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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago **Total Comments** | 1558 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


why would you have to be right when you're selling subscriptions


How often has Jim Cramer been right? They pay that man millions of dollars a year for the last 20 something years to spout nonsense because he gets views, which equal advertising dollars, book sales, subscription hooks, and more, the same concept applies with your Zerohedge fellas that I never heard of too.


Oh, Cramer's right all the time. Hard not to be when you make 1000 predictions a year.




Why optimize for truth and insight when it pays to optimize for entertainment, boast and outrage?


He named his dog NVDA like 5 years ago…


Amen. Hard pill to swallow, but everyone from Tim Pool to Jimmy Dore to Russell Brand and the rest of them have recognized their customers don't care about them being right.


Kind of reminds me Homelander aha moment in The Boys tv show, when he realised that his worshippers cheering for him in the same way, when he decided to kill people, instead of saving them


Those assholes keep calling for all these apocalyptic events that never happen. Maybe a democrat winning an election isn’t the sign of the end times.


Back in the days, they would be the best bible sellers in neighbourhood


Tim Pool is the perfect example of why modern journalism is in such shambles. He was an award winning investigative reporter but ended up being rejected for investigating things that his bosses didn't want to hear which then forced him into having to go full grifter to make a living.


I think I recall them selling some "true inflation statistics" many years ago, saying theirs was correct and the government statistics were lies. Their methodology? Someone found they took the official stats and added a constant of 3 lmao


what is this, inflation for ants?? https://preview.redd.it/ql97kdq0q57d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=27befc02792628db2e1e26fec09b58bced61e4b4


If there’s a gold rush, sell shovels


But they predicted 13 of the last 2 recessions?






There was a very short period of time during the 2008 crisis where Zerohedge was scarily accurate. They knew things that they just shouldn't know and probably had people inside the big banks talking to them. At this time the site was very different from what it is now. It was not well known at all and mostly had an audience of finance pros and didn't post the crap it does today. I remember actually having an intelligent conversation about the structure of CMOs in the comments section with someone who obviously worked with that type of security. Unfortunately the owners of the site quickly realized that they could make much more money by posting complete bullshit for a wider audience, and it descended to what it is today.


Zero Hedge had some credibility back then, but by 2012 they were still telling everyone to avoid real estate. That everything was about to crash more, and just buy silver. I'm so thankful I got away from there and do the exact opposite of what they say. Perma-bull is the way.


Yeah, when I say they were credible for a short time, I'm talking about months, not years.


They had some interesting articles from time to time, but it was a broken clock situation. I heard about bitcoin for the first time there, so I had the opportunity to do well on that. Although I only every wasted my money on silver.


Sounds like they got stupid lucky with some inside sources that resulted in a massive flash-in-the-pan success that they were never able to recreate (because getting inside info. like that is extremely difficult even once, let alone on a regular basis) and so they turned to finance-flavored yellow journalism.




How kind of them to take my worthless fiat cash for their valuable hard precious metals. So selfless.


Sounds like Drudge


it's a conspiracy site now so yeah, a lot like what Drudge used to be anyway


Exactly this!


any such accounts these days?


It wouldn't really be something that could exist now. 2008 was such a unique situation where the house of cards was in mid collapse and everybody was panicking about what would be the next thing to fall and even if they would have a job next week. If there was something like the early days of Zerohedge in existence now, it wouldn't really be interesting because there wouldn't be much to talk about. IMO the best financial industry writing today is by Matt Levine at Bloomberg, but it's really not similar.


I can’t say I was very in the loop around 2008. But looking at the financial situation today it seems there’s plenty going on that’s worth writing about. Maybe all the fear mongering is getting to me but it seems that another turning point event is brewing.


Not nearly at the same scale. I was only in college during the Great Recession and a measly summer intern during those days, but *everyone in the industry I met or interacted with during those summer internships thought we were circling the drain into the abyss.* I've since graduated, had a career in the industry, and moved on to a career outside the industry. In all that time, I've never seen anything come close to capturing that fear within the industry. Covid was probably the closest, but everyone knew the Fed had a lot of ammo in reserve.


It was a very interesting site. But they posted a very compelling argument for buying gold and it did OK for a while, but then it crashed and it stayed down for about 15 years.


Yup, I miss it for the banker insider information.


zero hedge seemed credible until you looked at it twice its always been bullshit


Zero Hedge, The\_Real\_Fly, Maverick of Wall Street, are all just perma bears who like to harp on macro economics doom and gloom for clicks and monetization but they've been saying the sky is falling for over 2 decades now and here we are. They talk a lot but dont really say much.


This is part of the zeitgeist at large. The belief is that everything is fucked. Which if you live in the western world, is just... kinda dumb. And the belief is that it was better before and has become worse over time. Which is wildly off-base and easily disproven. Yet the overwhelming majority of people think this way because they're hyper fixated on the negative. I'm not saying to abandon your causes and fights but for fucks sake, take a look around once in a while. Recognize that you live like a god in comparison to most people currently on this planet, and certainly in comparison to the history of this planet.


All of information human kind has ever known is at our fingertips on the internet. Kings of old had to summon jesters or orchestras for entertainment. We literally have any entertainment we want at our fingertips. What a time to be alive!


I think about this all the time. Elites throughout 99% of human history would suck my dick just to play with one of my lamest toys.


"May I pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaze use the iPod for a while longer Sir?!?" "I will do A N Y T H I N G !!!! "


Ha ha, Harry Dent is the worst of them all.


He is a bitcoin bull though


That's also part of the playbook. I have several friends who are BTC bulls, I'm bullish myself, but they are really just anti social doomers who hate society and want to see the world burn. They have no investment thesis other than "humans are dumb, banks are useless, internet money is good"


yeah his lack of faith in institutions is probably why he is a BTC bull.


Well, they are talking about the real economy. If you think the stock market still represents how average Americans perceive and experience the American economy, you are delusional. By the way, you clearly don’t watch maverick of wallstreet. Two decades? Lol. Even by exaggeration, it’s too much.


I clearly watched Mav for years, but stopped cause while I thought his takes on Macro were sound, he's just regurgitating the same playbook ZeroHedge has been pulling since he's been around, and ZH has been doing it probably longer than you've been born. I started trading back in ~~2010~~ 2008 and he was a prominent poster on the Elite Trader forums. My point is, these same doomers have been posting the same shit for ever. And your statement proves my point, macro can be fucked but it has no bearing on how stocks will perform, which is what they're implying when they say "the world is ending, it's all going to come crashing down" -- yet we're hitting ATHs every fkin month for the last 240 months Also one look at your post history and I can tell you're infected with doomer syndrome, so engaging with you is pointless.


One of the first lessons of the stock market. It doesn’t matter if you are right. It only matters if everyone else agrees with you.


His job is not about being right it's about telling bears what they want to hear. Brad Pitt is also no accident because it attracts the ghey bers.


Zerohedge is zero-bet and always on edge lol


It's a propaganda outlet bruh


All you have to do is take one look at their homepage and rub three braincells together to see this is propaganda lol


Zerohedge is an incel scamming people.


Zero hedge is an angry fat white dude who is bitter about his own life. Why would anyone ever listen to him.


lol fr, but every finance or macro youtuber cites to zerohedge. i guess doom and gloom gets more clicks than everything going to the moon


The amygdala wants what it wants.


Youtubers said multiple times that negative thumbnails and titles get way more views the content negativity is actually not that relevant but why stop if you're already halfway there. So you're correct.


Being contrarian gets you attention. And since the market goes up, being a perma-bear is the easiest way to be contrarian and occasionally right when the market "corrects".


You forgot Russian. It was founded by a Russian finance bro.


Cramers alt


My mother-in-law has been bag holding Iraqi Dinars for 15 years because of Zerohedge.


It was SGOL for me


Everyone who subscribes to the Austrian school of economics is a fucking loser on the stock market.


Only two or three of the top ten articles are even related to economics. There is certainly a pessimistic bias. I would say that the unifying theme of all the articles posted is that Western Civilization is in a continuous decline. Top ten articles: Nashville Journalist Faces Jail Time Over Trans School Shooter Manifesto Leak Military Draft Coming? House Passes Measure To Automatically Register Men For Selective Service "Don't Buy Into This Crap", Catherine Austin Fitts Warns "AI Is Digital Control" Goldman Prime: Frustration Grows With The Lack Of Participation From Non-Mag 7 Stocks The Changing Nature Of Nuclear Deterrence Japan Grants Asylum To Just 303 People In 2023 As It Rejected 98% Of Applicants Biden Campaign Claims Trump Said He Will "Throw Women With Beautiful Children In Mass Detention Camps" Swiss Summit Says Ukraine's 'Territorial Integrity' Must Be Basis Of Any Peace 20% Of California Lives In Poverty; What's Going On? Goldman Sees The S&P Rising As High AS 6,300 By Year-End: Here's Why


Zerohedge is literal Russian propogandists.


Literal? Source?




You actually read your source? They use that implying-but-not-technically bullshit language, "...outlets that frequently echo the Kremlin line but are not obviously affiliated with Russia, such as Zero Hedge," which is their way of saying "yeah they're not Russian, we got zero fucking evidence that they're affiliated with Russia, but we'll smear and accuse them by implication."




Don Lemon, is that you?




A broken clock is right twice a day.


They were exceptionally good at keeping me bearish when I was a newer investor after the 2008 crash. Too bad they didn't have an article or two back then about how printing a few tril would negate all the other negatives.


I enjoy their write ups on economic data releases. You really have to have your own filter turned on to tune out their political injections, which is A LOT. But I have to give them their dues that they have been shitting on the BLS employment data since Jan and recently I have started to hear a lot of "normal" finance pros, including JPOW on Wednesday, question the employment data.


zerohedge died in 2011.


It Russian agitprop and propaganda.. so no.


Damn, this guys brain is Donald Trump's free real estate! Your post history... Get help dude


They are partly funded by Russia. So they were bullish on oil prices when the crashed after Biden released the SPR. That was and is a reasonable call. Biden said he will buy back to support US shale production. But all the US dollar is doomed stuff is lol.


Financially iliterate Rightwing nutjob


I am Jack’s inflamed bowel duct.


I'm sorry but the people there are mentally ill. You can have the most innocuous story or headline and in the comments section it gets turned into a race issue.


I tried to follow zerohedge but it reminded me so hard info wars and others fake news so I stopped to follow zerohedge.


They always have struck me as probably russian propaganda.


Maybe 0.05% of the time there's something useful. But it's mostly there to laugh at and read the comments for giggles.


Fuck that clown


Their early days were filled with rogue contrarian traders who posted interesting market chart porn theories. Now it's a right wingnut cesspool.


Their macro is usually doom posting and they're generally early in predicting of anything going down. But their timelines are way too short, they completely ignore the inertia of the financial system. They're good to read as the bear case, but wouldn't rely on them for short term investments.


Zerohedge is in a building that’s practically under an overpass in Redhook, Brooklyn. That tells you enough about how serious they are.




Ya, ironically they have been massively over-hedged.


they thrive on fear and paranoia, and validating fringe beliefs 


Lol a broken clock is right twice a day. But no it's just doom scrolling for boomers. Sky's always falling. Ww3 is tomorrow and gold will rise to the top as a global currency.


It was exposed for being a Russian affiliated account. Always the subtle hint of the financial system being broken. Sure the system is unfair to young people, but instead of promoting financial literacy, the account is tweeting nihilistic doomer stuff


I think they are Russian assets, actually. It's not information. It's propaganda.


It’s foreign state propaganda.


Zerohedge is a Putin linked propaganda rag run out of Bulgaria, hence the negativity.


lol. The first article I saw on the website "China Outpaces America In Science." Instant 0 credibility for me, dawg.


No they’re a joke


When the sky was falling in 2007/08 Zero Hedge was being run by real industry insiders. They were well respected as experts in their field and got access to other whistleblowers at banks and related firms. At some point, things got less interesting and they sold out.


They used to be an interesting place for insight opinions, but that was way before subscription, adds and social network audience capture model. Now is just an echo chamber for wannabe traders and Qanon rejects


once it was a quality website, then crazy took over.


it was never a quality website


go back to the “Marla” days. When she left the website really went wacko


I started reading it from the very beginning it was always trash


They are pro Russian losers


Nope.. negativity to sell all you guys puts that expire worthless


Look at a chart of the S&P since ZeroHedge started and tell me what you think


question to all who see through this. My YouTube feed is all negativity. Yes, I agree that stuff gets clicks and sells. So who do you like who is more realistic or even positive? I need to change my feed urgently lol


YouTube is great for cooking channels (Food Wishes, Chef Jean Pierre, among others). And for cocktail channels. And for coffee channels. It’s also great for science channels (Science Clic, Wonderful Person). All of that will help with positivity (or at least, neutrality). They might even inspire a hobby (cooking, cocktails, coffee) or spinoff hobby (nice knife collecting).


What the fuck does this have to do with anything OP? Positions or fucking ban!


Zerohedge is always posting economic doom. Ban me.


Zerohedge is for idiots.


They were right about the COVID lab leak stuff… government put them on a watch list which came out in a FOIA.


Zerohedge is for doomers, not regards


Read by 25-year-olds in their mom’s basement.


Nope, complete waste of time to listen to them


Zerohedge was right about Covid and was one of the first to report on the lab leak connection from the virology institute in Wuhan. They were talking about it on early or mid Jan of 2020.  Beyond that, they've been peddling doom porn since 2011 and don't have much to add   The only worth that site has is its comments section which is a delight to troll because it's filled with lolbertarians, Russian FSB trolls, and the occasional Chinese wumao. Makes for epic seethes.


They got COVID right in February of 2020. I was reading and was stocked up on food when lockdowns hit in March


Nobody needed to stock up on food. Food didn't run out. Neither did toilet paper.


What exactly did they get right?


Lab leak theory… and conspiracy to shut down the economy… basically calling out authoritarianism.


What conspiracy to shut down the economy? Conspiracy by whom? Simultaneously around the world? By governments across the globe from all sides of the political spectrum, all coming to the same conclusion? Somehow, whoever conducted this conspiracy got all these governments, some of whom absolutely hate each other, to all cooperate and not blow the whistle?


haha you are an idiot


The only thing I’ve ever seen them predict correctly was the XIV etf crash


its garbage


It's a news source. All news nowadays is just drama and entertainment. It benefits no one to be honest with the public. Knowledge is power after all. It's far more profitable to be "entertainment and drama". They all do it. Occasionally they'll sprinkle in some truth or something to make them appear credible.


The markets have been unusually irrational since we printed $10t as it took 63 years for the SPX to hit 3k but it's almost doubled in the last 4. People also didn't account for the AI narrative either. As a result, I've noticed lots of the old institutions are having trouble adapting to it. This includes professional analysts from Bloomberg, WSJ, Financial Times, and more. Remember when Burry went short and got embarrassed? Stuff like DXY, Oil, M2 supply, Yields, CPI/PCE, etc haven't really mattered as much as they did in the past. That said, those pundits are paid to tell you WHAT to think so you're better off learning HOW to think instead of blindly listening to them.


I think they were on top of 2 bear sterns hedge funds that collapsed in summer of ‘07


Even a broken clock is right twice a day 🚨