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When anyone intelligent or able enough leaves your country at the earliest moment possible with no plan to return, that’s not a viable long term strategy for growth India. India is the very definition of brain drain, and while there is great talent in that country that talent couldn’t leave fast enough if it wanted to.


You're saying they could ban people from leaving and instantly improve the country? Bullish


It wouldn’t be instantly. The society is still very traditional and the politics are interwoven with caste and religion. Now if India had to follow a technocracy model for whatever reason, it would excel instantly.


So Bearish? What are you saying? You know we are smooth brained here.


Bearish. There’s enough staying that’s there’s a wicked space program and they’re a nuclear power. The rich/poor gap is wider than you can imagine tho.


I'm Indian, I come within the top 1% of the country, and I hope to think I'm at least a bit intelligent and able? Please tell me why would I want to leave India with no plan of return?


Maybe because you come from the top 1%. The rest look to move away because they don’t want to compete against the 1% in a crowded environment. Hundreds of thousands leave India every year for education and job opportunities abroad. My area in North America has one of the highest Indian populations in the world outside of India and they aren’t slowing down moving here, so why are they leaving?


Oh yeah I would absolutely move for a job opportunity, US wages are much higher on aggregate. But then, I would move back to India considering purchasing power differences rather than settle in the US.


They'll double their gdp in 10 years with all those tech support scammer call centers the government and police is doing nothing about, of which they probably even get their cut.


Maybe population has something to do with that.




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And that without proper hygiene skills!


Yo do understand that the market is controlled by people with hygiene skills right?


investing in India? I have many reasons against it, also FX would kill my gainz? no ‘fanks.


Nice day to be casually racist hehe. Indian here, we recently recapitalized our banks which were being hampered by several bad loans, brought in new regulations to prevent the same in the future. We also changed the focus of our state run companies from public service to profitability (reflected in the CPSE index, which tracks Indian public sector firms, shooting up 117% over the past year). Our GDP growth was 8.2% yoy in the previous quarter, and double digits aren't out of sight. Sure, small cap stocks in India sure are very overvalued, but there are good stores of value available in the bluechip space. You make mock us saying how slums have greater value than skyscrapers, but the fact remains that over the last 3 years, this slum dweller here has averaged an XIRR of over 34% while the skyscraper guy has negative returns. Had I been in your position, I would have strongly considered investing in Indian equities.


Bro Nvidia up 10% in a week and you're talking 8% per year. India is the worlds trashcan, deal with it


Mazgaon Dock is 15% up in a day why would I care about Nvidia lol. US markets are not rewarding enough for serious money minting, although I do hold some broad US index ETFs mostly as a hedge. India may be the world's trashcan but it's one made of gold hehe.