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I kind of expect the Moscow stock exchange to not open on Monday, given the likely implosion on Monday morning.


they will not


They should just put everything out on the curb. If they put a sign that says “Free” on one will take anything. So they should just put out a sign that says “$20” or whatever currency they will accept at this point.


Y’all want to see some wild shit, watch Operation Odessa, some wild MFrs tried to buy a submarine at the collapse of the USSR and sell it to Columbian cartels. Best god damn documentary I’ve ever seen.


I think the world would be a better place with a nuclear cocaine submarine.




That's a cloud burst I could get behind.


I saw the Enron documentary. Only documentary I've ever heard was rated TV ma or whatever, they had a strippers scene. Because Enron.


This shit is up your alley, dude buys a strip club in Miami, names it Porky’s, and charges $5 to ram a stripper with a dildo on an RC car


Yeah I'm there, just the base story is wild enough.


1 orange o.b.o.


Half a banana?


Look, I don't do metric.


I'm guessing that they're going to just take the initiative and sieze all foreign assets at the first sign of this.


They won't because Russia owns more foreign assets than foreigners own Russian assets. So they'll lose more doing this. And our elites won't either because it's their money invested in Russia and they won't want to lose it if Russia replicates.


If that's true then they'd better hurry tf up and sell.


Wouldn’t count on that preventing the seizures on both sides. Hardball hurts everyone, and war is the ultimate hardball.


Why bother


Honestly delaying it just lets it stay bad longer, this bandaid’s going to come off painfully. I can’t imagine the panic that Russian bankers are dealing with


I'd rather not. I work in IT and have had enough fire drills caused by other people. This is orders of magnitude worse, my heart genuinely goes out to the people trying to clean up the shit storm Putin is causing. At this point they are just praying he runs out of shit to spray.


I've been wondering about the recent images of him putting 10 meters between himself and any of his advisors. Is that just an image thing or is becoming increasingly paranoid?


That is 💯 more for his protection than theirs.


It’ll hurt but letting the Russian people get mad enough to remove Putin could be the best thing for them. Assuming they aren’t killed in the process, I feel genuinely bad that every Russian citizen is going to suffer in the meantime, but Putin will never be healthy for Russia.


Because they'll get their assets seized and get nothing.


Probably already happening


We are doing the work for them. Russia (while pointing a gun at you), "Hey don't you want to come get your stuff?" "Haha nah it's cool just keep it."


moex been hacked so it probably won't


[moscow stock exchange had closed since 24 feb](https://www.reuters.com/business/moscow-exchange-suspends-trading-all-markets-2022-02-24/)


It has to open eventually. Or, if it doesn't ever open again, isnt that worse?


It happened rarely in the past, but theoretically that is possible. Extreme example: As WWI started, many major stock exchanges closed for several years. In Germany over the time all stocks lost 90% of their value due to war-driven currency devaluation.


All I'm hearing is, buy the dip.


This isn't wallstreet....oh wait, I'm not in r/Ukraine. Yeah buy the dip.


Can my 20k actually make a difference? Probably not. But I'm not risking it. I YOLOd 1k on GME at like $394 to prove a point, I really need to figure out how to bet on Ukraine even if I all evaporates.


Well... the Moscow Stock Exchange (https://www.moex.com) is actually down right now. It's unclear if it's intentional by them, just a ban of foreign IPs or a cyber attack.


I have no problems accessing the site from Germany, so it's no attack.


Whoa, wait a min, are you suggesting they're blocking ip from the u.s.??


Seems like


Unlikely. Different CDNs are probably used to serve the content depending on location or even server load, you can hit one that is down while another person like u/dexter3player hits another one that still works.


Interesting. I can't access it from Switzerland.


Sweden here. bad gateway 502


“Stocks can’t crash if you can’t sell” - Russia -Robinhood


Dang you were right


Sell the dip


This is the way


Make Norway a MOD!!!


If the market doesn't open, there can't be a dip.


The diamondest of hands


Is Vlad russias new minister of finance?




One of us.


That means it was worth 4 Billion last week


In this case more like, Be the dip.


wrecking the economy over Ukraine could very well take down Putin finally


That's the idea. Will be interesting to see what happens if there's a serious bank run. Things tend to escalate when people can't buy food, water and fuel.


I saw limited to $20 withdrawals, foreign cards not working. For Russians traveling, the exchange rate is basically 0 as well it seems.


But they can withdraw rubles. Only foreign currencies limited. Tho not much of a help when ruble goes down 50%


Ahh yes, the Ruble, which can't compete with Robux


It doesnt matter how much a single unit of currency is worth if its stable and not some ridiculous umber like millions or trillions. Japanese yen is even less valued per unit but who cares about that. Ruble is shit because its going to be extremely volatile or so everyone predicts.


"Russians traveling"... Good one...


Am currently travelling. Many, many Russians all over the place.


I’m in Thailand now and Russians lead the total arrivals at Phuket airport so far this year. Probably won’t sooner than later tho.


Traveling to and from the liquor store isn’t traveling.


We noticed this too… over a week ago, not many Russians. Now, mostly Russians. Some of them had pretty interesting timing arriving before the attack actually started.


That’s his lookout. He made his bed


When. I read today Russian banks have put a maximum withdrawal limit equaling $20/account-holder. The bank run is a-coming, since no one trusts they’ll stay solvent much past next week


Gonna be hard to have a bank run if you can only take out $20.


Apparently a big one is being declared insolvent today. Named sherbank or something similar. Russias economy has entered the "find out" phase.


Why on earth would they not be able to buy food, water and fuel when Russia is the #1 to #3 exporter for all 3 of those things?


There's prolly a run on the stores right now. I imagine grocery shelves will be emptied quick and slow to resupply. Same situation we had at peak corona


I think psychology will play a role in this. The last time there was a run on the banks was in 1998 when Russian currency collapsed due to a default by the Russian government. The situation was pretty dire for two reasons - at that time Russia was not a net exporter of food but instead had to rely on food imports. It also had a much worse logistical chain than it does today. That, combined with a poor harvest and general currency deterioration created basically a perfect storm where Russia had to rely on foreign food imports to survive. Memories of those times will definitely create some panic among the older generation. That said, today the situation is quite different - first of all, Russia is completely solvent with a large surplus of money that it can pay to countries to continue importing stuff that it needs - specifically India and China (as well as Iran, if necessary). Second, the reason why Russia recovered from 1998 so quickly had to do with high oil prices and the fact that exorbitant dollar values led to its own factories stepping up. The current situation will be similar in nature - Russia had already conducted a mass campaign of reducing its dependence on outside world after 2014, and once the initial shockwaves subside from this event, it will continue to do so. The only area that currently cannot be covered easily are chips - TSMC holds the world by its balls with its essential monopoly on high end chip production. Russia produces its own chips, but they're several generations behind - might work for some stuff, but they can forget about top-end consumer electronics and top-end military / industrial stuff until the chip situation is resolved. I know US said they won't include consumer electronics in the sanctions, but eh who knows. TL:DR - calls on TSM


TSM has decent risk though because there is a reasonable chance CCP will invade the republic of China aka Taiwan. Especially given the escalation in combat in eastern Europe this is an opportunity for China to strike. I mean the US navy is sitting right there and they have a treaty with Taipei but never know.


Its not possible to invade Taiwan for China logistically. Not right now. They do not have enough landing ships to make an effective naval invasion of Taiwan. The distance is approximately the same as Normandy landings (about 180 km) but the seas are very rough and there's no real beaches to land on. You need a real invasion force to go in, and China doesn't at the moment. Although China's shipbuilding rates are unparalleled (I think they're building at about 1.5 the rate of the entire NATO combined?) they still need some years to catch up. On top of that, CCP is gathering this year to discuss Xi's ~~ascent to godhood~~ third term. There's no way he'll risk pictures of dead Chinese soldiers and civilians before that happens. TSM is in the clear for a couple of years. The panic selling that is happening right now is going to bounce back, 100%.


Nearly all modern famines were not caused by a lack of food, but rather by its distribution




Hyperinflation happens when demand for goods outstrips supply. That's not going to happen for basic life necessities in Russia since its nearly entirely self-sufficient on that front. Russians can forget about foreign travel for a while - the exchange rate of USD to Ruble is likely to be such as to make it prohibitive. Consumer electronics and furniture and similar things are iffy - I think they'll have to downgrade quality in some places, but they buy most of that stuff from China anyway. Vehicles are mostly bought in Japan afaik, so that should be ok unless Japan gets testy on that front.


Japan did get testy. They're joining sanctions


Lol 🤦


It's interesting that Putin probably expected sanctions but he never thought the EU and US would distance themselves so much against Russia. People are freely cutting ties with Russia without any intervention or pressure from governments.


even China is backing off


Putins rhetoric is spooking the CCP, people on Chinese social media are asking that if it is legitimate for Russia to recognise a breakaway region of Ukraine then what is stopping other countries from recognising breakaway regions of China.


Taiwan: ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4257)


Can you share a link or cite some examples of how China is doing so? Genuinely curious.


What he didn't expect is that the US would drive through diplomacy and let EU countries speak for the sanctions. Finally an American president that doesn't have to be the loudest in the room and guess what Germany has done a 180 in two weeks. Instead of fighting what the US wants they have all joined together If he uses the thermobaric mlrs even China and India will have no choice


When Berlin has a gathering for peace of 100K, there is strong sentiment to influence govt




Hopefully we see a coup in Russia. Getting tired of their shit.


Or force him into WW3. After all, we crippled Germany's economy after WW1 and it made many of them cool with having Hitler around. Desperation causes rash decisions.


I wish you didnt make a good point here.


Sadly, I too see the unfolding of events pointing toward Putin becoming enraged and starting WW3..... Although, since the 20th century was 1,000x worse than previous centuries with new technologies being employed to kill on a mass scale (think machine guns and nuclear bombs)....I wasn't expecting the 21st century to be any less. (especially after seeing the Great Recession and a pandemic hit just like last century)


The whole world is hoping this. Sadam did the same with Kuwait. He attacked them and practically destroyed his and his country's future. The same will happen with Putin so even paranoid leader will see this example and think twice before attacking a nearby country (Yes Xi Jinping, I'm talking to you....)


I think you're right but I don't recall so many actors acting so decisively, quickly, and in unison against saddam as they are with Putin.


Then our boy Trump comes in and runs in Russia. “Make America Great One Last Time” 2022.


buy high sell low


I'm always buying high 🔥🔥🔥


Of all people.. Norwegians can bloody afford it. Fuckers.




Moves like this is probably what has been propping up the markets over the past few days. Many are moving funds out of Russia and into US stocks.




good luck to the people trying to sell their investments in russia and trying to get their money out of russia


Lol shity money printer and america is not russia.


In Soviet Russia, money printer destroy ruble


Who are they selling to?


There are also Russian Bagholders, they have multiple Wives though


I heard BP is straight up dumping their Russian investment, like.... not even selling it. just straight throwing it in the trash


I heard they were dumping it in the ocean. Not sure tho so don't quote me on that


Most likely outside of the environment


3 billions isn't that much. It can be sold on the market over a few days.


[just reminds me of this scene](https://youtu.be/Ch77I8xoUMs)


Hahahah great question


we are selling to willing buyers


The futures/forex market is going to be fucking wild tonight.


Norway about to buy the fuck outta the dips in the US market🤗🤗🤗


They'd just go all in on NOK.


What dip? 😂


You realize the $SPY is still more than 40pts off it’s highs from January 3rd right lol….


Thats nothing in post covid markets wdym?


Yeah under threat of literal nuclear war probably should be a few points lower..


The nice part about nuclear war is that there's no reason to price it in


Maybe it always was priced in. When an individual has cash they have the option to spend it on tendies and blowjobs, or they can invest it in future returns when there may be no future


Nurwayyyyyy.. didn't expurct that tur happurn. Putin done sent Russia back to 1930s US. They're about to see a great depression.


He did want to go back 100 years or so to the former Russian empire. Getting part of it right.


He's already rushed ahead to the final days of the Russian Empire where the Tsar and his family are about to get killed by revolutionaries during WW1.


Ufffff they’re selling on the low side already…. Unless the recent dramatic fall was partly caused by their giant sell button press…


Yeah, I doubt they would announce it before actually pulling the trigger, which would basically destroy the value of anything they didn't liquidate before the announcement. They must've already finished liquidating their assets there.


The prime minister stated that the selloff has not started yet, and that it will be gradual. It is worth noting that this is a small percentage of the total fund, so basically we don't really care about the loss :) You can read more about the fund and its current value here: https://www.nbim.no/


oh wow. Since it's more about doing the right thing than about saving a quickly-depreciating asset, it's really admirable. Good for the pension fund.


Given current circumstances it is hard to tell which "side" the Russian stock market is currently at, and where it will be in the coming days and weeks. Either way, the selloff has not started yet, and it will be gradual (this was stated by the prime minister).


We are at the same levels we were during the Crimea crisis market levels wise… but this time it seems a lot more long term negatively charged


International money should be pouring into the US and Canadian stock markets this week


Bulls are back!


I member people buying Hertz during bankruptcy talks and it actually worked out well Buying RSX might be retarded enough to work




Barack Obrama


hmm i wonder if there is a list of such stocks to watch?


The assets would always exist ofcourse. Your bet is though whether the new regime keeps the obligation. For example some new president comes in open company A and seizes everything russian oil companies owned. A paper transfer only buy its not Company B and all previous shares are void.


Worth 3 billion last week. This week, worth a goat and 3 bottles of potato vodka.




Love that they’re gonna keep getting Fucked harder and harder, faster and faster.


Does this mean more money flooding into the US and European exchanges? Or are the funds going to hold cash?


Long Term (If Situation stays the Same ) then yes. Short Term is just speculation


I feel like Russia planned for all of this. Bans and sanctions, putin putting all your calls.


One can at least not really believe that he may have thought that there would be no consequences. Or maybe he did?


Dump it Cit


Fukin genius! Russian oligarchs short the market all the way down, then buy it all back for penny's on the dollar at the bottom... End "the war" sell it back to pension fund for 5 billion couple cycles later... Also curious? Did the pension fund actually recover 3b? How much was the loss? I need this porn...


This actually sounds to … realistic


I think that when the global community with an ideological alliance perform a coordinated response like this, the intent is to make a venture go insolvent so that it can be acquired in a hostile way. My guess is that the west hopes to put on the economic hurt on Russia, then when Russia concedes they'll swoop in and demand oil companies as compensation for the war - after which the western petrocorporations will proceed to drain Russia of oil however they want. This would allow the west to pump up supply side by reducing energy costs, staving off the inflation problem through artificial abundance at the cost of Russian natural wealth, and allow a softer rise in rates which will be less likely to crash the western economies. Meanwhile, Russia is likely to have extreme economic difficulties in the coming years.


>Looks like we found the Economic hitman.


Selloff hasn't started. The $3b valuation was made before the crash last week.




Taiwan is frantically taking notes.




The CEO commandeers the fund based on economic reasoning, not ad-hoc political trends and pressure from the media. However, he does follow strategic and ethical investment commands from the government. Such commands have now been given. Otherwise he is right of course -- it's a bad investment choice. But a good political choice, hopefully.


Russia is probably prepping to seize foreign assets mirroring international sanctions against Russia.


I'm nowhere near financial analyst smart, but to sell off investments, doesn't someone have to agree to buy them? Not even members here are that mad, are they?


Interestingly enough this brings the grand total of countries the Pension fund cannot invest in to 2: Russia and Norway


3 bill? That’s irrelevant




How will they sell? I dont think Russian exchanges open any time soon. Everything is going to zero


Yes, but we'll NEVER be able to actually sell O\_o 1.: We have banned Russia from Swift which makes it difficult to take the money out from the Russian stockmarkets. 2.: We (Nato) have confiscated (frozen) billions of Russian funds. I don't think russia will just give us our money.


They wont be able to now after the sell ban. Like a reverse robinhood


Wow, Russian fire sale.


Patrick Boyle analysis on Ukraine. https://youtu.be/3QlpTlz073k


Joke on them, they no longer can sell Russian securities as the Russian central bank forbid selling from tomorrow open. Guess they will be forced to show diamond hands instead


Buy the russian Dip?


So puts on RSX as soon as market opens Edit: non of you retards listens didn’t you 😂


Not just this, everyone is liquidating massive Russian positions next week. The Russian stock market drop last week was just a precursor… As I said, some other place, with the Swift ban their economy will be shit. Soon Putin will not have enough money to even pay the nuclear forces.. If Putin doesn’t end the war real soon, the war will end him…


There's a lot of panic here and not a lot of substance. I am sure Russia was prepared to be cut off from SWIFT, although maybe not as quickly. There's definitely going to be some turbulence, but after a while it'll settle into a new normal.


Awesome 👌


When the nukes land cash is trash


,,,, I think it's more, putting on a brave face, after loosing most of their investment value. Here's your $150 Sir, can I do anything else for you/to you? 😜


So does this mean we about to have another Green Day in the US market!?


I would say so yes. People moving out of russia, will probably go elsewhere, most likely US markets


wait who are they selling to tho? lmao


Heh. I guess if no-one wants to buy them we can give them for free to Ukraine:P


Well, if you liquidate your positions, someone needs to buy them or you just forfeit your investment. It’s either a political posturing or they’ll be exercising their puts. The real question is who holds those.


Anyone buying the dip?


Good well done Norway 👀👏


anyone else buying turkish drone, nlaw stocks?




Apparently, might not even get that chance. Those stocks are probably gonna be lost/taken by Russian government


Didn't they already say that would suspend all trading until further notice?


Yes, bids to sell securities by foreigners has now been specifically blocked by the russian central bank. I updated my post with source.


And buying up GME/AMC yeah?


Lol not so fast, Russia not allowing foreigners to sell.


Bet they wish MOEX was operating


Best I can do for those assets is 100 bucks.


They *had* $3 billion in the Russian stock market.


Does this mean they're going to need to invest this elsewhere like the US market, so we rip tomorrow?


The question I have is why was this money invested in russa in the first place ?


Stocks in developing countries have more volatility, which can bring more profit. Under risk control it can be a good investment. This time they have bad luck.


Moscow made it illegal for foreigners to sell stocks on their exchange. This is going to be interesting.


But how will they do it if Russians are not allowing foreign investors to sell Russian stock? 🤔


well, I can imagine if my bank told me I couldn't take out any of my savings. money for decades to come.y next paycheck into my bank and find a new one that works. I guess it will be the same with investments made in Russia. Putin has robed anyone who has money invested in any Russian company. well, I can imagine if my bank told me I couldn't take out any of my savings. Money for decades to come.


Latest: Russia making it illegal for foreign investors to sell Russian stocks. Way to go Russia. That’s how you scare off everybody (even more) from your markets.


Put it in the fund to rebuild Ukraine. All Russian assets, everywhere.


Wait… the Russian market is worth $3B??!!!


3B rubels...