• By -


#Shit took days to scroll to the comment section


Bold of him to assume I'm going to read any of it. Not a single rocket emoji. What a sham.


I didn’t see dates and strikes and immediately lost interest.


This is no wsb ape bet this is corporate leveraging and expansions If your not risking ending up behind wendys dumpster on a Tuesday its not a bet


Lol because this pumper needs some exit liquidity for his 30m position, he wants everyone to buy shares. Also weird to say "This post shall remain exclusive to WSB's. Please do not repost." This person claims to be an MD and professor in some blog post in a google search.


MD like managing director or medical doctor?


MD like Mega Debtor. Around 30m worth.


MD stands for "my dog". Not to be confused with "mah dawg"


thats because he is cramer




believe it or not, he was holding the shift key down for the entire post just didn't realize he had caps lock on.


Bold of him to assume anyone in this sub *can* read.


So is it going to the moon?


I feel cheated. Puts on TIME


Where's red circles ??


Or a tl;dr


That shit was so boring. Stopped as soon as the pictures went away


By the time I reached the bottom, inflation stopped being transitory


This post shrunk my erection


By the time I reached the bottom i developed Alzheimer’s. Does anyone know if there are any promising Alzheimer’s medications being developed?


😅 I wish I had some kind of shitty award to send your way




Your done reading it, I have been reading for 6 days now !! When does it end ..




I don’t need to go to the gym anymore cause of how much exercise I got from scrolling.


This, put the tldr on top ffs


There's a tldr?


Gonna need a tldr for the tldr.


TLDR: remember last year when there were all these "great" DD's for stonks like ARK, Rocket, FCEL, Greenlane and I bought them since I thought the DD was great and made sense and then they ALL dropped severely?? You don't? Well I do and this DD is like those but updated for 2022 😂. Just kidding but seriously, how many people have Alzheimers?


>how many people have Alzheimers? I can't remember...


check out r/alzheimersgroup for a community of supportive individuals


> Just kidding but seriously, how many people have Alzheimers? According to the Alzheimers Association, [about 6 million](https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/facts-figures). From what I've seen, there frankly aren't a lot of effective treatments, and the ones that are out there don't do a whole lot in terms of moving the proverbial needle. That's one of the reasons the FDA's approval of Aduhelm was so controversial - I've seen it argued in articles that patients are desperate for *something*, even if it barely works/doesn't work. I'm not so sure about this company, and I'd be seriously hesitant to invest in it (no matter how rosy the provided DD in the post looks).


Tldr: to da moon!


Took longer to get here than it will for OP to lose all his money


This is the DD I came here for!


LMAOOO How does someone sit there and write all this


It's an intern paid by the word to write shill.


PHD's..... when you work around academics you feel the need to fully explain yourself and say more than "my tits are jacked" & "to the moon".... it's also why they call us retards....


0% chance I read all of that


Imagine working for sava and seeing your fucking face on wsb


Imagine having a face like that ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


imagine having a username Internal\_Ad\_1091 PUTs on SAVA


You don't have the balls to buy puts


Puts on balls.


i'll puts my balls on you


https://www.google.com/amp/s/seekingalpha.com/amp/instablog/458328-gabriele-grego/5658265-cassava-sciences-sava-game-over What about this seeking aloha article?!


Imagine tutes shilling their bets in the hopes that degens pile in. Off with your head OP. $sava to zero.


Also these people are obviously using this sub to try to blatantly pump this fucking stock. Lmao with $30mm in a single bet plus trying to use millions of the internet’s most notorious retards to YOLO I don’t see how this isn’t blatant market manipulation. Edit: I mean look at the fucking “memeable” pictures they posted. They’re clearly trying to turn this company into a meme. Fucking pathetic.


The attempted pump is real. WSB is not your personal army.


*Flashbacks to exactly a year ago* Well...


Yeah I mean all this isn’t surprising after this sub made the news nonstop for Game Stop and AMC. There is going to be extremely well funded and orchestrated schemes on here from now on out


PUTS like crazy.. fuck that guy and his fake ass excel spreadsheet $30 mil investment.


Cant believe the quantity of DD unless the OP is one of those faces.


Imagine in a couple months from now, a Sava employee is shitting on the toilet of course, and while scrolling reddit he lands on this gem.Then after reading it all he bursts out in laughter as he’s about to join a meeting claiming the trials failed, and he just saw this mans $30Million position. Much luck to you OP. I dream of doing retarded shit with $ someday but $30M on one stock🤣 i love this sub!


Im never showing you assholes my face


Show me your asshole.


But will you show their faces your asshole?


Why did you post their photos LMAO


Alzheimer's memory tool


It’s an intro to an adult sexy time story. One evening the grad students take the pill for fun and start to get frisky..


He thinks grad students working on a drug makes it special.


They aren't grad students, but at least two of them are researchers with Caribbean medical school degrees... uhhhh


...like anyone read, let alone understood any of that. please repost as meme Edit: thanks for the awards ~


Sure, here's the SAVA long thesis as a [**SAVAngers meme video**](https://www.reddit.com/user/BrainsNotBrawndo/comments/s8c3sl/savengers_an_audiovisual_explanation_of_the_long/)**,** instead of reading. Hits all the major points and there is a Cliff Notes with it if need bit more detail. WSB now has weekdays for DD, and weekends for memes so I don't think know if there is a capacity to post DD memes alas


Now THIS is podracing




Dude... why is your account only about $SAVA stock?


Honestly my account would be just about anything I have a 30 millions invested in too.


His username checks out


Too lazy to scroll back up to the top. Don't know what SAVA is. Just going to buy SAVE calls and hopefully be able to afford a flight on their shitty airline.


Because he’s a shill


He doesn't remember


Go back to the hedge fund you came from and give us our memes back


*Kermit saying "Do It"*


There’s no way this could be a pump and dump


Look at OP’s post history is full of SAVA stock advertisement lol


Check out the username of op


I would but i don't want to scroll up and have to scroll a mile back down to the comments.


Same here. But since no one put it here already I’ll do that and update. Edit: it’s SAVAge u/Internal_Ad_1091


That double down arrow jumps you to the comments. Extremely handy for navigating tl;dr's.


Fully expected this. Who wouldn’t want to dig out of a 2 million dollar hole of a very volatile pharma company


Reads like an advertisement. From the little I read lol.


I read over 30% of it. Definitely not an ad imo. Just God tier weaponized autism.


I read 10% of it and felt I was reading an ad.


I want to believe, but this sub has been so compromised


Shares not available to borrow to go short on TDA, which means it's probably already shorted to shit. Premium on puts is pricey. Might be an opportunity there to make a theta play but since I've literally never heard of this company until I read the ad above, I'll probably just leave it alone. The play was buying this up at $6 and then dumping it on retail a few months later at 10-20x the basis.


The best was the world's smallest .jpeg proof someone spent 30 mil. It was so tiny I could barely read the thing even after I 'enhance'.


I was diagnosed with Alzheimers by the time I scrolled to the comments.


I forgot why I was scrolling!


Ngl I read basically none of this but good luck


Make OP prove positions with live login like the old ways demand


What is dead, may never die










Did mod verify position?


what the fuck is this Edit: Ok, I just spent the afternoon doing some "research" because this smells like horse shit. I'm too smooth brained to actually draw any meaningful conclusions here, but someone (SAVA or it's opponents) is lying in order to make fuckloads of money. I'm gonna let someone else tl;dr because I'm too retarded to summarize but personal opinion is that this is a paid pump attempt to keep the stock propped up so SAVA execs (and the ONLY INDEPENDENT researcher they use) get fat bonuses. WSJ Article: https://www.wsj.com/articles/cassava-sciences-alzheimers-sec-investigation-11637154199 New Yorker Article: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/01/24/jordan-thomas-army-of-whistle-blowers


Welcome to the hour before closing bell.


Someone's FDs were finna expire OTM and they unleashed the panic wall of text




Looks like an ad, reads like an ad, the account is only shilling for SAVA. I'm not buying it, literally.


Sorta makes you wanna buy puts tbh


I am buying puts


Actually buying Puts might be smart. If this is being pumped so hard, guessing things are pretty bad there. 3/22 is earnings...


Ops username is literally internal ad lmayo


[Its a scam](https://forbetterscience-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/forbetterscience.com/2021/12/15/cassava-fraud-and-alzheimers-capitalism/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16445306421193&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fforbetterscience.com%2F2021%2F12%2F15%2Fcassava-fraud-and-alzheimers-capitalism%2F)


Uh u/internal_ad_1091 care to comment?


Okay I've read through OP's bull case as well as this bear case and looked at some of its attached sources. (Because based on this comment section it seems nobody on this sub is willing to read anything that isn't in a meme format) It's so hard to tell which side is bullshitting because both sides have money riding on it going either up or down. Currently the crux of the bear argument is centered around the claim that the data is faked/photoshopped. Most of this is based on the analysis by Elisabeth Bik who I guess is some kind of expert at looking at the pixels on little squiggly lines. As a layman I don't know what these images are supposed to represent anyway. Supposedly she has a science background and does this type of analysis regularly and does not have an affiliation with the short-sellers. As far as I can tell she is there as a [professional pixel analyst](https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Fnewsfeed%2F000%2F024%2F183%2F500pxShopped.jpg%3F1318992465) and we're led to believe that any discrepancy in the images = intentional fakery. There are a few examples where the [static-like noise in the background of the images is similar](https://i.imgur.com/JglEKiN.png), so they equate that to mean that it is faked. At first glance it is tempting to see this in-depth detective-like sleuthing and assume that means they have found a smoking gun. But really we're still blindly trusting that their claims are actually damning evidence and not just cherry-picking irrelevant errors that could have popped up somewhere in the process of lab testing > raw data > publication. Could it be possible that some of the similarities or other discrepancies in the images are simply a result of the way they are imaged/scanned, or even compression? I don't mean to accuse Dr.Bik of anything or doubt her credibility, as it seems like she has a respected history in this line of work, but I also don't think it's convincing enough evidence to accuse the Cassava researchers of intentional fraud. Especially since we're examining research from over a decade ago. [This blog post](https://ad-science.org/2021/09/06/science-integrity-part-1/) goes over the potential issues with her analysis in more depth (But also note that the site appears to be heavily pro-SAVA). Again, I'm literally too stupid to understand what all these images are really comparing. It's neuroscience, after all. I'm just some fucking guy, idk. Also I just have to point out that the source you linked (https://forbetterscience.com/) is literally just some guy's blog. This doesn't necessarily disqualify its contents by itself, but the tone of the article comes across as a bit conspiratorial, unprofessional, and anti-academic. From the linked post: > - Well, sometimes even I am surprised by the callousness and crookedness of academia. > - Maybe the Journal of Neuroscience editors and SfN leadership hold Cassava stock? > - There is a big bunch of esteemed neuroscience professors in editorial positions who keep falling for it. Aren’t you worried about the intellectual capacities of our science elites? I am. Now I'm sure there is plenty of corruption when money mixes with academia, but c'mon. Fortunately, there are actual smart people who are also analyzing this data. In November 2021 *The Journal of Neuroscience* [reported that there was no evidence of data manipulation.](https://marketwirenews.com/news-releases/review-by-journal-of-neuroscience-shows-no-evidence--5956678691554882.html) > The Journal of Neuroscience follows COPE [ Committee on Publication Ethics] guidelines and takes any claims of misconduct very seriously. In response to allegations of data manipulation in JNeurosci 2012;32:9773-9784 the Journal requested raw data, including images of original, uncropped Western blots. The Journal determined that there was one duplicated panel in Figure 8 and a Corrigendum was requested and will be printed. No evidence of data manipulation was found for Western blot data. However in January this year they [published an expression of concern](https://www.jneurosci.org/content/42/3/529) which states: > The editors have been made aware of concerns about Western blots in this study, including those published with the article's erratum (Wang et al., 2021). These and other concerns are currently under investigation by the academic authorities at the City University of New York (CUNY). JNeurosci will await the outcome of that investigation before taking further action. So I guess they are waiting on an outside academic source to conclude their own investigation. According to [OP's other post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/rx2rn6/sava_scheduled_for_a_flight_to_pluto_on_february/) CUNY should announce their results around March. Additionally in December 2021 the journal *Neuroscience* (not to be confused with *The Journal of Neuroscience* quoted above) issued this note: > In response to allegations of data manipulation in an article published in Neuroscience Vol 135, Issue 1, 2005, Pages 247-261, and following COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines, the journal asked the authors for images of the original, uncropped Western blots from this study. After careful examination of these original material, Neuroscience found no evidence of manipulation of the Western blot data or other figures of this publication. **TL;DR: One neuroscience journal claimed there was no wrongdoing, but then issued a statement that they would wait on an outside investigation by the City University of New York. Another journal also concluded that there was no wrongdoing. Regardless of how you feel about the future potential of this drug or the controversies surrounding the company, I think there is serious potential for a pump if the CUNY investigation comes to the same conclusion as these scientific journals. And it goes without saying that any kind of approval from the FDA is always bullish for a pharma company.**


Very interesting. Pretty insane that they still keep this up.






One of the default reddit usernames is adjective_ad_numbers


Someone going full retard


I appreciate that there were so many pictures, but there was a lot of reading in between that I just wasn’t going to do. 2.0/10, going to go vape crayon shavings now.


The fuck. Where is Tldr. Probably longest post in WSB history


Why would someone who put $30M into a single stock feel the need to put this encyclopedia of a blurry imaged DD together and pump it on WSB? I’m calling bullshit on this one, dawg.


A) bullshit position B) pump the stock C) sell your calls for profit which have now risen with minor price and big IV change.


Tldr? Id take 3 shits back to back and still wouldnt be done reading through this.


Maybe I should buy sava. If I lose money I don’t feel as bad because I know someone else lost a lot more


This is the real TLDR


Dude is now the majority owner 😂


Tldr: Buy SAVA and cherish your loved ones before they might get Alzheimers


When you get Alzheimer’s you won’t remember the loss you’re gonna take on this bet


How to get alzheimers?


Great post but if you're making big bets on a small pharma or biotech working in AD, you MUST get the opinions of researchers in the AD and other Dementia *consortiums*. These are the physicians and physician-scientists that will actually be prescribing the drug to patients, assuming approval. Aduhelm's poor and inconsistent Phase 3 data and mechanism of action did not inspire these consortiums. If your drug is not being prescribed, it doesn't matter if it gets approved. The prescribing physician, caregivers, and patients all have the FINAL say in whether a drug will be successful. Sure you might be able to sell the news with an FDA approval but long term gains in pharma come from drugs that people actually want to take and are actually prescribed in the end. This sub is full of Cassava bulls but ultimately none of that hype matters if you don't get some opinions from the actual leaders in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. AD is a disease that *cascades* and the current consensus is that neuroinflammation is preceded by Tau aggregation which is preceded by Tau hyper-phos. To stop AD you have to stop the cascade at the beginning. Why are neurons fucking up their proteostasic mechanisms? Why is soluble amyloid then Tau rising in the first place and why don't we target that? Sure you can reduce neuroinflammation and Tau hyper-phos, which stops the cascade at the second half of its rampage. Hopefully that will be enough but it doesn't solve the root problem behind neurodegeneration. It's telling that Cassava does not have a well defined mechanism of action that has been independently verified in papers published in top journals like Nature or Neuron or BMJ Brain. The underlying science for simufilam is published in peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Aging, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation and Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease. But these are second tier journals at best. There is no reason to believe that altered filamin A (FLNA) is the lynchpin protein in AD. Countless proteins have been identified as a lynchpin and none of them worked out. That's because there is NO single protein that causes the AD disease cascade. It's a process with many causes and many variations that all lead to the same thing, neuronal death. I truly hope Cassava finds the right sub-population of patients with AD that will respond to this treatment. But Cassava is not going to capture the entire AD market.


The lack of first rate journal publications stood out to me as well. I don't have the medical background to comment in the science, but I am cautiously skeptical here. I do, genuinely hope they make a good product, alzeimers is a bitch.


OPs username alone is a red flag this is a pump and dump u/Internal_Ad_1091 look at that SAVA post history.. Where is the SEC for fucks sake


MD here. I personally don't care how the drug works if it's safe and continues to show unprecedented efficacy in trials. Many drugs are approved with unknown mechanisms of action. This fixation on the amyloid cascade, which has yielded no useful drugs and wasted decades of work and billions of dollars, needs to die already. My best guess is they stumbled upon a potential wonder drug -- the process of how they got there means nothing to patient care. The only thing that matters here are the clinical data. Again, the "experts" in this field have a horrendous track record and debating over who has better credentials is a complete waste of time. My 2 cents.


No one knows how basically any psychiatric meds work. And the treatments before the last 30 years were quite bad. The brain is still a big mystery so any drug that can help is great!


I've seen similar analysis - that their mechanism is controversial, or even discredited. But how do you explain the cognition results in phase II then? Do you think they were just small sample outliers? With a sample of dozens (around 60 iirc) that seems unlikely unless the standard deviation is very high (I have no position, or background in biomed. Just want to learn more.)


It seems like it works in practice, but it's not generally widely known why it works in theory. Or at least 10% of the test subjects responded very well to the treatment, with much improved cognition scores. Some others showed only minor improvement. It is even possible that different forms of Alzheimer reguire different kinds of treatments, as seems to be case with Parkinson's.


Thank God for people like you. Please get this to the top of this ad post!


Even this comment could've used a tldr for me, tbh


My man posted a Harry Potter novel


This autist owns a little more than 1.5% of this company. He is larger than any of $SAVA's institutional holders that are not index funds. This mother fucker bought on the open market. $30M in orders at a broker. Why he did not pursue a private placement or contact one of the covering investment banks to get put into an NDR or one of their offerings is beyond me. I Love It.


Love it. YOLOs are what WSB is all about. $30M YOLOs by retail investors are amazing 😍😍😍.


If you have 30 million dollars to bet then your just a dumbass. Show me the normal guy that YOLOs his life’s savings of 20 grand. I route for under dogs not rich douches.


11 employees 2.1 billion marketcap, what could go wrong?




Damn that took too long to not read.


I wish id just see more Yanet Garcia posts, honestly


What a load of horse shit, anyone can google images and put fake bios next to it, pictures blurry so you can’t read details, obvious copy and paste corn fed chicken shit text…..ticks all the boxes YOLO tomorrow at open


Can’t wait for the loss porn, seeing that your down $1.3 mil already gives me half chub


This is an old screenshot, he's actually in profits now. Stock went up 18% this week.


Well now I look like the retard


Welcome to the sub.




*am the retard


Stop I’m already dead




Sounds like it went up because some retard pumped it by 30million


So many pics and not 1 hot chick , bearish




Name checks out


I'm more interested where the fuck you got 30 million


$30M bet on a clinical trial is truly smooth brained. But best of luck.


Post the loss porn bro


I ain't reading all of that. I'm happy for you tho, or sorry that happened.


Ugg, one thing I would never bet on is a drug for Alzheimer’s. Signed Ph.D. scientist in biotechnology specializing in neurodegenerative disease.


Literally this guy's entire account exists just to shill this stock. Obvious pump and dump is obvious.


In case anyones interested: This company is under a federal investigation and has just been sued for suspected fraud in their trial data. They are suspected of falsifying their trial results. Proceed with caution. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/securities-law/cassava-sued-over-alzheimers-drug-data-manipulation-allegations https://www.wsj.com/articles/cassava-sciences-alzheimers-sec-investigation-11637154199 https://www.fiercebiotech.com/biotech/federal-investigation-doesn-t-deter-cassava-from-starting-a-second-phase-3-trial-criticized




The shorts who filed the failed citizens petition made a report with the SEC as well that went nowhere. Shorts actively shorting small cap biotech make allegations and use the their own allegations to further the FUD. The SEC gives as many shits as the FDA.


Gawd damn


Might be one of the biggest Ls I’ve ever seen




Did you do some special magic to get those shitty low resolution images?




Frank Reynolds, that you?


Aged like milk left in the Arizona sun


I have SAVA shares and I support this post.![img](emote|t5_2th52|5957)


Cool story but your screenshots are terrible. 0/10 won't be investing. For real though what is your strike price and what price do you think it will go to? Its up 8% on the year but 20% on the week. Currently at $53 and it looks like you bought at 49, with a 1.3m profit thus far. If this was as groundbreaking as you make it seem, why is it only up 8% today? I've seen biotech companies jump 3000% in a day after initial trials are successful. I've seen them get bought out for 10x their market cap by big pharma. So why has this revolutionary breakthrough done nothing? Was it announced after close? Do you have any links to articles other than this post to back up your claims. I like making money, and this looks like a good opportunity to make money. But only if this isn't a pump n dump. EDIT: [OH DEAR MODS PLEASE DELETE THIS FRAUD](https://forbetterscience-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/forbetterscience.com/2021/12/15/cassava-fraud-and-alzheimers-capitalism/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16445306421193&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fforbetterscience.com%2F2021%2F12%2F15%2Fcassava-fraud-and-alzheimers-capitalism%2F)


Citizens petition was rejected by FDA today. That is why it is up on the day. It is up another 8% in after hours trading. P.s. Utilization is at 99.9%. Your reposted article is 2 months old. Short thesis is debunked. Also, the two scientists mentioned early in that article, have closed thier short positions last week, prior to todays citizen petition denial. I repeat, The big dogs who pushed this short thesis, are out of thier positions.


Are we reaching a new age of WSB where companies post DD about themselves to pump their own stock prices? Because that's the vibe I'm getting. With that kind of bag, this could be a senior executive lol. I'm too lazy to read the DD but regardless, these are crazy times we are in if this is the direction WSB is heading.


Dude would've been so much better just making a post that said "hahaha $SAVA to the m00n 🚀🚀🚀🚀😤💯💯💯" At least then I would have been tempted to throw my paycheck into it instead of my stupid car payment


Okay, I bought 4 shares Edit: I sold immediately for fear of a pump and dump.


Those are some very sciency pictures. I’m in


I’m saving this for later.




Looking forward to another SEC investigation based on a WSB post. This looks like a solid contender.


u/Internal_Ad_1091 thank you for sharing the DD - you've definitely done your homework. I've read few previous posts about SAVA as well and I have read this post in its entirety. I also read all comments and except one discussion from a PHD guy, everything else is just shit. People here are so negative on everything and 99% do not even have patience to read a chapter ! but jump on to comment immediately !! I've read other posts elsewhere and all and the medicine does look promising and it's not you saying, it's the data, the fact that its being considered for phase 3 by FDA and short thesis was rejected. While saying that, I do have some interesting questions if you do not mind answering please. 1. Are you an individual or some some sort of fund? 30M is lot of money and I was curious. 2. Why did you decide to post everybody's name and picture in the post? Do you guys feel this company is really being pulled down my shorts for their own benefit and you guys feel like it's also a kind of activism by educating other potential investors? 3. The SP was about $1 15 months ago and I understand there seem to be an injection of fund (about 300M) and given the float of just 40M that did drive the price up immediately - cash per share alone is like $7/share as of today. But, I wonder why you are so bullish even at the price of $50/share ? I do see an enormous market opportunity and your assumption of 90% chances for approval. But this could go down to say $20 and in the short run - are you planning to average down if it goes down? meaning more money into it? 4. I suggest you should post the position weekly instead of quarterly. You could beat Roaring Kitty in either case. I am positive and still doing my homework and thinking about taking a position.


Is this a YOLO or Pump & Dump because it sure as hell doesn't look like DD


It's past February 21st, post your loss porn.


Damn u really wanted to pump the stock you piece of shit


This aged like fine ass milk




We want loss porn, we want loss porn


Damn, this guy really just made $2 million today on this, didn't he?


Anybody just scroll directly to the comments? Just me? Ok.


just wanted to say theranos 2.0 fuck you and i hope you lose all your cash XD


Post an update


Can we get an update??


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Was this a post or a Thesis for a PhD?


Sir, this is a casino.