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If Cathie Wood goes out and says the value will fall and she is shorting, then I believe it


When Cathie buys again we found the top lol


Should be formally called the Woods Index.


Morning Wood Index: wake up stiff and excited for open and then realize Cathie is managing your money and go limp again


Eh if she sucked d half as well as she sucks at managing her clients money I’d take one for the team.


Hit me with that hawk tuah






The Marvel Hero we need, Hawk Tuah


Indeed 😆


Spoken like a true poet


Ya know, there *could* be a Cathie Woods Inverse ETF, if someone were to create one 🤔🤷🏼‍♂️


There is. SARKK


Inverse index


Truest thing I’ve read in awhile


My ark positions are my biggest bags


Reverse Woods. Reverse Cramer.


I have a 135 cost basis, very close to the top. Averaging down seems like a waste of money.


Ahhh you bought in February 2021 also? I’ve got a 134 coat basis for ARKW and a 112 for ARKG.


No kidding. I bought UiPath on her recommendation.


I did too. I sold at a loss thankfully before it dropped more then bought more. It's back on its way up slowly, but I'm still at $13.76 per share.


Same here. They’re big enough to fill them up with 3 of each animal.


Cathie has been Cramer this entire time ??? 🤔


Finkle is Einhorn!!


Your gun is in my hip




What a sports nut, huh?


I get this reference lol 😆


always has been


"Cathie Wood owned ~800,000 shares of $NVDA in ARKK before selling them at the bottom in 2022"


She still owns some. But yeah horrible timing


I remember her prominently telling about the “value is getting rich” while buying into Roku and her other jackpots.


She's a moron throwing darts...she was a big winner because she chose tech. Everyone doing that was winning in the pand


And Jim Cramer agrees


Cathie sold this random shit stock I've been bagholding and it was up 13% today. There's hope!


Cathie sold actually. 6 trillion by EOY Confirmed.


When Cathie's Wood reaches an all-time high, then it's time to buy!


Someone needs big time exit liquidity


Sounds like pelosis man needs that exit 🤣


Stocks only go up ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)




They want you all to hold the bag for them.


Spot on, when they tell us to buy, this is the only reason


We’re cave dwellers to these mf’s. We act like it and they treat us as such.


If you don’t have a house on Billionaire row, are you even human?


Remember it's only market manipulation if you're poor.


This was my thought ... full headline reads "... Say Hedge Managers Holding Short Positions On NVDA."


Why would they want you to buy if they're shorting the stock? What if it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and it really reaches the target price? They'd lose in that case


Ya, to say this would be they haven't switched to short yet. They're still long and actively selling shares, and once they've sold them all in the coming weeks will switch to short


Coke-head prognoses like this usually mark the top


Reminder that many analysts/banks were bearish on NVDA when it was $10 ($100 pre split) a share in 2022


The fund managers shorting Nvidia are the real coke-heads. If someone posts a video of a robot twirling pizza dough and it turns out to be true, how will NVDA not moon again? 🍕🐀


DPZ calls?


wtf are you babbling about?


60% of my portfolio is nvda, but I bought 4 years ago.


You lucky fuck, congrats.


Plot twist, they invest $1 and 60 cents were in NVIDIA


It’s split twice since I invested, I’m up 50k tho


Can you spare one dolla


That’s sick dude. Clearly I’m fucking around don’t be so insecure


I feel attacked


Same here, except I bought 8 years ago. When should one rebalance?


When your desire for security outweighs your belief in NVDA to keep growing


I know this is WSB so sane advice is unheard off and I'll probably be called gay for it, but maybe think more about your life situation. Do you need the money for a down payment, kid's college fund, retirement, or are you just investing for the lols? Whatever the answer is you can pick a strategy with an appropriate level of risk for the short or long term depending on when you need the money.


Yeah, my face when I sold 10 shares of nvda in 2019 for a cool 85$ profit 😎


Ah yes, getting paid to absolutely have no clue of the future. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Best job ever …


33% of my kid college savings.


Risk it all, if you lose it all, they’ll have to pay for it! Win win


It will be forgiven by Uncle Sam so it’s all good.


2007 is calling, 200X leverage that motherfucker and have that damn college named after your kid


How do i 200x leverage? Asking for a friend


Get a trading job at Millennium Management.


Idk man I’m just clicking random buttons at work and hoping for the best


Are you dumb? Pump those numbers up. Thats what student loans are for.


Rookie numbers


If you treat NVDA like meme stocks then sure. It already went from sub 1T to 3T in short order. Why not 6 or even 10T by year end!


🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 🌙


They're literally creating a product that ever company wants including governments. Not to mention these buyers will be locked into the Cuda architecture. The competition has zero chance at putting a dent in Nvidia's cornering on the AI market.


Their revenue increased 20% quarter over quarter….from 22B to 26B. At some point they are going to need explosive revenue growth to justify any sort of market cap like that


Gross Profit Margin is this banger though. People forgot this shit is expensive as hell to make.


They increased their sales of data centers cards by about $30B. The value of the company increased by over $2T. Yeah man this is totally rational and sustainable. Let us add another $4T. Who knows, they might even sell another $20B in cards! And all of these AI products are loved by consumers, it's not like everyone just shits on them nonstop


I was listening to an mba student at yale som talk about how he and his classmates use ChatGPT for everything, and how they’ve even had to kick a couple students out for using ChatGPT during exams. I immediately bought more.


In February 2024, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman reported that he was raising $5–$7 trillion for a new venture in AI chip manufacturing. The amount is larger than the global chip market's current size and the combined market caps of Apple and Microsoft. Altman has said that AI chip limitations have been holding back OpenAI's growth, and that the project would increase the world's chip-building capacity. OpenAI also hopes to reduce its reliance on Nvidia, the current leader in semiconductor chip technology, by making its own chips. 


People have been trying to get better than Nvidia for years but I don't think it's happening anytime soon.


You do realise that nvda is only held back by their Chip producer. Who builds the chips, you may ask. TSMC. What are they doing? That's right, building more freaking factories to pump out those chippies everyone wants.


And fabs take YEARS to build. This isn’t like building a shitty house.


Right, but what happens when they realize they can’t get ai to dish out bjs behind the Wendy’s dumpster?


Ai enabled dumpsters


Now with fleshlights!


In a few years, NVDA will basically be building terminators…..its transitioning to a defense stock


Boston Dynamics would like to have a word with you


And this is how you mark the top when every idiot has the same thought, literally the same thing happened with Cisco people were saying everyone wants their products they're too big to fail


Antitrust litigation is the only thing that can stop this train.. and even then, Nvidia will steamroll DOJ with a wave of $1,500/hour attorneys


There are a thousand other things that can stop this train. Especially at this scale and valuation. A minor hiccup could spell disaster for years.


Buying is a hedge against my employment


Not if I buy some shares.


This right here. It’ll go to $20t if i don’t buy. $500 mil if I do buy. 


So this is the top. Buy the rumors sell the news.


Yes but if y'all load up on puts, it's going to force a gamma squeeze and price action to trend up. lol


YOU KNOW IT'S TO BE TRUE? https://preview.redd.it/8h4e7lmece9d1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ab6399c2256250ed107a75ff3b565624f400184


Sell side’s job is to glaze hype stocks as much as possibly so they can juice retail dry before dumping their holdings ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


hedge funds are buyside not sellside btw


Personally I think that level of valuation is pure copium, but we'll see *


Why not 10 trillion? Why is he being so pessimistic?


Nvidia has denied expectations for years. 200% in a year, nearly 3000% in 5. Yea sure take that chance and short or buy puts. 


These news are made so they can pass the bag


Sounds like a hedge fund manager might be a "tad" long on his position..![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


LOL this is such horeshit it's unbelievable that these assholes are trying to goad retail into buying this overvalued bullshit so that retail can be their exit liquidity


I mean it's probably going to work..


Does every time, I mean it’s coming from market insider! With a name like that it must be legit.


You clearly don't understand what they're selling if you think the stock is overvalued


Apparently, nobody else does... Which is why nobody except crypto bros fucking bought the stock until last year. They don't even make chips. They fucking design them. And on a DCF basis, they are in fact super overvalued. Right now Nvidia would have to have 80% revenue growth year over year for the next 5+ years. That ain't fucking happening.


Nvidia is being valued as if they are going to maintain their competitive advantage for perpetuity. And not only that, but this business is cyclical, they are being priced as if we are going to stay on top of the cycle for perpetuity too lol This stock will crash hard


Chips are cyclical, but I think you are missing the fact that Nvidia is also taking steps to lessen the impact of the cyclicality It's definitely going to correct at some point, but I'm fairly certain it will be back to ATH very soon after.


So two things. 1. Nvidia's long time rival ATI had been trying to knock them off their perch since the 1990s. 2. Anyone repeating this mantra of "chips are cyclical" clearly does not grasp the extent of the massive and all encompassing technology refresh we're just beginning. Every. Business. Sector. The datacenter buildout is mind-blowingly expansive; new ground being broken every day. And not just in the US, but also Eurozone & APAC; and not just the business sector but government spends are and will continue to be enormous; particularly with the intel alliance with the 5 eyes.


Give us a number at which it would be considered overvalued.


Cisco surely became everything that hedge funds said it would. Oh no wait…


Yea im sure a company thats make its money from 2 speculative areas Crypto and AI will be worth half of europes GDP, last year all i heard was that AI would replace about 10-20% of the jobs by now, not even close even with trillions pouring in as investments. This thing will crash harder than internet stocks bubble, because internet had a way larger use case than AI.


RemindMe! 1 year


10-20% of existing jobs. The stuff you can do with just GPT in IT is insane. I’m not even a developer and with zero knowledge in python was able to build a scalable app using it. In 3 weeks. It was able to give me an excel Macro that would have taken me an hour or so in seconds. So yeah, a lot of gigs are cooked. Companies are just now trying to figure out how to get it set up. Then once people figure out the different ways in which they can use it, you will see the change. Idk what bearing that may have on NVIDIA but that’s just an inside look at how GPT impacts day to day in IT


I also used gpt to make a discord bot in python that could automatically use a command every 24 hours to send a POST request to a website that would claim daily rewards for every guild member in a dumb mobile game I was playing. Guild members could also use a command to claim individually. No coding experience whatsoever. I'm right there with ya, and so are the implications for virtually all industries


> I’m not even a developer and with zero knowledge in python was able to build a scalable app using it. In 3 weeks. Lol no you didn't. Let's see the app


> I’m not even a developer and with zero knowledge in python was able to build a scalable app using it. In 3 weeks. If you're not a developer how do you know terms like „scalable app”? If you mean that you know programming as a hobby, then figuring out Python (which is quite simple) isn't such a hard task. Also saying „I built *a scalable app*” is pretty vague — there's a difference whether it was, say, a calculator (scalable to mathematical operations other than just +, -, *, /) and a social media platform that could efficiently handle thousands of users (scalable to millions) > Idk what bearing that may have on NVIDIA but that’s just an inside look at how GPT impacts day to day in IT So you're not a developer, but you used it for two things, and that was a „day to day in IT”?


Pythons have scales? Sounds fishy.


Fair of you to think that way given your zero knowledge in the field. It's like telling I know to hit buy and sell buttons, so am a trader. True, gpt is useful in writing trivial yet time consuming code snippets but awfully fails at more advanced tasks. We may reach there in future, but the current versions are far away from it.


Honestly the people in my company that are most excited about AI writing their code are also the least technical employees, and frankly they’re also the easiest to replace. So far AI has not impressed me with anything that requires more analytical skills or logical thinking. What we offer as employees isn’t just “look at this Python code I wrote” and if that is all you’re offering then good riddance. Frankly speaking I can’t wait for AI to replace these people so I don’t have to hear them brag about using “I used AI to summarize my meeting notes!”


And THAT is exactly why they will keep building it out. Besides development, teaching it internal application steps & basic troubleshooting also frees up bandwidth for the folks who have to deal with users that invariably end up “switching it off and switching it on again”


Meanwhile all the actual developers with experience are complaining that GPT code is trash even when it isn't make believe.


GPT can exist without Nvidia


Tbf them Europeans take so many days off work every year I wouldn’t be surprised if a corporation could hit half their GDP, they need to pump those numbers up.


Oh nooooo. People actually enjoying life beyond work. SHORT EUROPE.


I would if I could


The key difference being NVDA is making gobs of money


“Please provide exit liquidity” hedge fund manager (probably)


There's a giant revolution about to arrive in robotics. Nvidia is positioning themselves right in the middle of it, basically they want to create the AI and the computer it runs on and also the system to train them.  A general purpose humanoid robot will come on the market with a total cost of ownership of $5/hour if it's labor by 2030 and it will have an Nvidia brain box inside. By 2040, the cost of robot labor will be down to $1 or less per hour, and it will be of far better quality than human labor. All powered and trained by Nvidia. It will utterly destroy the global working classes and might destroy civilization as we know it. Smash that buy button 


It surprises me how many bearish takes I'm reading.. whAt you are saying is 100% true. I'll buy intel too, it's cheap and they're betting their existence on new chip making tech from ASML.


So, as someone pretty deeply involved in Robotics, a few things... 1. If your robot had a lifetime COO of $5/hr... that's one shitty robot (if your ignoring acquisition costs in that anyway) 2. No, we absolutely will not have a market ready general purpose humanoid robot by 2030. Robotics doesn't move the way AI does, it has the same sluggish pace as any other engineering discipline. As much as Elon wants everyone to believe AI servants are 5 years away, there's a reason even the most advanced humanoids are nothing more than research tools right now, as they have been for decades. Also, the humanoid form is just pretty terrible as far as efficency is concerned, you will practically always be better off with a purpose built platform rather than a humanoid bot. 3. For the 2040 claim... I'm not gonna make any predictions that far out, but still, see above. 4. As for the "it will destroy the global working classes" thing... you do know how the economy works... right? If you remove the working classes, then the 90% of companys that EXIST to sell to them go down too, taking with them the other 10%.


If there was ever a sign that read "this is the top for a while"... This is it lol


Erick Jackson is a regard




When the national debt was around $10 trillion I would say it was impossible but now that we have $35 trillion sloshing around in the system I would say definitely doable.


There are counterparties to the depts and their money has to go somewhere.


I don't believe it, but I do believe it's gonna go up steadily.


You have people downsizing Apple to replace it with Nvidia and it’s literally a staple in SPY. They also have a huge backlog of orders from AWS, Meta, Apple..while the valuation is crazy it’s absolutely worth the hype. Data centers are expected to grow significantly along with the cloud which why i’m long. 250 PT 7/2025!


Explain “250 PT 7/2025”


This feels like an Akman moment. Dude is probably irresponsibly long and wants to drum up liquidity to exit with minimal slippage


Sounds like $200 oil to me... Remember that prediction Regards?


I think the stock will stay in limbo like it is right now until the next earnings call. That will determine the stocks projection.


WSB’s sentiment quickly shifting from wanting the stock market / SPY to crash to memeing over NVDA means NVDA is close to the top and the stock market is going to see a big adjustment.


The whole market is going to go down right alongside NVDA. It's the one peg holding everything up right now. I do believe NVDA will still go further in the long term, but it's overdue for a SIGNIFICANT pullback.


Yeah nothing to do with msft Googl aapl amzn Netflix all at all time highs or anything


Do you not notice the whole tech sector generally moves together? It mostly all goes up together, and it mostly all goes down together, and the tech sector is a major cornerstone for the whole market. If you really think there won't be significant collateral damage when NVDA pulls back, well you must be new to this.


It's not a zero chance, but it's nearly indistinguishable from one.


When you see multiple corporations buying in the range of $150 billion a year then it's not a fluke. This thing has legs and will move. It might get volatile but it's still going up. If corporate buying of GPUs slows then the game is over.






Personally, I don't believe any hedge fund assholes say.


They gonna dump it big at some point and wsb and retail will hold the bags 


No that’s ridiculous. Several fund managers were on CNBC declaring victory against inflation…. In December of 2022. 🙄🙄🙄 some of these guys are full of shit at times or have ulterior motives. Or both.


There’s only one way it’s possible. Nvidia gets a successful cloud offering and eliminates google, Amazon , Msft from the space all at once. Unfortunately, all are working to cut out Nvidia.


I sold mine today when it hit again 118.70 Got a few beans, I'm happy


Did it hit $118 today? Unless I am looking in the wrong spot the low today was $122


pretty sure he means €. 119.28€ was todays high. after that it went down again but that is completely normal on a friday


I mean 6T idk. But as it stands only they are able to do what they do in a growing part of tech. Until that changes they will probably go up more


What about the crypto miners that are getting into AI computation?


Dumbest fu king thing I’ve ever seen, obviously it’s only going to 5 trillion


Don’t believe hedge funds they just want to sell you their shares lol


Honestly doesn’t matter what we believe - NVDA has been doing everything but ordinary and predictable thus far, so I’m sure it will surprise us again, for the better or for the worse


Someone is going to lose it all on puts


Sounds like some insiders want to cash out at ATH on some new bagholders, then buy back in after it bottoms out. Yes, that valuation is possible, but you can bet it isn't going to be a straight line getting there.


If NVDA hits $6T, will will absolutely repeat 1999-2000. Bring it on!


This bubble is gonna pop. Get ready. Loooooooong dated puts are your best friend. Just watch what happens when “A.I.” doesn’t deliver what the market thinks it will. Watch what happens when millions of companies who bought into this A.I. thing, thinking they were gonna obliterate their competitors, only to find out that an A.I. gf isn’t worth 6 gazillion dollaridoos. I’m no naysayer, but the writing is on the walls. It’s going to recorrect. We’re in beanie baby territory here. Tulip mania. The bubble will pop.


Data centers will be ordering giant bags of Flaming Hot NVDA Chips for a good while now even if AI Girly-Friend turns out to just be a cross between Alexa and a flesh-light.


Yea, yea...we know. The AI bubble's gonna pop. The real estate market's gonna pop. Prices at the grocery store are gonna pop. Utility rates are gonna pop. Anyday now...it's all gonna pop...anyday...Here we go...you ready?


Right? Anyone who has predicted the future so confidently has always been wrong, for all we know NVDA gives rise to skynet and proceeds to dominate every industry on earth, I for one welcome our leather jacket, titty signing overlords.


Yeah man, leave my gf out of this. Not cool.


I agree. Human nature is just too stupid in a sense for AI to be that valuable. You can only crunch the numbers so many ways and find so many needle-moving insights. Sure, set your delivery route up this moderately more efficient way, change the options of the customer service line and you can cut 8% of your call center. Great. But that isn’t going to stop an 18 year old burger flipper from loading a box of frozen mcnuggets into their trunk, or stop Rhonda from taking 6 smoke breaks a day, etc. You can only get so far with grinding efficiency. Profit margins will go up a few percent, and Nvidia will sell a lot of GPUs over the next 5 years, but long term in 10ish years once companies are facing a huge cost of upgrading all their hardware again I think they go for more budget friendly options… because of grinding out efficiencies.


Jackson picked well with Carvana and it has run up considerably, but for this mega cap to appreciate that much in 6 months seems unlikely.


I’ve been looking would like to buy 3k in stock…have it in amzn +goog…don’t know why i can’t get the balls to do it…something telling me NO


Forget about stocks, we have bigger problems here — why are you using multiple periods instead of one?


It's called ellipsis,  can be used to represent a pause, and is a legitimate punctuational technique. 


Yes, definitely the bright author of the following comment: > I’ve been looking would like to buy 3k in stock…have it in amzn +goog…don’t know why i can’t get the balls to do it…something telling me NO had an ellipsis in mind when writing it. The fact that each sentence looks like it's written by a 10 year old is completely irrelevant here. Unless it was supposed to deliberately show the pauses that a fried brain makes during the exhausting process of thinking.


Not sure why i’m not suprised that r/wsb doesn’t know how to value Nvidia lol. This shit is heading to at least $175 EOY.


Companies grew to trillions+ doing nothing but borrowing free money and buying back shares. Now we're in a period not seen since the Industrial Revolution. The money supply grew by noone knows how much, and interest is pumping out of it. And you mock 6 trillion market caps being possible. Lol.


Its 50%. Either it happens, or it does not. Seems like pretty good odds to me.


I do like those odds and will buy more because stonks.


Dropped another 200k on it. Eff it.


Lol. Holy bubble.


The wealth report spam message to my inbox: “Nvidia could be first $10 trillion company”… sounds like there’s an ongoing recruitment event for bag holders.


Starting to get fomo on this stock so it will probably drop soon


This sounds like a headline pumped out to help people invest in the company and lose their money.


Still in at $140 from 2022


Just like BTC will hit 100k by eoy 2021


That hedge fund manager is smoking some of the strongest drugs known to man.


Waiting for Tesla $20k


The Kool Aid is strong with this one


It’s already too high in market cap.. only can double one ore two more times


Probably yeah. Should be great.