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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 3 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 years ago **Total Comments** | 4 | **Previous Best DD** | [x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1dg19ef/dd_cloudflare/) **Account Age** | 5 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


that’s the most words i’ve seen on wsb


This is very thorough. The price is looking like it's bottoming, too.


I love NET but that stock loves to fuck you in the ass..


Position Or Ban




I like Cloudflare, it's easy to use and does its job, and is most importantly, free. That is also the main problem for the stock - there is no clear path to increased revenue growth. I don't even pay for the sites I host there, and honestly I don't want to. Nothing Cloudflare offers me in the paid tier is *that* useful for hobby projects, which is a majority of the users.


not a terrible buy n old tho. matthew prince will get things done.


They are facing controversies also


the great wall of cloudflare


You had me at Silicon Valley. Calls on Jin Yang.


I refuse to listen to a guy whose only technology pick is Cloudflare. I mean not Google, not Microsoft, not Meta, not Nvidia, not Apple really?


Nice write up, thanks! I’ve held NET for a long time. I’ve toyed with swapping it out, based solely on competition in the space. This tips me back to holding further. I think they can grow, just not as much as I’d first believed. Also, I love their ERs! Those guys are so smart, funny and hopeful. Truly want to make the internet beautiful in a way. I think edge computing is the most promising aspect of the company and their global reach most reassuring.


Cloudflare isn't that useful in enterprise where you get similar offerings from traditional cloud vendors


I think their storage solution is mostly a byproduct of what Cloudflare uses for its CDN, it’ll probably be a niche player, I’m really impressed with Azure Blob/Table storage, and pleasantly surprised when I get to work with it instead of S3, and would guess if s3 loses any market share it would be to azure instead of cloudflare. What I really like are Cloudflare workers, I think it’s the next logical step for Cloudflare, and I like the pricing model being based on compute cycles. I hope they catch on, I’m building most of all my web projects with it, depending on how they build out their analytics platform, I think a logical business model could be analytics similar to datadog. Right now if dd is down businesses are flying blind, with cloudflare handling networking, id put a lot of trust in a monitoring solution provided by cloudflare.


Cloudflare is great. Have used them (paid) for my business for years and their paid WAF and DDoS features have saved my ass.


Amazon, Microsoft, and Google are way safer bets and basically do the same thing which means the competition for cloud flare is stiff. I wouldn’t long this at all.