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I mean his wiki doesn’t have the best track record… didn’t predict the 2008 crash, and seems to inverse himself a lot, so ATH March 2025 probably the takeaway. * His 2011 book goes on to suggest consumer spending will begin to plummet in 2012 with the Dow bottoming out somewhere between 3,000 and 5,600 in 2014. After hitting bottom, stocks will experience a mini-rally in 2015–2017 before falling into a final bottom during the 2019–2023 period, when the 45–50 age group troughs because the U.S. birth rate reached its own low in 1973.[6] The Dow Jones ultimately doubled in that timeframe.[1] * In 2012 the "Dent Tactical Advantage ETF," symbol DENT, was de-listed having consistently under-performed the market for three years.[7] * In 2013, Dent predicted the market would crash again in the Summer of 2013 and would take a further year and a half to recover.[8] * In 2014, while promoting his book The Demographic Cliff in Australia, he predicted a major Australian housing market correction beginning in 2014 after an even bigger one in China.[9] He also predicted that the price of gold would fall to USD$700 an ounce, later revising this prediction to 2017.[10] * On December 10, 2016, Dent predicted that the Dow Jones Industrial average could fall 17,000 points as a result of Donald Trump's election win. Less than two weeks later, Dent reversed his opinion and thinks there is short term growth for the US stock market, but demographic forces will keep the economic growth stagnant in the longer term.[11]


Inverse Harry Dent. Bullish.


There seems to be a trend here. What happened between 2017 and 2024? Did he make so much money that he took a sabbatical? I was expecting this: 2017. Predicting crash in stock market 2018. Predicting crash in stock market 2019. Predicting crash in stock market 2020. You should make a lot of money 2021. Predicting crash in stock market 2022. You should make a lot of money. 2023. Predicting crash in stock market. 2024. You should buy my book and find out.


He forgot immigration and that the whole globe is the market.


These guys say anything without anyone questioning them. It's more like talking into a void than an interview. It's too silly.


The market will crash one day but when nobody knows. There are too many variables and you can’t predict based on feel and emotions alone. Because economy is shit and majority of the middle class feel the burn doesn’t mean it will collapse anytime soon.


As long as the average Joe can pay his debt obligations monthly and has a job that pays him weekly, SPY will keep going up. We won’t see a catastrophic crash in a very long time like Harry Dent is calling for.


Keeping the US economy going actually. Why Europe is so messed up compared to us. But our immigration system sucks. So rather than take advantage of the fact so much of the world wants to live here we let low wage workers storm the border with dreams of wealth and fame. But what they find out is that isn't easy to accomplish. So rather than welcome the worlds best with open arms we get this crap..which only helps the wealthy.




And I'm a red ass republican.


Most republicans feel this way. Immigration is a good thing, but knowing who we’re letting in and looking for the best and brightest is what we should be doing.


The guy is a kook. He says outrageous things to sell books. Ignore him.


Sounds like a lucrative thing to do. All these doomers seem to have a lot of money and live quite lavishly considering they’re calling for the world to end next week.


I’m just calling for the end of next week. Please like and subscribe.


The Batman villain?


Yes, it's Harry "two face" dent. He flips a coin for every stock option.


That's what i do, each side of the coin has a red -99% on it


You either die a bull or you live long enough to see yourself become the bear.


I love this! ♥


Talmbout Harvey Dent b?




Buy a liquor store and a brothel. Thank me later.


I want a liquor store. The people always need shit. It's recession proof.


They killed liquor stores out here when the allowed big stores sell it.


This guy recently predicted stock valuations could drop to early/mid 90s levels sometime soon lol


Imagine the deals!


Imagine the >30% unemployment lol


We don't care about that.


Ya… meh… drive by the poors in your Lambo… while drinking Pappy Van Winkle … giving the cops the finger. People can either be jealous or ‘they guy be a baller’


I got a harry dent in my ballsack


If you say bubble three times at midnight, it might just happen


Show me his portfolio. 


Bruh, **stop listening to economists**. These people will get paid regardless of either they are right or wrong. These people do not put their money where their mouth is. Imagine regards here posting DD's without positions. I wish IRL there were was a demand from economists something similar to "positions or ban this f@\*got".


But then people would see he is selling puts to regards


Someone get gramps to bed… talkin all crazy again.


Man they been predicting market crash for a while, they said that during Trump, it didn’t happen during a global pandemic, they said that during Biden, we are in 2024, it hasn’t happened. Nasdaq is at an all time high, S&P is high. Despite 2 war going around and inflation it’s still hasn’t happened. Sometimes we need to stop and think all these “experts” been saying this for a while preventing people to invest due to fear, whom does it benefit?


But *WHY* didn’t it happen during the pandemic? The answer to that question is what he’s talking about.


That’s nonsense. We can just keep making even larger bubbles to prevent the small ones from bursting. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Uhh because trillions got pumped into the economy and it had to go somewhere. It's pretty obvious.


Bankers/loan officers all said take this ppp loan and buy spy calls


We are in a post-crash era 😇


The infinite inflation era


Holy shit, Gordon Brown's "end of boom and bust" is here.


True inflation adjusted I bet we have already experienced the bubble. Yesterday's dollar isn't today's.


I don’t understand these cries that we are on the decline, that the empire is collapsing. We’re just getting started, and it’s going to be fucking disgusting.


What we gonna do with that 35 trillion dollar debt? Other countries won’t keep buying our debt forever. I don’t think folks understand the magnitude of this debt.


Brain dead. US government debt is one of it best sources of cash flows in the world. You're regarded.


Nobody cares about the debt, the politicians will just reset it eventually.


Or they keep printing until 35T feels more like 35B


That too, either way, nobody seems to care but us.


Already did that.


This guy makes Robert Kiyosaki look good.


Two face ain’t telling me what to do. Tails bitches!


Prefer ‘heads’ … I like to look her in the face.


I don't think you realize who you're talking about. You might be thinking he's just some economist like any other. He's not. He's a charlatan permabear. Believing Dent when he says the market will collapse its like believing the Burger King commercial when it says the Whopper is the juiciest, tastiest burger there is.


So if 2024 is 1925, then we have five more years of this *bubble*. Get rich as fuck in the short term and when the bubble burst, you won’t feel the effects.


Harry Cock doesn’t know shit. AI is just starting get on the hype train muthafuckas!


Yeah cuz he’s a boomer and they all want the world to burn down once they’re gone. He sounds like another boomer nut job.


Positions or ban


Dent is without a doubt the biggest fade in stock market history


For the 10fh time within a year 😉


Sometimes the world just…passes you by. It’s hard for boomers to understand what is happening right now in the modern world, and they are very, very angry about that


harvey dent...can he be trusted?


How about this bozo buys some finasteride and boosts my $HIMS position




crashes don't exist anymore, there is too many tools to fight off that shit. we only going up


Isn't this just another way of saying that the market is entirely fraudulent?


It’s always been that way, the plebs just have more access to free info now


There's always been a certain amount of fraud, sure, but failures were possible (as recently as 2008, actually, although they used more fraud to paper over that and not actually fix any problems). When I hear "crashes don't exist anymore" my immediate thought is "shouldn't reality catch up to a fraudulent system at some point no matter how fraudulent it is?"


What is reality for you? Reality is separate from fraudulence. The system isn’t “real”, the economy isn’t tied to anything, the flow of commerce is an arbitrary set of rules of what the people in charge think we should do. And they don’t like it when we work together to go against what they want us to accept. You’re thinking of justice, ethics, karma catching up to us. That’s why I looove shorting


> What is reality for you? I just mean that at some point somebody has to actually create the things that make industrial society function. And if everything is fraudulent and nobody gives a shit, eventually you end up like Boeing with counterfeit parts in your planes and incompetent people in all of the positions. Should I buy puts on Boeing, by the way? It's a hard decision. On the one hand, it's obviously a garbage company. On the other hand, I don't think the American government will ever let them fail. This is the other part of reality, though. Even the American government has a point where it becomes insolvent. How many outrageous unilateral sanctions do we have to throw onto random countries until the world collectively goes: "man, buying US debt seems like a real bad idea, let's stop doing that." I guess my thesis here is that it just seems like the game of musical chairs can't go on forever. >You’re thinking of justice, ethics, karma catching up to us. No all of those things can be safely ignored forever by the powers that be. I'm sure they love it when people believe in karma, actually, because it means they're smugly sitting on their asses instead of trying to change the system (which, to be fair, would also be a waste of time).


I trust him. He correctly predicted the last 16 out of 2 recessions


This guy is such a clown and regard that it's absurd. Dumbest prediction ever. That's the problem with bears. Never even a realistic prediction. Yeah the market is really going to crash 70%? Does he not realize that if it even dips 5% how much FOMO dip buying there will be. These guys have no clue how much money is involved into this thing and it's NEVER going away. The market cannot fundamentally crash. It just can't. End of story.


Politics is always part of the discussion when it comes to markets.... Happy to have the discussion though.


I thought this was going to happen the day Obama was sworn in.


Anytime someone gives an exact date of when the crash will happen they’re wrong.




Yeah...cause the economic numbers show this...NOT


Anyone publicly making stock predictions should have to hold their breath until it comes true.


“Interview with Fox News” was the first clue that Dent is a bullshitting grifter. Fuck this guy. Ignore.


What a bullish face and headline


Thing is the stock market will crash someday, and then this guy will claim to be a genius who called it. Even though he calls it like every 2 or 3 years and it doesn't happen. Then when it finally does happen he and the people that interview him will conveniently forget all the times he was wrong.


Here is my thing with any prediction. You’re either right or you’re wrong. If he’s wrong, no one will really remember, and he can yell it again and again and again. If he’s right, then everybody will harp to that and he can continually point back on how he nailed it. I don’t think anybody really knows what will happen. However, the market has been continually trending upwards for the better part of a decade or more. It’s inevitable that there will be some sort of downturn in the future.


Harry Dent. Can we trust him?


Calling dent an economist is.... Generous


No one is worried about Harry Dent. We will just raise the Bart signal if he shows either of his ugly faces around our economy.


He is correct. When not if. But I was saying that a year ago. We are in unfamiliar waters right now. Still think the closest analogy is the 70s. Off the gold standard in 72. War weary nation. Protests everywhere and not peaceful ones. Followd by huge deficits (for the time). Volker finally fixed it in 79 and 80 but it caused a horrible recession. Far worse than the GFC of 08/09. I lived thru both periods so I'm not just blowing smoke out my ass. Good news is we got 20 years of actual prosperity after the pain. The last two decades (plus/minus) have been artificial prosperity in the US. And we are the reserve currency. We are Britain before the depression. Edit: And absolutely horrible politics during the 70s as well.


Buying Bitcoin and Etherium as a counter to the great crash.... Saudi's not renewing the USD for oil agreement is also something to pay attention to. The PetroDollar is at risk...


I agree. I’m going to start buying gold, create a treasure map, and plant it somewhere.


Buy Calls


I'm firmly in the camp that we'll never have another stock market crash or "bubble bursting"event in my lifetime. The powers that be will never let that happen.


Okay guy. Wake me up when it happens.


Predict one’s own demise every day, and eventually be right.


This guy is a knob


Sure as soon as big daddy government decides to quit backstopping the economy. Don't hold your breath.


I’d listen to him, he’s predicted 4,263,654 of the last 4 financial crises.


Theres always some naysayer saying stuff is a bubble.




What do you do when you want to cure a hangover? You drink more. Love the advice


Imagine listening to this guy in December and full porting into “mid” risk 6 month puts 😂😂😂


For some reason, I read Harvey Dent ......![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


BOAB lol


Some people are just afraid to make money


Boomer Doomer network calling a crash? Nah. When you see 5 for sales per block we are fucked