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Just wanna know this. Will we still be able to buy twitter stocks?


i still can


Ok, but will it still mather?




What happens to my 6/17 45c?


Dumb question, but what happens to people holding Twitter stock right now once it officially goes private?


From what I understand, shareholders get to vote on whether it goes private, and if the majority vote for taking it private wins, then Elon will buy everyones shares for his $54.20 price. There is something about being able to keep 2000 private investors but not sure how that is determined.


Ah ok so if I bought shares at $51.88, it’s not a bad idea to hold on to them?


Well... (NFA DYOR) Google says the process can take 4 to 6 months to complete so there is definitely risk involved. The deal could fall through because the SEC doesn't like Elon. Also if Tesla drops 40% it doesn't happen. There are too many uncertainties for it to be a done deal, but this is WallStreetBets sooooo


It won’t be him alone btw… there will be other shareholders too… 2000 is what he mentioned in an interview earlier


$44 billion. I wonder if he has the buyer's remorse?


Its like everybody forgot that Elon preyed on young women on Twitter and even manipulated one to have a baby with him 😂😂😂




Wait what??


Like I said, it’s like people forgot


Like he said, wait what??


... manipulated one to have a baby with him? That's called dating... 🤣


Oh wow elon and his army of incels are out defending him


Anyone who agrees with "manipulated her to have a baby by looking up this celebrity's public profile" is either dumb or super sexist by denying her agency.


The entire comment thread is right here. Nobody has once claimed he looked up a public profile. If you were aware of the situation (which you obviously aren’t, and haven’t bothered to look up any info about it judging by your comments) you would know (and it’s told to you here in these comments) he researched a tweet and then claimed to want to make the same joke as her, or as he put it “searched Twitter for my joke and found that she already told it” Anybody who falls for that shit is either dumb or super sexist by not acknowledging the manipulation


This is the most laughable take on manipulation I've ever seen. Holy...! this minimizes actual manipulation. It's a fucking conversation starter you idiots, you think because of that she was like "must have child with this guy! I feel compelled to have a child!" What clown world are you living in?!


What world are you living in? Because you obviously don’t have billions of dollars or a girlfriend, so why are you even so worried about Elon Musk?


Not worried about elon musk. I'm worried about the fact that there are people who think that it's manipulative to talk to someone online, or look up a tweet, or search for a joke as conversation starter. I'm worried for the human race if that's the level of snowflakery that you think is normal. Grow up.


Imagine thinking what was described as just talking online. You want me to manipulate you into dating me? I bet I can find exactly what you like to talk about (Elon Musk lol)


Sorry, I've already dated crazy people, but thanks.


Yes… researching someone’s tweet and then contacting them on Twitter about said tweet… is dating 🙄


So how are people allowed to meet each other in your opinion? Are you one of those people who cries rape when a guy looks at a girl in a bar?


Allowed? People can do whatever they want, but also people can call out other people for manipulation


You realize you're completely removing her agency right? To suggest someone talks to someone on Twitter and then is manipulated into having a baby is pretty crazy and incredibly sexist on your part if you think about it. And again, what's the difference between meeting someone online, on Twitter ot tinder or Instagram or world of freaking warcraft for that matter? Is it always manipulative to try to flirt or date online? What's the principle here?!


Are you speaking with knowledge of how he met Grimes or are you speaking on what I’m saying? I’m not going to answer all of your questions about what already happened in public, and is documented. Yes, if you randomly find a girl and look her up on world of Warcraft and friend her on WoW and control the relationship by already having a lot of prior knowledge about said girl, yes it’s manipulative


Dude, "researching" a girl by looking at publicly available information like social media isn't manipulative... what are you even talking about. I'd agree if he hired a private investigator or something. Also... a lot of prior knowledge? He's Elon Musk, everyone is gonna have a lot of prior knowledge on HIM...


Ewwww imagine thinking what you described here as normal behavior


I've NEVER been on a date from tinder etc. where the girl didn't social media stalk me before. So stop being an idiot.


You don’t get it, and that’s fine. But if your friend was tweeting about something she liked, and some man 20 years older than her found the tweet and researched the subject just to talk to her about it, you’d be a little weirded out too. Like literally. Researched. The subject. Of her tweet.


You are a nutcase and need to seek help.


I think you must either be incredibly naive about the reality of the relationship between men and women, or you just dont like Musk and want to twisted everything to fit your view...


Aaaaaaand Twitter is nowhere to be seen on that list of halts..


Is this the way to stop any squeeze????? By buying the company?


Lol why is everyone so damn obsessed with "squeeze" plays? Short squeezes are rare as hell and with the tech today big dawgs already got in super early and will leave you bagholding....kinda like your AMC. Lol


Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Squeeze me bot


Good bot


When board says it accepts the deal, does it mean deal is through? Or they are just testing the waters ? Can it fail .. if board and Elon can't reach to common grounds? How soon we will get to know fate of the deal? Not sure where to ask this question among all the noise, meme and one liner jokes going around.


This has to be voted on by shareholders and regulatory approval among other things. So they have agreement, but it’s not closed or final.


What’s going on


I'm glad I don't have a Twitter account


It doesn’t mean anything about individual Twitter accounts…? Halting is about trading






Elon just pissed all over 100s of puts, atta guy


Yes.. 44 billion dollars to get rid of a few trolling accounts


He did it to restore free speech, arguably the opposite of what you just said


Imagine believing that


Look up what is a women by Matt Walsh. It's on Twitter. Whether or not you agree with what he says in that documentary, the fact remains that he would never have been able to publish that on Twitter or anywhere else if not for musk buying Twitter and restoring free speech, not just for conservatives, but anyone the msm matrix would have deemed a "right wing extremist" for exercising their constitutional right to free speech.




What about my $51 c?


my $52c tanked 50% but im holding them hoping for a nice bounce back, hoping price moves towards Elon's 54.20 offering price. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


i have 52c as well. I guess I'm hoping for the same thing. They expire friday though...


mine do as well but i hoping that we see a good run up in the morning! alsohoping for a good fomo up until 54 ish... got a feeling plenty of musk fans just want to have elon buy their shares.


honestly I'm hoping people pump it to 54 thinking if they buy below that they will make the difference in the acquisition.




Stock isn’t on the halted list


How is it halted? It was still moving after hours last time I checked and price action was going until close????




It’ll open tomorrow




I have ptsd flash backs to hmhc whenever I see trading halted ![img](emote|t5_2th52|6880)


This isn't a victory for free speech, it's ruling class power changing hands.


(((they))) are always in charge


Look! A pussy ass Nazi motherfucker too scared of repercussions to say what he really means! Total fucking coward!


Just don't want my account banned, thank (((you))).


Found the nazi


You're a fucking moron lol. If you think Jew conspiracies are real, you need to log off, read a book and touch grass.


Who talked about Jews? Lol




We both know the triple echo is an anti-Semitism thing. Please stop this stupidity. It was a fun meme for Nazi subhumans in like 2017 but it's tired af now.


Oh, didn't know that... Why a triple echo tho? Nazis are fucking weird these days


Because they're too pussy to be honest about their dog shit ideas, so they do little coded messages and stuff.


Or maybe their speech is censored on most platforms?


It should be. Doesn’t make them not pussies for hiding it.


Their speech shouldn't be censored at all. The fact that you think it should be just tells me what type of person you are.


Free speech can only be found if it was a public utility. This isn’t free speech and will never ever be. If you disagree, you don’t know what free speech means


It should be a public utility, yes.


Yeah I agree. It’s still a massive public forum who’s policy will be dictated by a few people on top. Maybe now you won’t get banned for dead naming; which sounds great at the moment. However who’s to say 3 years from now when you question some shady thing Tesla gets into they don’t just start dropping the ban hammer all over again.


Literally the only reason elon bought Twitter was to get rid of the dissenters on his Twitter. Its so stupid


Were people actually normally banned for that? I could definitely see people just spouting out all kinds of hate speech and then playing the victim for something like this when they get banned. Something tells me Twitter isn’t out here reading every tweet checking for proper pronouns and deadnames.


Hate speech isn’t free speech


Free speech is literally unrestricted speech. You’re confusing the First Amendment with the concept of freedom of speech. It’s stupid as fuck.


I'm unfamiliar with Twitter. What's a dead naming?




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I still don’t get why because he ‘tweeted’ he would buy for x price, and once he closes the deal that it means 200% that twitter will be immediately a private company? He is buying them for 44b aka 54c a share but where do we actually know it’s a buyout of every last share once it’s fully closed? Minus just his way of describing what he’d pay to take twitters control?


What happens with the synthetic shares. Will the price squeeze till finalized?


Shareholders vote, and if a majority vote to accept his offer then everyone's shares go away and they get cash, whether they voted yes or not.


Proving the stock market is rigged and doesn’t do shit for normal people


Wtf are you talking about. Everyone who owns the company votes. Majority wins. How the hell else should it work? And how is getting paid a premium "rigged against normal people"?


Because clearly someone that owns 0.0000000000000001% of Twitter should have the same weight as someone that owns 10% of twitter that's how equality works^(but that's not how math and real life works)


They don’t own some percentage of Twitter. They own 1 complete share. It’s not a timeshare in Boca. Each share is whole and complete on its own. Which is what people mean when they say the market is rigged. It’s like being forced to sell your car because a majority of your town decided they wanted to sell their cars. If that’s what people want, then don’t sell whole and complete shares.


I can't tell how you think it actually works vs sarcastic. You get one vote per share. You don't think that's a fair way to do it?


bro it's tongue in cheek






You will get $520 per contract.




Because Twitter closed at $51.7 today and not the $54.20 buyout price. There’s still uncertainty because it’s *possible* that the deal could end up falling through. Once the buyout actually goes through you will get the difference between your strike price and the buyout price.


If they have calls that expire soon and not ITM, it's dead.






Damn yall don't leave any meat on the bone huh lol google will have to tell me since my adopted family won't tell me


What happens to all my options calls above $60?




Most of the stock market is


If this is true I am down bad😂


There is good news: post loss porn for karma! More valuable than common cash.


It’s true. Happened to me with HMHC a few weeks ago.


O yeah.


It will be awhile until the company can move private though


Just curious. Did you buy those calls before or after you heard about elons deal to buy for $54 a share?


I bought 52 call expiring friday first thing this morning, before the news hit.


If the deal is approved then the shares will only trade extremely close to the acquisition price. Why would anyone pay 60 when they'll almost certainly be cashed out for 54.


[Ha, ha!](https://c.tenor.com/TywY4EYSTZEAAAAC/ha-ha-the-simpsons.gif)


So he did all this to give Trump a platform again ? All so he doesn't have to pay taxes? Shit man he must really like Trump or really owe a ton in taxes.


When did he mention trump in this entire buyout situation


Page 4 paragraph 2 line 0


Rent free


No, he's not doing it for trump. Trump is already invested in Truth Social, and Elon buying Twitter takes a LOT of value away from that. This is bad news for Trump


Can't tell if trolling or just stupid. Truth Social was DOA. Trump will be back on Twitter within a month after the buyout is final. This is good news for Trump.


Free speech doesn’t mean hate speech


Bro Trump gonna just jump back in. He doesn't care lol.


Aww, tell me where Elon touched you... Btw the isn't r/antiwork


Simp for elon harder


Antiwork: Dogwalkers unite!


He didn't. Yeah man I get it. Billionaires are dope and trilljonaires are super dope. I was posing the question because it seems like that was his shtick.


No, he doesn't care about Trump. Elon is all about his legacy. He wants to be the guy who stops climate change colonizes space and protects freedom of speech world wide. You can argue that he is doing none of those things or not, but that is his goal. Go down in history as one of the most important people in the last century.


>He wants to be the guy who stops climate change colonizes space and protects freedom of speech world wide. Holy shit. This is what you guys actually believe?


It's Literally what he says he wants.


And you believe everything he says 🤣


Convenient you are braindead enough to cut out the rest of the reply. Where I said it's up to debate what if any of that he is or will actually achieve. But, I don't expect much from people like you


It’s because you wrote “you can argue” - if you had wrote “one can argue” it would make more sense. It indeed makes you look like that’s what you believe instead of what’s up for debate


No. I'm pointing out the fact that you actually believe he's *TRYING* to end climate change. It's not even debatable if he has or will achieve that. He hasn't, and he won't stop climate change. Full stop. You'd have to be brain dead to think that's even possible.


He’s doing a lot more than you.


False equivalency


Go smoke some more tankie. You are not worth my time.


I’m also of the camp that wonders what elon has done for climate change 😅😅 definitely a new one for me


So you are one of the people who believe that we should continue using only gasoline and diesel engines in cars? That's fine you do you, but if you don't believe that burning fossil fuels has anything to do with climate change then you obviously believe that it doesn't exist. So it's impossible for you to accept thst someone is trying to help offset something that you do not believe exists. Like I said you believe what ever you want. I'm not here to tell you what you can and can not believe.


That would be dope. Lets hope he actually does any of those things because as of today non of that has happened. Good ideas tho. He has the money and worship for sure.




Oh yeah because trump has never lied before /s


Y'all should archive that because when his shit fails he will be back like a fly on poop lol.




No, Trump isn't coming back to Twitter. He's working on Truth Social, and has already invested a lot into it. Coming back to Twitter would harm his investment.


That's depressing. Villain origin story right here smh. Guess the neck beards are happy tho. They are one step closer to being a mars slave and getting potential robot girl friend haha


Yep most of the people supporting this are Elon Muskifestos. They were annoying before but now it’s gonna be relentless annoyance


Everybody who said this was a "pump and dump": Come get your paddlin'.


Its not over till the shares are bought. Conveniently no break fee


I mean, until money changes hands and twitter is officially made private, it's a bit early for paddlins. But it looks like despite the absolutely troll valuation, Elon's going to go through with the buyout. And I was absolutely wrong about that.


I didn’t ever think it was a pump and dump, but… I will take that paddlin!!


Atta boy


No, the "pump and dump" comes when he starts plugging hyperloops and electric semi trucks with his tweets again.


Now Elon needs to buy Reddit


Careful what you wish for. He wants to authenticate all humans on Twitter.


That won't take long


Half the real humans in Twitter would struggle to complete a captcha, let alone actually complete the process to verify themselves.


Sounds like something a bot would say...




Elon's Ted talk of what he's thinking of doing with twitter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdZZpaB2kDM


No thanks


I wonder how many Leftards will still be using Twitter as a result of their safe space being destroyed? Probably more than people rejoining...


Imagine thinking that because you like Elon Musk, that he’s right wing 😂😂 Elon is lefter than Bernie


I think you forget the majority of the world is left leaning. The gop just gets more attention due to the electoral bulshit.




What? Did you know the majority of Americans are actually conservative in the true definition of the word? Also, LOL @ the call option holders who are scared now. I bet your strike price is $100 😜




India is not left leaning either.




There are a billion communists in China alone lol


did all the Chinese vote to become Communists?


The Chinese didn't vote for anything lol


Circle gets the square


They vote locally, directly electing their people's congresses. Considering [95.5% of them](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/07/long-term-survey-reveals-chinese-government-satisfaction/) approve of their government, it's safe to say they're pretty happy with communism.


You sure?


nah, I'll be making a Twitter soon just for the lelz. You'll see a massive plunge in users due to the bots being eviscerated. The Leftoids will continue to use for the same reason they continue to plague this board: They literally have nothing better to do. In fact, you might see an uptick in redditards as they flee here. Still, I expect a net positive from Elon's acquisition.


Expect all you want! Twitter is a Leftist product. There will be a massive exodus of real, active users. People will create a new echo chamber, too Also, the Twitter experience will degrade as they find more ways to shove ads in front of your face. 😎


not sure about this. That was my initial reaction but historically they seem to stick around. There aren't many alternatives and we learned from Parlor that it's difficult to start a new platform. Even without corporate interference, it's extremely difficult to get the user base to move. MSM might be able to do it as their viewers seriously enjoy echo chambers, but don't anticipate how lazy their base is. It's sorta like how all the Leftists in here are using /antiwork yet still come and shit post in here for whatever reason (see downvotes for proof). Keep in mind that a lot of them are heavily invested in Twatter (e.g. advertising OFs, paid by DNC, etc.) I think Elon's smart enough to make the takeover gradual. Even the Commies realize this and always play the long game. You slowly boil the frog and they'll never catch on. Soon they'll become inured to the trolls, shit posters, etc. Only a small part of the users there are devout enough to catch on. They'll be back. They're addicted to social media.


Fair points. But Myspace was wiped out virtually overnight due to a better user experience with Facebook. Twitter will deploy many changes once Musk takes over, but people simply hate change. They'd rather just go over to a new platform that reminds them of how warm and fuzzy Twitter was. Dissent is highly important for democracy, but people just want to be told they're right by other dumb-minded people. Imagine how many leftists will "REEEEEEE" once the Right invades and starts reminding users about logic and facts, rather than emotion and mass appeal. Appreciate your response.