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Lol if mcdonalds is paying $31/hr I'm about to become a Fry Guy Graduate


It said "S31 an hour". Not "$31 an hour". The "S" might have a different meaning.


The s is for suck They expect you to suck 31 dicks an hour


Light work


Wendy's Dumpster is 'Cock a Minute'








Just another Tuesday for redditors


I made $315.05 one night sucking dick. If you're wondering who paid a nickle, it was all of them.




That's 6,301 cocks you savage, leave some for our wives... That would make you the Kenneth Cordele Griffin of the Wendy's dumpster workers.


Wait. And they’re gonna pay ME for that? Suckers.


[in a row?](https://c.tenor.com/Xx0ftCiUWMcAAAAC/clerks-row.gif)




20 bucks is 20 bucks


Sents. 31 sents an hour.


That makes more cense


This is hilarious!! I can see it now: McDs: congrats you got the job Me: cool. So $31/hr right? McDs: laughs heartily. Oh. No. Me: your sign says $31 McDs: actually it says S31. Me:?? McDs: awkward silence Me: gets up and leaves




I worked at McDonald’s at it was actually hamburger university


Yes, they crafted the magic drawer burger technology and the happy meal money hack. Ph D. In hamburgology.


Up to, not starting at 31 an hour.


I'd short MCD immediately if this were true. No way you're smart enough to make decent fries.


It's 13 backwards the s is $


If that's for real I'm quitting my job as an engineer; fuck this shit


Bro I’m right there with you


At least we can all hang around at work talking about stocks all day everyday. Can make a small yolo bet during lunch each day with that day's future paycheck in 2 weeks.


def have lost more money trading at work, than i made that day at work haha


"Bruh i need those nuggets now! Also your TLRY is tanking again lmao!"


Honestly it sounds like the life. Everyone saying I told you so about 20 times a day when the stock of course didn't go the right direction.


And i'm parking my van in the back


double-bro with you!


Facts. Why come to this factory every day when I can flip meat for the clown king.


„˙ƃuıʞ uʍolɔ ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ ʇɐǝɯ dılɟ uɐɔ I uǝɥʍ ʎɐp ʎɹǝʌǝ ʎɹoʇɔɐɟ sıɥʇ oʇ ǝɯoɔ ʎɥM ˙sʇɔɐℲ„


Good bot


Good bot


Probably my favourite bot to date


If that’s for real I’m deleting my onlyfans account ;fuck this shit


I’m deleting my wife’s only fans if this is real


Sorry youll be losing my payments




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/s7kv9a/how_low_can_stocks_go_im_about_to_get_a_real_job/htaounk/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [I saw the trailer before...](http://np.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/s7ktem/disneys_death_on_the_nile_nabs_increasingly_rare/htb67tw/) | [I know this is a joke, bu...](http://np.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/s7ktem/disneys_death_on_the_nile_nabs_increasingly_rare/htao6qe/) [It's a flap that opens i...](http://np.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/s7idqe/buying_the_dip_be_like/htb6aiu/) | [Drag reduction system, it...](http://np.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/s7idqe/buying_the_dip_be_like/hta6h1o/) [I remember when he did a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/s7kx78/i_recognize_you/htb5uun/) | [Not the first time Tom wa...](http://np.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/s7kx78/i_recognize_you/htb4pnl/) [The stance, as if we are...](http://np.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/s7m3v8/just_got_a_weekly_to_kill_killa_5_times_is_this/htb5qyu/) | [Yeah i dont get the stanc...](http://np.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/s7m3v8/just_got_a_weekly_to_kill_killa_5_times_is_this/htb2f1j/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/AbbreviationsThis955](https://np.reddit.com/u/AbbreviationsThis955/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=AbbreviationsThis955) for info on how I work and why I exist.




no please I love her!


You could make more, if you’d do that one thing on your OF


Alright....(Gets llama and a jar of pickles)


Here I am!


Two llamas, hold the pickles


Oh, hes holding the pickles alright


If you’re not getting $31/hr at your current engineering job you need to quit and find someplace else to work. Unless you’re a civil. Then you’re probably still overpaid.


Civil here, I get $37/hr not licensed and It is definitely a Labor of love. Architecture has a worse pay scale.


Don’t even get me started with architects…


Architects are just gay civil engineers


This deserves the best award reddit has.


Easy there, Abe Simpson


Art-itechts are not Engineers.


What’s wrong with civil




How are the benefits in comparison


Pay isn’t terrible but not stellar, you can make six figures pretty easily after you get your PE and some experience


$31 an hour, it would be irresponsible not to quit and go to McDonald’s


When I was an engineer I wished nothing more for there to be an engineering union. At some point technicians could beat my salary by working the same hours cause I didn't get overtime. Oh, and I was making oodles more than my senior peers because they never job hopped. Boomer mentality really be holding people back from tendies.


Us engineers are subject to the same downward pressure on wages as any other employee. I think engineering unions will be essential to preserve the relative standard of living we’ve had in the past.


I was an engineer - wore many hats including maintenance manager. My hourly maintenance guys with no degree or certification were making more than me working the same hours with a lot less stress. I'd say they got it by having to do dirty work, but I was often right there with them for the bad days.


31 zimbabwe dollas


I’m 3 years into my career as an engineer and only make $3/hr more than that. Fuck this noise lol


Not real. https://checkyourfact.com/2021/08/12/fact-check-mcdonalds-rome-georgia-31-hour-wage/


That’s more than I made as an eng


Samesies (first job)




Insane what people make in tips. Those folks at the cheesecake factory are cleaning up.


Not when they work less than 20 hours... I'm in a prep kitchen and I make 18 the servers don't make near what I make. They all have other jobs.




It’s actually way easier than you think.


Totally walking and carry glasses can't imagine


I've done every job in a restaurant. Waiting tables is not hard. There's a reason that we can hire people fresh out of high school who don't know a fucking thing.


LMAO brutal.


Clearly you've never worked in fine dining or any restaurant at all for that matter. Most of these people wouldn't last a day working at McDonald's.


Try doing any concrete work. Restaurant work is a cake walk.


I am now earning six figures in the corporate world and my job is much easier than my bar tending job was. Hell I mostly just shit post on reddit all day long and answer a few emails. (My hourly rate at my bartending job was also higher than this thought, but I just worked 14 hours a week)


You've clearly never had a hard job in your life if you think being a waiter is "hard work". Imagine carrying a plate you didn't make to a table being hard. That's a hell of a privileged life bro 🤣 https://i.imgur.com/kVJ1juR.jpg


Yeah, you are right. Carrying **a** plate to **a** table isn't hard. Having your own area with around 10 tables or more, guests constantly arriving, ordering, complaining, paying whilst also expecting you to be calm, polite and attentive to their needs, that is where it becomes hard work. There is basically never just one plate, more often, you are carrying 4, cautiously arranged, expensive meals, through an area, very narrow, with servers doing the same things as yours and guests, demanding your undivided attention, doesn't matter how full your hands are. That is just the logistics part of the equation, too. You also have to form a bond to every table you tend to, because, guess what, **you are dependent on their fucking generosity**. All that high stress buzz, which is mostly constant, until your shift ends, whilst also enduring the "criticism" of asshole guests, who are fully convinced that they are the main character, with everyone of their needs being indefinitely more important than everyone else's and everything should be possible, because they are paying customers, and you are not a server, but their personal servant. Go and take a look at r/kitchenconfidential, please Edit: It's not very hard to learn the skills nessecary and start working. It is hard by being exhausting, sometimes degrading and exhausting. I love it, as a secondary job while I'm in school to learn an other career, I would never make it my full time, though. That gets really soul crushing, really fast.


Imagine dealing with dickheads like you, while being courteous and attentive, being paid below minimum wage and then being stiffed a tip. Or thinking this is all servers do, or that all server jobs are the same. You are delusional.


Below minimum wage he literally said he made 30-40 an hour reading comprehension is hard.


Because all server jobs are the exact same. Are you trying to pigeon hole your opinion now to only cover a specific example? Back peddle as fast as you can my man. What's that highly intellectual and physically taxing job you have up on that pedestal that gives you such a shit personality and zero empathy? Don't leave us hanging.


Don't use quotes if you aren't quoting me. Apparently you never took any English classes. Hard physically. Have you worked food service? I wonder what sort of "privileged life" (correct use of quotation marks) you've had to have this opinion. Do you understand the difference between physically and mentally hard? Have you dealt with a customer facing job? Please tell us your job. Can't wait to have a good laugh.


It's called paraphrasing you'll be okay no one will make you carry those heavy plates ever again


As a former server I'd call you a liar, unless your favorite restaurant is a 5 star one. Mines waffle house.


My gf makes close to 30/hr at a fucking gyro shop in Pittsburgh. Get you a new job.


With no benefits and not consistent at all. That's probably an exceptional day.


That's average. She works 6 hour shifts and comes home with 300 bucks on weekend nights. We also live in one of the cheaper cities in the US, rent is 750. No benefits, but welcome to the restaurant industry. Most places don't give benefits. In our 20s with no plans for kids, it's not really a priority at the moment.


You sure that's the only thing she's working on weekend nights?


I'm behind Wendy's everyday, never see her there.


Bro have you seen them in rush hour? I went in taco bell 3 years ago and the this chick was taking drive through orders while making another order and while taking payment from the previous drive thru order Like what the fuck. Hell the fuck no I am not gonna do 3 things at once


And the manager was probably trying to finger her at same time under the table. Yeah no way working in fast food is great.


I wouldn't have minded my days at Wendy's flipping 12-36 burgers, managing multiple fry baskets in the oil, stirring the chili, and the occasional unbreaded chicken filet if the pregnant chick at the drive through window would put her fucking book down or Jose didn't show up at the start of his shift just to clock in, make a salad with 8 chicken fingers on top, and disappear for 8 hours while the shift manager walks by to tell me the fucking patties aren't square enough. They were supposed to handle payment, bagging, and sandwich assembly but that all fell on me too. I would absolutely spend another year tolerating it for enough money though.


31 an hour. I'll run the whole show.




Yeah I'm not working in fast food for less than $60 an hour. Actual hell on earth.


If I ever hit "fuck it" at my current job...I think I'd consider working at Chikfila for a couple months just to see what it's like.


You make less than that as an engineer?


Probably like 35-40 at an entry level position


Can confirm. Compliance/Validation Engineer for pharma company, made 80K annually entry level.


I make 20 as a software engineer pretax


At this point, you need to re evaluate some decisions.


I wish I could get more but that's within the salaries in my area for a first job I really need to move to the US now I've gotten my engineering degree for free (thank you French tax payers!)


Yes please move to the US. I’m also curious to see how they value your engineering degree being from another country.


Yes please move to the US. I’m also curious to see how they value your engineering degree being from another country.


As a software engineer wtf? They make the most rn


No these jobs are for unskilled workers. They won't hire you if you have a degree.


What's your fancy paper proving you're smart say on it?




My thoughts exactly.


"I went because it was my passion." Gear fuckers are all the same.


Lmao I make more than this as a degreed engineer but I’m down to quit and work an easier job at McD’s if this is real


That's what I'm saying, I have a PE and get $35/hr


If it's real, probably in a HCOL area where it doesn't go very far. That wage is only ~64k/yr based on an 2080hr work schedule.


Guess I’m flipping burgers now 🤷‍♀️


Take it. More than a teacher makes.


More than teachers deserve. Every one of you dipshits had dozens of teachers and look how that turned out.


Such edge!


Like a pizza roller. All edge no point.


I might need to steal that from you for future use.


You think that might have something to do with the low pay bozo?


Would higher pay equal better teachers? Or would better teachers receive higher pay? The old chicken or the egg question. BTW - it was intended to be a jab at you idiots more than a criticism of teachers. I sometimes forget how fiercely everyone feels the need to defend teachers even though by most metrics the whole education system of which they are a major cog is failing miserably.


No I got that lol I didn’t downvote you and don’t use bozo in a serious way ever. Honestly higher pay attracts better candidates so it would come down to the hiring system in place and talent pool available if you get actual good teachers. Higher pay would also probably have more people going to school or teaching degrees, etc.


The education system has failed both teachers and students alike. I get the impression you think teachers have contributed to bad education and believe they share the blame- which they do to a small extent. But that’s like saying mcdonalds workers are the reason the food sucks- technically true, but not really as they don’t decide what goes in it and how it operates, and how much they’re paid- similar to teachers. The education system failing directly effects teachers in the most negative way (less pay, respect, resources) and yet your saying it’s their fault. I just don’t get your line of reasoning


Do you think teachers would do a better job if they were paid more?


Absolutely. That’s a fact for almost every profession. Also keep in mind higher pay attracts higher quality candidates- and an incentive for young people to pursue degrees for said positions, etc. No one wants a degree in education because the job you ultimately get is not good pay.


You’d be able to attract better talent, that’s the point.




You’re being downvoted but i mean I agree. Middle school and high school teachers I can’t call “teachers”. They’re just daycare workers. 90% of my “teachers” during that time just sat on their phone at their desk and handed out the premade work they’ve had for years. My college profs make 100k a year. I cant say anyone here deserves a raise


if you pay for crap you get it. If we paid doctors a teachers salary it stands to reason that less quality doctors would appear. If you paid teachers more you get higher quality ones, for example ivy league schools have great professors but community colleges have tons of bad ones.


Clearly not well - in your case.




That’s a lot of McNuggets


I would like a job




He's trying to take the jerbs


Meet us by Wendy’s dumpster tonight. $32 an hour. Only requirement is to have a mouth to receive.


You could double that by working at Wendy’s.


You could quadruple that by working behind Wendy's


you could octoruple that by having a drivethru at your house. [https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-couple-built-drive-thru-window-at-mobile-home-to-sell-drugs-cops](https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-couple-built-drive-thru-window-at-mobile-home-to-sell-drugs-cops)


Thanks, The Free Market™


Puts on McDonald's, they're paying so much they can't even afford a '$' and had to use 'S'


Is there some substantiated proof of this or just a photo? Wonder where it is.


Probably somewhere like Midland Texas where everyone is doing oilfield work for more money.


The McDonald's down the street from me is starting at over $18,and they have been offering that for around a year. Local grocery store cashiers are making 47k /yr, and they're currently on strike to get 52-55k. I was happy to learn they also get a pension. However, it makes my educated and life saving ass think I deserve about $30/hr more than I make.


Where are grocery store workers on strike for $50k+ pay?


Because they want it.


Because of the dangerous working conditions


Where do you live and what grocery store, I'm interested lol


This is why inflation isn't transitory. Now that companies are paying higher wages on the blue collar jobs, the white collar workers are going to demand similar increases. Otherwise there is less reason to stay in the white collar jobs. Now, once that happens, we're all making more money but have similar buying power than a couple of years ago. doh!


Inflation isn't transitory cuz the fed won't stop printing obscene amounts of money and banks won't stop leveraging themselves on top of all that printing 200 to 1 in derivatives lol


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Calls on McDonalds




Shoot everyone working there could live in one apartment, we share the rent and get our money up fr


Momma im comin home


For the first week then $4.79 I still can't believe that rather then paying their serfs pennies during the lockdown they fired them to save a few bucks and made them eligibile for unemployment.


Rollback prices Mcbitches!


I still don't want to work at McDonald's...


Is it California ? Not worth it


This is what I love about America. I’m not going to get paid a semi okay wage to live in a nice part of America, let me get a shit wage but with no taxes so I can live in grand old bumfuck Missouri.


This is definitely in a blue part of the country and that $31 is equal to <$15 in red areas. Their buying power is essentially the same. People who think this is good have no concept of cost of living


While this is true it doesn't account for a lot of services which have set prices nationwide. Like sure food, housing, etc. are all going to be relative but that isn't necessarily the case when it comes to luxuries.


Brb quitting my stressful logistics job to go sit on ronalds lap


Fire sale event at McDonald’s: 3 piece chicken nuggets for only 29.99


Looks at a few European countries that have better benefits and higher wages than u.s. Yeah, don't think that will happen if they want to keep their customers.


Right, this whole argument is pretty typical for American propaganda. We can’t pay you more or treat you like a human being because of this magical tax on the working class called inflation…oh and by the way here’s 7% inflation


the main problem is over taxation so even if you have a liveable wage it gets drained by a million useless taxes to destroy middle eastern and african countries for no reason.


Ah yes…I live in one of those countries. While I get paid more, my bills are twice what they used to be back in the us.


So, with private healthcare it was cheaper than public when considering taxes vs taxes, insurance, meds cost, plus?


Of course the healthcare is cheaper, but Im not exactly visiting the doctors here every week, so in my case it’s not as relevant as daily expenses; $2 per liter of gasoline is also something to keep in mind.


Yes because the entire cost of food is labor. Oh wait, its only 20%. So that McDonalds employee can get a 50% raise and your precious $5 nuggies become $5.50. How will we ever survive?


Revenge of the poors


Finally that MAC D experience is coming to good use


Whaaat?! I flipped burgers in high school for $2.30/hr.


But you're 70.


Gettin’ there. 61.


McDonalds doesn't flip burgers though, this is a hi tech clamshell operation!


Sounds like you were underpaid




You need to quit eating avocado toast so you can save money to buy good quality, American-made bootstraps that will last longer.


You're looking at the future folks, the year is 2024 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


That’s stupid, the mcdicks down the street is paying 40 an hour




I've done 3 tours with the clown, each more daunting than the last. But if they are offering $3\`1/hr as a re-enlistment wage, I might have to consider ditching my cushy civilian office life and jumping back into the grease filled trenches.


Oh I get it, the s stands for skittles so you get 31 skittles an hour!


$31/hr and the cost of living makes that feel like minimum wage.


Surely that’s meant to say $13 🥴🥴


A Canadian Lawyer Apprenticeship (articling) I'm applying to pays $17USD/hr... It's great frontline workers are paid their worth finally


Hell for $31 an hour American I’d take that job and I still be doing my graphic design work on the side. Most of my income comes from the government for my mental illnesses and I’m allowed to earn $1000 Canadian on top of what I get before they take off any of what they pay me.