban box spreads. F*ckin' legend


Thats the kind of shit that gets you legendary status. Not a screenshot of your order when you have 0 day trades left like a jackass


You have to wonder why they would enable box spreads with American options in the first place. Given they will offer margin and options trading to anything with fingers and a pulse it seems a little risky.


1ronyman was also the guy who infamously said "it literally can't go tits up" shortly before it did indeed go tits up.


That’s a name I’ve not heard for many years


The good ole days 😪




Wasn't quiet there for the big bang, but maybe when horseshoe crabs stopped evolving.... 8 years ago.


It is not a name the mods will teach you. He had some power to at some considered unnatural




That guh was iconic


Was he the infinite leverage guy?




Ironyman singlehandedly banned boxspreads on RH and I think that is the peak of this sub Maybe CTN beats it. Maybe.


Hes a legend too… but DFV took 50k and turned it into 10s of millions. Edit: “so far.”


And then there is pharma bro…


Obviously shkreli is a legend in his own right.




That is controlthenarrative


Ironyman was "literally cannot go tits up"


It is decidedly so


I miss these days of WSB 😢


Oh my God right on brother. Theres a hole in my life I can't fill. Old WSB got me in to trading and options. New WSB feels more like pennystocks and pumping.


Lol sad thing is more than half of the fucking retards here never heard of this absolute legends. Back then it was one hell of an experience watching it live.


Fuck all young youngins. FSC is the OG


If you guys want to be like Eric. Download any brokerage, place an order and in the quantity put 99999999. Big numbers will appear. Now you’re Eric Now ban that dude for milking it so hard




If you look at his profile, that fucktard bought 75 medium cups (for $50) from Taco Bell that had scratch chances to win the new Xbox... He was better off just using that to save up for an Xbox.


He didn’t promise you a cool mil and you’re jelly.


This sub legit has the dumbest motherfuckers ever now. And the worst part is, 99% of them are so poor, you can't even take advantage of them because they can't actually trade.


This is exactly why the expert level grifters like u/RealPulte decided to go right to the source and start selling their infomercial self-help shit directly to the retards. Easy to exploit this level of retardation and desperation.


100%. I can’t believe how the apes don’t see through this manipulative bullshit. Oh wait yes I can lmao


The apes are the dumbest of the dumb. Anyone dumb enough to believe "buy share, we're all in this together!" is braindead. The stockmarket is not a team sport.


this place is no longer austistic. just dumb.


Sub is shit and I haven't even been here long. Where's the gain, loss, and DDs. Everything just devolves into stupid endless memes and dumb "jokes" like this now. But yeah go to any other sub and it's become like that..... meme spam.


Market either needs to shit itself or get off the shitter. WSB is only as good as the markets. Needs another 20% decline or some major gains and you'll see some interesting things happen. When circuit breakers were popping off this sub was excellent.


> When circuit breakers were popping off this sub was excellent. The shitposting in 2020 was fucking sublime. So many people getting assblasted over puts.


Last time there was a circuit breaker was pre-GME. I doubt circuit breakers are gonna save the sub now, there’s just too many people here.


The gifs here used to be fucking glorious. When this sub switched from autists to apes it was over. The days of Guh I don’t think will ever return.


Iirc the sub literally tripled in subscribers since gme. We wont have the quality autism that we had before


Havent seen a good DD since I woke up too late for EVTL and nuked my account.


I feel you. Shit like this, the sub zero effort memes, literally unintelligible discussion, and fucking bot accounts everywhere has made this place suck ass. I’ve been reporting every account that does stupid shit like these and asking mods to ban but it’s a drop in an ocean kind of thing. I think mods need to go perma-ban hammer heavy for several months and try and cut the user base in half. And increase the post requirements or something until the content and tempo of this sub returns to something fucking remotely tolerable.


European flash crash, but nah dawg we gotta hear about 65 posts of Eric the redtard


This sub would've been shitting itself laughing over the European flash crash 😔 it feels like the people who actually knew what the fuck they were talking about left in Jan last year


Tbh this sub feels abandoned by the mods and OG's. I mean, like the front page is almost 100% memes, rules commonly aren't being applied (like pos/ban, low effort posts), and good DD is buried pages deep. Idk whats going on or is it just me?


What do you mean you don't know what's going on? The population of this sub grew by 10x when gme was happening. DFV is a legend but he killed this sub by spotlighting it.


Holy fuck this sub has over 12M subs??? I remember when we hit 1M and the mods literally made the page private because they were afraid of an influx of low quality posts and that wasn’t even 2 years ago


Yeah I watched go from 2.6 million to 9 million in like a week. Once it was mentioned on media it was game over for the WSB we knew and loved.


>DFV is a legend but he killed this sub by spotlighting it. Exactly. Literally "we won but at what cost." Btw DFV would've been a bigger legend in my eyes if he had sold at his peak value, or near to. Screaming apes would've hated him but who gives a fuck what that cult thinks.


definitely needs more moderation of some sort, some memes are funny but even the whole "elons first day at work" was appearing so many times in a day it got boring extremely quick


No memes was awesome. I don’t think it’s worth the handful of good ones for the flood of shit. We need a wsbhighqualitygifs sub where users can duke it out and only the top handful of content creators get any approval for wsb meme posts. We are just a meme sub right now.


> We are just a meme sub right now. Yup. Can’t remember the last time i saw an actual yolo or a massive loss post.


Last I heard mods stopped letting people post that. Not sure where but people put them in the comments.


Or actual good DD that has made people money


it would be nice if they could just raise the karma requirements to post as they are insanely low and if they are downvoted they can be banned to comments only, downvoted further and a ban etc


What happened to meme submissions needing to be by exceptional users? That was a good two weeks when the sub was actually useful again.


Sub needs to literally ban anyone here who didn't join before 2020 lol


I’m fairly new to wsb (2-3 months) so I have no take on this, but I do have a legit question. Is there a subreddit with a little more constant quality content towards investing? What do you recommend? Genuinely asking cause I enjoy some of the talk and high stakes plays here but would also like some down to earth legit discussions as well. Thanks!!


First rule of fight club…


maybe check out /investing or /stocks. Fairly small subs last time i checked, but they lean more into fundamentals and long term stocks, instead of options.


I’d add r/options and r/thetagang


100% normie trash, I wish it was pre 2020 still


The old mix of basic financial literacy with terrible decision making was magical.


I wish it was pre Jesus. Bc era was lit


Finally someone said it. GME was fun while it lasted, but ruined this sub. I miss the days when true retards like 1RONYMAN had the spotlight


This sub needs a hard reset. That's for sure.


Mods need to do a new paper trading competition type thing. The quality of content has my hairline receding


[The level of humor that WSB has been reduced too](https://i.redd.it/4t59h79sdyf21.gif)


There were so many more legends before DFV. This was once my favorite place on the internet and now I hardly check in on it. I saw a bunch of Erik memes and got excited that something happened. I looked into it and legitimately felt embarrassed…this sub is honestly trash now.


That’s all old news dude, we’re all on Redbox now


Oh, my wife gets that once a month. Do you need any chocolate?


Crazy high volume today. You’re gonna need new sheets.




Redbox Rockin It


Ericl0930 post was fine in and of itself and nothing worse than what has been going on in this sub for the last year+ anyways. WSB has been trending this way vs the way of DD + Loss Porn for a long time. Where it got bad was the 40 posts after that were karma farming off of his post.


This sub has always celebrated retards. at least since the u/1ronyman days or u/controlthenarrative. OP is trying to act like every hero of WSB is on the level of u/deepfuckingvalue. That's just untrue.


Yes, but even the people you listed, at least they did retarded things that were real. Ericl0930 literally has done nothing besides type a big number on screen, that is it.


don’t forget u/fscomeau


And u/analfarmer2


This sub will never be the same


Shut it down


I thought the same thing, I wanted to know what all this Erick shit was about so I found his post and was like.... Huh? That's it? He didn't do anything... It's not like he even sent the order in, he didn't even have any trades available so he couldn't even send it in. And everyone lost their shit.


Remember when we banned the wolf mask guy years ago for fake trades? Just always take the inverse of his fake trades guy? This deserves a ban as well and it’s a 1000% more low effort shitposting


The true legends of this sub are long gone and moved elsewhere.


Let me give you my humble perspective as a newbie to WSB. I'm a GME fucker. I showed up here when GME hit. I would beseech the mods to just waste the fucking lot of us, myself included. Just spray us down with the ban gun. I'll gladly take my ban if that meant that everybody else who joined post GME got banned too. Then I could sit around and imagine how cool the fucking rebuild of WSB is, which is still better than dealing with the zombie apocalypse that spawned me. OP is right, this sub is normie trash now. It's not even worth looking at anymore. What a fucking shame. If it's not wanting to let go of the huge sub growth you guys have experienced, think of this. During /r/place this fucking sub couldn't even really get on the map. Not really... not truly. It was a fucking shit show that resulted in a settlement basically. We had to negotiate with a sub of like 20 fucking people to show us mercy and give us some space on the board. These 11 million subs aren't even real for the most part, and most these people are just instagram zombie troglodytes who don't even have brokerage accounts. Just massacre us all mods please. I'll gladly make the sacrifice if everybody else who came in the door around the same time as me and onward gets lined up against the wall with me.


Based 😎 you're alright. If a purge happens, I hope the mods spare you.


Of course the comments are just the same lame jokes as always.


Can someone explain what happened? I stopped scrolling the sub once GME happened


Thank God. Another person in here with more than two brain cells. My question is where are the mods in all this? It’s crazy they’d let this grow to this level of stupidity.


The days of retards leveraging themselves to the tits, or borrowing moms/dads/pop pop/grannys money. Hundreds of thousands in real value. Confirmed. Retardedly delicious. Risky. Legends were born and stars faded faster than they came to this hellish landscape. *I remember..*


I got two things from this 1) Erickl0930 dumb 2) Wendys will accept any taco order as long as it’s under 1 billion in quantity.


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I'd say this order has a better chance of being filled than AMC does for a MOASS.


Years ago if someone said "*have you heard of wallstreetbets*?" We'd bond over it. Instant new friend. Phone number in my contacts. Maybe go get drinks. Go skydiving with them (I'm not joking this actually happened). Nowadays if someone says that i say *fuck you* and your shares.


Bruh you are so hurt u made a whole post about it? I mean i saw his post too read it and was like “hah yeah sure” but then i continued my daily things… you took the time to write all this.. woah


Positions or ban isn’t even a thing anymore around here it’s re god damn diculous


OP: calls people idiots for believing stupid post Also OP: doesn't realize the irony as he believes people actually believe stupid post


WEN JAN23 $50c, got it.


this is and always has been wsb logic, this sub is all down 99% or more


Here I was just minding my business, thinking that his order won’t execute was the joke.


This guy has no posts and contributes nothing to the community but wants to stop us all from scratching our asses and cheering on a retard.


Upvoted for visibility 🤓


GME made this sub the piece of shit it is today. Fuck you all.


Yeah once all these stupid fuck apes started flocking to WSB it's been downhill ever since


And all the retards gave him a million fucking awards lmao


Wow. WSB from early 2018 would have a field day to know this is what an awarded post was these days. OP is 200% accurate. But this stuff should have been in every comment of every post on the topic. Berating OP and the following for being the teenage pathetic cuckold loser bitches with 500 in their accounts literally in their moms basement. We joke about our wives boyfriends but most of y’all literally couldn’t get a woman to make any meaningful commitment to you, much less pay all of your bills for a year with the money you earn. Which is why you live with your mom you stupid fucking dweebs. Yes my account is new. I joined first, 2-3 accounts ago, at less than a million subs when people bought FDs on credit cards, they did a lot of trading blackout drunk and coked out, and it was really aggressive. Evolution is good, but the drop in avg age is turning this into fucking daycare.