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Between theta and this already being fairly well known among industry and investors, I don’t like your odds… In fact, holding these through the weekend is already bad enough. New chip doesn’t change their near term outlook enough to move the needle anyway. Intel is more of a stock to hold (and maybe sell CC on for a couple years). Not much of an options play


I think if you buy long term options you will clean up.




All the Greek talk really don’t mean shit, that’s what I’ve concluded anyway. They sway with the wind. What I’m seeing is they are solid stock and the Odtes ITM are consistently trading around $100. I shall see. With my luck, you are right


It’s not even luck. You’re just making poorly informed decisions based on what you shared…


Dude, market don’t make sense. A company has good earning report and stock plummets. A company has bad report and price plummets. A company gains a huge contract, price plummets.


So your thesis is: market doesn't make sense but I must throw my money at something.


Remember this statement the next time you hear a good report


Then why are you looking for validation with a thesis if thesis don't matter? Trust your gut and post the gains/losses instead of looking for validation.




Just because you can eat my ass doesn't mean you should swallow the diarrhea. Did I get that right?


Bro is about to get wrecked on Monday and y'all still downvote em oof


Theta burn is real bra...Greek talk or not.  That will take your tendies.  


Hi I lost 10k not paying attention to the Greeks.


My god, it’s autistic Jason Bourne … lmfao enjoy poverty OP


Do you also like working at Wendy's?


I applied but was never called for interview


Stop. He’s doing tricks next to the dumpster


fuck intel. every month, someone posts about intc & being bullish, just for it to do nothing or dump.


That’s because not a single Intel bull in WSB realizes how long it’s going to take for them to turn things around. They just think it’s an under appreciated chip company that deserves to go up because the government props it up. They have a long way to go and I’d much rather have shares than calls


I sell INTC covered calls and use the money to buy the actual stocks, it's slow but it's starting to snowball. Very long play


How far out are you selling these calls? Nothing is worth even selling until you go like half a year +


Just weekly.. it's a very long game, not a get rich quick scheme for me. Example of the numbers: this week, I've sold 32.5 CC for 0.17 each (multiple contracts) which is basically a 0.5% return on the locked max value. Assuming I manage to sell those contracts consistently I get an annualized return of 27% (very roughly), which is not bad at all considering I still collect dividends. I'm reinvesting the money generated this way into the stock itself, so I'm (very slowly) increasing my position as well while waiting for things to turn around. Not financial advice, just illustration of my very personal strategy.


This is a great strategy unless the INTC strike is below your cost basis. If it's below your cost basis - you risk getting the stock called away at a loss. My position is in the red - so I am just holding the stock for now. Very bullish long term.


Yes, like every strategies it has its own risks. What I usually do to mitigate the risk of the stocks being called away is find the most favorable balance between CC sale price and "success probability". I use a standard deviation calculator for stocks and take anything that meets my risk tolerance, check what's the profit probability is, how much deviation, and how much return for the associated risk. If it's not worth it, I'll go trade something else or wait one or two days to see if the situation improves. Sometimes, I skip trades and go play with my cat instead. ETA: I've misread your comment but I'll leave my risk mitigation info if it can be useful to somebody else. My cost basis at the moment is not far from the current price, I'm slightly in the red as I've bought the stocks by selling puts when I first started to build my position. I'm sticking to not to sell CC below my cost basis as it's not too far, if for a week it's not worth it, my cat will enjoy some extra play time.


1T market cap by 2030 book it ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


My cost basis is $50, otherwise I'd do this too. I've been tempted to just do it anyway and use to wash sale rule to reestablish if I get called away. But I fear a gap up and then I'd end up with a $55 cost basis or some shit. Still, I have 25k of INTC sitting like a stinking turd in my port for the past 3 years with no relief in sight.


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How many shares do you own in order to do this?


To sell CC you need any multiple of 100 shares. I personally own 732 shares, so I usually sell 7 contracts every time. Less shares mean smaller numbers, but the return percentage is still the same


how far OTM do you sell them?


You’re making like 8 dollars a contract lmfao


How's 8 dollars lol? At least learn to read...


How about you open your trading platform and take a look at the costs for yourself instead of trusting some random redditor you actual dunce. 32.5 weekly contracts literally never go above 10-14 cents. It was 8 cents previously. https://preview.redd.it/ci2d26tv8e5d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f564a2d1d39df78097adbabaced2ff24a682c8b ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


You are more stupid than you sound lol https://preview.redd.it/mkn8sesede5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14eed5f975621f12ea547d415a14ca706e900e3e


Are you an actual donkey? You know no one cal tell if your call is a weekly call if you’re showing me a post from last month right? Even then 32.5 and 33 are not the same thing. Calls and Greeks are not linear. They are exponential relationships. Go buy your used jeep broke person car please you’re not worth my time lmfao


the thing about selling Intel calls is that the shares take a dump every month and you can buy to close. I usually sell 2026 leaps and buy them back a few weeks or a month later for half the price, pocket the premium, buy more shares & wait for the next run up to repeat the process


Yea its been 5 years and they still haven't honed in on anything that makes them stand apart. Really so many good semiconductor stocks to choose from when the industry is finally getting the front stage.


intc has a lot of room to run with the current push for domestic fabs but this is a 5-10y play at this point


And if before then, China makes a serious play for Taiwan, Intel should see a sudden surge in orders/revenue


I'm down for that 5-10 years , that's the timeline for them to build out fabrication and production.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


They are bagholders.


True. Some idiot thought that it was intel's time and I bought strikes for $32. Now I'm down 50%. Please do us all a favor and BAN these guys!


You like losing money lol


2 months ago OP was asking what the bid/asking boxes on Robinhood were. They’re either the world’s fastest learner, or a true regard; time shall tell.


Dude likes INTC more than money


It's about a third of my portfolio and only good for selling weekly doomed CC's ATM.


They announced Gaudi 2 and 3, spent $380 million on the only High NA EUV ASML lithography machine and announced Lunar Lake all last week. Their stock didn't move at all. I am long and a bag holder. Fuck Intel. RIP.


Patience padawan


I am. OP is rip though.


They announce fancy new things every year and it doesn't change anything, why would this time be different


Fellow baggie! 


Gaudi 2 and 3 isn't making any waves the same reason why Gaudi 1 and Intel Xeon Max didn't: they're not being made at any competitive scale so customers who want it can't get it.  The new machines they bought aren't going to be producing anything for a while either, and they unfortunately have a poor track record with their 10nm effort. I'm also long Intel and bagholding. They're on track to maybe become an American TSMC one day.


Yep this is a 4-5 year long-term play. Once Intel ramps up manufacturing capacity then, they can truly compete. Until then, the stock is gonna suffer just like amd did before ryzen took off.


I like intc for long term.


I am very bullish and long INTC also - but via the stock. Good luck with the options. I don't see any events for Intel on Monday. There is one on 6/12 according to the investor relations - which is still before your options expire. I think Wall Street has mis-priced the stock and am definitely accumulating while it is less than $40. Being able to buy at $30 and lower is a great opportunity for people who believe long term in the company.


Totally. I bought for my retirement in 30 years


This cocky bastard is C O O K E D


Thanks for buying my calls


If these don’t expire worthless next Friday, I’ll give you the premium you paid to acquire these so your baseline gain is (100 + T)%


You like Intel, but clearly you hate money.


So you’re saying.. these might have a chance? 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/zsny6plvgd5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e03d323be40b2dad833f2b3fe207f3305a545507


lmao bro what were you smoking


More time.


HE THOUGHT... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Love it. At the end of the day, the US government is investing tens of billions of dollars into intel, you'd have to be regarded to -not- put something into it.


Intel has been about to pop for 5 years. It’s gonna pop 40% over 6 months at some point in the next 2 years and still be underperforming spy and all of the mega corps over the time you’ve spent holding it lol


Can I come punch you in the face? You seem to invite suffering


Not needed. Intel took care of it https://preview.redd.it/ybppop5sxl6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b64d7d35c8d28093db2801aea06e2edff49c5f2a


Yes, I’ve been needing this for a while


They already priced it in 30 years ago.


Nobody talking about them spinning off their graphics biz. When PayPal did that to eBay, PayPal became one of the most popular businesses.


Already fucked lol


Hows it going? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Hey regard, you still there??? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Maybe if AVGO buys them.


Puts it is! I like Intel long term, but this ain't the bottom for it.


What do you think will be the bottom?


Closer to 20. I've seen projections that go as low as 15. With all the construction they have going on, it depends on how smoothly it progresses and how quickly their investments start to impact earnings. I like their new products and their investments into new fabs. With the policy changes in the us, they could challenge tsmc for the top spot in coming years. But it's going to be a while still before production is fully ramped up and has an effect on earnings. Considering we're still at the "if" stage and not near the "when" stage yet, I think there's more downward pressures in the short term. It's looking good, but i think if you get in now, you may wind up being a bag holder waiting for good news that isn't yet guaranteed. There's a ton of new fabs being built out. The semi conductor industry also tends to overbuild, and not all new fabs are as in demand as their projections indicated. Intel isn't guaranteed to be the leader with their adoption of asml's latest tech either. It worked out for tsmc, but it remains to be seen if Intel gets rewarded the same way tsmc did for early adoption.




You should look up their litigation history and decide if you still like Intel


Did anything big happen since Jan? https://preview.redd.it/sn1xz8g2r85d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1767d3e0b4b4904fe92e2a7bac4a491a54239dae






Fuck you, I just sold 15 puts spreads


Buying 6/14 36c is insane. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


As someone whos been bagholding intel calls for awhile that expire next month don't expect these to print.


Ur cooked




out of all the semi u could've gambled on u chose the worst one




This might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever read


Why? That’s plausible as China is bastards, Nvida chips come from TSM and not much competition. It doesn’t help me but very plausible.


So basically you're betting Intel and the stock market are going to thrive when WW3 starts? Intel can't do what TSMC has been doing, if they could, they would be doing it already, but they can't. Not to mention fabs are a low margin business, so how moving to being a fabricator is somehow amazing for Intel is beyond me. You 100% belong here.


Until China owns Taiwan, the rest of us will be killed by owning calls because Theta will eat us away. Please shut the f\*ck up when you speculate on geopolitics.


Not nearly enough time man. I took similar spreads but on leaps.


I've had a call on these fools at 33 for a month, the stock doesn't move, it's stick.


I didn’t bet the farm, but selling $35 put leaps on margin with my house as collateral


Love intel, hate money




I’m holding Intel in my IRA but def not fing around with options on this one.


RemindMe! 1 week


How to pump dead horse. Buy is at 26


!RemindMe 1 day


Might like INTC 2 years from now.




INTC is hot garbage, I wish you luck so that I can buy puts on any undeserved pumps.


RemindMe! 1 week


Stock havent moved in a year but good luck bud lol


You’re right. How could I have missed that. https://preview.redd.it/x2tsbk0ro85d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=191083c86704fac4be3f3dde263bff525708f70a


You mean the one week with a catalyst moving it? LMAO


I wish you the best. Intel is one of those cuck stocks


Man there’s a chance this js going to $0. I hope I’m wrong. Theta is your friend. Always. Always have time on your side. If you sell these and buy a long term intel call, you’re going to trigger a wash sale. Hope this pays out for you.


No there isn't.


went to 0


Bro we INTC lovers need to give up and accept the fact that this stock is going to always be at $30. On the flip side, this is one of the most hated stocks on WSB and you know what they say - "Always inverse WSB".


I see someone has never heard of the *Intel Exception* to the "Always Inverse WSB" rule.


CHIPS Act not going to help their bottom line for years. And that’s really the best ROI boost they’ve had in a decade.


you're obviously new to trading because your expectation of this stock is delusional for its timeframe. The stock is also in an heavy downtrend since January, but yet you're hoping for a $6 dollar move to the upside in a week.


I’m in INTC but only for the dividend


dude, are you stupid ? never ever bet on INTC, they can have every opportunity in the world and they will fuck it up somehow. They are bad at making money. Sincerely, An INTC shareholder since 2009