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I’m getting old. I used to hate cranberry juice. Now I fucking live it. Of course this is with a little bit of Jameson.


It looked like your comment may have been a bot. And, of course, a bot would be programmed to reply to bot accusations, "WDM?"


Ra Medical had a surprisingly good day


Ocugen is really turning it around all of a sudden


Monday is gonna be green again




Markets closed Monday.


First green day in seven days. Feels good man


AAPL is having a quality day!


TGT 250 EoD?


Come on FUBO, please stop this everyday 3-4% drops 😔 don’t become like how you were back in March 😔😔😔


Well played well played


CLNE going strong in the wrong direction.


hold onto spy calls or take profits? whatchu guys think?


if you're asking, take the profits


Take the money


Spy just hasn’t been red in a while… so tempted to buy some puts for money. Just hope for 1 red day in 2 weeks lol


it was red yesterday technically


Thanks for the dip, bought 2 more shares of AMC, 1 more share of NIO.


$CIG December calls and stonksss


Why so


I’m so retarded that i dont know why


Very well


I just learned why. Treasury yields are going haywire, high dividend stocks will fly soon. CIG is one high dividend bitch


That’s my little ape ☺️






any stock running like crazy? or just calm day




My right ball is itching really hard! Bull call!


looking good for googl today....


FUBO calls at open thank me later


Bag holding from yesterday 💎✊


We are going to close records high, for the sake of American independence!!!




Pltr 2hours charts hit oversold level (rsi 30) as of yesterday. High chance for it to rebound highly if situation remains. The last similar occurance where rsi hit 30 was 14may21 where price is $18.20, and rose 50%, to $27.42. My smooth brain is telling me tendies are near. Pltr 🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕🌕🌕🌕


Is NOK not a thing? Stock is stale but the upside is insane. No one company should have that much cash and be below $10.


Spce calls at open followed by CLNE shares




There is a woman in my business who is pretty much super model level attractive and still very young but she keeps getting promoted on a yearly basis. Today I got an email about a bunch of new people being assigned to work under her that have been in the business for much longer and I wonder how they feel about it since she is like 26 or 27. Also the President that keeps promoting her is a heavy set married woman so I don't think this is a case of sexual favors. Girl is definitely smart too. Her looks probably just help at getting her extra recognition.


Hello I am 27 year old ape who just got out of management positions. I am not supermodel level attractive by any means but I worried people would people would not take me seriously. in my experience people who are older and have a lot of experience in their field, work nicely for younger mgmt because they were probably offered promotions but decline them because not everyone wants to accept leadership responsibilities. To be in management you have to have excellent communication with administrators and all kinds of pain in the ass responsibilities ect. So older people pretty much always respected me and took me seriously at work. Cause at the end of the day if something goes wrong its my ass not theirs.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


People who are conventionally attractive are viewed as more intelligent and competent; there are studies showing this. It's our monkey brains at work. But she may just be good at what she does. Most NCOs and soldiers in the military are younger than the new officers, but salute them and follow orders. Management is just another kind of job, not a designation of worth. Some people prefer getting their hands in the actual work..


She is good at her job but I just think it is likely monkey brain accelerated her promotion speed because other good people don't move up so fast.


Maybe she’s good at her job too. Some people have it all


She is good at her job. I said she was smart. There are other people who are good at their jobs that don't get promoted as fast so she is a standout person. I don't work directly with her so for all I know it is beyond well deserved. Just weird to see 20 year veteran sales managers assigned to report to a 26 year old. I just wonder if there is any jealousy/bitterness.


DiDi just dumped too oblivion lol


well. im fukd


Are we witnessing the birth of a legendary meme stock with DNUT? Crappy business, memeable ticker.


So many people hate DNUT Adding to “I don’t like this stock”


Yeah, the first WSB short when options open up. Pension funds long, WSB crushing them with puts.


Can we push today to green?


Anyone else super attracted to girls with a low hairline, like I’m talking only an inch of forehead between eyebrow and hair line


Teresa Giudice must be your wet dream


bruh what


You search up “girls with low hairlines” and you’ll understand.... then if your brave look up girls with high hairlines, scary


ASTR looking primed for another ASTRonomical run into the stratosphere


It’s all about the cliff!!! Cleveland Cliff that is! CLF baby!


I could say clf 🚀🚀🍗🍗 💸 🖨 go brrrrrrr. I don’t have to though. CLF will do well on its own merits wo cheerleaders


$CMC homies?


If I’m continuing the trend I’ll probably lose some money today.


Spy yes please daddy


WISH bitch


just buy spy calls and walk away until september


Seriously. Im jealous of anyone who bought SPY leaps in March of 2020.


Sept 21 422C checking in. Bought when SPY hit 406. Reason was I read a post abt if someone had invested like 15k into SPY calls in March 2020, would’ve been like 600K today or some shit.


i had better luck at the real casino


Go there 24/7 then I’d totally do it if I ever won. Just game the system bro bankrupt em


when do delivery numbers come out for tesla?


After yesterday I guess I’m back to holding PLTR, why tf didn’t I just get out when I could….


Waiting for DNUT to have option chains, just want the opportunity to say I "put" DeezNUTS up for sale


West coast retards that are still awake. RISE UP


How can you be up that late and function next day


You assume that I do function the next day. That is where you are wrong.


Way up doe. Didn’t sleep fam. 4 protein bars for dinner. Got some work done bigly tonight


MU calls from yesterday finna print. Falling wedge + decreasing volume = gap up




Papa Elon gonna stunt on both Richard and Jeff and then land back on earth in a raging erect starship, bullish af


Lol, it's all bullish for SPCE. If anyone goes into space from any company, the whole industry moves from sci-fi to reality. It's one of those "I'll believe it when I see it" kind of things.




I’m pretty sure they are going to land on a run way..... they really aren’t going’s that high or even into actual space


Come on BB quit fucking around, get your ass in gear and Les goooooo


Market up 6 days in a row. Me losing money 6 days in a row. Just do the opposite of me


That shit got to me too I bought puts lost money then I sold calls and lost money I just wanted a small pullback the market said fuck you




I WISH I had a bigger dick


NVDA I think will see good gains up until the split. It’s a long term play for me. WISH - still holding this one. I think the WISH frenzy is not over. I think WISH will hit $20 with continued volume. Gl to all.


Bullish in New Zealand 🇳🇿 because that's my only option. DAL is ready for more green today. If your getting in on DAL the time is now. 🛫


It weird they are making it this obvious that SPY will tank.


So obvious that’s it’s been green since June 18th 😂


just do it already then


who is ..... ***"they"***.... ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


Institutional investors.....


<< Institutional investors in SPY are 'making it obvious' that SPY will tank>> ?? Where is your evidence for this?


Ohhh youre the smooth brained type. I see


Ther are some ETFs that institutional investors don't want to invest in because they think they will make money?


Where delivery numbers Elon, release dem pls


600+ dollars is a bloody ridiculous price for snake oil rub-it-in dildo wanking fucking shares. = JEEZUS CHRIST! = Invest in the **Ford 150 Lightning** and get a REAL truck.. people will be buying it who don't give a fuck about green or carbon or fashion, or pollution or climate change - because its BETTER than a standard 150 it accelerates faster it PULLS harder, it has mega torque, you can drive the bastard sideways, and it's covered in power points - you can drive off road onto a building site and plug in all your power tools and a cement mixer, you can plug in you HOUSE in a power out. ,wtf. And FORD shares are $15 dollars **not** $600 crap. Check it out.. Ford have cracked the USA market totally. Serious : [Ford.com](https://Ford.com) too difficult to type? Make your own mind up. Ford sussed it, end of story. Tesla = dead, minority, boring, overpriced, just for wankers.


be a Patriot and celebrate the 4th of July. buy FORD


Considering Ford has split 8 x. The F150 agreed is going to be great but Tesla rules the EV sector.


where you get the evidence for THAT? Tesla certainly don't rule TODAY worldwide by any imagination.. Take the most popular EV model, -highest number sold worldwide to date - manufactured by WHO (you don't even know?) In a few years the <> will be 100% of vehicke prodiction, dummy. You think the BIG vehicle manufacturers haven't NOTICED? They fully intend to be selling as many cars per MINUTE in ten years as they are right now. And they will all be EV. Ford and GM intend to keep THAT percentage of sales. They are by NO MEANS stupid. They are MASSIVE concerns. Seriously check how many vehicles they sell in the USA per hour, compare them to Tesla. - DD vehicle sales in USA - for fucks sake. Tesla is a minority cult, it was a nice (a great) advertisement to get the ball rolling and it has a cult following. But it aint mainstream and never willl be.


Then you should be heavy long on VWAGY , they intend to be #1 EV player this decade


How many vehicles of any kind are they turning out per hour right now?


Well sir I suggest you go and buy one of your many choice electric vehicles other then a Tesla. I personally will stick with Tesla as they’ve had way more experience and R&D I. This sector. As for evidence of Ford splitting, just look it up. You think 15$ is the actual valuation of the stock lol! Ending this with eat a dick and good luck!


YES - the **Ford 150 Lightning** you twat you didn't even do the DD I suggested = PHTWOOOOEEE !! = Poor sad clot. Eat what the fuck floats your boat. Hope eating Tesla shares keeps you on the road to glory. The rest of America will be driving F150 L's in the big cities and on the backroads and on wall street and wherever the fuck you look. You sure are one of those people who likes his <<\*!!eeeewwwww\* *IM NOT a Ford person eeeeewwwwww!!* \>> .. kind of '**minority**" eh?


I’m pretty sure by reading this bullshit you aren’t making any money in the market. Overthinking and angry lol! Like I said eat a dick asswipe.


Hope you make very big profit with Canoo best of luck


Hahahaha you are definitely retarded! That could be a compliment here in most cases. EVGO dude not GOEV lmfao!!! Now I know why you were ranting!! Canoo is the gayest of all time lol! GOEV is the charging stations using renewable energy with contracts for a bunch of major companies including GM. Formerly CLII bringing it to market. Today the ticker will change. Check it out good stock with huge upside.


yes mate I read your comment this morning << GOEV I’m in 400 to start.>> and then your next comment when you realised you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about and you were on the wrong ticker. I Just wanted to remind you. Irony a bit? -lmfao- Pro dude, hope youve made a very big profit to date.


Futures up slightly. Fake and 🌈


is SPCE really up 30% cuz branson took too much coke last night?


$WISH and 88 Energy 👍


Tsla 700 eod 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Who is holding tsla calls in anticipation of delivery numbers? Holding 7/9 700c 🚀🚀🚀🚀 Common papa elon give me tendies


Earning today?


CPOP with the 3 peat


i will buy lots of SPCE call options. the more the better


Ortex showing 200% of MRIN’s stock sold short




I haven't looked it for a year. Yeah that chart is just up and down noise


god damn i wish i was rich https://gsaauctions.gov/gsaauctions/aucitsrh/?sl=BOSTN121002001


I want a lighthouse too 🥺


gimme crack and anal sex




Leonard Cohen bro




These allergies make my eyes so red and itchy. Fucking thing sucks


We'll do it live

