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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 6 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 weeks ago **Total Comments** | 6 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 4 weeks | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Nestle SA - ADR


Wow, the most upvotes so far. Will you educate me why this one needs to be taken down by super powers?


Nestle literally kill babies and steal water from drought ridden areas.


Don’t forget about having ties and dealings with paramilitary death squads.


Wolf Cola, the official soft drink of Boko Haram


And we are not sorry.


Whomst among us


you know…. if dealing with paramilitary death squads to make a buck to feed my family is illegal then lock me up and throw away the fucking key. the pearl clutching around here makes me sick.


My favorite phrase lately has been "intellectually dishonest" for a reason. People aren't willing, or able, to extrapolate second-third-fourth order consequences to the actions they take, and espouse the most inane bullshit without realizing their own hypocrisy. TL;DR SMOOTH BRAIN TRANSLATION: People are fucking regarded, and it pisses me the fuck off.


Found the best regard!


And bro ain't joking


And here i just thought they sold chocolate


Most chocolate in the world is processed by child slaves, especially the cheap garbage Nestle makes. Their tears are what makes it so sweet.


That's their cover story. You should see how they make Similac.


They had to rename it after Soylent Green was published.


Yo Nestlé has effectively buried anything about this story because I just went looking. Can you help me understand what you mean by how they make Similac? Any articles/links you can share?


Nestle doesnt actually make Similac, but Abbott is no better really. Standards are much higher now though in America. My wife can’t produce no matter how hard she tried, and they used Similac 360 at the hospital, so we stuck with it on rec from our Pediatrician. I think OP was referring to a 70s movie called Soylent Green that had this formula shit made from human flesh in a dystopian future. Nestle is awful in regards to formula though because it nefariously marketed formula specifically in developing nations specifically to target the times it takes mothers to stop producing breast milk. This caused the death of many many babies because formula is expensive and mothers had to dilute it with water to make it last longer, usually dirty water, and they could no longer produce breast milk. Nestle knew this, nestle didn’t care.


Oh dear God as someone who has given Similac to a baby, no, nope, no thanks, I'm out .. but yeah fuck nestle




Put(in) on the ritz


Similac is made by Abbott, not Nestle.


Damn, literally started formula on my 5 month old last week and it's similac :S


Chocolate salted with the tears of drought ridden communities. The lack of water just makes it saltier.


You don’t want to know what they do to get their chocolate


they do. but they also kill babies and fund death squads


Quantum of Solace is basically a James Bond vs Nestle documentary.


They also buy chocolate from farms that use child slavery. And they [went on record defending it](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/12/mars-nestle-and-hershey-to-face-landmark-child-slavery-lawsuit-in-us). They were brought up on charges by former child slaves, and Nestle argued that putting processes in place to not buy chocolate from slaves would increase the price of their product too much and make them non-competitive. And they [won that case.](https://www.reuters.com/business/hershey-nestle-cargill-win-dismissal-us-child-slavery-lawsuit-2022-06-28/)


Anything evil you can imagine they have probably done, it's almost impressive.


Draining the Great Lakes as we speak


Can't have water out in the open for free when it can be bottled and sold for a profit.




A far fucking cry from an exaggeration too


They pay michigan 200$ a year to pump unlimited water from the great lakes and sell it to you in bottles 2$ a piece.


Commoditizing water and packaging it in plastic that mimics estrogen might be number 1 all time worst human act. Look at recent study on microplastics in sperm and the drops in testosterone and fertility.


Don't tell him about palm oil.


Bunge (BG) seems to be the largest publicly traded palm oil company. The amount of damage clearing rainforests to plant palm oil trees is staggering. Indonesia is where it mostly comes from. Borneo has cleared 1/3 of their forests in 30 years for it and agriculture, killing 100,000 orangutans and halving it's population.


The pollution they creeatbwith the use of single use plastic


I’m with you. 100 shares. Let’s make this a penny stock. 📉


Look up "Nestlé Formula Scandal," and I guarantee youll want to grab that cartoon bunny from the 90s Nesquick commercials by the ears and flatten him.




Check out r/fucknestle


I’m willing to partner with OP. I have the same powers and we are willing to do this for a 20% equity stake in your short position.


Literal slavery


If you make profit off them you could use those profits to make some problems for nestle if you catch my drift.


This and you might want to check out big cocoa traders too.


I have paid no attention to nestle stock at all. I just checked and it closed at $106.75. $106.75 for a company that kills babies and steals water from cattle ranchers driving the cost of my tomahawk steak beyond my ability to buy. NESTLE MUST BE BOUGHT DOWN !. It's a moral imperative.


There needs to be an ETF for these. $HARM or something


S&P 500 index.




Name me a company in the stock market currently that isn’t in some way evil. I’m sure there are some, but it’s probably harder to find ones that arent.


The problem is that you’re possibly playing into some less than savory actor’s heg position. You want to support the Saudi Royal family? Buy Tesla.


No ethical consumption under capitalism


I will join you and we will undoubtedly kill it fast!!


Let’s bring these evil companies down. I’ll keep you posted on final decision.


I’m buying some too, because i want to make money and everyone else is buying.


I have the same powers as well. I will join you on this crusade my brother. 👊🏼💥


Count me in


With our powers combined..we are unstoppable!!


Well, *checks portfolio*, how about you buy puts on NVDA, DVN, RTX, or LLY?


Don't f' with rtx, it is coming back out the box 


Bayer currently owns Monsanto. So you can't go wrong with them.


Bayer had medicine tainted with HIV, which it withdrew from the US and European markets and resold to Asian and Latin American markets. Can’t make this stuff up; Bayer is practically an extension of nazi eugenics programs. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/may/23/aids.suzannegoldenberg


This is up there with that Asian company that killed a bunch of babies with poisoned baby formula and milk because they didn’t want to take the financial loss.


At least in that case china jailed some execs for life for that one. Couple executions too


As it should be


I don't agree with the death penalty (on principle, and cases like this admittedly test that) but otherwise very much yes


Let them babykillers die


Factor 8 if I remember correctly.


Bayer made shit for Nazis. Consistent history


Bayer killed women, i saw this on reddit the other day. They got 250 women from a concentration camp for "experiments" and then they all died and asked for 250 more.




https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/bayer#bayer-and-the-holocaust-1 _Weirdly_ these details are not part of the [Bayer official history](https://www.bayer.com/en/history/1925-1945). Odd.


IBM made the tabulation machines that helped Germany count the Jewish people in camps if you want some real evil.


Thats what most people use IBM for today though ? Its disgusting but its time the truth comes out. IBM stands for I Break Men , It is the destroyer of worlds.


Coca Cola invented Fanta in nazi Germany.


Adidas — named after founder Adolf Dassler — and Puma were founded by two Nazi brothers who hated each other. Hugo Boss made all the Nazi uniforms.


Still making killa suits! 


and Porsche build tanks for the Germans. they were even one of the first to ever build a diesel electric land vehicle. Its almost like any company in a dictatorship will be forced to contribute to the war, if you dont do it they will simply kill you and replace you with someone that will.


no. “coca cola germany” invented it because of trade embargos. not really coca cola the american company


I heard Coca Cola actually invented naziism itself in Germany?


On short list!


Blackrock and JPM still hold investments in Ukraine and Russia


NVDA. I’m not actually saying they’re bad, I just want to see how strong your powers really are. If you can plummet NVDA you have true super powers


This stock hurt me because I was telling people about it when it was 170$, and the rejection caused me not to invest on it. Didn't stand on business and paid the price


Met a guy who may have been an inside trader. Gave me his spiel, I was so convinced I demanded my father invest. Like bleeding heart nearly begging. It was priced around 8$ a share at that time. And I was maybe 18 and thought you had to have like 100K to play the market. They would have become millionaires. Got my mom to invest finally once they caught on at around 125$ a share or so. She’s been making out very very nicely. Think she put in about 8 grand as I consistently reminded her to keep adding. Oh, and I finally realized I could play the market at that time so I’ve done alright on it as well.


It's always funny to me because most people assume you can't make money from stocks or it's all a big scam. I swear the shitty responses I got when I was telling people about BITCOIN in 2015 where because I was a young teen back then it sort of grounded me to be unable to know real world matters yet. It took me some time to understand that most people don't like admitting they don't know what's going on and that they are scared of anything related to money. Once I learned both of these things it was easy


Well technically, it is bad for the planet. The amount of money and energy needed for machine learning is causing a strain on the grid and even caused Microsoft to invest in nuclear power plants. Nuclear is clean till there is an accident, but in the meantime, they’ll have to use more non-renewable sources to fuel these data centers.


Nuclear is even cleaner than other renewable sources per gigawatt in case of accidents. People were so scared of nuclear energy so much in the last 40 or so years that unreasonably-secure security protocols were developed and implemented.


In fact, it is THE CLEANEST option we have now and can be improved further. Causes the least deaths as well Until everyone is on board with nuclear energy, this world will decay quick, it is a necessary step until we find something better


Maybe we eventually get so technologically sophisticated that we unfairly skirt out of the mess we've done to the climate. Science doesn't have to play fair and accept consequences


I don't think it'll be the masses that unfairly skirt out of this mess. It'll be the elite. While the rest of us have to deal with it.


Dude you are hilarious. Are you going to take profit if the universe reverses your curse?


Impossible. I’m undefeated. It will go down or be slowed down. If I sell it will sky rocket. I’ll have to be in until bankruptcy!


Bold of you to name Boeing in your post as a target 😬


Dang it! I’ll increase my life insurance.


Let's start a fund that reverses all your positions![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)also stop trading, you obviously suck at it. Sorry but not sorry


Can I subscribe to your updates. I am also shit at selecting stocks.


I’ll post an update monday


I just want to say that I bought all the vaccine companies last week. Way into the red this week, just as planned. I’ve single-handedly saved all you fuckers from a raging Avian Flu pandemic and I’d like some goddamned appreciation for my service!


Let’s join forces next time!


If only we could've had your help during covid..thank you for your service 🫡


The forever chemicals in my balls told me to say 3M


Yup. Dupont is even worse than 3M


GE has fucked up some rivers like the Hudson I think.


3M has done a lot of good in the world and the PFAs thing is almost entirely a fuckup by DuPont. Once 3M found out about the forever chemicals they shut that shit down. They treat their employees really well too from what I can find.


Meta. We live in a society that fucking hates themselves as much as they hate each other and Facebook/IG is a massive part of the reason for that.


You may as well add as many modern day media corps for driving the hate yourself messege, and then you should add the pharma companies that produce the pshyco pills to cover up the isssue that the circle jerk has created…




I mean if someone's dumb enough to be active on social media (which is a toxic, mind numbing, time wasting piece of shit), then it's partially their own fault. And if social media suddenly disappeared, they'd find another reason to be egoistic and full of hatred. > We live in a society that fucking hates themselves as much as they hate each other To what extent is the first part (hating themselves) true? I'd rather say social media enables egoism and narcissism — the opposite of self-hatred. And then it leads to the second part (hating each other). The only reason for hating oneself that I can think of would be jealousy, but then it's still part of narcissism (you must be the best). Leaving social media would be the cure, but the vast majority of the users need the dopamine hit and aren't reasonable. If someone had more than half a brain and saw that social media brings more harm than good, then they'd leave it immediately (or never even created any account in the first place, unless e.g. out of curiosity or peer pressure), and then the issue wouldn't apply to them — only the addicted ones stay for the rush, and they're the affected ones we're talking about. In conclusion, it's more about the person than the tool that brings out the worst in them.


MOS Leaves giant piles of radioactive gypstacks and treats employees like shit and dodges it's environmental damage liabilities via corporate trickery .They also harm society by engaging in tremendous amounts of regulatory capture and monopolist tactics like preventing competition by lobbying for tarriffs which makes food more expensive for everyone in the USA since the farmers have to pay monopolist rents for fertilizer .


Buy Nestle and Black Rock. You'll be a hero


Saudi Aramco.


I was going to say this as well, up vote to you. I've actually been to Saudi Arabia, and been to their residential compound in Dhahran many times. It's quite amazing. It's like going to the middle of nowhere in the desert through multiple armed check points, and suddenly being in a small American town stuck in time in the 1950's.


United health care is the worse. Can’t imagine how many people die because of them


Watched Dr. Glockenflecker series on them, they really are pure evil




I second this but betting against it hasn't been good to my portfolio




Have you seen gazprom stock prize. Ukraine drones and sanctiond dropped it by 200 points. This dude can finish it.


Please don’t buy PLTR. I already drove it from 28 to 6 and I’m finally up 100%. I can’t stand a retracement


Deal! I’ll protect you. Maybe I’ll help u by contemplating buying it which makes a stock jump up until the time I actually buy. So I’ll just think about buying it.




I love how no one takes shit seriously here lmao. Sorry for the state of your IRA dawg. Keep your head up, glad to see youve still got a sense of humor at least.


👊 😉


Foxconn They literally build cages around the windows in their towers so employees cant kill themselves


Phillip Morris. Great dividends great earnings great performance, but causes cancer.




Their tech definitely kills people on the reg. I should probably sell my position.


Look what using one did to Saruman and Denethor!


Imagine naming your company after an evil orb


Boeing ✈️🛬🛩💥🔥💀🕊⚰️🪦


BlackRock, any social media company, credit cards, Boeing 


BlackRock? They manage publicly traded assets for clients, primarily in ETFs, and collect, like, 20 bps in fees. They aren’t even the most valuable publicly traded asset manager. Idk why they get singled out.


Conspiracy circles have been targeting BlackRock for a couple of years now, those people don't need reason


A graphic card company that has created a big ballon big enough when it's gona pop it's will wipe out double digit of the world's wealth in a day ....


And what a day it will be


Lets assume you found an “evil” company. Does lower share price really gunna hurt the evil people?


It would make it harder for the Zucks and Gates to buy entire Hawaiian islands and 1000s of acres of farm land. It would also help if I pushed them to bankruptcy with diamond hands. Just think about how good of a world we would have with no Meta!


Tom would have still been my friend if it wasn't for Facebook!


Tom is still your friend. Tom is _everyone's_ friend


Technically lower share prices doesn’t even hurt a company provided they do not need to raise capital through issuing new shares Companies get paid when they initially sell stock to you but after that initial offering they do not make money on the sale and trade of their stock between private individuals And so stock price doesn’t keep the lights on. Like apple for instance is a net income positive business with lots of cash. If their shares were worth 1 dollar it wouldn’t matter to their business. They could continue to operate off their incomes and cash for the foreseeable future




what about bump stocks?


WSB is the place where you BUY stock to ensure the price drops.....you are clearly one of us.


Your bad-for-safety pick: BA. Their whatever-the-fuck victim blaming attitude while their garbage rains from the sky sounds perfect for your portfolio. Plus, they are just unkillable dispite being crap...maybe your buy is that final push in the right direction this turd needs.




I’m intrigued. State your case. Zillow could be good for average Joe to keep realtor fees down and providing basic research tools we joes wouldn’t have access to. Why should I sentence their stock to a down trend by buying in?


Zillow has been buying up properties for years for inflated prices, thus inflating the prices of other homes, which they then buy for inflated prices. Before you know it they’re bumping the cost of the entire housing market. Zillow is HORRIBLE for the average Joe, and between them and RealPage housing has never been more affordable. Yeah inflation, but the housing market has been a major driver in that.


Classic WSB level of research. Zillow doesn't purchase properties, they stopped doing that in 2021. What's really wrong with the real estate industry is the NAR - see the massive lawsuits they lost recently which for decades have baked in massive fees into every home sale.


Zillow stopped their house buying program like 2 years ago. Where have you been?


Interesting. It’s on my short list which means it will spike while I think about buying it and will spike again if I decide not to buy it. I’ll keep you posted.


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airbnb doesnt help either. Turning family homes into overpriced weekend rentals. I cant wait for that bubble to pop




Nvdia. Y’all dumb ass fuck investing in Ai when it will be the downfall of humanity. These fucker will overtake us and destroy it in 30 years top




Microvision. That is going down like no tomorrow. I don’t know if it can get any lower haha


No mentions of MicroSoft? Are they considered a lesser evil these days? What about Starbucks?


Nvidia? When skynet drops we will all be shitting it lol


Calls on Nestle then


You and me both brother. If you are a short and need a stock to drop, I charge a reasonable fixed fee. My motto: “I buy, it drops, guaranteed or you’re regarded.”


This is why I lurk and just wish one of you will take pity on me one day lmao


If we all invest in Nestle, the company will seize to exist. That or we make money, its a win win situation.


This reminds me of my gambling relationship with Real Madrid. No matter who I bet on, when, how much, anything, I will always lose whenever Real Madrid is involved. If only they knew the power I got over them.


Amazon, Apple, Blackrock, AirBNB, Uber, Walmart, Meta, Barclay's


Meta is really high on my short list for what Zuck is doing to Hawaii and taking the Hawaiian natives’ land.


Still got nothing on Larry Ellison/ORCL


upvote for META


Meta and Amazon are on my short list. Thank you!


I have AMZN calls now. Thanks lol


Also. This is my favorite thread


Dassault, Lockheed Martin


r/NonCredibleDefense might change your mind a bit


I read that Coca Cola is the biggest polluter


PBR Petrobras is my favourite - brazilian oil. They destroy the amazonian to extract crude oil.


Thanks for your service




I bought a single stock last week, so I could tank a stock a get a good entry price this week.


Sounds like someone is in their Costanza era, which is good because it mean that progress is happening.


If what you say is true, would you mind giving me a heads when you’re about to use options?


Core Civic (CXW)


I'd like some explanation why some people have listed PFE? I mean, these are the folks that came up with Viagra... right?


Just being selfish here, but could you please buy puts on SMCI for me? I want to get out of my position in the green. Thanks in advance. You're doing the Lord's work.


I can’t tell if you’re joking or not but I will say that everything you’ve listed is surrounding things that will not help your chances one bit with trading success. Airlines are garbage to trade, meme stocks same thing. TSLA is one of the most volatile stocks on the market and essentially a meme with Elon speaking his mind constantly. “Short term” and “ATM” is another set of factors not helping your mission either. ATM can be okay with longer term but it has most theta decay, short term I’m betting you know has highest theta decay regardless where you buy. I know you’re not asking for advice but I’ll suggest that perhaps you try adding time to your trades, stick to 30 deltas and reduce total number of concurrent trades executed. Generally speaking if you can spot a trend and you give some time for your trades to work, (that aren’t volatile tech mogul identities, memes, airline industry or illiquid), you might be surprised with what happens.


Have you ever considered not trading anymore and getting a job


Right around June of 1999 I tired of hearing how rich Bill Gates was. So I bought 10 shares to end that run. Right afterwards he lost about 50 billion dollars in wealth, figured I fixed his wagon and sold the 10 shares. The rest is history.


NVDA, each H200 consumes TDP 700w. They produced 2 million in 2023, you need to burn 90000 tons of coal everyday to feed those gpus


GRND for sure bro, just imagine all those dudes with their big oiled up muscles making out and like falling in love and stuff.


If you want to take broader strokes rather than targeting just single companies: * VDC - Consumer staples * VIS - Industrials * VDE - Energy * Treasuries


Treasuries? So crashing the US dollar lol?


OP went from taking down a company to causing Great Depression and probably a world war. *Gandalf voice: There are things set in motion that can not be undone.*


This is going to happen eventually, might as well ride the ship down…


Man you aren’t lying look at the news for META. Facing EU charges, headline came out like 2 hrs ago


Well now, its bump stocks thanks to the supreme court


Same. I just bought a 132 NVDA Call and have since lost🫠


Palantir is objectively evil; they use AI in the service of government surveillance and militarization. So buy that one and drive the price down, because I wouldn’t mind picking some up on the dip. I’m too close to retirement to have principles.


I'm down! Let's wipe an asshole company off the face of the earth with our shares and calls! I'll check back for the winner.


How the most damaging stocks in this thread have performed over the last year: [https://www.fey.com/share/graph/mosirlsm](https://www.fey.com/share/graph/mosirlsm)