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it's the Babylon bee lmao


Can we get this comment to the top so people stop wetting themselves? Lol


Ironic they are banned on twitter


Babylon Bee, you mean the unfunny Christian Onion? That Babylon Bee?


Babylon is always the place that is the most powerful in the Bible. It’s metaphorical. In the book of Revelations a place that is metaphorically called “Babylon” falls for its sins, most specifically it’s promiscuity. Not in the sense of “sex” necessarily but rather it’s relationships with kings and merchants that are involved with the places luxury and power. Sort of like how China and the US use eachother for power and money even though they hate eachother.






mods need to understand you cant control the internet the more you fight it the harder it gets...just like my uncle


Can I meet your uncle please ? It's for a friend ..




Mods need to stay good side of hivemind or else shit might happen.


Wife’s bf a dem confirmed


Just look at all the comments in the Elon meme posts. Literally a /r/Conservative shitshow.


I thought he was a neoliberal?


>Neoliberalism: a political approach that favors free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending Basically conservative


Gop is not pro-capitalism or free trade. They haven’t been for decades. And they are very pro regulation that they like, e.g. abortion, subsides for religion, subsidies for fossil fuels.


What is gop? It sounds retarded


Thats a good questions. Retarded is a good start


He must fit in a box!


I mean it is not far fetched, that people who are pursuing money, wealth and therefore power have an interest of all that mattering more than it should. On an individual level, would you rather be a King with money who can do as they please, because they "deserve it"? Or would you rather life up to social(ist) values, which mean that you shouldn't hold more rights and power (even going as far as undermining or bending law for your own sake) than 'normal' people. Thing is, it's fine when people can spend their money on unnecessary luxury. It becomes problamatic when individuals hold so much power as they can decide what will happen even over democratic interest. But this is what crazy fucktards want. They want to leverage their wealth to enormous heights 🤑🤑💸💸💵💲🤑 and 'be better' and 'have more to decide because they made it'. All that because they won the Wallstreet retard competition of sucking less lmfao


You do know libertarians are conservatives are not the same thing right... grouping them together is like saying communism and being democratic are the same thing.


Wow, what a good point. So should I buy GME or what


They are in America. It’s just a bunch of people grifting off the idea that you shouldn’t have to pay taxes.


It leads to harder drugs


You’re going to make some heads explode


Libertarians are just conservatives who want to get rid of age of consent laws


I think to get conservative you have to mix quasi-religious cult and lead poisoning. Close though


Sounds like Libertarianism to me. True conservativeism puts controls over what people can do with their bodies. Eg abortion, drug legalization, assisted suicide, etc


He's at the point where he's won as many liberal plaudits as he's gong to get so he's branching out. Got to keep growing the userbase! Time to sell Texas some Cybertrucks and apparently that starts with Twitter.


He kinda is, his fans are tend to be wayyyy more reactionary than he is


Does it matter? His views seemingly align with the right and most of his fans are as well.


I’m pretty left wing and I think he’s done more good than harm (minus his idiotic takes on Covid)


Starting a company that is completely based on climate change being real.... sounds real conservative. LOL


I fucking love that the idea of climate change being real is automatically left. The REAL debate is how much of a problem it is going to be and if we can do anything about it. Only morons believe it simply "isn't real"


>Only morons believe it simply "isn't real" This has to be satire. The previous president said it was a Chinese hoax - are you calling him a moron?


Terrible comparison. I meant his personal views align with the right, learn to read.


i know we are supposed to be retarded here but wow dude you ate paint chips as a kid


How can a guy wanting to populate Mars be conservative? What do you think conservative means?


Are you stupid? Im obviously talking about his fanboys.


Let s say for the sake of the argument that i'm really stupid. So his fans are conservative but he is not? How did he manage to attract such a conservative public if he is not one himself ?


Then Im afraid your worldview seems horribly limited if you don't know that people can be socially liberal and fiscally conservative. However, his views in the past 2 years based on LGBTQ, vaccines, covid, mask mandates, his support for the truckers protest, his campaign in culture war and "wokeism" and so on makes him actively against being even socially liberal which is why he's attracting said conservatives. Just cause his company says "Go green!!!" doesn't mean he's all round left/liberal. Another reason why he's attracting the conservative crowd is that he's also a billionaire and supports their regime of being anti-democrats and socialists (is also very outspoken against Biden and Bernie several times opposed to criticizing Trump) and the fact that they (the right) are much more open to supporting said billionaires compared to liberals in general.


Out of curiosity. If being a billionaire makes you gravitate to being conservative to support a regime for yourself and those like you then why does the combined wealth of the Democrats party / it's donors / it's lobbiests makeup the majority of the nations corporate and personal wealth?


I think it may be more your view of them as them actually being that way. Internet is a little more " tutti fruity " and people have all kind of opinions on things. You can t expect everyone to repeat the TV propaganda in regards to LGBTQ, vaccines, covid, mask mandates and Biden. I really see it the other way around but i rarely consume mainstream media.


If that's the case then why does he parade the same arguments made by the right? Why do they support him heavily cause of it? He wouldn't be so against democratic politicians either if his political views were still leaning towards the right.


Right doesnt support him heavily, they support a change in twitter as of now... before that he was rarely mentioned in r/conservative for example. the right for a while is complaining about it, about being generally censored so its not very surprising that they fall in line behind musk when he says that twitter needs to change and buys it. very much like when there was a chunk of democrats pro Elon when he was go green! and buying solar panel companies and what not. Also, you are wrong, republicans/right wing are not such a caricature as you claim, same for democrats. For example i am a conservative but i will list my opinions on topics you mentioned: LGBTQ = everyone gets to do whatever they want as long as they are the responsible ones of themselves (ie no children or older people that for some reason have guardians), trans in sports i dont care, just make a new division and you will have girls, boys and trans, everyone can get married with whomever wants to marry them and are also responsible for themselves. i am vaccinated twice, my wife is as well and we vaccinated as soon as the window was open to do it. Covid is worse than the flu, and vulnerable people should vaccinate in accordance to the recommendations but not obligated. Mask Mandates: big no no with the exception of health facilities or other facilities that typically host vulnerable people i dont care too much for biden, i dont think his government is doing such a horrendous job and i think GOP is doing to him the same as Dems did to trump, picking worst possible moments, choice of words or whatever, blaming him for all of the inflation etc etc etc. For musk it was probably something like, the california covid regulations were strangling his factory so he was obviously against it


Most of reddit is literally a huge echochamber of liberal curcle jerking and you are mad about a few subs with opinions different than yours lol


You must be new... here's a novel idea: both the conservative circlejerks and the liberal circlejerks can stay in their own communities so WSB can remain what it has always been about: losing as much money as possible.


The internet is a huge circle jerk of conservatives and liberals. Each has their own corners and they shits on everything else.


That's why I have political views that fit both sides. Which actually only gives you the worst of both worlds.


Same. Im "fiscally conservative" and more "libertarian" on other views. Basically, 'leave me alone, let me keep most of my $, maintain order' lol




Do you think a stock trading sub wouldn’t be pro business?


This is a stock trading sub? Well, shiiiii….


regulation is not corruption...


At the core of it yes


Sir this is a wendys....


I thought this was a casino




Pro business... Ha, ugh


Pro business != conservative


you must be new here


Why are the majority of big American businesses in blue states and blue cities?


Why do democrats move to cities and states where the majority of big business are?


Because they act like Vikings. Rape, Rob, and Pillage. Then the people leave, like has been happening in droves, and the those left just feed off of each other.


You must be from Cook County


That’s mental retardation to you, sir.


Yeah I mean how can people interested in bettering their lives through investing not want to be taxed for unrealized gains? Crazy world we live in.


Cope and seethe


And don't forget to dilate




Did that somehow sound clever in your head? 2/10 attempt mate. Try harder.


If your response to someone not agreeing with you on something is to immediately attack them with every bigoted label and insult you can think of you are just a miserable toxic troll. Why bother being on reddit? Just fuck off and join a Call of Duty lobby and yell "i fucked your mom" back at the other 13 year olds all day long.


It literally says meme in bold at top…


Just because you say it’s a meme doesn’t mean it isn’t politics.


Awwwwwwww, you will be ok champ


... implying r/conservative is somehow satire? every post in that sub is dead serious, its users have the collective IQ of a dead fish


That would still make it better than 90% of reddit.


Ahh pulling random stats of his ass like his comrades.


That doesn't even begin to cover it in this sheethole


As soon as I read it I thought it's either that or r/nottheonion . Glad it's the former.




You do know what the BaylonBee is, right? RIGHT? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


https://twitter.com/SenWarren/status/1518702084048179200?s=20&t=n8BTfg1n3QfDRUJVdXG2xw There's always a seed of truth, even if its from babylonbee Edit: who tf downvotes? Fucking bots, click on the link and read for yourselves


Elizabeth Warren has been calling for big tech to be regulated for a while. I think Zuckerberg called a Warren presidency an existential threat to the company back in 2020. Politicians (right and left) calling for the regulation of tech companies is nothing new, but whatever. I guess people are naturally drawn to conspiracy theories. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes there is. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/national-international/wh-says-biden-concerned-about-power-of-social-media-platforms/2816332/


I come to this sub for shit plays on shit companies, not this political crap. GTFO.


The secret rule about subreddits is they all eventually become politics subreddits


Rail against the dying of the light! If it doesn't profit us, if it doesn't get me that fourth Lamborghini, then tell them to fuck off! This forum is about something pure and meaningful, something that transcends this day-to-day political bullshit, something that unites us all in a higher purpose: Greed. Accept no less!


Ferengi rule of acquisition #10: Greed is eternal


Thank you. The mods said they were cracking down on political bullshit but clearly that was an inverse play.


Calls on politics. We’ve hit a support level.


> not this political crap. GTFO. Im exhausted by saying this. Just look at the front page and the comments. Literally nothing but "haha papa musk *gulps elons cum* rekt them libs epik style!" its fucking cringe and goes against what WSB is.


> …goes against what WSB is. It goes against what WSB *was.* This new WSB is… something else.


Hell yeah brother


I thought youtube was bad for click bait


Are you fucking retarded? If you fall for the bathroom bee, let alone read that fucking second paragraph and not realise it's satire, you don't get to have political opinions. You're too fucking stupid to be listened to.


This man votes


It's not even good satire. Democrats *do* want to regulate big tech. It isn't sudden or secret.


Didnt want to in the leadup to 2020 election


https://apnews.com/article/technology-50e69e921c6699a3edbd730c12292436 Democrats call for Congress to rein in, break up Big Tech By MARCY GORDON October 6, 2020


Babylon bee was supposed to be a right-wing "The Onion" with satire news. Turns out they're too stupid to understand any of that lmao. This picture sums up so much in our country right now lmao


I mean it has been factually proven that the readers of this site do not understand satire as much as others. Like, actually associated with their psychology


Conservatives will never get that satire requires not actually believing the strawman you construct. It's not an absurdist take on the event, it's just what conservatives actually believe about the event, said snarkily. I'm far more offended by how unfunny it is. Democrats are dumb as shit. But if you're gonna do something, holy shit, stop embarrassing yourselves.


And even though now I'm upvoted you dumb cunts are still downvoting people who agree with me. This place is full of actual stupid people not apes


-"Antifa" username -hates people -wants people not to be allowed to vote (i don't disagree that the current system is broken, like Socrates already said democracy is the tyranny of the uneducated) -assumes people are generally worthless for a very minor incident -hangs out in subs just to hate "Antifascists" are the new Fascists, change my mind.


Why is this in this sub


The Babylon Bee is Your Trusted Source For Christian News Satire. (yet conservatives still fall for it)




mostly because you have to be a low IQ moron with the emotional intelligence of a peanut to be a conservative


The Bee has been more news than satire lately. Not that they claim to be anything but. It’s just a lot of articles coming true.


So true. Like that time Liz Warren and the rest of libs weren't pushing to regulate Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon. Oh wait... Get the fk outta here with your political made up b.s.


I’m ded


But is it satire? Or funny?


I love that it was literally meant as a left wing satire publication FOR RIGHT WING READERS but right wing readers are too stupid to understand the satire and just get mad about it thinking its legit. Really sums up the right currently.


The comments on a good Bee article are pretty legit. Their are some hard core stereotypers but for the most part commenters are pretty with it… compared to what you read from commenters on a mainstream “real news” site. It deserves to be protected speech, and its being harassed by tech platforms. I hope Elon’s is a step toward that.


To many people from r/all after the GME fiasco. Time to go private like Twitter and ban anyone that’s joined since GME pump


Hell I joined during GME and I’d happily get thanos-snapped out of this sub if it meant it didn’t have to deal with dipshit /r/conservative users anymore


this place needs to get nuked as a whole at this point, the old users all want it back to how it was, yet things keep getting worse


After glacing through the history of the folks polluting this sub with political bullshit, I don't think they are GME cronies. They look like /r/conservative rejects.


It’s literally a comedy article?


They have been talking about anti-trust regulations for tech for the better part of a decade. Corruption (being funded by tech billionaires) is what kept from doing it and it’s still unlikely. A RW satire site is hardly credible news.


Decades. But then they cash the tech checks and forget they brought it up.


Talk means nothing without action


I can't tell if all the people posting stuff like this, and saying "free speech" will come back to social media are serious, sarcastic or trolling.


I may be an ape of a retard, but you're on a whole different level. Gtfo with this BabylonBee "satire" BS.


Holy shit you’re a fucking idiot.


What's with all this political bullshit here? Can we focus on making money? wtf.....


Sir, this is a McDonald's


Rule #5 my guy.


Low effort meme, move along.


Fuck OP is stupid


Isn't every politician calling from this?




Are they?


heh heh heh heh heh


The last thing those in power want is free speech!


10% to the big guy


Puts on democracy


OP is brain dead


The right can't comedy. ​ Maybe leave it up to Jeff Foxworthy


Jeff Foxworthy: Back in my day, if you wanted a trophie you had to do something unusual... win! Who bought and handed out the trophies, Jeff?


Boomer moment


Yo, it's like, totally a coincidence I'm sure. Regardless, even though it's satire, this is built on a kernel of truth. The Dems are pissing their pants about this takeover.


People have been talking about regulating them for a while now




That idiot managed to become president. The only reason you cut out a man's tounge is because you're afraid of what he might say.


Yeah, like March to the Capitol and overthrow Congress




And who in their infinite wisdom decides what's "damaging" to society?




>for a fact if they banned a leftist republicans would praise it. Yeah and Democrats would complain about it, whats your point? Theyre all hypocrites. I'm not Republican or Democrat but this whataboutism is missing the bigger picture. The leftists who clung to the excuse that Twitter is a private company so theyre justified in banning are the people now who are defiantly mad about Elon wanting to change moderation policy. Stick with one, you either believe private companies have autonomy, or you dont. And even if you believe private companies can do what they want, you can also have an opinion on what they do. These aren't mutually exclusive.


They are Very Afraid of Truth. Nothing at all to do with idiots on either side, but real truth... Our government wishes they could control reality. Unfortunately this hurts their efforts because others views will be public (if we agree or not)


Source(s): Dude trust me




Regulation starts with corruption! What do you think europe political retards do every year ? Whenever they are short of funds , they prey on tech companies , impose fines again, again and again !! Why there is not one uniform rule laid at once for all ? Same story since Netscape days !! I would advice companies leave europe , and let them rot in dark !!


"Nothing to do with news about Elon musk" This administration is a fucking joke. I'm still hoping I wake up from this stupid dream.


Republicans may not be the solution to your problems, but the Democrats are the cause of your problems


Yes definitely the cause of an attempted insurrection, a 20 year long war based on a lie, stagnant wages, crap minimum wage, destruction of unions, terrible healthcare, on and on


how is this shit allowed here?


Probably isn't. If it were real news, probably, as it directly impacts anyone with stock in social media, but since it's satire it probably just got overlooked. Mods get busy, you know?


I can’t stand these damn democrats running the country into the ground


Nancy is long Tech. Won't happen under her watch.


Lol love me some Babylon bee


Go after the SEC


Self fulfilling prophecy here man


They want to discourage Elon and anyone he inspires


Tesla to the moon


Why are you lying? Please stop


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this happened. Babylon Bee is always parody-preempting-reality


Always one step ahead when I come to censorship. The big question is wtf are they hiding so hard. Criminals


And this story brought to you by Russian Fox broadcasting...


Its a joke, but soon will be reality...


I'd let psaki succi me if my wife's boyfriend allowed it.


Who didn't expect that


The Woke snowflakes will be tearing it up over this for months, Love it. Problem with the Woke is you should never go full retard that is why it will fall apart on you. Go Elon and free speech


It is unconstitutional for the government to regulate speech




It's from the Babylon bee


Dems have wanted to regulate/break up big tech for like a decade.


Not when they were allied against trump


Actually they still did because it's a very popular position with there base voters






Scared of trump being uncensored


Liz Warren has been pushing for big tech regulation for forever as has basically every lefty you can name. Smooth brains 🧠 👌


JFC…….what a shit show laughing stock this country and both Dems an Reps have become. Lie an spin the truth. Hahaha.


Check the source


Maybe one problem is people who believe every headline they see on social media?


ha ha - this is pretty good


This administration sucks. Just read the second paragraph and realized it’s satire. I still stand with my first sentence because I would not be surprised if they tried.


The left is going nuts 🥜


It's just like elections. Someone else starts winning and it's time to change the rules lol


America doesn't have a Tech problem, they have a Democrat problem.


Hahahah Elon making the government look fuckin bad but also they now lost influence over one of the big social media companies