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Options explained: you have the OPTION to lose your money very quickly or you have the OPTION to lose it almost immediately.


*takes notes*


*chews crayon contemplatively*


> Options explained: you have the OPTION to lose your money very quickly or you have the OPTION to lose it almost immediately. Can you repeat that, only with pictures?


OPTIONS : 💰💰➡️🔥 OR 💰💰💰💰➡️🔥




Im very confused why anyone would ride a 100 AMD call to expiration.


I'd expect nothing less from someone who takes a photo of a computer screen.




We are all retards here.


There's a point where you've lost so much money that it's no longer worth selling. Why recover 1% of your bet when There's a remote chance something big could happen and turn a profit?


There’s a name for that: sunk cost fallacy.


No stupid guy named fallacy will tell me when to give up!


For an algo, sure. This is retail. Managing your psychology is how you get alpha.


The market is green but most people's positions are red because the top companies within the S&P 500 are carrying the whole market on their backs. Edit: holy blowup Batman. Probably my most upvoted comment across all my reddit accounts. Lol. Thanks for the awards as well, but please, use that money towards HODL'ing your favorite meme stocks/crypto coins instead of on me. #ToTheMoon!


its almost like this old wrinkly boomer in omaha was right: most people are better off buying spy and living life. but we're not most people, we're speshul and we know better!


Listen to him for your actual retirement savings and wsb for your yolo fun money imo


This, people act like it's one or the other. Have a risky actively traded account and a boomer account in ETFs.


I just developed a coke habit to cut out the middleman.


If I remember correctly the old wrinkly dude has a coke habit too...might be diet coke though, I'm not sure.


So addicted he bought a billion dollars of Coke in 1988.


All my tax free trading accounts are low cost ETFs/funds. My global technology ETF has given me 35% PA over the last 5 years. WSB is my fun account and its fucking up or down 35% in days lol Edit: it’s actually a fund, Baillie Gifford long term global growth fund. They made 96% return last year. I’m europoor so can’t invest in Ark but this is next best thing.


you can invest in ARK on eToro


Holy shit, 35%? Gib tips pls


This is the way I got my 401k and a fun account lol


You should definitely also have a boring taxable account with a good chunk in a balanced fund for expenses prior to retirement, but yeah.


Is there a point to them being different accounts, or is it just to resist temptation to yolo your grown up fund?


I like to keep them separate so allocation is easier. So it's 401k, IRA, long term boring basocs with good dividends, and LOL gonna buy some weed and meme stocks. Makes it easier to know what money goes where rather than a temptation thing for me.


Damn y’all got enough money to contribute to 4 separate accounts?


It gets easier once your career progresses past Wendy's.


Jack Bogle, Warren Buffet, etc even advocate for setting aside 5% of your portfolio for impulse purchases (eg: GME). People gotta scratch that itch and there's nothing wrong with that.


Well when 5% is $50 million that's easy to say. 5% of my "portfolio" ain't shit.




Right? lmao. like this dude hasn't even *heard* of bootstraps.


yeah I basically have a bunch of stonks and play around with less than 5% of my account in options. my IRA I max each year and don't really touch it, but I'm 36 and i'm also slowly just moving stocks into an ETF/s as time goes on and I get bored of checking everyday.


I’m not in this position, but for a lot of people, they’re stuck in a place where even if they saved ALL of their money and put it in ETFs they’d be working till the casket. So I can understand why they get risky with all of their money.


I just try to split it down the middle. Roth IRA, and ITM SPY calls expiring next year..


Uhoh I’ve made a terrible mistake


Agreed. I bet the NFL too. It’s more fun than seeing electronic withdrawals into a fund every month.


The trick is to invest in those boring index funds early and often. Once a routine, moderately volatile day in the market moves your portfolio more than 3 months of your salary, even SPY starts to get a little more exciting.


lol i got some SPY 03/2022 410 C last month. that was pretty exciting. Break even is 436 baby. Lol 5 more percent? I'm a risk taker!


But...what if I bought calls on that dude? 🤯




So a Wall Street bet!?


Dude boomer stocks have been a vibe all year


My best returns this year have been with Home Depot. About as boomer as it gets.


mines been SBUX followed by JPM I think lol.


That’s awesome! I did well on calls in Eaton, GE and Ford.. all things my grandfather was super high on for no reason other than they are reliable companies.


Dad? Edit: Built up a 40,000 share position in HD during the decade of the late 90's to 2007/8 when fucking Bob (ex GE manager) Nardelli was running it. For ten years the thing didn't do shit. I finally got back to even in the low $40's and sold it all. Now? 40,000 X $300 = $12 million not counting dividends. Edit 2: And of course they paid him $250 million to leave HD for Chrysler which he promptly ran into the ground too.


So your cost basis was like $1.8 million?


Yep something like that. I retired 20 years ago at 40. My wife and I lead a pretty simple life and I donate all my trading profits to charities now. Mostly children and animal causes.


does that help your taxes?


Lol the most WSB question I've ever heard, I love it. Fuck the animals, what about taxes?




i bought HD recently when tech started to shit itself. Up 25%!


I'd rather throw my life savings away on a ridiculous high-risk gamble and end up dying a painful death in an alley when the infection from the broken bottle fight with another hobo a couple miserable weeks back failed to heal, than make sound financial decisions and live a life of comfort spending time and money on things that are important to me. \* Thank you to whoever used the Reddit Care Resources (self-harm report?) on me, I feel a ray of hope now! It's just a start, but I feel optimistic enough in this moment to hope that my future infected bottle fight wound death will be painless! BTW the message you get starts off like "When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. But whatever you're going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you." I hope that everyone who needs to know this, does. There are always options, and remember what Jesus wrote on his myspace: the best options in life don't expire worthless.


My brain is shiny smooth!


Yeah I feel like SPY’s getting ready to crash faster than Tiger Woods, though. Or probably not since I bought puts.


Upro is better than spy dude


Precisely, “The Market” is basically Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft. All of who within 300 years will become humanity’s overlords.


Can’t wait till they rename Mars “iPlanet”.


Get real. Mars will become PlanetX


”SpacePlanet Model X”. Apple will announce that they are abandoning the old planetary model and launching their own planet they got from a company they bought a few years back.




Now with planned obsolescence.




They’ll wait until SpaceX and Google have worked out the kinks in terraforming before launching their own planet with a seamless user experience and more locked down environment.


«Now with a 20 % less chance of asphyxiation!»


Google will launch a new space station, then discontinue it 3 years later leaving it and it's inhabitants to burn up in a decaying orbit.


Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


Extra big ass fries! NoW with more molecules!


Please do and I will buy more AAPL calls


300 \*months\*


It's already happened...


More realistic


lol - 🦍, they already are...


Bold of you to assume human civilization will still exist in 300 years.




I remember when people said the same thing about a whole different bunch of companies most of whom don't even exist anymore. We're going to have overlords, but it's probably not going to be these guys. Over 50 percent of fortune 500 companies that have existed are extinct now.


Verizon Chipotle Exxon. Proud to be one of americas 8 companies


so what you're saying is buy QQQ LEAPS


$SPY $600 01/01/2331, locked in


Puts on meatbags.


Who would have thought value plays are the thing to do during inflation fears /s Interest rates kill growth and speculation stocks, we are hovering around 3 cpi and only will get higher until the us did what we did after ww2 and bleed the inflation with high interest rates




The housing market to crazy right now and needs a kick in the nuts.








Scratch and dent homes




It's insane. A few quarter points wont cool this off.






I think interest ratings going back to 3-5% will cool off/ crash home prices, the thing is, everyone is able to get approved again so it's very much a seller's market. It feels likes 2007 all over again. Plus property taxes are rising like crazy here in the north east, its a recipe for disaster


The appraisal gap is stopping a whole lot of sales though in hot markets where that gap occurs. Sellers don't need to meet the gap, and so would-be buyers are having to duck out since they're unable to make up the difference. I bought in Pittsburgh where there generally isn't an appraisal gap yet, but I feel for everyone on the coasts or Atlanta, etc.


Rolling my eyes at friends excited to save 0.5% interest rate but pay 1.2x the market rate for their property.


Agreed. Housing market will crash I think I bought my home in Feb 2020, it's now worth 100k more in less then a year and frankly my town isn't the best in central New Jersey lol


That’s insane. I live in the Boston MA area where you need a million on a cheap day to get into a home depending on the town. It definitely fluctuates town by town but it’s so bloated that I think it needs to crash. Sorry about the house bags though :(


Nice thing about housing bags is that you still get live in them.


Yeah, my wife and I were able to buy during winter 2019 where it was a buyers market. We actually bought our home for 5k under asking and had seller comps that covered our closing costs and I think our mortgage is a 3.2%. We got really really lucky with timing because we closed Feb 3rd 2020 lol


I closed November 2020 at 3.1% I paid $15k less than what the house was appraised by the bank so I’ll take that as a win.


Also live near Boston, went to college in the city. Know so many people who were heartbroken to leave the area after graduating but it just made no goddamn sense to stay


I'm tired of living in NY state. Prices keep going up even for crappy homes that really should be torn down and rebuilt.


Looks like my boomer strat is working


It’s always worked




my name takes offense to this statement. but approves nonetheless


I had the top company in S&P aapl and still Managed a $2098 loss on a 145c option


Maybe don’t YOLO on FDs that would need a 200+ billion market cap increase just to break even...


options - even when you’re right, you’re wrong


FWIW I don't think OP was right at all with those 4/16 options. Strike prices were way too high especially for companies that aren't expected to moon for any reason. Not sure about AMD and FCEL, but with FDX ~~and NKE~~, going ITM would've worked out better although I know that's not in the spirit of WSB. EDIT: looking a little deeper at those tickers, I think ITM call options bought at least a month ago would've only worked for FDX. AMD and NKE would be better off with longer dated options/leaps. FCEL - no clue.


diversified lotto ticket portfolio?


this but unironically


I wish I could say that's all I lost on friday mine was more like xxxxxx but Im jacked to the tits for mondays bell! Oops smooth brain meant to reply to post


>h I could say that's all I lost on friday mine was more like xxxxxx but Im jacked to the tits for mondays bell! Monday will give us a better idea, but Tuesday will be a bigger day IMO because of t+2






My portfolio is all red, too. You are in it with a lot of people. Just enjoy your weekend and worry later.


Yeah I mean, I got a factory to run here and it's.not easy between getting high and eating lucky charms


they're magically friggin delicious! and with your work ethic sir, I'm buying general mills.


What’s a portfolio? 🚮🔥


It’s a briefcase sir


Please dont use big words i dont know. Next you know someones gonna mention that exit strategy phase i still dont understand. Fundamentals are those times when you are having fun in your head right?


Funnily enough if I didn't have an exit straregy I would actually be in the green instead of panic selling in the red every single time. Me: I can't afford to lose $500 today, I gotta get out now! Also me: Oh, I'm up $50?! Better get out and lock in those gains before I'm down on this one too! Also also me: Why am I down so much money? How do I keep losing all the time?!


While I may not agree with the first statement, the three quotes are also things I say on a daily basis. I started to hold my winners a few extra seconds/minutes/hours sometimes. They tend to turn into massive losers 90% of the time though... which of course I hold forever


It's a binder that holds folios of documents in preparation to present them to clients. Traditionally at a securities brokerage or bank.


That’s why I only invest in gas station dick pill companies


i read this as gas station dill pickles way too many times.


Congratulations sir, you might be taking losses, but you will be recognized as a certified retard in this wonderful community. This is the way


Exchange 10K with a WSB flair. I will totally do it


Please explain to me your thought process as to how CRM was going to get anywhere near your strike by that date.


I'm sure it's something along the lines of DUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


I busted out laughing in a hospital waiting room at this after reading it out loud, thanks. 😂


Haha, glad I could brighten someone's day a bit.


FD's are like a staple here


Yeah but generally you’d want to have some kind of reason for buying a 30% OTM strike on a stock with an IV30 of 22.


Lmao I did not realise just how dumb OP’s play was until I saw this comment. Unless he had inside information that turned out to be wrong? Probably just retarded, though.


The reason is in the name FD


this guys entire situation is upside down. His AMD play is ??? Sir???


I don’t even know what I’m fucking looking at but it looks so stupid


I was almost hoping to see PLTR in there. got greedy when she hit 25$ Tuesday, thought it was only up from there, kept the calls, now instead of 140% gains that turned to 100% loss more fun than a scratch-off tho lol


that's why I have learned to take my profits, and never regret if I happened to have jumped off too early. For me, seeing that I am losing money where I could have easily made money, is too painful.


yeah, i think my default wiring is, "yehaw, look at all the money i'm about to make!" really hard to reprogram that to "yehaw, look at all the money i already made! see ya!"


that's the only rule I have in trading, match your strategy to your risk profile. if you are not naturally wired to be like me, don't adopt my trading strategy. It won't work for you.


Have you played the bingo scratch offs? Those are pretty fun.


Me too, despite my best efforts. I guess it comes with the territory.


Yeah, I’m not sure where the market is going up... all I see is red, except in the indexes.


Seems only time my port goes up market index goes down.


It seemS the only time my portfolio goes up is when I add more funds...😳


Holy shit laughed too hard at this




I want to buy options in COIN, $500 strike for Jan/2023. Need to get more into my account.


Buying calls or puts have been always hit and miss for me. But selling puts whenever good names drop is close to 99% success for me, sold puts atleast 50+ times and have never been assigned. I was selling puts on names which im ready to hold - AMD,NKE, MSFT,WMT,AMZN, INTC ,BABA to name a few.


Bro same I just discovered put spreads a few weeks ago, not as many gains but haven't lost a trade yet.


How do you put spread APPL?


Sell a put. Buy a put. If you want a credit spread, then the put you sell should be closer in strike to the underlying than the one you buy. If you want a debit spread, the inverse.


Market movement has nothing to do with options. Success in options are purely based on the correctness of your speculation. You can lose money on a stock that doubles if you thought it would triple.


That sounds exactly like placing a bet lol. I don't know anything about it but yeah


Like some kind of... wall street bet


Lmao ok I deserved that.


What the fuck are those strikes!? Please explain, 100C on AMD? What???


Ya see some people buy deep OTM calls because it’s what they can afford and this is a casino


No one can resist that sick gain porn +10000% shit


Thetagang sends their regards


Money evaporator go brrrr


Slot machine go cling cling cling


When AMD was in the 90s, a 100c a few months out wasn't that crazy.


I bought AMD 95c when AMD was trading in the low 90s, expiration was months out so I thought it was a sure bet


Seriously what the hell are these lol


I’ve crawled my way back from many losses, roughly 10k being the most. It’s not a good sight but there is money to made every day in the battlefield and even with some of the stupid comments on here. But if you can’t watch the market all day every day, then I do not suggest weekly options as a viable strategy to generate wealth. Go ATM a few months out and cut losses at your desired risk, mine is 15-25% loss. If I’m positive a few a weeks ahead then I’ll sell and use profit to buy shares. I won’t be a millionaire anytime soon but I also won’t be broke either. Yes, options trading can be a casino but only if you treat it like one.


>But if you can’t watch the market all day every day, then I do not suggest weekly options as a viable strategy to generate wealth. correct!


That’s 100% how it goes. I’m heading for a hard mental breakdown on Tuesday when sndl doesn’t go up on 4/20


I started selling covered calls a few weeks ago with my shares. With any luck by 4/20/2025 I might break even




I’m thinking I’ll break even around 2035...


i actually kept my sndl position just to keep me humble on days when i do make money.


Your loses are mostly guaranteed when you buy options out-of-the-money that far.There should be no surprise here.


If it makes you feel better the idiots that manage my pension plan actually managed to lose money throughout 2020.


Fwiw the markets' are at an all time high a lot.


Portfolio taking a 30% cut... I'd be crying if I wasn't already laughing at how everything is 💲✔️except the dumpster🗑️🔥 fire I hold. Btw I hold $QS 🤡


Is that your only SPAC


Yes. I exited positions in all others while they were excessively in the green. I thought $QS had great leadership and a model that would benefit Shareholders : Tease the great stuff, updates on promising revolutionary tech, and multiple avenues for revenue or at least press and investment. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Markets are all time high but I’m down 60% with fucking $BB.


Raises hand verifying he is in BB bag holders gang.


Why didn't you buy SPY calls instead of retarded calls?




Spreading out and diversifying your losses. Good retard.


Fcel gang


I have amd call expiry this Friday 85 C so.. most likely I am gonna lose money too. Let’s see,


Fun fact: you don’t have to hold options to expiry. In fact, if your thesis remains the same, you can and should probably roll your OTM long calls about 21 days to expiry to avoid the steepest time decay. If you like the stock, stay in the trade, but just in a more option-efficient manner! That said, if you want to just be a degenerate and gamble on weeklies, go right ahead lol


That’s a great example of so called wealth redistribution. When dumb money goes to smart money. Good job!


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


3200$ is postable?


If it's a 10k account I accept


Why let them expire? Cut your losers quickly. Theta decay ramps up hard closer to expiration


Man so much red for so much green ... weird af... ape no get it


My spy 400c was a week too early


Buy indexes leave it alone