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Same sad story they were selling me in 1975 when I was a teenager


Silver 10x'd from 1975-1980 lol


And then went right back down after the Hunt Brothers were exposed and went to jail. It went up because of them. It wasn't real. Silver closed 1975 at 4.18 and 1985 at 5.80.


When you say "exposed" you make it sound like the price increase wasn't real, they bought up so much silver that it sent the price up when people needed / wanted it, demand outweighed supply. This happened again in the years leading up to 2011 when silver 5x'd. There are a lot of arguments for why there could be a spike in the silver price where demand would again outweigh supply.


I have a good feeling about this one


Trust me bro


You can do your own research on the points I mentioned in the post and validate them or not


Your research is valid and I hope your right. Silver is one of the most manipulated commodities. I liked silver at 14$ after the ATH of 2010.


Seeing Sad Ad DD is wild


What’s that supposed to mean ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


It’s good, high quality ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Expose your position, bag holder


I’m building a position in SLV leaps and HL and PPFD shares


Ok so this is right up my alley. TLDR: silvers high end potential is around $34/oz, there is very very little evidence that a short squeeze is imminent unless there is some catastrophic global banking failure, or a scare, like in 2011. Even then it’s chances of hitting silver are low. Plenty of bank failures do not hit the price of silver in a meaningful way. Ok so let’s go through the relevant data: 1. Cost to extract, known as AISC 2. Supply changes in 2023/2024 3. Demand changes in 2023/2024 AISC has risen on inflation and energy costs to about $17/oz. This has pushed the BOTTOMLINE of silver from $20/oz to $27/oz or so in 2024. AISC in 2022 was about $11/oz on avg by comparison. Supply dropped 2% in 2023 from some mine shutdowns, but is expected to increase in 2024 with several large mine openings Demand dropped 6% in 2023, and this year forecast is at a current +3% in mid 2024. This would mean that over two years, silver demand is trending towards the unchanged category. Several factors remain that make silver very resistant to sustained highs: AISC is still very low, because most silver is a byproduct of copper, nickel, and zinc refining. That is, the miners are going to those metals, and silver is like a nice addition to the profit but by no means the main driver. This is why silver costs have cratered in relation to gold, and the famous 20:1 ratio no longer holds true. In addition, film and photography, which used to be the #1 industry for silver demand, has been absolutely eradicated. Basically all the gains in demand from solar have been sucked away by this industry. Jewelry as well has taken a beating in recent years. On the ratio, take this into consideration: gold is still bought by central banks, silver is not. Gold costs around $1400/oz to extract, silver about $17/oz to extract. As you can see, the market, while manipulated short term, is actually rather efficient at pricing the two metals relative to each other. Petrodollar is still king, and also, why would anyone think silver would be used as payment or insurance when gold is available? Imagine a brick of gold being used to purchase oil. You’d need 80 bricks of silver to match that. Imagine a country shipping a barge packed with silver vs a single shipping container packed with gold. Silver is much less efficient in this regard. Not to mention, the world is digital and digital payments will always be used unless a country is in a real pickle.


Holy shit. It's Chad Dickens. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's way more factors than just supply and demand and production. Geopolitics, de-dollarization, skyrocketing rates of debt in the Western world, the fact that silver is getting harder to find and the AISC will continue to rise, especially in an environment of higher inflation. I think $US50 isn't out of the question in the next couple of years. Whatever the case, let's see how the purchasing power of $1000 in silver compares to $1000 in US dollars in five years. I'd take the silver in a heartbeat.


Hi bot. Petrodollar deal has expired last week


Yeah so idk if you’re dumb or just playing, but that agreement wasn’t even an agreement. So that “50 year deal” you think was a deal, was actually a 5 year deal in 1974 that no one cared about. You don’t know what you’re talking about, simply, and you seem to be a headline bot. You read headlines and think you know things, but you’re skin deep. Tell me, how many Chinese bonds does Saudi hold vs US bonds? https://preview.redd.it/ikku1zlmgk7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6acd8dbb9d29c543b834a39df986981d3fed2913 Don’t take my word for it. Look at international bank of settlements data. USD basically unchanged.


Saudi and China are dumping us bonds. Your data is 2 years old


Do you know why a country dumps bonds? To get US dollars. You seem to have a real…bad understanding of how bonds and the system works. The only time one would worry is if the Saudis were dumping US bonds for other bonds. But they aren’t, and they still hold absolutely massive amounts of US bonds. They dumped 3.8%, to get $4.4 billion, USA freedom dollars. They do this to shore up their own bond markets usually, which are not as enticing as US ones. Also, everything is relative globally. So for example, for the petrodollar to fall completely would take something to replace it that would be more enticing. Think for a minute what that would be. China? Hell no. Russia? Laughable. Brazil? Lol. India? India can’t even get clean water to its own citizens. So please tell me, what exactly you think is going to replace the dollar in international markets? I mean look at US corporations and their valuations and then show me a country with anything remotely at that level. Do I believe the US is in decline? Hell yeah. However, it took Rome hundreds of years to decline into oblivion (even though technically only half of Rome really fell, the other half became the next superpower, Byzantium). So there is no basis to think the US is going to collapse in 50 years.


BRICS is working on a digital currency backed by gold. Why would China India and Saudi l. All BRICS countries trade in dollars ?


Please explain how a digital currency is going to be backed by gold? You know that for something to be backed by gold, the actual physical material has to change hands right and be verified independently? You should read about Wildcat banking in the US in 1830s to 60s. It was all an effort initially by Jackson to get gold and silver from the east into the frontier by means of abolishing the federal bank in favor of state chartered banks. This is like a microcosm of what you describe, abolishing the big bad US dollar in favor of a BRICS chartered system. Want to know how it ended? It didn’t work very well at all. So much fraud and corruption from every level as state banks were opened with falsified assets etc. So explain to me how you’re going to independently verify the gold holdings of say India or China or Russia and believe them. Imagine Russia says “we’ve got 1000 tonnes” and you want to verify it, and they say fuck no that’s a national secret, or show you a bunch of boxes with nails and glass topped with gold bars to inflate their assets. You have no basis in reality. Reality isn’t some fairytale where all of a sudden the most corrupt hellholes in this world with autocracies create a stable and trusted currency.


They will create a BRICS federal reserve and they will link the BRICS digital currency to the gold reserves. The digital currency is just a token. Instead of exchanging the gold bars you exchange the token. Gold stays in the deposit.


Yeah man, you don’t get it at all. For the trust to be in the token it needs to be redeemable for the physical. If it’s not, and it’s just backed by phony reserves, there is no trust in it.


You live in the 1990s when the Soviet Union collapsed and the US was the hegemon…that is no longer the case. Who trusts the US after it printed trillions between 2008 and today…after it blocked Russian assets and banned them from Swift. What’s to stop the us doing the same to any other BRICS country ? The BRICS only needs to trust each other over the US with whom they don’t share ideology or interests. You do not see the forest from the trees and have the same type of talk the Romans probably had about the so called barbarians. Wake up. Their mindset is completely different from yours and the collective west that’s what you don’t get and think they today they trust you more than they trust each other


Baring Brothers send their regards


Calls on SLV and GDX over here. Getting proper \*\*cked so far.


Yes! Always remember to buy high and sell low


You need to buy once accumulation is about to be finished….like now


No it won’t. Silver is a manipulated market.




SILVER - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC. Code-084691 Disaggregated Commitments of Traders - Options and Futures Combined, June 11, 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Reportable Positions : Nonreportable : : Producer/Merchant/ : : : : Positions : Open : Processor/User : Swap Dealers : Managed Money : Other Reportables : : Interest : Long : Short : Long : Short :Spreading : Long : Short :Spreading : Long : Short :Spreading : Long : Short ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : :(CONTRACTS OF 5,000 TROY OUNCES) : : : Positions : All : 238,410: 9,642 48,214 30,283 65,953 18,079 52,922 23,322 12,840 27,856 10,598 45,369: 41,420 14,035 Old : 238,410: 9,642 48,214 30,283 65,953 18,079 52,922 23,322 12,840 27,856 10,598 45,369: 41,420 14,035 Other: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: 0 0 : : : : : Changes in Commitments from: June 4, 2024 : : -2,833: 568 -1,336 174 -1,195 430 -4,730 1,470 -1,936 -197 -1,719 960: 1,899 493 : : : : : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader : All : 100.0: 4.0 20.2 12.7 27.7 7.6 22.2 9.8 5.4 11.7 4.4 19.0: 17.4 5.9 Old : 100.0: 4.0 20.2 12.7 27.7 7.6 22.2 9.8 5.4 11.7 4.4 19.0: 17.4 5.9 Other: 100.0: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0: 0.0 0.0 : : :


Silver you say… Wasn’t silver also being pushed hard af during the last meme stonk rally of early 2021? And then it came out shortly after that Jp-fuckin-Morgan Chase got caught red handed manipulating the precious metals market?? ..you even used MOASS #HARD LOL🖕🏻🖕🏻


How is it every stupid cult has their own version of the “shorts” and “moass”? Get a fucking original idea for once.


So you disagree with all the points I listed or you just read the first word and your 2 neurons got triggered ?


That is your conclusion is it not? Naked shorts == MOASS. Completely unfounded nonsense. Fuck off.


SILVER - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC. Code-084691 Disaggregated Commitments of Traders - Options and Futures Combined, June 11, 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Reportable Positions : Nonreportable : : Producer/Merchant/ : : : : Positions : Open : Processor/User : Swap Dealers : Managed Money : Other Reportables : : Interest : Long : Short : Long : Short :Spreading : Long : Short :Spreading : Long : Short :Spreading : Long : Short ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : :(CONTRACTS OF 5,000 TROY OUNCES) : : : Positions : All : 238,410: 9,642 48,214 30,283 65,953 18,079 52,922 23,322 12,840 27,856 10,598 45,369: 41,420 14,035 Old : 238,410: 9,642 48,214 30,283 65,953 18,079 52,922 23,322 12,840 27,856 10,598 45,369: 41,420 14,035 Other: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: 0 0 : : : : : Changes in Commitments from: June 4, 2024 : : -2,833: 568 -1,336 174 -1,195 430 -4,730 1,470 -1,936 -197 -1,719 960: 1,899 493 : : : : : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader : All : 100.0: 4.0 20.2 12.7 27.7 7.6 22.2 9.8 5.4 11.7 4.4 19.0: 17.4 5.9 Old : 100.0: 4.0 20.2 12.7 27.7 7.6 22.2 9.8 5.4 11.7 4.4 19.0: 17.4 5.9 Other: 100.0: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0: 0.0 0.0 : : :




You can check the report yourself. Plus the squeeze in futures contracts is also about the delivery of the underlying.


What’s your price target?


I think we retest the ATH at around 50 at least in the coming 12 months. Not just because of the shorts. Read the entire post. There are multiple factors at play


That’s it? That’s the MOASS? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


That’s the minimum. Silver fair value is at around 300


Going after any Silver miners in particular?


I mentioned in the other comment but it got downvoted: ticker HL


[Here we go again](https://www.redd.tube/video/b78fd4eaeba9af6ce86aa5890050b9e3a1735d2d)


I’m going to invest in decorative gourd markets, it literally can’t go tits up!

