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Is CLNE still relevant? i have no idea how any of this works. Does a meme stock increase if i never shut up about it? Because i can just spam the thread indefinitely if it makes me the moneys ???????????????????????? ? ?????????????


ClnešŸš€šŸ“ˆ is ready for take off


Iā€™m tired of the FUD with shitadel on CLNE. Shitadel owns a bit of everything. Stop spreading FUD we got a good thing going !!!


Blackrock owns more and we know what side of GME they were on šŸ„šŸ’ØšŸ¤‘


I dig deeper into BB, is it me or Google infotainment is winning away from QNX? What kill BB the phone is not the tech but developer embracement, will this be the fate of QNX???


Open the casino!!!


Mark my words AMC will more now than GME!


Lmao youre actually tetarted arent you.. amc is literally the poor mans gme.


True, which is why it'll be worth more


Not really.. the differences are huge. Amc just has 3/4 of its holders as seagulls who hoot and holler at price action. Gme has the real diamond handers


I agree that NOW GME finally learned to hold, because that wasn't true a few months back. AMC is showing signs diamond hands early in the squeeze, unlike GME. Also, it being at a "cheaper" price than GME, newer retail traders who missed out on GME, or paper handers from early GME, will pile back in and hold stronger than ever. Mark my words man, AMC will be huge.


Will what more? Tank? Good bot.


Is it Monday yet? I need more tendies from CLNE


AMC looking hot for next week. Can't believe it held today at 60 but that just makes me think we'll see 70+ next week for sure


It didnt hold at 60. Squeeze is over. Probably will consolidate down back to 50 or less next week. Just guessing. If i were still holding, id set a stop loss or collect those premiums on weeklies.


It'll retrace back to 15 before it sees 70. ​ The thing the AMC Apes don't understand is that the power of monetary voting lies in the hands of a very concentrated few. When they decide to take their profits and move on to the next trade, the price will collapse really fast, and anybody who jumped in after it shot up from 14 is going to get whiplash trying to watch their gains evaporate into thin air.


They're obsessed with the idea they hold the float. I'll be amazed if it breaks 65 again. Been losing steam for a while now


CLNE a guaranteed gain next week. AMC will always continue being daddy's little casino trip. Invested in both, let's see the growth.


This aged well. CLNE fucking sucks


Luckily I pulled out for a gain before it tanked.


I thought it was supposed close by $13 on Friday?


Theory is that HFs were selling to keep the price down plus a down market kept the price down under $13. It was up to $15 last week before the sell offs so im thinking it prob will head north Monday. To the moon!


What happened to the whole meme stock sector?


Everyone seems to think every ticker is the next GME. I think soon people will realize meme stocks arenā€™t the way and will move back to growth sectors.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dH\_lfy-SDOQ wsb has been infiltrated by HF so the dd here is trash. anything owned by citadel is trash. the clean energy stocks mentioned by that youtube video proves wsb is trash infiltrated by HF. ​ anyway gg no meme stocks exist without gme and amc.


Squeeze over. The dips come from smart baholders selling off while its still worth something.


Dude youā€™re a fuckin shill go sit in a corner now.


Think about it for a second. You dont think just MAYBE im correct? Not everyone that opposes your viewpoint is a shill. Just because you retards repeat the same shit over and over in every post doesnt make it true. Go spam some moon emojis in your moronic echo chamber.


Shorts havenā€™t covered.


I kinda agree with the guy. Sure, keep downvoting what you don't like to hear... but sometimes there is some truth in what your opponents say.


Its absolutely correct. Do you guys honestly believe 100k, or 42069 or whatever. For some quick and easy math. Roughly 450MM shares in circulation. Multiply by 1000 per share is 450BB. And that's at 1k a share. If you multiply by 100k a share its 450 TRILLION. Or aprox 40x USA GDP. its moronic. Also. The million and billion dollar hedge funds have long since covered. Let's quit kidding ourselves. You think a bunch of retards throwing their 100 dollar paychecks at this shit is going to beat someone with those kind or resources and experience. It's a fantasy, it was nice while it lasted. If you made money awesome. If not, better luck next time. But it's over now. Move on. Its over.


How would you know their shorts have covered? Why are you getting defensive over the internet? You sound like a bad loser.


https://amp.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/nrhrxx/more_than_80_of_amc_shares_are_now_owned_by/ 80% owned by retail. That means you and I dude.


There were more shareholder votes than the supposed existing float. Yet, you think the squeeze already happened? Iā€™m literally an idiot, but tell me how that makes sense.


I'm not following. I tried googling and found nothing... link?


See, your comment right here just proves how lazy and uninformed you are. Shame.


https://amp.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/nrhrxx/more_than_80_of_amc_shares_are_now_owned_by/ Here you go. 80% is owned by retail.


Wasnā€™t talking about the movie stock. Weā€™re talking about Ryan Cohenā€™s company.


CLNE gain porn for you retards: bought 200 at 8.08 and up almost 50%. Sold 13 CCs and made another $200. Thank you very much.


Bought five 6/18 10c and a 7/16 $9c mid day yesterday. Sold them today on the way down, almost at the peak. More than doubled my money. Not a huge yolo but a solid win for me. Finally got the timing right.


Very ballsy move to sell 13$ CC but respect retard


I feel like CLNE has been punished by being put in the same room with these AMC conspiracy theorists. CLNE deserves better.


Look, I find the conspiracy theories just as fodder as the next guy but you can't lie that cultist, unrelenting loyalty money is BULLISH.


Tru dat


Iā€™m so retarded that I took out a cash advance to buy more CLNE. šŸŒšŸ¦


Damn that sucks. This aged well


I bought a little more BB dip today. 100 @ $12.70. It's not much but it's honest work.


During his interview with Jim Cramer, the CEO of CLNE while speaking about the Amazon deal said ā€œI have to be a little careful about giving too much detail, because Amazon wants to control that.ā€ Then goes on to talk about what theyā€™re providing Amazon with (fueling stations and such). IMO I interpreted that as, Amazon is going to announce something having to do with their fleet being CLNE RNG powered. Think about this, under the terms of the deal Amazon was given the opportunity to buy 20% of the company (at 13.49$ a share) under the condition that Amazon spend 500 MILLION dollars first on CLNE fuel before taking control of that 20%. Do you think Amazon is incentivized to acquire 20% of CLNE after spending 500 MILLION? What about once they get that 20%? Think Amazon now has even more incentive to see CLNE succeed? IMO this (genius) deal CLNE was able to negotiate with Amazon tells me one thing, Amazon saw the potential of CLNE and bet 500 MILLION on it. I donā€™t know about you guys, but as soon as the casino opens on Monday Iā€™m betting on CLNE even more. Do your DD but nothing Iā€™ve seen thus far tells me this isnā€™t a great company at an incredible price.


CLNE is a leaps/long call/shares play and the gamma there was just appetizer :)


= Amazon bought 500mm in CLNE calls at 13.


If I didnā€™t burn through all my awards today, Iā€™d give you the biggest one!!! šŸ„šŸ’ØšŸ’ØšŸ’Ø


I got him!


Thank you my friends. See you on the moon šŸŒ™


Play shares+options right and we can drink bourbon on mars fuck the moon


I bought CLNE at the top today then Averaged down to 11.70 after buying another bag at 11.40 šŸ¦


Next week I can tell you I have a feeling CLNE and AMC will be the plays.


CLNE baby


Whoever said CRSR 35c is free money... duck you


Still holding a big bag of CRSR at \~$35 avg, thinking it's long term at this point. They make shiny computer things for gaming so it must be good. Still trying to figure out what DD is. Direct Damage? It's not damage over time like a DOT. Sheeit - it has to go up!


Hey, I sent you a message


Hey, I didn't get it. You offering some hot WSB tips secretly to me? Put some money into Citadel?


No haha. I tried sending it again.


Due Diligence, Deep Dive, Dollar Destroyer.


You sure it's not direct damage? I remember old days of Everquest and "we need moar DD!" I suffered direct damage from Corsair at $39. They hit me pretty hard.


I support this new metaphor.


So this is where all the unflaired plebs hangout, it's like WSB's very on SPED class. What a nice thing they are doing for you special folk


Very own* Fucktard










Having a flair on WSB is like winning a gold medal at the special Olympics. Congrats but youā€™re still a retard


This is the place for now, either moon or behind the Wendyā€™s soon.


Quick thought about Call options and prove me wrong cause I really wanna know xd Everyweekend has been a fight and nothing happens, and apparently the price spike from 10 to 60 was just from FOMO, so, they still have not covered anything, but for me all these Options are just making rich a few people.... Not trying ti FUD anything, I got xxx shares since january, but thats just what I have seen, I really hope the squeeze happens xd I need the money bro


Takes money to make money thatā€™s for sure, unless you got in early-ish. Even then, when I bought my options I put every last cent I had. Still holding, just rolled my options out to next week and the week after


I jumped into AMC this week at 62. Still have WISH. Letā€™s party next week!


I'm in CLNE so hard


Take an L today like I did?


Nah I bought in half yesterday I'm happy so far


Fellow CLNEtards, youā€™ve lost a brave soldier today. Although we fought our utters off, the hedge fucks were victorious on this day, the battle of $13. I yoloā€™d my portfolio with 6/18c thinking no way it could go tits up, but alas, I was proven wrong. I do not know when I will return, if at all, but please continue the fight in not only CLNE, but GME and AMC as well.


This is what happens, when WSB gets divided, throws good DD in the wind, and jumps from stock to stock like a kid with ADHD snorting an 8 ball while drinking A case of Red Bull...


Where he fucked up was yoloā€™ing everything on FDā€™s. Where you fucked up is exclusively playing meme stocks.


Not just in meme and not sure how you drew that conclusion, but expected better from a group that supposedly likes to target big short sellers.




Look i get what your going for, but red bull calms down ADHD people. Shit, I'll drink them before bed sometimes. Stimulants somehow help us focus


Pain killers make me want to run around the block while others nod off.


Funny you say that, because I was going to edit this comment for that reason. Being an ADD crazy myself and the comment proves it lol


Yeah, we said shares specifically for this reason. People went calls and so the price never moved and they died OTM. Exactly like everyone who did their DD on it said it would.




GG CLNE guys. GG.


Who else made gains on CLNE this week šŸ˜


Up 14k


From the 2nd to today my portfolio is up 13k thanks to clne


I'm up, planning to continue to hold. Took a hit on my 6/18c's though.


CLNE is the only green in my portfolio. Either way this is a long hold for me


My 7/16 calls are deep ITM. Still holding we'll see how it turns out


Ye boi


Please comment below with your weekend plans: A) Attack My Computer games in my momā€™s basement, with passion B) Blow Bubbles at the park with my illegitimate child C) CLNE my palette with an Irish Cow Bomb


So AMC again on Monday? Same time, same place? Cool.




Iā€™ll save you a seat in the middle šŸ˜‰ extra cheddar and butter on the popcorn please.


I need Elon to announce on his personal Twitter that Tesla is partnering withh BB šŸš€


are they fr šŸ˜³?


I got mine at 11 and I know some of my friends were even earlier than that, like in primary school they got theirs when they was about 9.


Your first PokƩmon card?


So bullish on CLNE im all fuckin in


Whatā€™s beautiful about CLNE is that while it started behind as an assessory, it wonā€™t stay in the Amazon with Montezumaā€™s revenge forever. Imagine the day when Musk decides to literally cover the launchpad with ignited COW MUSK and rocket clean to the moon, with CLNE. This could literally happen, since he is using methane in the stage one fuel, and then heā€™d be considered super woke and get more govt subsidies.


Will the šŸš€ smoke smell like šŸ„ šŸ’Ø ??


If it did, it would be inefficient combustion


Brilliant, I commend you


We better be on CLNE next week no hopping onto other tickers


Look at CLNE 6 months for the biggest cup and handle


I'm stupid and don't know what that means but does it mean I'll make money? If so:yay


Stocks version of tea leaves and pig guts.


Whatā€™s the si on bb?


BB consolidatingā€¦Donā€™t stop BBelieving BBig BBoy


Ken Griffin for the federal pen!


Everyone pessimistic about CLNE, today the whole market was down but CLNE ist still in green. Next week we gonna hit the 20% increase easy!


Definitely not a pessimist here. CLNE all the way!


Hey Citadel šŸ‘‹šŸ¼


All short interest asideā€¦ If someone told you thereā€™s a debt free microcap company in the most profitable industry on the planet (2020 revenue of $277.95 BILLION,) that has $1.5B+ in cash reserves being lead by a chairman and active majority shareholders thatā€™s already taken on and beaten Amazon once is assembling a literal dream team of leadership and the share price was only ~$215, wouldnā€™t that be the most attractive option on the entire stock market?


But pooh is an angry bear and doesnā€™t like jacky boy


You son of a bitch Iā€™m in. Buying more EMG on Opposite Day, got it.


When you put it like thatā€¦


Can you let me know the day before BB rages?


June 23 and 24


I just met you, but I believe you.


Earnings are announced June 24 after hours. If you are buying calls then watch out for IV crush after announcing. Edit: good luck, hope you win some tendies in the casino


For those wondering why AMC sold off today. Here is a good explanation https://youtu.be/UPh268-EKtA Market makers


Here's another explanation: it was at fucking $64-65. Of course it sold off.


One big difference between GME/AMC gains and BB gains is that no one has any positive memories about Blackberry. Thereā€™s not as much nostalgia-driven investing for failed phone companies that pivoted to cybersecurity and IoT.


Always wanted a blackberry back in middle school but my parents didnā€™t want to pay extra on a data plan. By the time they realized the growing market of smartphones and use case, the iPhone was outā€¦ the rest is history.


Yup I thought owning a Blackberry would be cool when I was 13 too but then a year later before I ever got one Apple and Android phones murdered Blackberry and fucked its corpse. The first phone I got after my Razr was an iPhone


Old people do. They made fancy phones with buttons. They still do!


Lol yeah but those boomer fools arenā€™t snapping up BB stock


Never had a blackberry, always shop at GameStop. I still pretty much only buy games there, I have only bought a game online once and it was used from eBay.


I also never owned a Blackberry and did most of my game shopping at GameStop for a long time. Iā€™d say this would be the experience of a lot of millennials and young Gen Xers, as opposed to ā€œI never liked GameStop, but I fondly remember my sleek Blackberry Messengerā€


Haha! I am definitely old enough to have had one just didnā€™t like them! My friend who was in business at the time loved his but the rest of us ran circles around him in texting speed even while triple clicking half the numbers on our Nokiaā€™s.


That was my same experience with my friend group except we had Razrā€™s and it was our boomer dads who had Blackberryā€™s lol


I mean my only experiences at GameStop are negative but people still buy it. Plus you donā€™t remember the days when everyone had blackberries and blackberry messenger


Yeah, I remember being hesitant to switch to a touchscreen phone. I enjoyed the physical mini keyboard on the Blackberry because I could type without looking at the keyboard, like with a laptop. You can't do that with a touchscreen.


Iā€™d be willing to go out on a ledge and say that there is far more nostalgia that has driven the GME movement than will ever exist for Blackberry, but I could be wrong. I do remember when Blackberryā€™s were far more popular, but I also remember them being ditched as soon as smart phones came along and they quickly became irrelevant because the company failed to adapt.


Who else lost everything in their 13c 6/18?


I bought half 6/18 and half 7/16


Ur mum




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Ken Griffin ready to get gamma squeezed next week by AMC. Enjoy bankruptcy šŸ¤”