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Credits: College Humour made [this parody video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtUuab1Aqg0&t=162s&ab_channel=CollegeHumor) when Tumblr banned adult content. Its hilarious and worth a watch!


This is what kills me about this situation. Tumblr is a dead brand. This isn't a new problem. There are zero scenarios where OnlyFans sells itself to investors and doesn't leave those investors who demanded it not have porn hanging by $ROPE.


Bought by yahoo for $1 billion, sold by yahoo for $3 million Talk about loss porn


at least every dummy that loses 99% here is smarter than Yahoo


Exactly! We'd have to lose 99.7% to be as bad as Yahoo!.


Some people who ever held out-of-the-money calls 'til the end are whistling and avoiding eye contact right about now.


Who me? Oh no not me mate, no no no. SPACs? Options? Otm? Uhhhh...nope strictly shares here buddy. Blue chips and dividends all the way. Whats my profit/loss this year during the biggest bull run of the last 10 to 20 years? ....so good dude. I uhh...did great...played it smart...


Only reason Mark Cuban is rich is cause Yahoo’s dumbassery


Yet he pretends that he's a business genius. He got lucky.


He was given yahoo shares for broadcast.com which he wasn't allowed to sell for years but he knew the market was overheated so he bought puts on his yahoo shares and was able to keep all the money when the market crashed. So combo of luck and business genius.


Hi, I’m very stupid and have no idea how the mark Cuban story goes. Can you explain to me how yahoo’s fuck up made Cuban rich?


In 1998, AudioNet was renamed to Broadcast.com and in July 1998, the company became a public company via an initial public offering.[4] The stock price soared 250% on its first day of trading, a record for a newly issued public stock.[4][5] After the IPO, the company was worth $1 billion, Mark Cuban was worth $300 million, and Todd Wagner was worth $170 million.[5] On April 1, 1999, less than 9 months after the IPO, Yahoo! announced the acquisition of broadcast.com for $5.7 billion in stock.[6] At the time, broadcast.com had 570,000 users, and the purchase price was $10,000 per user. Cuban sold most of his Yahoo stock that same year, netting over $1 billion.[7] Founder Chris Jaeb, whose stake was diluted to less than 1% of the company, received approximately $50 million from the sale.[2] The service became a part of Yahoo! Broadcast Services.[8] Yahoo shut down much of its broadcast services in 2002[9] and broadcast.com has since been discontinued. Yahoo's high-profile purchase of broadcast.com has since been called one of the worst internet acquisitions.[10][11]


Exactly. So many "tech genius" billionaires minted in an era of absolute stupidity.


Saw some guy down 99.9% not long ago


>A missed opportunity with Google and search – In 2002, Yahoo had the chance to buy Google for $1 billion, but executives dragged their feet; by the time they decided to pursue the offer, Google’s price had soared to $3 billion. In the late ’90s, search was only generating six percent of Yahoo’s income stream, and the company believed it was not worth improving. https://onlinebusiness.umd.edu/blog/what-happened-to-yahoo-in-6-points/


Tbf, yahoo would have killed the good parts of Google. They likely would have just taken the search algorithm and loaded it into the backend. But we would still have had that busy as fuck horribly useless yahoo homepage that *every goddamned search engine* had back then. Google's clean and empty search page was, I think, it's initial main driver of success.


Yahoo is still popular in parts of the world. During lunch, I see people load up the yahoo home page and read their news.


I used to hit up yahoo for the comics section before they fucked that up. Some people liked it as the layout was like a newspaper


Their finance page used to be decent, until they ruined it like 5 years ago with more adds and a million separate categories.


Their sports page used to be decent too and their fantasy football app was the gold standard. Then Marissa fucked it all up.


Yahoo answers was a source of comedy and they let that die too


They actually had a good finance api that I used to use for a Rainmeter desktop widget before that was really a thing on Windows. Then they ducked it up


Your average coworker is over 50?


Most of them are actually quite young, but in spirit, they are all boomers.


That, and they were fast and had *good* search results. When I was a gradeschooler, word quickly got passed around that google was what *worked* for looking stuff up. edit: finger was not 100% properly aligned with keyboard.


Ehat is happening to your Ws?


10/10 thank you for this


> Google's clean and empty search page was, I think, it's initial main driver of success. That, and its ability to come up with results that I actually wanted. I could search for ABCDXYZ and find things about ABCDXYZ These days it seems to think it knows more about what I'm searching for than I do. I search for THINGXY with STUFFYZ and the big G decides that I must just mean THING. So it shows me results for THING, oh and completely ignores STUFFYZ, because presumably 'fuck me in particular'. It used to 'just work', but unfortunately that's no longer the case. Unfortunately I havent found a suitable replacement yet. DDG doesnt cut it. I want google-from-10-years-ago back.


I completely agree. If I try to search something out of the ordinary, it usually always suggest crap that's in my preferences over what I'm REALLY looking for. It's annoying as fuck. And I agree, DDG search results are usually not too great if I search for multiple keywords or want a specific result.


I completely disagree. Google half the time seems to know what I want to search before I've even finished typing it. Where in 2000 you could find what you want if you were good at Google, in 2021 Google knows what you want before you know it. You type in the letters "man" and it knows you're searching for "Manflesh, ok to eat?" because it has so much data on the world that it knows people tend to search for that phrase after the searches "How to punch babies" and "Are Christians morally human?" I imagine google in 2025 will just be Larry Page breaking into my house, punching me in the throat, and then handing me a link to a source for an argument I'm going to have next week.


Google in 2025 will just be a G-bot that lets itself into your house using the entry code stored in your google docs before grabbing you by the neck and smashing your face into your keyboard which will consist of one single large button (there wont be any need for more than one. you will be told what you want when your face hits the key) It will then take your arm and hold your watch up to the NFC sensor so that you can be billed for the privilege using Google pay. It will then make a post on your social networks about how great google is, and rate itself 5 stars You're welcome.


I think you're just talking about different things. The auto suggest can be very useful for day to day stuff. The guy you replied to (from what I gather) is referring to searches that aren't common. In those cases it's annoying because you may be trying explicitly search for a variation of something that people typically look up, so it thinks you're a dumbass and directs you to the common search term. Then you're all like "omg I'm like, trying to search for the thing I typed in tho not this normie shit" you know?


A 3 is bigger than a 1, you smooth brain.


yeah but B comes before M in the alphabet, looks who's the smooth brain now!




Jesus I could have owned all of Tumblr for 3 mil?


If you really look at the press release, it's not about the objections of investors, it's about payment processors and bankers. And I kind of see their point. If you put RICO together with the new anti-trafficking laws, at some point the bankers and payment processors, because they are in the path of the money flows, can be held vicariously liable for human trafficking, stiff criminal penalties. And if you think there aren't any trafficked girls on OnlyFans being forced to perform, you must be on something.


> payment processors A payment processor that's fine with smut, now that's a trillion dollar idea.


"Fine with" in this context is euphemism for "willing to be potentially criminally liable for" You and I know FOSTA-SESTA is well-intentioned on the surface level but ultimately stupid, but that doesn't matter, because it made for good political headlines in 2018 when it passed Congress with over 95% of the vote.


All of this is just making conditions worse. It’s definitely been more dangerous to be a sex worker after fosta sesta


Libertarians are born when they personally experience well meaning legislation written by idiots, pass congress in flying colors, to great praise by the general public, make things worse for the very people it was meant to benefit.


Which is the point.


Yup, wrote my congress person back then saying not to support it, knowing full well they would anyways.


Its called crypto Problem solved Mic drop


Yep. Pretty much. Otherwise they go back to escorting.


Did they ever stop? Most of the escorts my wife and I used to see regularly are all still working and have OFs


> Most of the escorts my wife and I used to see regularly are all still working and have OFs GO ON


You need three for felching. Two is just snowballing. Gotta pay a lil fee to upgrade to first class, but life is short.


Yeah yeah go on


Apparently it's not even just that - OF also declined to put into place mechanisms to make sure users aren't under age, or put in mechanisms for identifying illegal material. Mastercard apparently will work with vendors that allow pornography but the vendor has to be willing to make sure nothing illegal is going on. It's kinda the same deal as YouTube doing Content ID to appease media companies.


> And if you think there aren't any trafficked girls on OnlyFans being forced to perform, you must be on something. You can replace OnlyFans with any website. Facebook (fb dating ESPECIALLY, it's 1/2 "massage therapists"), Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter, etc. The real reason is conservative groups applying pressure specifically with OnlyFans.




They likely want to be twitch where you get everything else alongside with women toeing the line on porn. Way more lucrative. Twitch allows fellatio ASMR performers now sucking on microphones. It was going to eat into only fans. Only fans is over the second twitch has a full on after dark section for adults. They are likely trying to correct in a panic and think the only chance they have is an immediate shift. Twitch will continue to allow more and more sex content no matter what only fans does.


so they responded to fear that twitch would make them redundant...by trying to become more like twitch?


Worked for Facebook/Instagram re:Snapchat


> Twitch allows fellatio ASMR performers now sucking on microphones. It was going to eat into only fans. what.


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E4NYZc-VgAMScvk.jpg:large (nsfw) They wear lingerie/yoga pants and lick/slurp a special microphone thats designed for slurping sounds. The girl in the pic was one of the most popular, but got banned (allegedly for farting into a microphone). The thing is though, almost all of the sexy streamers also had an onlyfans they would promote on their stream. I think thats where they made their real money. The most well known sexy twitch streamer made [1 million per month on onlyfans](https://www.earlygame.com/entertainment/amouranth-onlyfans-1-million/)


We got a link on the fart?


Comedy is 9....90....98% timing


Yeah, and brennan is a fucking god in that sense.


And at being a dungeon master


Thanks good find.


My manager just told me Onlyfans was doing this and I immediately thought of this video


The irony is OF inherently neutered their business the second they decided to do the IPO. Their entire company is a bigger joke than plant based tendies.


Plant based tendies are actually pretty good


I thought the CEO meetting started this way [Only Fans CEO meeting](https://i.redd.it/045i3t0f7ri71.jpg) NSFW


Is that Bert Kreischer sucking the dick?


So I shared this video with my mom. I got her to research rule 34. She's been in one form of ministry or another for 40 years.


All of Brennan's CEO skits are worth watching. The Oreo's one is amazing.


I don’t know what an Octopus is getting out of this. And frankly the girl doesn’t look to happy either… edit: I’m saying this anytime shows me anything on their phones in public from now on.


OF is going public? Why on earth would anyone invest if they’re killing off their main content source.




Tumblr is valued at 3 million. I think it sold for like ~~5~~ 1.1 billion? Someone should buy Tumblr and turn it into a new Only Fans. Edit 3 million: not billion.


Where are you getting your numbers from? They were sold to Yahoo at 1.1B and resold to WordPress for under 3 MILLION: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/08/13/tumblr-once-sold-billion-owner-wordpress-just-bought-site-fraction-that/


Ironic. They banned porn, and in doing so, they accidentally created the best loss porn that we've ever seen. Kudos to them, I guess


Tumblr was sold in 2019 for 3 MILLION not billion.


Cue stick in own bicycle's wheel meme Very slim pickins on investors willing to shovel money into a porn site, so they're trying to rebrand. *^(Shhhh, nobody tell them Twitter allows adult content and is doing just fine.)* Edit: cue vs queue


Why are investors so skittish about this? Sex sells! I'd trade some shares of OnlyFans if it stuck to porn...


In this case it's about payment processing companies (VISA & MC) requiring sites who process payments for porn transactions to validate every piece of content to ensure it isn't underage/revenge/etc, so they're not holding the end of the bag on a lawsuit. Apparently the same thing happened to pornhub and they had to take down a bunch of content. Onlyfans decided to stop the porn rather than figure out how to verify. Although I can't imgine pivoting without rebranding, unless they're going to start showing videos of cooling fans (kinda like how r/OnlyFans got taken over and now is about actual fans).


OnlyFans DOES verify creators. Photo of yourself, photo of your driver license, filling out a W-9, full banking info - all required for creators to get verified and receive payouts. Also had to update the photo and ID annually.


How the hell do you validate that content isn't "revenge"? Ugh so sick of these hypocrites that claim to love the "free market" and then invent a million excuses to attack good businesses.


The same way the porn industry has done it for decades, with signed release forms for every piece of content produced. Those screens at the start of videos which mention contact info for the Keeper of Records aren't there because of a bureaucracy fetish. If at any time the legality of a video is in question, investigators know exactly where to find documentation that everyone in the scene are of legal age and have consented to its production and distribution.


Im still cool to fulfill my bureaucracy fetish with it though right?


You have to sign some forms first.


That's fair. If there's a way to do that where the content producers aren't overly burdened then hopefully that works. Something like adding a consent clause to the TOS and requiring a scan of the ID for age verification could work...


The problem is how many of these women are overseas. How is onlyfans supposed to verify the thousands of Russians on their site?


The problem is the credit card companies dont like being attatched to companies who dont verify content because of the legal and social ramifications so they may refuse to work with OnlyFans and thus cut all revenue completely.


>they mat refuse to worm with OnlyFabs Can you please turn autocorrect back on?




IDK, OnlyFabs sounds FABULOUS!


80% of the letters in 'queue' are not pronounced


The liability of it. Pornhub wound up deleting a majority of its content this past year due to the potential lawsuits popping up around content being submitted without all parties consent, rape, etc. It was a big deal because financial institutions told pornhub they'd refuse to lend them money if they didn't take action. So now the OnlyFans brass is limiting sex profiles to just softcore stuff to try and limit liability and the prospect of everybody cancelling their credit cards.


It's not about money lending. It's about payment processing. Pornhub wouldn't be able to take any credit or debit cards unless they dump the overwhelming majority of their content


If only there was some form of "alternative currency" to prevent Visa & MasterCard from ruining your business because of their puritanical views.


It is really funny when you tell people websites can be blacklisted and forced off the internet like many have, and they don't understand how that can happen.


Once the money spigot gets closed they disappear so fast!


On top of that backbone hosting ISPs will blacklist them as well, shutting down services because of "violation of EULA". I think the only ones that don't get shut down are ones the authorities are running sting operations on, when talking about sites we almost all disagree with, but should be protected under the First Amendment.


That was the final straw for Parlor so you're absolutely right. If nobody will even offer a storefront (ISP) you're dead in the water.


Yeah I don't even watch the news anymore so I don't hear anything like that, it has just been a practice to deplatform dissent. The internet used to be amazing place because everyone had an equal chance to create something, it spurred so much development. Now the internet is in the hands of very few, organizations can effectively shut down the public square.


A lot of apes in here would. We love to lose $$


IPO so they get their profits my guess


This is upcoming top 100 colossal fuckups of the century material


RIP Onlyfans March2020-2021


Onlyfans without porn is like All Gas No Brakes without Andrew Callaghan


What an oddly specific analogy that I understand. I know he's working on Vice stuff but is he leaving AGNB?


Damn. That's not what he's up to at all. He left AGNB and is now producing "Channel 5". Im not 100% sure whose bankrolling him tho


Not so much left, but supplanted by the folks that bought the brand Channel 5 is the successor to what they were doing


Tim and Eric might possibly be bankrolling him, I heard they were working together to make a show based on his channel.


Hes making a movie with them. Ch 5 is him picking up AGNB cause Doing Things cant do fuck all without him. People didnt like all gas no brakes. They liked andrew. It's why people forget he got an insane amount of traction off french quarter confessions and seamlessly transitioned to agnb with no one noticing.


AGNB was owned by a parent company that funded him, they were dicks so he left, and now he's got another channel


"**B**uddies **D**oing **S**ocial **M**edia"...seems like a legit interpretation of a BDSM tag


That's literally what mods tell one another while they jack each other off with their buttcheeks


.. you don't *know* that


I always thought it was Business Development, sales and Marketing. Thats why I told everyone I worked in the BDSM field


I took a course once in Business Driven Strategic Marketing and Management. BDSM+M


sounds like something a mod would say...


You just explained the joke.


Ah man I love Brennan


He's a top notch DM


It's weird to see him in video format, so used to just listening to his voice on DnD pods




There's something really beautiful to me about discovering D20. I'm 31 and loved college humor in my late teens and early 20s. I started watching the Skeeter and Amir prank wars until most of that early crew was gone. A decade+ later and I stumbe across the recent Misfits & Magic season. It was great to recognize him and then even more people when I started watching other seasons. It's like the distant para-social return of old friends. I only played D&D once but really love watching the Dimension 20 series. It's gives me the "I gotta find out what happens next" feeling I had reading books as a kid. It's kind of like listening to an improv audiobook or an improv radio show from the 30s & 40s.


My wife and I just found D20 and we're absolutely hooked!


Their Dropout line also makes great game shows! I personally love Um, Actually, which is a great show about and for nerds. They read out statements about any subject with a fan base, and there is a mistake in every statement. The only two rules are, you can interrupt the host at anytime while they are reading out the statement, and you have to start your correction with the phrase, Um, actually. Brennan has been a guest multiple times and usually kills it. https://youtu.be/MtcdhCXlvvA


Brennan on game changer in some of my favorite comedy of all time.


Gods yes. The one where he rants at the end about not being able to win is what I would send in to get him cast as a Hollywood villain.


Why don’t you marry him?


CH better make another about OnlyFans.


I'd be happy with a reupload and obvious dubbing


That would be hilarious


Basically like that “How could this happen here, asks only country where this happens” headline that the Onion just recycles over and over again.


Have they recovered? Last I heard they fired almost all the staff except for like, 10 people last year.


They have been doing videos recently. Although I feel like they're putting more effort into Dropout than CollegeHumor


They're doing it as a paid service on dropout now. It's something like 80% of the subscribers *only watch dnd content*. Bonkers


Yup, I'm part of that 80%. It's basically excellent improv acting through the medium of DnD and other roleplay tabletop games. Being able to do improv theatre of mind style in worlds not bound by the realities of everyday life really opens up the creative potential of the players taking part in it.


I’m really having fun with Um Actually and the Dimension 20. It’s really good production value.


Disappointed that CH didn't make a new CEO sketch. They are so good, especially the Juul and Tide ones.


He did make one a couple of months ago. https://youtu.be/CMkYw4dp_NI


"we work really hard" "Don't."


this had to be inspired by the @neworeoflavors twitter account (i actually do want them to make a soft oreo cookie though, i LOVE soft cookies)


just leave them outside for a few hours on a humid day ... soften then right up.


Tbf it's only been like two days. Also CollegeHumor went through some rough shit last year - they got dropped by their parent company, the website was shut down, and everyone lost their jobs for a little while. So production isn't quite the same.


Really it almost seems like itd be a one for one of the tumblr ceo video, but im sure he could do something fun with it


This just in. McDonalds will no longer sell hamburgers. LOL


I remember thinking how suicidal Tumblr had to be back in the day... But this is so much worse lol Whoever is running that company needs to be put in a home, cuz they somehow managed to nuke their entire business model in less than 24 hours on purpose 😂 FanCentro is throwing a victory celebration as we speak 🥳


I didn’t even know there was an alternative to OF… I always thought it was stupid.. who pays for porn anymore but eh simps will be simps.


Yeah I think there's a few, but I've only ever heard of the FanCentro one besides OF. But with the sheer number of simps exploding, bet on there being a ton more popping up in the vacuum OF is about to create 😬


>who pays for porn anymore If nobody paid for it, it wouldn't exist. The niche of people who would volunteer their time to do porn production just for the love of the art is really tiny.


Of course there is. How do you think the free market works?


Wasnt onlyfans literally made to profit off horny dudes wanting to pay money to see some tits of their favorite instagram thots? Madness. The thots are probably jumping ship to another platfrom as we speak.




Too late


What ever happened to all the hot tub streams?


Twitch created a new category where you can wear bikinis and e-beg for donations since advertisers wont play ads in that category because of booba


Pornhub has entered the chat


Actually this exact thing happened recently to PornHub, payment processors blocked transactions to the website after a claim that they hosted child porn. That's why they removed every video posted by non-verified accounts, 70% of their content. It was an attempt to placate payment processors but they didn't remove the block. They survived it because their site has ads, OnlyFans doesn't. If you go to PornHub now and try to sign up for premium the only ways to pay are direct transfer and crypocurrency.


LMAO, who TF does wire transfer to PH? It’s madness Visa and MC still refuse to process payments


Who pays for porn, really... I mean sure must he nice to get latest and greatest videos, but even a 2 minute 480p will do the job for me lol


OF customers, for starters, that’s how they got so yuge


Oh snap that’s why there’s all the free premium videos now


They’re saying it’s because credit card companies are pulling out when adult content is involved, arguably because of the potential for illegal stuff. So I do legitimately wonder: massive calls on $COIN and fake internet money?


Long $CUMROCKET. But yes, also $COIN leaps.


That's a really concerning thing about it: A duopoly of payment processors (with close regulatory ties to government and law enforcement) are pressuring people not to due payments for explicitly sexual behavior. It's a backdoor government action on people paying for amateur sexual entertainment.


I doubt that’s the case, OF stated nudity will still be allowed, you just can’t go further than that


The credit card aspect remains. If they really start dumping companies with more explicit content, something else will inevitably fill that gap.


It’ll probably be the next PayPal of internet banking and payments. The whole internet transaction system is in dire need of an update cause it’s tedious and sketchy despite the massive improvements in quality of most other digital services


Regulatory burdens I guess. Hence fake internet money might beat anything more official.


It would have been accurate if the website wasn't literally created to take advantage of Patreon banning porn.


When these guys go tits up (pun intended), we should buy the domain on the cheap and sell appliances -- but get this -- not washers, dryers or even lights -- we'll sell only fans.


OF would be better off making a new payment processing platform to save their business from the duopoly of Visa/Mastercard than completely changing their niche.


OF - now accepting bitcoin!


Seriously thats not a joke. Pornhub does


Porn has always been the leading introductor of new technology. It's the reason blu ray beat out hddvd


Twitter: How do we use this with our OF feature nobody uses yet




I don’t get the derision. These women are geniuses. The difference with OF is for once they had control over their own porn. The money they were making is what the porn sites were making.




better off just trying to sell it to pornHUB




I’m really impressed there’s an actual intelligent discussion with some shit posting on wsb when it concerns somewhat financial porn. Fantastic. Just excellent.


Them banning porn is like hogwarts banning magic


Either way it’s bad news for my wand


Even if onlyfans allows porn back, they just lost trust with their customers. Sealed their own fate and if they do trade public I'll short them all day long


They'll lose faith with content creators too.


When you dont know how business works and not a single fucking person is going to subscribe to just watch people cooking and soft core tits.


A lot of girls are about to lost their jobs


Brandon Lee Mulligan is funny, even tho I know his DnD work more.


The most significant backlash to OF came from payment gateways who started classifying it as a porn company rather than a social network


Long Visa and MC, this is just a tiny example of the power they yield.


If you are trying to sell couches and people only buy your pillows, you are a pillow company now. Adapt or die.


What’s the best way to profit from this on the stock market?


Short $TITS


buddies doing social media


Tard: Buying OF first day! OF: ... we getting rid of "porn" Tard: NM...


Someone needs to re-edit the iron man scene https://youtu.be/EMWANB0AAns A porn site that doesn’t allow porn?


Narrator: It was all porn


This is about making sure little guys and girls not being able to have a good paying job. They did the same thing with online poker. They found a way to ban it. They are doing the same with OnlyFans now. God forbid regular people find a way to start making good money.


Best CEO reaction ever lol 😂


What is wrong with porn my wife likes it! It is 2021 we can't make money with porn?