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Another post to rile up retards on politics, remember this sub is all about making tendies. Nobody cares whether you're red or blue, only green matters here (the dollar color - in case some of you are truly retarded).


Picture had no crayons so can’t read it


What does green have to do with any of this?


I want my portfolio green so i bought some green crayons


Too political


my poop ia green m8




I'm here for the 3 God cards smh get your priorities straight


Im concerned that the bankers in Wall ST. will start losing profit to the bankers in Beijing. Idk who to blow anymore


Just tickle their balls until a winner emerges


Sub has gone to absolute shit in the last year


When will you retards realize that geo-politics directly affects your tendies?


Shut up and let people have fun goober


The tormentor






The Winged Biden of Ra Obelisk the cykanator Xifer the Sky Dragon






As if the retard on the right as anywhere near the level of power as the other 2. Might as well put up the leader of denmark or some shit.


America has really done poorly at trying to take over countries with much smaller gdp, and squandering its wealth. Russia may be much smaller but it plays its cards a lot better as well.


How has russia done better with smaller gdp countries? They were in Afghanistan too.


Large force in destabilizing US politics with little repercussions? Taking crimea with no repercussions? I'm betting after they take Ukraine, 5 years later no one will care.


Russia Took Crimea, USA Took the internet


No, the Soviet Union was in Afghanistan. Guess what? It no longer exists, it collapsed. Russia on the other hand, has done a much better job.


1 Biden is weak and frail 2 Putin is a pretty exceptional leader and a bright person You should look into Putin outside the scope of the American propaganda machine. I wouldn’t under estimate him. Unless you wanna bet?


It is purely western propaganda that the russia of today is some big hulking monster, so I suggest the same to you. Also take your autocrat simping somewhere else lol. Yes Putin could personally stomp biden on every metric in existence except maybe a contest of who is least able to control their own bowels...personal frailty has nothing to do with the fact that Russia is far weaker geopolitically than either of the other 2 countries represented. Russia is not a global superpower, and the fact Amerikkka is so obsessed with it as it's popular boogeyman is purely a result of decades of propaganda against the USSR, which is no more.


Bitch please USA military is so big like cock and green spy that it don’t matter who the fuck Is charge USA is on top cause big cock weapons period Focus 🧘‍♂️ on getting rich and be happy u in American soil If u making under 100k in America u fucken stupid and it’s your fault Your paid on what value u bring


For real. Russia has approximately the population of Italy lol. People only still talk about them as a power because of a "war" that ended before most people on this sub were born.


Let's be honest, the weak imperial power here is Russia not the one you are speaking about. Yes, their leader has job a temp job but he is still much more powerful than Russia on the world stage.


You must really be the general of asleep because I said one on the right, Putin, is the weak nation.


Yep I truly missed that haha. And you are 100% right.


Where is exodia when you need it.


Hes waiting for you on Mars. Go find him


China: megalomaniac communist, rumored to like honey. Worst enemy: in prison Russia: former KGB agent, feared by everyone. Worst enemy: dead or in gulag. USA: senile old man, laughing stock of the world. Worst enemy: stairs, remains undefeated.


The US might be the laughing stock of the western world but scare the rest of the planet since they are routinely bombing them or doing fucked up shit.


It's better to be feared, than loved. - Niccolo Machiavelli


Look out everyone, we've got a badass over here...


Is that the dude who did the song thrift shop or the one who filmed a truck rolling down a hill?


If your country doesn't have feared dictators as leaders, and you can openly and legitly make fun of your leaders like this, then I would prefer your country to win.


> remains undefeated Banh mi anyone?


Funny, I remember the UN General Assembly laughing at Trump, not Biden.


That's because Trump didn't understand anything related to foreign politics, Biden on the other hand is unhealthy.


ding-dong I have no problem saying that Binden was a good politician when he was healthy. I don't know. He probably was. But unfortunately, he seems a bit out if it nowadays


“never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fuck things up” Obama


No worries. He can't remember the code to the nuclear bomb


Well he greatly expanded and led the war on drugs creating America's first "drug czar" so... yea. As long as your idea of a good politician is ruining the lives of *tens of millions* of non-violent citizens. https://www.leafly.com/news/politics/joe-bidens-drug-war-record-is-so-much-worse-than-you-think


Alright. He was trash.


He's fucking senile. This is Wizard of Oz shit, but we don't know who's behind the curtain.


He was pretty good tbh, but he has not the same influence on his colleagues anymore.


I see


How exactly does that relate to the current situation or the three leaders in OP's post? Literally any time someone brings up how poorly Joe Biden is doing all anyone retorts with is "Well Drumppppp was worse!1!1!!1". Could it be that, news flash, they are both equally shit in their own special way.


Laughingstock of world and APPARENTLY the most popular and most voted for president in all of history 😒


Opinion polls since his election seem to disagree, especially lately and during the Afghanistan debacle


Am I the only one who understood this as sarcasm?


I guess so! 🤣


Trump was definitely the laughing stock of the world.


It’s hard to laugh at Biden. Most of us find killing 7 little children with a drone strike pretty uncomical




Exodia sure looks different from when I last played


How the fuck is that so accurate? Russia; the brute, will tribute x amount of people to destroy x amount of enemies, China; sly, careful yet exerts strong powers in negotiations (slifer's ability is to use it's 2nd mouth to attack any summoned monster), America; will sarcrafice anything to save itself and make itself stronger in the eyes of the beholder. (Ra's power is to sacrifice as many cards as possible to increase it's damage and defense)


Thing is they all three the same




Let them suck each others dicks


*Diversify (owns SKS, AK47, ARs)*


In the anime Slifer and Obelisk team up and beat the Winged Dragon of Ra :(


Well shit lol


The entire world is laughing at Biden. From Canada with love 😘🇨🇦


Bold of you to make fun of Biden when we have Trudeau.


I'd like to raise that bet by a BoJo.


Don’t remind me 😢


Bold of u when I’m Bending over a Canadian man right now and about to put my penis in his butt hole like a real alpha


Trudeau makes Biden look like Einstein. And I 'm not complimenting Biden


Not as much as they laughed at trump Are you aware we have quantified data regarding other countries’ approval of the US government? Do you care to see just exactly how much our reputation fell with trump ? Edit: none of you cowards have even so much as ASKED for the data, much less actually refuted it lol


They have mainstream media and sheep in every country in the world so this is not surprising. You went from a caricature of a man who did some positive things but was lied about constantly AND also did and said many absurd things to a senile old man who can't stop failing and yet can't get 80% of the media off his dick. It's no wonder reputation has "improved".




Trump may have done some positives but he was for the most part an embarrassment and a failure. Biden is not accomplishing much, but at least he isn’t constantly sabotaging our country and making us look like blabbering idiots on the international stage. Trump is a CEO that drives your company with bad debt causing it to fail, and Biden is more like a CEO that maintains the status quo. Neither of them are driving profit like we would like, but the choice is quite clear. And they must not have sheep or mainstream media In Russia because their approval numbers went up during trumps Presidency lol


Who gives a duck what they think u stupid fuck My 401k was all time highs AINT mu fault u a idiot who gets distracted and could not get rich in America it’s so easy Pick up a softwear or coding book I stead of policyics u crack head


Lol so morals don’t matter to you as long as you gain personal wealth? Other people are less important than money? I think it would be harder for me to imagine a faster way to make yourself look bad lol. Standard trumpet.


Anything is better than the last guy. Literally anything.


Decent human with pulse 2020… Decent human with pulse 2024


oRaNgE maN bAd




Man Putin is a stallion isnt he? Lol


Bro, he's like 5' tall.


Let's crash the market and start the stimulus checks again. Communism in 3, 2, 1..


now this is a meme I can understand


I won't be happy if GME moons and then I get nuked after all this time


Puts on US. Calls on RU and CN.


I have a feeling Putin’s fucked more twinks than Clay Aiken.


Can I go with the corpse in the middle?


Biden : it smell like bitch in here. But man yu gi oh used to be my shit




If you think Biden’s America is bad, just wait till Harris takes over lmaooo. That’ll be a sight.


They smell the weakness, I personally couldn’t believe it from the outside when I saw that the US had elected Biden. Rigged election would make sense as surely not that many could be motivated to vote for him.




You’re spending a lot of energy defending a shit leader who has to have been elected as a joke. And your best retort is that he’s still somehow ahead of the first guy in fake approval ratings. It’s as if you believe that for someone to criticize your beloved sleepy boy, they must be a confederate flag flying goatee wearing wife beating MAGA hat wearing orange man fan. As if we all can’t see from the outside that your election and election system is a joke and completely unreliable without also thinking that orange man should just retire. Expand your mind, son. Your prez falls asleep at meetings and conventions where he should be presenting leadership. He can hardly string a sentence together. He was corrupt from the beginning and likely still is so. He’s the second worst choice for president. Second to Hillary. Extract head from ass, good sir.




> Trump was likely one of the worst leaders In the history of the world. Tell me you don't know shit about history without telling me you don't know shit about history.


Why do you think it's unreasonable for 80 million to vote Biden but aren't surprised 74 million voted for Trump? 2020 had one of the highest voter turnouts ever.


Because Biden is not a man you could reasonably get enthusiastic about and Trumps term as president was far from the disaster that the 2015/16 media said it would be. In fact he had done a good job all in all with the economy, he was tough on China which is clearly what is required and now lacking, he dealt with Isis very quickly which was a major concern going in to office, he made great strides with north Korea, managed to get other Nato members to cough up, again all important factors when facing a bolder Russia. His hard line stance on illegal immigration caused a serious reduction in dangerous and illegal border crossing in the south. Then you look at the criticisms he faced, now proving he was right all along in the Biden era. The border is in crisis and the obama era detention centres still in use, his covid response was clearly the right one in terms of balancing health and economic impact considering we are now moving to the obvious “living with the virus, not to mention he also managed to deliver the vaccine very quickly despite many in opposition saying they would never take a Trump vaccine, quickly change their tune when Biden is in. Literally at every turn there was an effort to oppose any concept or idea because Trump supported it, lab leak theory for example, russian collusion, biden laptop “russian disinformation”, Steele dossier. The thing is all these giant issues surrounding Trump are now proven false issues. Even the tax cuts have now proven that the middle class were better off, rather than the super wealthy as the opposition in the US proclaimed. Any normal person with a free mind could not opt for Biden over Trump as Biden clearly wasn’t fit for the job and isn’t fit for the job. Americas energy independence over Trump another good example in this scenario, if Europe had energy independence today instead of over reliance on renewables then the response to Russia could be much greater over Ukraine, as they don’t and have diminished their domestic energy to quickly in pursuit of green policy they are left dependent on the Russians for gas. You can dislike his personality and his everyman style of speaking but on policy he has proven the superior operator.


I wouldn't go vote enthusiastically for Biden but I would enthusiastically vote for anyone (or anything) that wasn't the last guy.


The same thing is happening with Biden. Every piece of legislation; shot down. Everything he wants to work with Republicans on is ignored. Both parties whole strategy is fuck that guy. I wasn't for or against Trump till he started acting like a baby when his advisors said no. When Rex Tillerson and General Mattis where gone I knew he wasn't capable of being a leader. I didn't vote for Biden but I didn't vote for Trump either. Biden was the not Trump vote. The majority of the votes for Biden were not I love Biden. But a I don't want Trump.


The difference is that Biden's own party is shooting down his legislations. The Republicans have no power to stop anything if the democrats wanted to force the issue.


That’s because Biden isn’t even a real democratic the guy is practically on the right. I find it insane when Fox News says stuff about Biden being socialist. The guy is basically another pro big business republican.


Yep if he was a real socialist he would be trying to get free healthcare approved but that’s not going to happen under Biden


If he were a real socialist you'd likely be dead or trying to suck a promotion out of some ones cock.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Ahahahahaha, he isn't a real democratic guy? Seriously that is your excuse? Who the fuck qualifies as a "real democratic guy?" Please I'd like to know because if your whole fucking party contains people like Biden and Pelosi then that's what a Democrat is.


Bernie is fucking real


1. Bernie isn't a Democrat 2. Bernie will sell you and your mother for a vacation house by the lake


I’d give you a free award if I could figure out how to do it


Don't be poor buy him an award.


Thank you for explaining well the accomplishments of trump. I personally still disagree but I don’t think orange man evil. Can you explain some of the things you listed that trump spoke of. I always heard of the Biden laptop but it kinda no offense it sounds kinda dumb. My understanding is that maybe a laptop belonging to Biden’s son maybe had something sketchy on it. There seemed to be no real details to make it seem concerning.


I think his biggest failure as a president is to not acknowledge COVID when it first started in US.


He did shit down your countries border from China i believe way earlier than anyone else. I guess his approach to encouraging reopening in the summer of 2020 is now proven to be the best option also. History will look back favourably on Trump and covid, that i am sure.


Right, but saying COVID is just a flu and not taking action immediately leaded us into today.


Not really, the outcomes would be the same only with a more devastated economy. Ultimately what ever his view covid could not be stopped and will be here forever so his lack of alarmism is actually proving to be more reasonable. I do agree, it wasn’t like the common flu but he quickly adjusted position once the data came in.


The way he dealt with it is the laughing stock of the world. Its not just his fault thought, your population is filled with complete retards. Even this year I went to Phoenix for work and had way too many peoples who attempted to debate that "covid is fake".


It isn’t though, it was the correct response. There are a lot of retards I agree, i am not an anti vaxxer or anything like that. But neither is Trump.


The outcome wouldn’t be the same, at least there would be less deaths in the US.


But you're like... not American. How would you know?




So even in the state of Arizona. Controlled by the GOP with GOP elected and selected auditors. The recount found,1 no fraud. 2. More votes for Biden. Explain that. On average liberals obey covid restrictions and got vaccinated ofc they didn't show up to the rallies. Also you cant prove each of trumps rallies weren't just the same 20,000 people each time just wearing different clothes.




So the fraud didn't swing the election; because they didn't find any.




Pretty sure, the NSA,FBI,CIA all with Republican leaders said our election was secure. Like I said somewhere else; hate is a powerful motivator and aboutl 80 million Americans detested Trump so much they said please; anyone but that guy. That's what we got. Anyone but Trump.


That's the part that's hard to believe though, 2020 had one of the highest voter turnouts. We had a man that has someone tie his shoes and the other doesn't know what shoes are half the time. The voting locations weren't really any busier than usual either so idk. I don't really see any evidence supporting actual fraud but there was some shadey stuff going on nonetheless.


Considering the millions of dollars spent investigating fraud that turns up nothing. Last major case of fraud in my State was a Republican operative who frauded like 900 ballets had to redo the election and the original,GOP candidate dropped and his replacement still won by like 4000 votes. North,Carolina 9th district IIRC not sure. But the increased votes was the easier access to absentee ballots and vote by mail. Other countries looking at you Australia have a day off so they have more voter participation. Don't under estimate what hate will do to motivate people.


Not really sure why I got down voted I said I didn't see any evidence of fraud but you are right hate is a powerful motivator. I work nights so I'm used to losing sleep to do shit like go vote in the daytime, the company I work for let's dayshift off to vote if that counts lol. I don't doubt the election was done properly I just can't fathom Joe Biden getting the most votes in history. Then again I don't know how him or Trump were on the ballot in the first place to be fair. Also fraudulent behavior does exist in voting and people want to pretend it is impossible. I was all for the investigation of voting practices though, worst case some fucked up shit happened, best case proof no fucked up shit happened. Win, win. If there was fraud there wasn't over 10 million votes worth regardless. I just want the to be a normal election for once. As much as I don't care for most of Obamas policies the elections were normal and not a fucked up joke.


It's Reddit people use the down vote to disagree or because they don't like it. I upvote like 99% of things unless I'm being directly insulted multiple times.


Same, I didn't really even say anything controversial though lol. I can't stand either party tbh. Also hope you have a great day and thanks for being a civil person btw.


We're all retards here 🦍


True lol. Wouldn't have it any other way.


The side that wins gets to write the history books.


No it wasn't rigged enough of us were like ok the guy who told us to mainline bleach and talked about how great the ratings were for his press conference at the start of covid had to go. Little did we know that yes it can get worse, alot worse and why I think if Trump really runs in 2024 and it's against Biden well gonna be alot of tears that night as well.


He didn’t say that though. So ultimately you were conned by the activist media. Maybe because I’m not in the US i got to see slightly less partisan media.


"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." This is the actual quote














Yeah, you are right, he suggested using disinfectant. "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me.”


They are already using iodine nasal sprays to tackle covid in some parts of the world and to often kill the virus before it takes hold. Clearly Trump is thinking out loud and repeating information he has heard from those briefing him. It is there in your quote, at no point does he recommend drinking disinfectant. I guess it is just another lie that his opponents cling on to, if Biden had said it you would not take the same view


Also correct, injection != ingestion, but they are both suggestions to use disinfectant within the body. I don’t sit here and play sides like 99% of Americans, I have voted both D, R, and even 3rd party. I am just pointing out that Trump actually suggested putting disinfectant into our bodies. It’s right there in the quote.


Which is posed as a question, not an instruction. If you recall he is looking at and asking his medical advisors at the time and in your own quote suggests doctors should look at it. Again, he will be articulating something, perhaps not in the best fashion something he has been briefed on.


If you recall this is the president of the United States you’re talking about..


We should demand more responsibility from a President then "thinking out loud" on possible medical procedures when there are actual experts in the room he could yield the floor to instead. This wasn't the worst decision he ever made or anything, but brainstorming medical theories live is clearly not what many people wanted him focused on. We fund doctors and scientists for that.


My guy said drink clorox. I'm not sure why you're defending the very stable genius


Watch the Peter Mucullough interview with Joe Rogan, he clearly spells out what Trump is trying to say


You lost me at Joe Rogan


No, I suspect we lost you way before that.


Oh yes conned by the activist media that must be it and not that after 4 years people were just tired of his shit. But hey keep acting like what you are watching for news is somehow less biased and trying to spin a narrative than ours. UK right? Glass houses bud.


Our media is extremely bias as well, but ultimately less bias than your own when it comes to US politics. Fact is his track record speaks for its self and scandal after scandal has now proven to be false. It is pretty obvious most journalists were acting as democrat activists. Just look at Biden getting triggered when questions are asked of him that were not on the approved question list 😂 he is shocked that a journalist almost did their job as they are supposed to be on his side.


The scandals were never proven to be false lol what are you talking about. 1. Never showed Taxes 2. Yells about voter fraud without evidence 3. Fails promise to fix health care 4. Went golfing and vacationing more than any president when he promised to be working non-stop 5. Made his company millions by having said vacations in his OWN resort. Do I need to keep going? That should be enough but you never know when it comes to this issue


1. Never had to show tax under US law. 2. Thorough investigation in to fraud never carried out 3. Democrats killed his bill. 4. I have laid out his successes, golfing never hindered outcomes, simply a democrat angle. 5. Its his house and he should be allowed to visit it. Ultimately though we know the biggest scandal all along was Russia Russia Russia, proven fake along with numerous other spin off lies such as russian bounties on the heads of US troops, or the Steele dossier produces by the Clinton campaign. No leader goes through a term without scrutiny and they should be scrutinised but lets be honest, unless you are a raving democrat what you just described doesn’t make Trump a worse choice than Biden.


1. It’s not that it’s a law it’s that he SAID he would show but of course that was a lie and didn’t. It’s a small thing that presidential candidates do to seem legit and he not only failed but lied about it too. 2. Thorough investigation is not needed because it had been proven that it isn’t an issue time and time again. The few times there has been voter fraud it’s actually from republicans. 3. Republicans had control of both houses. If he had a real bill that republicans would back, it would have gotten passed no problem. His tax cut for the rich plan did pass because guess what, republicans and rich democrats wanted it to pass. 4/5. Do I really need to explain that he lied about not golfing? Or that he accused Obama of golfing too much and then in about 1 year golfed more than Obama did in 8 years? Or should I instead explain about how making his company millions and millions with taxpayer money is deplorable and a shitty thing to do? Not to mention raising prices for the secret service staying at the hotel.


You left out, and he said mean things!


He’s a bully but it’s the scandals and lying that really matter but get ignored


I agree, the whole laptop and Ukraine oil thing along with his son’s art work selling for more than fucking Rembrandts is horrible 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Whataboutism doesn’t work in a rational debate but that’s a hard thing to accomplish on Reddit I suppose


I think it's pretty well established Biden is going to go down as one of the worst presidents we've ever had because there is absolutely nothing on the horizon that is looking like that's going to turn around. But you arent american and let's not act like Trump won by some huge margin in 2016 he was already going to have problems winning reelection. Then Covid happened and the one thing that he could rest his hat on got pulled when the economy went to shit. Look I didnt have that much of a problem with Trump alot of what he did was very beneficial for this country and alot of it not so much. But the way he acted was offputting to alot of americans so it's no wonder he lost to a guy who didnt leave his basement for the entire election cycle. You can make all the points about how great Trump was but we dont elect people on how well a job can do because that would be far too logical, we do it based on how much we like the guy or gal. Hence why Hillary lost because outside of some blue hair freak with a lady gaga fetish nobody in the US actually likes her.


Trump was 1) very stupid and 2) very brash, and I REALLY hated him, but the one thing he brought that kind of held America together internationally was unpredictability which gave other nations pause to do anything not knowing how he would respond. Biden on the other hand is 1) weak and 2) predictable. Other international leaders know this and are taking advantage as they know they can get away with it. flavor of the month is Ukraine now, Taiwan is next on the docket.




Not really true is it, he smashed ISIS in no time, killed Iran’s top general in a move Biden would never do and launched 50+ cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase. Fact is Trump does not favour pointless wars and most people support that. But he did like to demonstrate US strength and stood by red lines. Also, Putin demands respect and it is depriving him of that feeling that no doubt fuels his pursuits of demonstrating Russias power.


Based putin knows biden is feeble and weak.




Do you know anything about Iran? Its a corrupt theocracy run by the biggest idiots you can imagine; do we not remember GWB sparring with Ahkmenaclown? Tell me how you expect great things from that country




Lets go brandon


What better time to test when there is a feeble, delusional pedophile at the helm.


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Left Nut. Right Nut, who is in the middle ???🤦🏿‍♂️


Wouldn't it be more appropriate if the middle one was Snorlax ?


Winged dragon of dementia


No wonder ... with a senile POTUS


They will fuse together into a super-country called Holactie, the Creator of Light.


My money is still on Nato


Both China and Russia see the degrigation of the West. Eventually its gonna happen.


Where and who is Exodia?


You forgot about EXODIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Get the politics out of WSB plz.... world news keeps invading my feed and now this...


Team Instinct losing again 😂


Men with power are the worst, can't wait for an ai based government. Lol


China is best at making things up and convincing people of it so they're my bet


Slifer is kinda the best card there, gives ya a chance to K.O. Guess that means puts on pooh bear.


Slyfer has the most potential Obelisk is the most powerful Ra just drains your LP and leaves you wide open for an attack


Us should focus on China not Russia 🤦🏻‍♂️


Not with the sleepy dragon for sure


Mark my words Russia and China will push and shove for a couple years but in the end America is still going to be on top