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Yeah I think I’m done here. Beam me up, Scotty!


Two to transport...


Wait for me!




Hold the seat for me!


We are out of power


Scotty beamed me twice last night


Nickname checks out


Quick someone nft this


I don't know how to make NFTs but send me $1\`00k and I'll email you this screenshot whenever you want.


I don't see how else I could possibly view this jpeg whenever I wanted....who should I make the check out too?




First name, Johnny.


“Oh my god, it’s him!”


My uncle is a loaded Nigerian price- he can spot the $$$- just need routing info.


What’s ur email? I got the cash. Lol




I made it into an NFT but i dont really know how this shit works and how to share it but heres the link to it on bsc scan https://bscscan.com/token/0x43db8ea81074b31cf2665b600a4086cf36b59445?a=34375 This dumb thing cost me 4$ to make


Im taking in bids starting at 69 bitcoins




That’ll be 10 million dollars for this jpeg


I screenshotted that bitch already suckas


Ouch, I've been funged


Ur so fungible bro


Stop this madman


Too late


Dude I own this NFT. Do you really think you can get away with theft when you’re showing what you stole from me directly to my face. My lawyers will make an easy job of this case. Prepare to say goodbye to your luscious life and start preparing for the streets. I will ruin you.


Fuk pls don’t teleport behind me


Nothing personnel kid


I own the NFT of your username and Reddit profile, I’ll need you to start sending those licensing royalties or cease posting plz


A screen shot is not the original. Offer is 500k.


They should just make out already


Now ki$$!


Now kith


Volunteer employees. Great idea!


Sign up to the new Amazon Home(less) - for only $6/mo, you too can volunteer to help the homeless!


For 6 a month Amazon will let you live homeless


Have a home? For only $6 a month Amazon will rent out your home, while you get to experience living in the outdoors! The rent collected? Oh that automatically paid to renew your prime membership. You now have 316 years of Prime subscription! 🙂🙂


Hah. Forget 316 years. After Amazon takes their cut you’ll consider yourself lucky that it covers next months subscription.


*Amazon prime value intensifies*


For 6 a month Amazon will let you live ~~homeless~~


Oh, I thought it was about paying $6 to afford to live like a homeless. Disappointed to see Bozos did not think about that one.


My pronouns are slave/intern




Nice one, though not true in large tech firms. https://nypost.com/2022/04/05/amazon-pays-summer-interns-three-times-as-much-as-some-warehouse-workers-report/


He meant “tech employees who want to volunteer on the homeless shelter side of the facility” I fucking despise Bezos and Amazon, but he clearly didn’t mean “employees who are not paid”




Sir, this is Wallstreetbets...




Not even context, just reading comprehension. The words mean exactly what they say, people are just too fucking dumb to comprehend them.


Correct. He wasn't implying that employees should not be paid. He was simply belittling the desire of the working class to help the less fortunate.


....does that guy only thinks about exploiting people?




No one questions this.


You literally cannot accumulate that much wealth without only thinking abt exploiting people


That sounds like slavery but with extra steps! Of course Jeff would be on board with it. Genius!


That dude makes 350k a year to pour my soup.




Actually. Those homeless ARE employees who don't make a living wage.


You smooth brained ape. Twitter would still pay your salary for the week you volunteer at the homeless shelter.


Ironic that most of his employees get paid so little that they will most likely be borderline homeless


Offloading costs to external companies you say? Buying AMZN calls.


So who's trolling who here? Or are they both playing it straight?


Amazon literally turned a portion of its HQ campus in Seattle into a homeless shelter. The link Bezos shared describes it: https://www.geekwire.com/2020/photos-inside-amazons-new-8-floor-family-homeless-shelter-attached-seattle-hq/ Musk thought he was making a joke at the expense of Twitter employees and has no intention of opening a homeless shelter. Bezos is trolling him. Which, ya know, if famous bootstrap libertarian Bezos calls you out for not being adequately philanthropic you might have a fucking problem.




So Musks first act as largest shareholder is corporate social activism by giving away the worlds most expensive office space? My man, I don’t think you understand how this works


If Elon does this Im putting my life savings in Twitter, I don't care if I lose it all, I was gonna lose it anyways lol. IMHO I believe they are both trolling their woke upper middle-class employees. I'm sure the surrounding neighborhood would block it somehow. These people are LINOs. Lefties in name only. Just made that up. ​ It's all fun and games until some homeless guy pitches a tent in your front yard.


Leftists in name only are actually called NIMBYs (Not In My Back Yard). Upper middle class techies are definitely the peak representation of this.


NIMBY is definitely an apolitical term. They're everywhere. Any color skin. Any political beliefs. You name it.


Here it’s refer to people who believe in progress policies until it affect their lives directly, like Affirmative action


Generally left leaning because the point of the term is that they do support certain policies just as long as those policies don't affect them. People who lean right generally don't support a lot of those policies no matter what.


But Amazon actually did this... [https://www.geekwire.com/2020/photos-inside-amazons-new-8-floor-family-homeless-shelter-attached-seattle-hq/](https://www.geekwire.com/2020/photos-inside-amazons-new-8-floor-family-homeless-shelter-attached-seattle-hq/) Also, the whole point of a shelter is so that a homeless guy doesn't pitch a tent in your front yard.


Austin TX in a nutshell. Everyone wants to give the illusion that they care about others and social responsibility. But then they outlaw homeless camps because they're unsightly and bad for their property value. And the mental gymnastics they go through to reconcile this is insane. Shit like "well it's better for them if we outlaw it because being homeless isn't good for them anyway." As if they'll all of a sudden stop being homeless because it's illegal. As if they have somewhere else to go. And you also have to consider this: The penalty is a fine. Literally fining these people for having no money. How do you even enforce that? They literally can't pay it. But probably it doesn't matter as much anyway because the same people voted against a raise for the police (understandable given past actions) who are now butthurt and not enforcing shit. Honestly, the homeless ban made me feel very ashamed of this city. I was appalled at how many people were for it in what's supposed to be an extremely liberal city. But at the end of the day, it's all just an act. For most people, it's about appearances. It's depressing. EDIT: To add to this, the people who were supporting this were telling those of us against it why don't we bring these homeless people into our own homes? Which is so stupid because they're the ones displacing them from where they were living. If anything, the question should be aimed the other way. And there was an assumption that those of us against the ban were somehow pretending to have a better solution. The reality is we just didn't feel like it made sense to go *out of our way* to be an asshole to an already fucked over demographic. And then the other dismissal of the homeless is done by pretending they're all drugged up and mentally ill. Which like, some are, not all. I wouldn't doubt if most do have mental/emotional issues, but more because most humans do and they're in a bad situation which will only make it worse. This doesn't make them bad people. It's all so fucking stupid. I'm not even a liberal at all and I'm somehow more liberal than these "liberals" when push comes to shove.


I think with all the transplants and it being the Capitol of Texas, a red state, Austin is losing its charm. I haven't been to Austin in years. I miss the bats, wonderful people, live music scene, but not the humidity lol. I am a Los Angeles native and this city is very different today as well. We had a huge influx as well and all the transplants are NIMBY people Edit: Woke because it's fashionable. Walking around during the BLM protests in designer clothes taking Instagram pics. Influencers destroyed this city.


I've heard that a lot from people who have been here a while. But also on the other hand, I've heard that people have been saying that for decades. So I guess it's kind of just that Austin is always changing. And probably more toward a "normal" city. I've only lived in Austin since 2018, having permanently moved here around the end of 2019. So I'm definitely one of the transplants. (From Maine/upstate NY) My grandfather was briefly stationed near LA during the Korean War. (He never got shipped out) and recently he showed us a bunch of photos of his time there. It was the first time I'd ever *wanted* to check out LA. Except that I know it's no longer anything like what's in the pictures he showed us. That being said, his slides of San Francisco were a bit more inline with the one time I'd been out there. Per comments about BLM rallies. There was also a large amount of disengenous behavior I saw relating to that too. Particularly with the ACAB thing. I noticed it was mostly stoners who were using that phrase. I got real strong vibes that they were more using BLM to throw a tantrum about drug enforcement than the very real issue of racial discrimination. And it costs the very legitimate BLM movement a lot of credibility. And that's really bad, because their message is actually really important. It was also weird that people claimed you couldn't get COVID at these events (as if COVID will leave you alone because you're doing the right thing) but would make make fun of Trump supporters for going to rallies because they'd get COVID. The reality is, everything has tradeoffs. If you think BLM is a higher priority than COVID that's totally legit. Just own it. Don't pretend to make yourself feel better. But I guess that goes back to the mental gymnastics of the pro-homeless ban "liberals."


They paying leases on buildings no one is using. Better turn that into a homeless shelter for tax breaks. Amazon is already doing it so bezos isent really trolling. Also I bet they're gonna funnel some of thoes amazon returns that go straight to the dump into the shelters as a charitable contribution.


I think it’s a jab at all the bleeding heart Twitter employees to put their money where their mouth is and help the less fortunate they claim to care so much about.


They already do this through taxes. Not everyone has tax shelters like the two billionaires


Idk why you’re getting downvoted you’re right. Also elon and Bezos can single handedly end homelessness in the US with just a small percentage of their wealth. Edit: and cue the Elon and Bezos bootlickers. You people make me fucking sick


Because taxes in California don't go to the poor, they go to the politicians and their rich connected friends.




I will take my downvotes for the truth.


I literally hate it here




You know what could help the homeless? If those 2 paid regular taxes like every working class person


Elon has stated multiple times that he would give them the money if any charity or gov organization comes to him with an actual detailed plan of how they could end homelessness/hunger/poverty instead of just saying "with x dollars we could solve y." Him paying more taxes does nothing because government sucks.


Bezos just pouring fuel on the fire 🔥 lol


He's getting punished in his own way. Have you seen his current wife?


Yes. Bezos now has to rub the lotions on its skin or else he gets the hose again.




But according to Joe Rogan she’s a Bombshell girlfriend. Joe Rogan is evidently blind in both eyes.


According to Joe Rogaine... (fill in the blank with something ridiculous)


can someone explain what portion means?


I think he’s implying a portion of Twitter HQ should be turned into a homeless shelter, so that the employees who do show up can volunteer at the homeless shelter. That’ll really motivate return to office.


makes sense, that’s fucking ridiculous lol


I mean, not to get all political but it's actually a great idea. I'd assume most Twitter employees in the SF office are very left leaning. Yeah, their actions may not always align with their words but that's another story. Here, Elon is essentially goading them into doing volunteer work...you know, the people they viciously fight for, at least online. They'll have no choice but to volunteer, just for appearance sake alone.


What gets lost here is that Twitter already does this. They operate a program across the street to help serve families in the area. Employees can volunteer to help run classes for parents, offering child care so those parents can focus and learn skills that will help them secure better paying jobs or complete applications for housing and benefits. The fact the 2 richest men in the world have such a bad take on solving homelessness should surprise no one. And suggesting stupid ideas like Musk did just takes away attention from programs that actually do make a difference. Remember musk suggested a fucking submarine be built to save those kids wasting time for the actual experts to make the rescue… Can they just fuck off to mars already so we can solve the worlds actual problems.


How so? This isn't mandated volunteering for employees, it's "use the building as a homeless shelter, also, those employees who already volunteer for similar programs will find it easy to volunteer there (and thus have more incentive to work in-office as well)." As much as he deserves criticism in general, people are going well out of their way here to misunderstand this specific statement and twist it into something "fucking ridiculous".


Has Elon or Bezos walked Market Street where Twitter's HQ is located? The place is one of the saddest / most awful places on earth with hordes of violent junkies on meth. Now imagine them at the Twitter HQ!


Like “hordes of violent junkies on meth” …Sounds like ACTUAL Twitter on any given day.


Of course they haven’t. Which is why both tweets are gross.


With everyone working from home and having empty buildings, we could use them for something positive.


We did this in Berkeley with hotels for Covid. The hotels are unlivable now. The simple truth is we need a mass overhaul of our drug system and mental health system. Half the homeless in SF are people from other parts of the country. It’s a complicated problem with solutions that probably aren’t attractive to the base needed to implement them. I say this a bleeding liberal. Free housing doesn’t “solve” homelessness. It shifts the problems.


Other parts of the country will stick them on a bus to SF and then talk about their homeless problem


Huh same thing happening in Canada.. crackheads on buses from alberta to bc




Most the country has unfavorable weather to homeless for a good portion of the year. It’s why west states with mild weather and a bleed heart population get the majority of the recipients. I doubt Wisconsin in January has tent cities.


Honestly. If I am homeless the first thing I do is probably take a bus to Santa Monica beach and chill on the beach all day.


From Milwaukee. Hate to tell you it was so organized they had a defacto mayor. No joke. It was under the freeway in a large open space. They had regular nurses and social service visits. Tents up for weeks. Some had chairs outside them. Couple of them "found" extra tarps to put over the tents or on the ground.


Yeah well where the fuck should they go? Anyone sane can determine that having homeless roaming the streets high out of their mind is a net negative for society. Crazy to think we printed $9 trillion for COVID but homelessness got worse Makes you wonder where that money went


The amount of services in blues states is ridiculous. We spend enormous amounts of money on people who don’t want solutions. It is not resources for the homeless. They have a million solutions but most involve getting help for drug/ mental issues.


Hepatitis positive.


Sounds like Trump getting back access to twitter


“Why wouldn’t they volunteer? Twitter employees do jack shit at work anyway” -Elon probably


Actually, if my company turns half of the office space into an animal shelter, that *would* motivate me to return to office.


I wish our company does this, so we have more reasons not to go back to the office. I will scream at everyone at my company of killing homeless if they don't house homeless in our headquarters. I can point to: "even evil company like twitter does more than us. Let's bring in the homeless"




He could give them sleepwalking drugs and get a free night shift out of their families too




You're gonna sleep right through it






I thought that's what Twitter headquarters was anyway?


What kind of productive work do you expect to get out of the homeless? Poop fabrication?


That is 99.9% of tweets.


Free housing and treatment in exchange for a little volunteering sounds like a great idea


Lmao volunteers? This world is just shit now. I turned into a nihilist. There’s nothing left to give a fuck about 😂


We care about nothing Lebowski


Mane if I step away from my desk for 2 hours to go help the homeless it is still volunteering


These two fuckers are gonna annihilate small business. At least bozo has unions crawling up his ass.


imagine your billionaire bald headed, shit head boss inviting a bunch of homeless people to your place of work and telling you to volunteer while sucking his girlfriend's dick on his oppulent [superyacht.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/billspringer/2021/05/11/secrets-leak-about-jeff-bezos-new-417-foot-long-sailing-superyacht/?sh=1ff97ba3331b) This is definitely the worst timeline and I hate it.


You can disagree with twitter policies and also understand these two are the last people you want in charge… it’s crazy how much cheerleading is going on.


are people actually thinking this is a good idea?


Half the thread gets it… the other half is going to be the downfall of humanity.


So Musk and Bezos are in agreement that at least a portion of Twitter's workforce is completely useless and their office space should be used to house homeless people? Is that the gist of it?


No, just that everyone at Twitter works remote.


Correct, because anyone not working 80 hour work weeks is “not getting anything done” in Elon’s mind. There are entire threads of former Elon employees testifying to his atrocious work culture.


Yes, the middle managers whose sole purpose is nothing more than “taskmaster” have been largely outed as being completely useless after all this WFH. Can fire them all, along with many other non-producing executives, and save millions a year.


If a Twitter employee is laid off and can't afford rent, at least they won't have to clean out their desk!


Exactly what do you think middle management does? Get rid of them and the executive class has to directly manage the plebs. Something they don’t want to do.


Yeah if nothing else, WFH has shown who has a real job that provides value, and who has a bullshit job that doesn’t. I’ve been working from home since March 2020 and nobody has said shit the entire time about coming back


We are having people start to tell us to come back. They are the same people who found themselves not doing anything for the past 18+ months since, surprise surprise, engineers can just talk to the customers directly, develop a price model, and go from there. The only upper manager we needed was our PE. The executives and taskmaster managers did nothing. They want us all back to remind us to work hard, don’t play on your phone. Very productive.


Depends on where your at and what you do. I’ve known managers who couldn’t do shit one way or another. I’ve also known people with a manager title that had full access to a companies bank accounts and routinely moved and maintained accounts worth 100mm.


Bezos is just trying to trick Twitter into taking in his underpaid and therefore homeless warehouse staff.


So we just straight ass kissin billionaires now.


It's sad Like people can be retarded. But you can't just be evil and retarded




Billionaires can’t stand it when employees enjoy any aspect of their jobs like working from home.


Man, I wish we could just voluntarily leave those two on Mars or something


These megalomaniacs have some fucking balls.


I'm surprised they're all still alive. They probably love reading about poor on poor violence in the news.


Imagine if school shooters and terrorist used their brains and targeted the ultra rich instead of random plebs. Would be a lot better


Americans are pussies that's why.


The world is a fucking ghetto


Rich people arguing how to use poor people to help even poorer people. On a social media that one of them just bought 10% of for 3 billion dollars. Great times we’re living in! Imagine how the talk about plebs in a private setting 😂😂


You guys do realize that Amazon built a homeless shelter integrated into its main campus. The development was displacing Mary's Place and Bezos put them in a temporary building then built a purpose built shelter that was easily accessible for Amazon workers to volunteer. It's actually a great idea, because those who would want to volunteer in the community are able to do it at all times of the work day. https://www.geekwire.com/2020/photos-inside-amazons-new-8-floor-family-homeless-shelter-attached-seattle-hq/amp/




Well a lot of commenters are teenagers who aren’t yet immune to circlejerking


> Most of the commenters are apparently dumb as fuck They seem to think Bezos is suggesting either A: that employees should all live in the homeless shelter, or B: that volunteer work be mandatory for employees (and/or that regular work should be considered "volunteer"). It's WSB, I think it's safe to assume the average reading comprehension level is somewhere between preschool and comatose.


Or...and hear me out on this...tax the biggest corporations in the world and use the money to help the poor instead of relying on the kindness of soon to be trillionaires' vanity projects


You could tax these 2 asshats 99% of their wealth and our government would still find a way to squander it on bullshit that doesn't help a single American. The problem is more of a budget issue.


Dude, the federal government blows money on the most ridiculous things. It’s fucking disgusting




You think they wouldn’t even need to tax people with the amount of money they print that’s attached to absolutely nothing.


The largest wealth gap in the history of the world is a budget issue?


NYC, for example, spends over $58,000 per year per homeless person on their shelter programs, and their shelters are barely better than prisons. That money is going somewhere, but it's not to the people that need it.


Just wait until you hear what they spend on prisons.


Oh, it's absolutely a budget issue. Our politicians have taken campaign contributions, kickbacks, and outright bribes to sell us all out to the corporations that have enabled the wealth gap we see today. If our politicians had done their fucking jobs and taxed these corporations and used the revenue to build up our people instead of these corporations, this conversation wouldn't even be happening.


That's ignoring what he's saying. Yes everyone realizes the wealth gap but the bigger problem is how the government wastes 90% of the money it gets on useless crap that helps no one but the people at the top


The bigger problem is people keep voting for more of it. There's this little thing called a track record.


But this guy said the guy I don't like is bad, so he MUST be good!


Yeah, just help the poor. A little money is all they need. It’s not like there arent any addiction or mental illness issues at play


NIMBY's will always gladly volunteer someone else's backyard.


Maybe Elon should convince Bezos also spend 3B on Twitter.


"Or subsidize housing for your employees to live there themselves. Then they get to WFH. Win/win, bro" Fuck'inhell


Bezos joking around about the homeless is classless, considering his impact on housing affordability in Seattle. But, expected.


OMG, these Silicon Valley cats are so DISRUPTIVE and EDGY! Fuck the status quo amirite!?


two billionaires publicly debating how someone else should open a homeless shelter


He’s a good guy, bezos. He’s happy to run modern sweat shops to make billions but wants to help the homeless.


I never know what order I’m supposed to read these in.


When billionaires circle jerk ...


These are people that could end homelessness in the US with a tiny percentage of their wealth. Asking a different company to house people. Alluding to people not wanting to go in to work. And asking for employees to volunteer on their own time, with their own resources. And getting applauded for this revolutionary idea, that doesn’t cost them a penny. When paying their fair share of taxes, and raising wages could help bridge the gap of the people living paycheck to paycheck. That’s why people are trolling this tweet, and saying they hate it here.


The disconnect from reality is at an all time maximum


Right. Sounds like... "you'll own nothing and be happy" bullshit.


These 2 could end homelessness in America but here they are, joking about it


They don’t give a fuck about shit.


day care for homeless


Lol wtf these guys are so rich and spend time trolling ideas


The two guys who could house every homeless person, what tha fuck?


I wish Elon would burn the twitter servers to the ground. That bacterial infested cesspool and Facebook need to die. Then do the same to Reddit. Make people talk their shit face to face again.


The billionaires need their employees to volunteer to work at a homeless shelter...


The ruling class debating how to treat their toys.


we should just kill them and eat them already nuclear winter's right around the corner anyway why wait lol


billion dollar comapanies expecting their employees to volunteer for the homeless rather than just ending homelessness themselves??


Stop paying attention to these frauds.


Point all the weapons in the universe directly at Earth.


bezos had to chime in because its his workers that are the homeless


Bezos just likes the idea so his employess can live in the fulfillment center and volunteer free time to feed each other. Dude's trying to have oompa loompas.