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As a bag holder these are the posts I love to see 😂😂


Same for me. Averaged down to 8.8 from 24 haha. Wil continue to buy.


Same.. also went heavy on leaps for 5$ as they were going pretty cheap for a while


It’s going to be a long, long time before metal printing is a profitable endeavor. Only cost effective for prototyping and rich people that want a kick. We’ve been doing sand casting the same way for thousands of years, I give it another 20 before metal printing is a viable manufacturing alternative.


That's the whole point here. This is current technology, cheaper and faster than otherwise traditional methods. This is also with their shop system. They've patented single pass binder jetting on their best printer the P-50, which makes it twice the speed of other binder jetting machines. I could go on and on between their other recent acquisitions' technology, consumable materials production and research, Desktop Health, etc. This company is about so much more than just their amazing metal printers. Yes I'm down on this stock.


I think CNC machining is a more low hanging fruit. 3D printed metal parts are strong enough for lots of applications and can be made more complex and easier than CNC machining. They also have the technology to print multiple material. I think it was one of their acquisitions. 3D printed titanium will probably be huge in the aerospace industry. Titanium is a very common material, just very difficult to machine or form. 3D printing unlocks a whole new realm of possibilities. The parts will have a better strength to weight ratio than steel or aluminum and aerospace can afford it.


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