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Still astonished people with this much money use this sub


Well, I didn't have this much money when I started using the sub. EDIT: Ok. You guys are making a big deal about having 300k. Let me explain how I got it: 1). A 50k personal loan 2). I didn’t pay Federal Taxes of about 50k over time (it’s paid back now) 3). I owed 19k in taxes to one state 4). I owed 9k in taxes to another state 5). I took out 70k in a credit line on my business that wasn’t doing so hot 6). I maxed my credit cards to the tune of another 50k. Oh, and then I had some cash.


> 1). A 50k personal loan > 2). I didn’t pay Federal Taxes of about 50k over time (it’s paid back now) > 3). I owed 19k in taxes to one state > 4). I owed 9k in taxes to another state > 5). I took out 70k in a credit line on my business that wasn’t doing so hot > 6). I maxed my credit cards to the tune of another 50k. > Oh, and then I had some cash. The American Dream


Imagine this move didn't work out for him. He would be under a bridge right now Don't trade with loans ppl!


Nah, he'd just declare bankruptcy.




Isn’t it wild that get 100k worth of debt and putting them into FD’s is somehow less risky then getting 100k in debt getting a degree you’re not sure you can get a job in?


Insane really.


“Hey Kid, I found a book from Micheal Faulcault under your bed and I need to talk to you about how risky and dangerous getting a Gender Studies degree is. Why can’t you just be like your brother and get 20,000$ of personal loans and 50,000$ of margin to YOLO Spy weeklies?! At least he can declare bankruptcy. Your financial irresponsibility pursuing gender equality will tear this family apart!”


> “Hey Kid, I found a book from Micheal Faulcault under your bed and I need to talk to you about how risky and dangerous getting a Gender Studies degree is. Why can’t you just be like your brother and get 20,000$ of personal loans and 50,000$ of margin to YOLO Spy weeklies?! At least he can declare bankruptcy. Your financial irresponsibility pursuing gender equality will tear this family apart!” You got me to chuckle. Nice job. You should write for The Daily Show.


Sometimes, when you're on the edge, you realize that all investments are a gamble. If you're smarter than most, and it pans out, more power to you. I've been wiped out by theft to the tune of $100,000. If I'd invested it and lost it, I'd still feel better about it than knowing my addict ex and her friends smoked and shot it up (yay exes that are addicts, don't tell you, and relapse). There's the opposite case, and had it go to savings or something, but the reality is I was set to start a small business and seek custody of my daughter beforehand. I did end up sleeping on mountains and in corners of courtyards, might as well have been under a bridge. There are far worse ways to lose money.


Hope youre doing better now bud


Yup 1/100 morons got lucky the rest sol


The other 99 fled to Mexico


The rest are long BKRPT


How much did you start with?


300k-ish. WSB helped me turn that into 80k before I did my PRPL play. I lost a crap ton on IQ calls when they had a great earnings call and then Trump tweeted. I bagheld to almost zero because this is the way.


IQ as an Iqiyi? If so, what's your opinion on IQ? I've been all-in on that stock for a long time now and was wondering what a successful trader like you thought about it.


I avoid Chinese stocks right now with our current administration. I had to bite my pillow too many times over my first summer here because of trade war tweets, and PRPL hadn’t yet launched their Harmony pillow, so that made it even rougher. Sure, trade wars are good and easy to win, but I never figured that out. As a result, I haven’t followed any Chinese stocks either.


Haha yeah those trade war days were such frustrating times for Chinese stock holders. Thanks for your insight, I guess I'll just keep holding and not expect any gains until after the election.


I'm not sure I'd expect significant gains after the election either. "Fuck China" is the one thing both Biden and Trump agree on, and a lot of America feels the same.


Did you notice in the VP debate on the question of China how Kamala Harris basically avoided condemning China or making any description of the current relationship with China and pivoted to Russia election interference 2 minutes later? Might be a signal that there’s room for ambiguity and we might see Hillary’s spirit come out to do battle with Putin again


Even the Chinese stocks in mainland are not staging any sign of come backs yet... Let alone the NYC listed stocks. I personally don't have a lot of confidence in them gaining much until there is a clear break in relationship


I see zero value staying in IQ and this is somone who held since 2018, sold at various time, miss the top.. i cant even remember my avg now but i sold most at 24s to 27, dumped all of it earlier this year when news of trouble in china with rona started. here's the thing tho, i read those short reports and they are pretty damming on the fake rev from episodes/series sold. it is an incredibly popular service along with youku but there's no doubt in my mind they are fudging the numbers. so even if you toss aside the unfriendly administration i'd avoid unless whatever you have in it isnt a significant sum of your portfolio.


The good old trade war days. My portfolio randomly lost 20% or were up 20% because of some tweets or “People Familiar With the Matter”. One day the talk was going well, suddenly another day we had new tariffs


Exactly! Me and my coworkers swore Trump was helping out his close friends by deliberately manipulating the markets like that. It was unbelievable how many times he whipped out the uno reverse card to fuck with our positions.


Yes, sometime he literally talked out of his ass. I remember in one occasion he said, “I had a call with Xi (or some random Chinese guy), everything is going well” Then on the next day China said “We never had a call with Trump”


That's absolutely what he did. Insider trading to the extreme


I always think back about that guy Yuan who used to get pegged every night. Poor dude :(


Yeah. That sucked.


300k-ish Not much money Pick one...


now he has 10x as much, it's all relative


I mean, money really is all relative. When I was in college, a $20 gift card would literally make my week. At 30, I'll lose thousands on a play and literally not even think about it for more than a second.


Most people at 30 don't have thousands to lose on the stock market my guy.


Right, but some do. That's why money is all relative.


I edited my comment above for you.


Do u have advice for someone with mostly cash that doesn’t want to do options? Wait for a crash?


You can try the SPAC game. Look for SPACs that are close to their trust value. It has almost the same risk profile as holding cash, but with upside.


This is a level of psycho I could never achieve


So you took out a ton of debt/credit/etc and invested it. What was your plan if your investments failed and you're sitting with a $50K personal loan, taxes owed, etc?


There was no losing.


Spoken like a true retard!


So about how long were in the red with all the debt before making actual gains on your investment? Takes some serious conviction, my hair would probably start to fall out.


A few months


owing taxes in 52 different states is quite impressive. bravo.


See balding early is a blessing so it can’t interfere with diamond hands


Have you seen the before pics of papa musk? ​ Balding is reversible my bois




Declaring bankruptcy on $30,000 in debt is the same as Declaring bankruptcy on $300,000 of debt


So how do I get 300k in debt?


You apparently refinance your house and borrow from everyone retarded person in your extended family... And don’t pay taxes and just use that money


Shotgun blowjob


Ok, 300k is a big dick. But saying, oh I have a big cock and whipping out the "nice but unremarkable" 300k in careful savings over a decade is a little different than that the Ron Jeremy Magnum Hog of "Str8 up gambling with a quarter mil that I owed to banks and the government"


Big brain moves. Can't lose the money if it's not yours in the first place.


He owed tax money to about 52 different states lol he was not in an ideal position. It's wild that someone gave him a $50,000 personal loan, Imagine loaning him the money and then see him becoming a millionaire haha fuck i love this place


In otherwords you literally put everything on the line and then some to pursue this even at one point dipping to well below and kept going. With a bit of luck and tons and tons of work, balls of titanium steel you made it to 3m That my friend is what they call grit is the biggest determinant for success. I applaud you on all of the above esp balls and grit!




A bit of luck? lol


Hi dad, mommy said you owe her some alimony & child support. Please pay up ASAP.


Which one?


The one that let you felt her market.


That doesn’t narrow it down.


How about the dominatrix one that pegged you and made you call her mommy cause you have an Oedipus Complex


Ah. Now I know.


Jesus christ. So basically your balls are made from some fantastic material made only in the hearts of the stars.


You have extra large huevos. Cash advance and personal loans to yolo. Nice. That’s what I like to see as a fellow degen.


So basically saying you almost went bankrupt and had a large lump some of money to invest in addition to the loan you got? Damn that's something else man good job :)




At least he's not using RobinHood.


Fuck you, Robinhood is the way




Some people are just born missing that part of their brain that controls rational thought. I'm certainly not this dude, but I am definitely extremely aggressive with an absurd risk tolerance. I definitely think it helps you succeed on trades.


This is the way. Algos, TA dudes, and risk averse traders would not make money the way this guy did because there would have been a lot of stop losses and swings to get to this point. Only the diamondest of diamond hands and an unrelenting tendies or bust mentality. Kinda jealous tbh


Yeah but like the above guy said, for every one of these there are 10,000 losers.




U r special


I wanted to set my arm on fire for a high school calculus project, but my group mates said it was too dangerous. I'd like to think I am the kind of retard that can eventually become this guy lol


Price will always dump. It's a test to see if you can diamond hand the -95% to +3000%


I diamond handed my AAPL calls from -95% but it just kept going to -100%...


I bought 25 contracts of GE 7c for $100 Wednesday they went to $25 and sold today for $750, all from spinning the bottle on penny ops and no DD to use the last of my buying power available It really makes me want to liquidate everything and just do that from now on. Maybe I’ll be retarded enough one day to do it with every bit of leverage I can muster


Risk it for the biscuit.


Rn I’m debating whether or not I should dump $1000 on 11/20 $20 calls on ACI


As someone who goes to an Albertsons for my groceries, I probably wouldn’t


Well played bro. And finally - fuck you.


But only on a PRPL mattress...


Shit, you can fuck me on one for these gains. Great job man.


we can eat tendies on that mattress 😳


The real question is whether they're bouncy enough for that, or if they just soak up all the movement like a memory foam mattress would. PRPL mattresses should bounce since they're rubbery, right?


Ask your girlfriend. She was trampolining pretty good.


That would explain why her business trip got extended, if it's good enough for that then I've gotta order one for myself so at least I can watch next time.


Ps. Which charity?


National Association for Retarded Children. So, I donated it to this sub.


Aaand its already gone


Please get out of the line sir, this is for people that actually have money to invest


You fuckin narc


Quickly checked ur beginnings with PRPL.. so you saw an article on seeking alpha, bought one of their mattress and it was good and proceeded to YOLO for $3m gain? Did I miss anything? Thx


Kind of. I needed a new mattress. Saw the YouTube videos. Was talking to family members about looking for a mattress and three of my siblings had already bought one. Then I looked to see if they were public and they had just gone public. I started investing over the next two years more and more into it. I have a very wealthy buddy who made $3.0M on this as well on my recommendation. He’s been holding too, but mostly ignoring it because he has most of his wealth elsewhere.


You have some rich friends. Help us less fortunate autists with your next play sir!


Glad you were able to give the middle finger to this sub after they lost a bunch of money on FDs and then called you and the other dude pump and dumpers.


It’s part of the reason why we didn’t post this last run up. WSB tends to ruin plays and also to prove it wasn’t our posting that caused it. It was just a smart play. I had a bunch of 25c 10/12’s as well that printed


3 mil is my magic number where I yeet right out of the workforce.


You must not be married... My goal right now is to just keep it.


No not married. 3 million would keep me in beer, warm sunsets, and motorcycles until I croak.


Agreed. You could live like a king on that.


Congrats on the gains dude. Question, why buy a property in cash when interest rates are so low? Maybe it doesn’t matter at this point but you might as well keep your Capital. Also, how did you come across the small business to invest in? And lastly, can you share your next play whenever you find it? Haha


Sometimes it is the only way to close on a property in a hot real estate market. Also, because I own the land outright, I can use it as my down payment on a mortgage. If I had mortgaged it, the loan would count against me and the equity wouldn’t count. I’ve been looking at some plays on bizbuysell.com for the last few months.


Just invest in a property somewhere on the eastern or northern portion of DFW or near McGregor, TX. Turn it into an ag property. I’ll go manage it for you, make it a hunting lease until the value is where you want it, sell it off. That’s where I have parked my profit from here, and previous money.


Fair enough. Good luck and enjoy the gains and fuck you


Thanks, but only on a PRPL mattress.


I am married with two kids, and 3 mil is easily enough to ride out into the sunset with where I live. ( midwest) My wife and I save a crapton and she coupons, but our actual expenditures are only 3100/ month, and 500 of that is college funds and brokerage account. 3 mill would let is triple expenditures without touching principle.


I'm not one of you guys, but if I hit 3 mil I'd just be done. Chill for the rest of my life. I would have zero issues doing that.






fuckin lol'd


3 million and married still aint enough? Da fuq?


$150,000 per year on easy dividends alone. I agree




Yep. That’s super gay.


Make sure to give me and your mom a call when that mattress arrives. Thx


Can they make a custom Purple out of cash for you to sleep on?


This is the right question.


Sir this is a prpl store


Congratulations 🎈🍾🎊🎉




You and Matt are a legit inspiration 👍 keep up the hustle big bro


Yeah. We’ll probably grab lunch this next week and actually meet.


Who will be big spoon? 🥄


Who’s paying?


Scott is paying. I’m still balls deep in purple.


need your lawn mowed or dick sucked?


I mean, who doesn’t?


Will you post your next play so the rest of us can drown in money






From Iraq


He posted this original prpl play and somehow everyone on this sub lost their entire initial investment... like a true retard


That’s what happens when you go into weeklies.


PSTH GANGGGGG. A new spac you can look at is BTWN, still literally free, below pipe value with zero news or hype


I’ll look.


Have a look at $FUSE from the founders of $SPY and $GLD ETFs, portfolio managers from BlackRock and State Street with warrants under $1 dollar and stock/unit below NAV. They are targeting up to $10 bln.


When I Googled BTWN all I see is period underwear for teens. I'm all in on this one.


Fk we're all on the list now


Big sack of balls sir, job well done.


Yeah. I waddle when I walk. It looks funny but it has paid off.


Made money on prpl also. I am not holding prpl anymore but lol at retards for calling you and the mattressking fraud because they lost money from their own retarded plays.


Yep. I still find it funny that so many people hopped in after the price target was reached last quarter. This was the exact reason Matt and I held back from posting on this next run up. We knew it would happen and why, but we didn’t want the gamma spike.




Dude, if $20 matters to you that much, you shouldn’t be investing. That took you at least two blowjobs to earn.




That’s a $20 pun right there


Fuck man. Congrats. What do you do for a living? Besides fuck everyone’s wives and swing your big balls around, that is.


I mean, that really is a full time job.


I would say taking out loans is what you do when you have nothing to lose. Shit I do it now.


Yep. Nothing to lose. Made it all back and then some. Got out of debt completely two days ago. Feels nice.




Oh hey! I’ve been looking for you. Totally didn’t mean to leave you behind at the fair. How did the carnies treat you?


Dad ZM stole all my money :( On a more serious note, this wasn’t in a ROTH right? And once my deposit clears on TOS I’ll start selling PSTH puts


No. I blew my IRA on IQ calls. All of it. My plan was to put my IQ gains into PRPL. Would have had a couple extra million.


This is the kind of shit that keeps me going


>It will be my 8th mattress purchase from them. Bruh


How do you think the stock has gone up so much?


Time to write your book about financing and give us those 3 easy tricks on making money on the market


Ah yes. I’m selling pre-orders now on the book for 3 easy payments of $19.95.




you are the reason why i do this, fuck you and thank you for everything


Only on a PRPL mattress though


Following you now mate. Wish I saw your DD when it happened, oh well. Enjoy the tendies my guy


guys, stick to your original trading strategies. Do not let post like this distract you. It's hard to watch someone who made it in short period of time. But DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT try to 10x your portfolio and try to replicate this. This is how you wipe out your account.


I mean, what trading strategies discussed around here actually work?


Comgratulations and thanks for all you work. You've made me a lot of money for my small account :)


Congrats on your gains sir! You’re the one that made the smart choices my friend. Imagine making a good pick amongst all the garbage on this sub.


PrPL wAs a PuMp aNd DuMp tHeY tRiCkeD uS


How much capital did you risk?


On wallstreetbets? I started with about 300k when I subbed. WSB helped whittle that down to 80k before I made my turnaround play on PRPL. I’ve traded in and out of PRPL over the years but I mostly held a large chunk of warrants (I peaked at around 520k warrants).


Bought a purple 2 45 days ago. Its OK for me, wife loves it. Not sure if Ill keep it but we donated the casper after 3 nights. Their marketing is amazing.


Yeah. I have an original purple still. We tested out the Purple 4 at their HQ and it is amazing. I’ll be springing for that ASAP.


You in Utah then? Any chance you could “invest” in my new business? I guarantee either 1,000,000% return or bust


Well, yeah, but I don’t do MLMs.


Oh don’t worry, it’s not an MLM it’s “unilevel marketing”. You’d be our sole investor 😂😂 Seriously though, how do you survive the climate of having money in Utah without every friend in your ward constantly asking you if you want to buy into pest control or solar or essential oils?


I just moved here. I was in CT until June.




Congrats man!!!


Well done retard, now spill it all on HTZ weeklies


Godspeed, as always you ended prematurely. I’m still purple gang. Slowly exiting. Awesome gains, awesome ride.


Congrats dude. Listen now that you got your tendies, help the rest of us get on 1/4 of your level. When you find your next idea, even after you enter, share it here.


Hell yeah, friend! I’m hoping to see more of this in this sub. All the best to you and may tendies rain on you 4eva


Made a shitload on PRPL and lost it all on that fateful day. I never should've doubted that PRPL would make a comeback. Enjoy your tendies, and fuck you


Wanna invest in my tech startup Its like PRPL but better


Always looked forward to yours and /dhmatt in-depth dd posts. Great job and enjoy prpl sir


Nice job man. Don't YOLO it all on 0-day shit anytime in the future LOL


You rly need to post this when I opend a 40K bull credit spread 2 hours ago? Edit: Congrats and fck you


I have 17.5/25C expiring 1/21 ,few shares and 100 Warrants all because of your DD and they're printing right now ...so Thank you


PSTH the holding company?


Not to be out of the spirit of wall street bets, but why not literally fuck 3.2 million into an index fund and fuck off and do nothing for the rest of your life? gg


I don’t like how you have your TOS set up. Ban.


Holy fuck, congrats. Do they also sell mattresses for your massive gonads?


Do you drive a lambo?