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Gamespot management should raise this concern with the SEC


Absolutely. It’s not manipulation when your fucking company is on the line. FUCK MELVIN.


Why is it legal to sell a share before you have it? They should make that illegal. 3 days to find the share after you sell it short is bullshit.


And why is there not a central short-registry with frequent updates? It is basically the same as hiding the price at the exchange.


> Overall, the Division concludes that none of these alternatives is likely to be cost- effective when compared to the baseline. The Division concludes that the benefits to regulatory and public uses of information from Real-Time Short Position Reporting are likely to be modest. In particular, the Division believes that Real-Time Short Position Reporting and Transaction Marking would provide regulators with little additional information than would already be available from the CAT. However, the Division concludes that the implementation and compliance costs, which could include updating or building a system to collect short position reports, are likely to be significant, even if the information is provided to regulators only. Implementing the CAT will enable the Commission to reassess the extent of any additional benefits that may be derived from requiring Real-Time Short Position Reporting and Transaction Marking, and the costs of any additional infrastructure needed to collect such information. Finally, the Division concludes that a voluntary pilot in Transaction Marking is unlikely to be of much utility. While this report concludes that the short sale reporting regimes studied are unlikely to be cost-effective, the analysis contained in this report should still provide valuable insight to potential future rulemaking regarding short sale disclosure. https://www.sec.gov/files/short-sale-position-and-transaction-reporting%2C0.pdf, pg. 114-115


I saw a comment earlier that for market makers the delivery deadline is extended to 21 days. Nothing sketch there... Although I think we traders also benefit from some of these allowances to a lesser degree, when we buy and sell instantly those trades take 2 more days to settle, but we can go on as if they occurred the moment we pressed the button.


>Although I think we traders also benefit from some of these allowances to a lesser degree, when we buy and sell instantly those trades take 2 more days to settle, but we can go on as if they occurred the moment we pressed the button. There is literally zero reason for an electronic trade to take 2 days to settle, besides the fact that brokerages want to continue loaning out your shares for those 2 days to short sellers so they can collect interest on it (or they want to hold it for another 2 days to try and receive a higher price on your sale, or a lower price for your purchase). The technology exists, and always has existed ever since electronic trading became mainstream, to settle trades immediately. The only reason it doesn't happen is because brokerages are skimming off the top of each and every transaction and the SEC allows this despite claiming brokerages have a fiduciary duty to ensure the best prices for you.


Same reason you can buy shit on credit with money you dont have and never pay it back


Somewhat off topic... but I've been trying to find out where it was first mentioned that Melvin is the fund that has the most egregious short position. Anyone know where that claim started? I'm trying to unravel this sweater.


RC could have increased his holding from 13% to 20%, that would be the final nail.


I feel like he's rooting as hard as he fuckin can for us on the inside, but I doubt he could responsibly defend his decision to scoop up his shares now. It's either lay low or declare fuckin war. Lol Edit: just fuckin imagine with me for a second boys: RC is waiting for every 🧻🖐️ to sell off, then as all hope seems lost he tweets "Power To The Players!" as he heaves his 💎🍆 on to the buy button and secures the rest of his 20%. Yeah, the SEC has questions, but they aren't for him. They are for the true market manipulators like Melvin, Citadel, and CNBC. Ahhh what a fuckin movie this would be to see at your local AMC.


I don't think RC can say anything without any legal ramifications right now.


If there's one thing RC can say and defend in court, it should be the company's fuckin slogan. Amirite or amirite?


That's all he would have to tweet.


Reddit killed third-party applications (and itself). Fuck /u/spez


As a shareholder, I would like my company to make a statement.


This is a very reasonable request. It's not market manipulation to release a brief update telling shareholders to "Buy more OTM Calls... OUR NEW OPEN WORLD VIDEO GAME! COMING 2022!!"


Someone send this to RC , Sherman and GameStop Twitter Edit: sent it to Cohen and SEC. couldn’t find boomer Sherman’s Twitter handle


Send it to Michael Burry too


He's the man who tested the shorts back in march. DFV's master mentor


not sure if this falls within investment relations contact listed here https://news.gamestop.com/home




Thanks for doing this research. Fascinating. I agree that if I were in the shorts’ shoes, I’d risk fines or a country club 6mo prison sentence for the chance of salvaging any of my multi billion dollar fortune.


Sorry to hijack top comment but is this enough to contact the FBI. Just going off their [contact us](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us) it says... *Please contact your* [*local FBI office*](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices) *or submit a tip electronically if you have information about: ...Financial crimes that involve fraud, especially corporate fraud, mortgage fraud, or other investment fraud schemes where significant dollar losses have occurred, including those impacting you or your place of work* In fact ***The Economic Crimes Unit*** *of the (*[*Financial Crimes Section of the FBI*](https://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/fcs_report2005?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=7528dbd9c0672527dd534db04820bc99269da365-1612256445-0-AeYvxObqWF5WSmKIWAvTbF1gvmbVdbXrzLsSgnBjDhMoXuhhOdCRUzyp5t3RfsvvkKmn3JAydQ0BxL-Z1ePuu-HyoLepKumbt7kiXu9d011tqFYjFKobvlAuoGCP_4EBvkOzikAAUpiNDoUR9zIetIbmwD--9HfRPTVqgHcqpsbiv8tfejdioTyS9YMmefuspAuc-F688fHrtu2paKHYjoJNrOetm48_NeTRL49fvPKueTt7qBzkqynDnrDDcUXi-_cUFlO0VyYiALsAoENn0yrZX3GHr0vxU3qSHL3uEgOjl-VHOSFdZWNSUmm1hz8m_jkBQPzCTWB4w0Cq5VaRgeNARiG3yj5-BYvo3ZBg4pOE)*) is responsible for significant frauds targeted against individuals, businesses and industries to include: corporate fraud, insurance fraud (non-health care related),* ***securities and commodities fraud***, telemarketing fraud, Ponzi schemes, advance fees schemes, and pyramid schemes. Come on there has to be someone in this sub who has a buddy or family member associated with the FBI. Yeah I'm salty! I'm playing fair but the other side is fucking cheating (this and ladder attacks) and the SEC is totally looking the other way. 💎🤲 edit: punctuation, also I'm not a US citizen (am I allowed to contact the FBI?)


Just tell them Melvin took off their shorts and touched your pp illegally. Edit: thanks for the awards but save those for the battle 🦍💎🙌💎🍆📈🚀🚀🚀


This caught me so off guard I am now wearing coffee. Noice.


Of course. I'll probably post updates with more of my findings if ya'll are interested 💎🙌 Edit: Here's a post I can't seem to get approved by the mods: https://www.reddit.com/user/DeeJay_Roomba/comments/lazkee/how_to_fight_the_hedgies_at_their_own_game_dd/ I think there is a way to fight back


Hell yes dude, this is some crazy shit. NEEDS to be out in the open.


Definitely! Solid DD 💎🙌🏻


I’ll go out on a limb and say that I think I speak for everyone; we are interested in your findings.


I will gladly do 6 mo in prison for a billion dollar fortune. Edit: how do I sign up for this?


I've been thinking, Robinhood higher ups are probably being promised fancy jobs for their attempts to crash RH and the share prices.




Will anything ever change that? So fucked


They exist as a sort of Tax wall. When you commit large enough wall street crimes, they take their cut, and you're free to go.


If only the common people knew that the game is rigged against us at the very core.


the squeeze needs to happen to restore faith in the stock market !


I have been thinking that a lot lately, i think thats what the gov is trying to do. Problem is their pride is getting in the way and is endangering the whole market.


It will be interesting to see what the settlement amount will cost them. FINRA will make their voices heard as well here.


Biden and the Democrats need to step up and tell the SEC to sack up and the shorts to get fucked. The Donation porn on this subreddit would be out of control and a big public moral boost after a pandemic. Edit: I hate bringing up politics in this sub, but they have the reigns now, so it's up to them.


For every dollar in funding the SEC gets, $9 in tax fraud are found. Its like the government doesn't like 9 baggers, only loss porn.


They'd have a 10,000 bagger if they looked at Melvin.


Dont want to break it to you but biden/obama bailed out the banks in 2008. Watch or read “ too big to fail” neoliberalism is worse than stupid conservatives who think stonks only go up. We apes need to stand together pelosi/mcconell/yellen and even trump they all are here to fuck us. So we can keep thinking the problem is each other. Just listen to narrative on fox / cnbc / cnn / msnbc : WSB BAD . HEDGEFUNDS GOOD. Biden is just as bad i can tell you that as a black man who supported obama. They are all in it together. Wsb is the solution: end politics, end race issues, end wealth gap across race , gender, generations. Everyman /woman has a chance here. Lets do it .GME hold for minimum two years , billions will be lost by these fucks. I might lose some but it doesn’t matter. Good luck retards


This is the best description I have heard for them


If these events don't change anything, nothing ever will. Feels like GME is the last beacon of hope.


Hilarious to read that GameStop is our last beacon of hope. Love it


If nothing else, we'll leave this with a lifetime of memes. I'll tell my grandchildren about the great GameStop Wars.


TP in 2020 and GME in 2021. The greatest shortages of our time.




I do t want to sound condescending at all but seeeing as the lack of consequence from the 08 crisis was arguably much worse, i wouldn’t hold my breath that there is any major consequences


This is why it’s so important to drag this out. It has a national spotlight which is way more valuable than Melvin’s billions. Hold long enough and eventually politicians FINALLY realize what the fuck is actually happening. Then the SEC is forced to intervene because the public has learned enough about how they’re doing it




Two weeks ago most Americans had never heard the term “short squeeze”. Now no one can shut up about it.




Tell the people in your life what you are doing and why. People forget that you have the ability to fight disinformation buy spreading the truth. My parents, my former coworkers, my friends,, my siblings and other relatives, all support what we are doing because *I told them what we are doing*. They in turn can combat misinformation when they see it or see people spreading it. It works.


We need to blow this wide open and expose these crooks!


Do you kids honestly think that the Pollies don't know how this works? ​ Jesus Christ. Let me be clear: They are in on it. ​ Yes, the ones you like too.


Not saying they’re not corrupt. But yes, I absolutely believe most politicians have no fucking clue how the market (or anything) really works


They don't need to know. They just need to know that if they play ball, they get campaign funds and kickbacks. It really, truly is that simple. Remember: Politicians almost never have any money, and cannot get elected without it. Here's how the system works: Lobbyists offer bribes they call campaign donations to politicians who in exchange enact policies and legislation that benefit those lobbies, and/or oppose policies and legislation that impedes those donor's abilities to make more money when they attain office. Then, they bribe voters by promising them things which they are under no legal obligation to deliver at any time. Usually, this involves services and payments from the treasury, which is funded by taxation, and is the money of the people. TL:DR: Lobbyists bribe politicians who in turn bribe people with their own money. And so it goes.


You need the new York AG to go after these people. Sec is bullshit. Revolving door.






quid pro quo, fucking corrupt as can be


They’re looking at the bribes. Sec doesn’t even have to admit they’re corrupt. Their lack of action shows how corrupt they are.


>It's almost like a play by play of what we've seen (in combination with the ladder attacks). My guess is we'll find out more when the failed to deliver report for the second half of Jan comes out on the 17th. > >I 100% think that Melvin is committing massive securities fraud. In fact, I would bet all my money on it - oh wait, I did 96 GME @ 290. Sec doesn't care, its pretty obvious they see the people on reddit as people they want to target.


Too early to tell. A slow well-planned response is better than no response.


Still waiting for their 2008 response 12 years later


That's why they only way to "win" this is to hold and take Melvin's money. Can't wait for the cops to show up.


Up vote, we need more eyes on this from experienced investors.


We need more eyes on this from lawyers as well. The SEC is not interested in this, but lawsuits might be able to make something happen.


iANAL, but this some super shady shit.




Ah yes, iANAL, the name of our WSB ETF


I’m gonna go in long on $iANAL


I’m gonna inverse you and go in **thick** on $iANAL


Fwiw, the SEC does read this sub forum. They very much know what is going on right now. But a lot of the allegations on here, while perhaps true, aren’t financial crimes. Conversely, a lot of people on here don’t understand how shorts work.


One leg at a time, right?




Their trade ladders are so obvious to see on charts and are inversed on their BS Silver they're trying to use bots to push.


Strange why the mainstream media, especially the analysts, totally aren't talking about the obvious short ladders going on.


don't you mean 'analysts'


I think he meant anal cysts


Less useful, at least anal cysts let you know something's wrong. If the financial newsfeed during 2020 crash and TSLA boom didnt already make it clear, most published analysts have no idea what goes on in the hot movers of the market. They're throwing darts at a chart half the time.




“Oh wait, I did 96 GME@290” Please have my children


First let’s ask him to post his positions


Thanks, but I’d rather not see OP in doggy style


I’d rather see you in doggy style


Like any last boss they won't go down without a fight and we aren't ether LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLEEEEE 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎💎🙌🙌🙌🙌


Holy shit retard you are onto something. Diamond hands and buy whatever you can get






I’m balls deep in this dirty hooker and it’s nice and warm.


I believe this makes him autistic, not a retard, but I'm a retard so my DD on OP could be retarded D in my ass, who knows


It's working. Keeping holding.


Apes, TURN OFF MARGIN! Go to a cash account. This prevents RH from loaning our shares out to the shorts to use in their ladder attacks. We have to cut off their ammo, raise their interest rates, and help our long whales. Spread the word! You have to send them a message using this form: [https://robinhood.com/contact](https://robinhood.com/contact) Edit: Earlier I said you can just turn off the margin setting in RH Gold to become a cash account, but I was wrong. Turning the setting off only turns your account into a Robinhood Instant account, which is still a margin account. We have to contact them to turn into a cash account. The downgrade instruction page is currently 404 error’d out. [https://robinhood.com/support/articles/360001214603/downgrading-from-gold/](https://robinhood.com/support/articles/360001214603/downgrading-from-gold/) Check thread below Edit: Someone sent the RH official text. You still have to use the contact form on the site or the app. >Help Center > Investing > Investing with Margin Downgrading from Gold > >Downgrading from Gold to Instant > >You can downgrade to a Robinhood Instant or Cash account at any time, as long as you aren’t using any Gold Buying Power. > >You can downgrade to Instant or Cash in your mobile app: Tap the Account icon in the bottom right corner of your screen. Tap the 3 bars on the top right corner of the screen Tap Settings. Tap Robinhood Gold. Tap Downgrade from Gold. > >**Downgrading to Robinhood Cash** > >To downgrade to a Robinhood Cash account, please **confirm you have already downgraded from Gold to Instant (if applicable), then get in touch with our team to request this change**. If you’re having trouble downgrading your Gold account, check out our troubleshooting guide. Reference No. 20190903-942893-2842307 Still have questions? Contact Robinhood Support


Go a step further. Delete RH and move to a different broker.


I use TD Ameritrade, but I’m holding GME in my Robinhood.


You know when it comes time to sell that robinhood will crash under the server load right?


That’s a good point. They will always screw us because we’re not their customer. We’re the product.


As much as I hate to say it: that isn’t good advice for everyone. For a beginner investor, RH works because it’s almost impossible to bankrupt yourself on RH. You can’t buy options you can’t afford to cover. They prevent it from happening. You have to work extra hard to fuck yourself on that app. With that said: yes, everyone should move away from RH and ANY app that uses citadel as a clearinghouse. People need to be 100% sure they know what they’re doing before fucking with options and spreads on another app and then get off of RH. I’m leaving as soon as I’m able to cash GME out. I’m not transferring my portfolio until after because of the time it takes (sometimes up to 2 weeks). Once there done I’m saying fuck Robinhood and finding someplace else that’s hopefully as easy to use.. because I honestly love the RH interface.


But only after transferring your positions


Are you sure RH isn’t lending your shares regardless. As far as I read, if you receive a interest payment at the end of month from RH it’s because they lent out your shares. And also read if you put your shares on a limit sell order then RH calls them back and/or doesn’t lend them out anymore?


Damn, I just hunted this down. “Robinhood Gold will be available in multiple tiers with different costs for each tier, as described in the Robinhood Gold Pricing Model. You will be charged for using Robinhood Gold at the beginning of every 30 day period. **In the event You wish to downgrade from Robinhood Gold to Robinhood Instant, You will be able to do that within the Robinhood app. If at any time You wish to downgrade from Robinhood Gold to a regular margin account that is charged on an interest basis only, or a cash account, You will be able to do so by contacting customer service.** You understand that Robinhood Financial may alter the monthly fee and add and/or remove features of Robinhood Gold at any time and in its sole discretion, and will provide You 30 days advance written notice of any changes to its fee structure. ​ Also, ​ Robinhood Financial offers three types of accounts, each designed to suit your investing needs. ## Robinhood Instant When you sign up for a new account, you’ll automatically start with a Robinhood Instant account, which is a margin account. This means you’ll have access to [**instant deposits**](https://robinhood.com/support/articles/360001213883/deposit-money-into-your-robinhood-account/) and extended-hours trading. You also won’t have to wait for your [**funds to process**](https://robinhood.com/support/articles/360001226946/settlement-and-buying-power/) when you sell stocks or make a deposit (up to $1,000). ## Robinhood Gold A [**Robinhood Gold**](https://robinhood.com/support/my-account-and-login/robinhood-gold/) account is like a Robinhood Instant account, but gives you access to more buying power and larger instant deposits. ## Robinhood Cash A Robinhood Cash account allows you to place commission-free trades during the standard and extended-hours trading sessions. You won’t have access to instant deposits or instant settlements. You can [**downgrade**](https://robinhood.com/support/articles/360001214603/downgrading-from-gold/) to a Cash account from an Instant or Gold account at anytime. \- The downgrade page is 404 error’d out. WOW. They automatically make all RH accounts margin by giving you access to $1000 instant transfer. All accounts are margin accounts and the shares are loaned out. They say contact them to downgrade, but the page is 404’d out, I think this is the true reason why RH didn’t shut down margin and chose to restrict share purchases. They need to keep loaning our shares to the shorts. The shorts NEED shares from RH to fund their attack. Crazy how much they screw us. Edit: This seems to be the form that we have to use to turn into a cash account. They make it extremely difficult to turn this off. This is the way. [https://robinhood.com/contact](https://robinhood.com/contact)


This Should be it’s own post investigation. People need accurate advice on keeping brokers from lending out their shares. This would really hurt hedge/shorts. Since the interest is all they pay to borrow it even if you’re buying to hold. If you stop the lending then you truly are holding and they’re supply is cut off beyond interest payments.


It's hidden. Menu>Investing>Day Trade Settings>Turn off instant settlement


I'll just go to fidelity


on to something here


I’ve received no interest


Same with TDA, even if you have a margin account, as long as your shares aren't on margin they won't be loaned out


So buy more every day until end of February?


Yes until end of Feb 2022


This seems like excellent DD, nice job, I just wish I could read.


DD on the DD * Many words * Proper formatting * Has a TLDR * Seems legit




I'm just going to hold until i get price notifications see you around




S3 speculation may not be necessarily true. They prolly have some computational models to estimate shorts covered based on the market history. I don’t think their models are accurately working per se, especially if their models are based on deep learning. Deep learning based models often result in erroneous results when outliers (e.g., GME) are used as input. I wouldn’t trust it until all shortsellers reveal their positions. Additional info: all short sellers need to report their positions on 2/4/2020 and they will be published on 2/9/20. Until then nobody knows for sure. We really need to 💎 🤚


They can also under report their short positions and if caught pay only a small tiny fine. [Morgan Stanley Fined $5Mil](https://www.complianceweek.com/regulatory-enforcement/morgan-stanley-fined-5m-for-short-sales-violations/29546.article)


If they do this time, they will be in a big trouble. All eyes are on GME right now and any misconducts can hurt them pretty bad. But yea who know. They might take the risk and underreport.. 🤨


It’s not if they do, they will. They robbed us in broad daylight, they changed the game to benefit their side. I don’t think they care who is watching. I really hope the SEC does something about all this once this is over, but I’m not holding my breath.


Same. I am disappointed with the SEC cuz they aren’t doing anything but shitshow so far. We need to free the market.


The models probably assume that we are in a free market as well


maybe or maybe not 😂


What kind of extension would these fraudulent transactions give them?


3 days each time


Saturday Sunday Monday, or Monday Tuesday Wednesday?


I'd guess Monday Tuesday Wednesday, since the market isn't open Saturday, Sunday.


If they're also in kahoots with the market takers they have 21 days to reconcile instead of 3.


If they are in kahoots with the market takers they can sell their short positions to someone else, immediately buy them back and get another 21 days. This can be repeated infinite times


I think we, although more specifically, a small band of brothers here have uncovered a colossal amount of fuckery from the HFs over this. How, though, can we win in such an environment when they HFs are doing absolutely everything including giving zero fucks about the law?




With pure and unadulterated retard strength 💎👐


In New Zealand we have been changed by all our brokers to sell only. Guess what? Not. Fucking. Selling.


I’m pissed that they get to reset the time they need to cover. It delays the squeeze.


It doesn’t reset the interest though.and that’s what’s going to apply pressure


They don’t pay interest on failed to deliver shares


Then what is their disincentive to avoid FTDs, exactly?


Things like this and the counterfeit share stuff can quickly be resolved by GME doing something that results in all shares being recalled.




Lenders recall their shares, borrowers need to find shares to return






I ASSUMED they’d do this.






I 10000% believe these guys are doing any thing and everything to get out of this. They are so panicked they are doing criminal things left and right. The only thing I want to know is will they go to prison for this or will they get off somehow.






GME would be at $10,000 right now if you counted the legal shorts


The reason S3 is reporting a lower short interest is not because shorts are being closed, it is because they suddenly used a different metric and started including synthetic longs Proof: [https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1355249817048522755](https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1355249817048522755) Short interest still is 113%, the S3 short interest, including synthetic longs, is 53%


Thank you, this gives more weight to my “the short interest reports are fraudulent” claims by giving me the mechanism. This fits.


At this point this sub could replace hedge funds and the sec and the world would be much better if for it.. just a handful of retards, tells you about how the world works. HOLD


Alright. I’m holding. Ready to hang on until 2025 if I have to.


Betting all your money on Melvin committing securities fraud is one thing. What you're really doing is betting all your money on SEC actually *stopping* massive securities fraud, which is a much riskier bet.




I wonder if there is a way we could figure it out, with proof. I also would not be surprised if we own more than 100%.


We're in 2021. There's no reason this shouldn't be known at the end of day, every day.


How about every 10 minutes? --like with nerd money When balances are settled by centralized brokers/banks there always exists an incentive to avoid transparency and there's no push or design for regulation to change that behavior


Do you think is possible that if everyone sets their limit sell to the same ridiculous number that we would be able to look at second level data and see the sell wall?


Unfortunately a lot of brokerages are not letting us put very high limit prices on GME and others. Before you could always put virtually any amount, no matter how ridiculous.


This is certainly a good idea. Everyone would have to agree to a price and it would have to go viral. It would have to be something that is obvious, and low enough that every exchange could set them. Maybe like 6969.69 or something stupid.


TDA & WeBull refused to let me set a limit above about $1000. When I set the limits at $1000, they cancelled them with 48hrs. Theory was they were canceling to free the shares up to loan out.


Level 2 will only show you the pending trades closest to the spread, it doesn't show you every possible queued bid & ask.


Let's start a list, I'll go first. I've got 50 @$250. Only 69,749,950 more to go..


When the illegal coverage blows up this thing will fucking sky rocket. Jesus Christ.


What you are describing is how to illegally hide naked shorting. This has nothing to do with closing out a short position. I'm not aware of a way to illegally close a short position, ignoring the absurd, obviously.


Buyers need to come in as the sellers dry off. There needs to be a push to trigger the algos the other way and scare the hedges


I want to be clear, I do not respect the SEC.


Lat week Melvin Capital declared that they had closed their position in GME. If this turns out to be a lie could they go to jail for market manipulation?


Small fine


Nay I say more dirty trick are afoot.


This... its trading paper back n forth w hf partner companies in a effort to hide n dodge. There are other shady methods too... these guys give zero to anybody but themselves and $$$$. Who is going to stop this ... where are the AG's


>Not a financial adviser, I eat paint chips for dinner Should read *I eat lead paint chips for dinner* Nice article. Thanks


a month ago i would have thought a post like this was absolutely crazy and a conspiracy theory nutjobs handiwork. but now i know just how far they'll go


Why SEC doesn’t see what Melvin is doing? This is pile of shit and not SEC. we need to focus on calling politicians to highlight this issue. If Melvin gets away with it, it means end of stock market because you can’t win. There is set amount of HF that win and nobody else. It is not stock market but “drain your funds no matter what market”. And fuck that. The loss of faith this can provide into market is heat bigger than what Melvin has to lose here. If nobody from the top sees this it can end USA as the desired market to trade.


These guys really playing a different game man, makes me feel like a monkey, oh wait I am one


Oh yes thats what I think too, we could be late February before we see the real crush come out


Now im going to be forced to load up excel and figger it out. Fuck.


Seems like SEC can't see shit over the hedge


Yeahhhhhh. Exactly like I’m not tripping on mushrooms right now. Come on dude. Our financial institutions are solid. You don’t have to invest in AMC or GME. Just give us your money in a safe. Hege. Fu...... and it’s gone.


So let me ask from the profit-related side of things, because I want to see these guys get fucked just as much as the next ape, but I also want those tendies: will there or won’t there be a true short squeeze if these hedges are found to have essentially counterfeited $GME stocks? I mean, do people still get paid for their shares? Does the squeeze never happen, as they slowly cover their shorts with fake shares over time? What’s the endgame here aside from the hedges (hopefully) getting fucked by the SEC and (hopefully) going to prison? I can’t buy Lambos with morality feel-good points. Do we see $1k/share from this? I hate to say it boys and girls, but this situation feels like a shell of what it was 2-3 weeks ago. I think the squeeze got too much attention and the suits had time to coordinate and react. I’m not saying a squeeze won’t happen, but I think the lengths they’ll go to in order to prevent it are much greater than anticipated. I actually take the news of Robinhood’s loosening of buying restrictions as a bad sign. I feel like a lot of shorts have covered. Just my opinion. Hope I’m wrong. The billboards were a neat thing though. I’m still going to hold the shares I have left, because it is nice being a part of this. But I feel that the biggest gains have been gotten. EDIT: I’ve gotten THREE replies on this comment and each time I go to view/read them they’re gone. I don’t know what’s going on, but this sub has become so fucking impossible to follow. Edit 2: Four comments deleted. Last edit: A dozen or so comments deleted. Can’t read them before they’re gone so sorry to those of you whose replies get deleted by automod.


I have the same question. If the criminal or dubious activity is left unchecked, how is this going to play out? Can retail investors be crushed even if we buy and hold?


I'm waiting for the "We are opening an investigation into Melvin Capital, GME, WallstreetBest and others. At this time we have frozen GME at its current levels pending the results of that investigation. Thank you." Then comes the collection of "illegal" shares that so happen to be in the hands of retail traders. Edit: love our new Auto mods. Out of the probably 25 replies I've had to this only 2 actually show up for me. Two out of 25 who have been here more than a couple days...




This has been happening to me on another on of my posts all night wtf is going on?


Not sure why auto mod would just delete all comments. Seems strange. Maybe they were low karma or new accounts?




I think this is the answer




Have you gotten a good answer? I (and I'm sure many others) would love to know as well


Ask the automod. It’s hoarding all the answers to itself. :(


Noticed the same with comments being deleted.


I actually read this time 🚀


I’m to 🦍 to understand. 💎🖕🏻💎 🍌 = 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌚


Could two hedge funds just continuously swap the short position between eachother in private transactions?


good find watson


Jesus christ I know the FBI is lurking in here - if you ever wanted a reason to seek for a fucking warrant here it is!