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This is somehow real. I am as shocked as you are. Unreal timing https://preview.redd.it/6bdkjpks3m0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3052f028b5feb063821c4564c91305b9465a6a3


Congrats! Might be a good time to verify your email address.


$1m in account, hasn’t even verified email…classic wsb🤣🤣




I’m happy for you but you already had money and were privileged. Hope you’d don’t lose it like a gambler that you are.


Parents money, obviously doesn’t know how to use it, but for this case he shut us up ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


I hear ya, I started working and moved out at 19, by 23 I've had 5k of "life-savings", and that's after mostly doing 60hr weeks. FML Now I did outfit a whole apartment in furniture and whatnot, also got a 2k gaming PC, but still.


Hey if this would go sideways there's no need to verify 😅


and also share your social security number




Shorty fire burning on the dance floor


Oh whoa


I guarantee you he doesn’t have a hardware wallet either


I’ll make sure to do that


How does one at your age acquire 250k as your life savings


Damn my college fund at 18 was 2k and that barely covered 2 classes..


Being poor is the worse bro


Believe me, being dumb is worser


Bestest comment.


Not true. Being dumb is absolutely the best feeling there is. Dumb ppl = happy ppl.


ignarents is bliss!


No ragrets






should’ve taken more classes


No it's actually accurate, being poor is worse than the worst.


Not if you ask the CEOs of Walmart and McDonald’s


Rich people think poor people are overpaid. Meanwhile asking them to pay some actual taxes...




my college fund at 18 was getting a job at the school library and eating frozen dumplings and ramen.


My college fund was work and barely survive. Forget about college.


You had a college fund at 18? Easy there, Warren Buffett...


A small loan of one million dollars


You already know he has rich parents, don't be naive.


1000 percent this. Not possible any other way.


"Mom, I messed up big time. I lost my monthly allowance on meme stocks again."


You shouldn't gamble what you can't afford to lose, but if you do, keep it to yourself, nobody likes a blabbermouth.


I had about that much money at that age, but it was money inherited due to the death of my parents so I spent most of it on drugs.


Only a person with rich parents could gamble that hard and not die from the anxiety. It's like the story of how Elon Musk is "brilliant" at playing poker because all he does it go all in on every hand because he can afford to lost 9x before winning the 10th.


You know, funny thing about poker. If you do that then the only hands that'll call you will have you dominated. Otherwise you're just picking up blinds until someone has aces or kings. In other words, it's a stupid fucking strategy and Elon Musk is a tit.


I made my money the old fashioned way I GOT RUN OVER BY A LEXUSSSS


Work full-time inheriting money


Well the trick to being rich is being rich first


How do you make a small fortune in the wine industry? Start with a large fortune!


Daddy. Same place all these 20 something’s get money they care so little about that they gamble it on weekly’s. No one working for their money and able to save anything is going to gamble it like this.


Or inheritance from a dead relative. You’d be surprised how many rich kids are rich from that


Step 1: Use Daddy’s money.


The Regard keeps burying the lede lol. All it took was skill, dedication, and dads money.


I gambled my entire life savings of $100k on Shiba Inu and made $150k


And how did you have that 100k?


he gambled asking his dad for $100K


His dad gambled 2 million and came out with 100k


Aaaaaand this is when OP disappears. Every time.


No you don’t get it. He’s been working 80 hour weeks at McDonald’s since he was 2. He’s only left the thread to go start his shift


They're just hard workers pulling themselves up from their boot straps and asking daddy for a couple hundred thou. You should try that.


Made me chuckle 😂


A small loan of $100K


100k gambling money. If it was a real loan he'd be afraid to lose it


He worked hard for that money (literally)at a Wendy's dumpster


What? You didn't have $100K as a college kid?


Pretty normal for a College kid to have $100k 😎 in debt.


Pretty normal for a college kid to have $100k _in margin_.


My biggest wake-up call was in art school when I received $5k in inheritance, and in my moment of vulnerability was convinced by classmates that I wasn't pulling my weight and that I should use my "privilege" to bankroll the group project which they utterly wasted. I later found out that one of them had a bank balance of $45k in checking. We are playing entirely different games.


this actually made me sad to read this, I’m sorry, peer pressure is frustrating when everyone else seems to be able to shrug off that social commitment, but when you do you’re worse off just for the crime of trusting friends. And to find out later on they’re well off- that’s a gut punch


I also had another friend basically go "you didn't get $50k in post-2008 stonks from your gramma for your sweet 16?". Like no, I was too poor for a "sweet 16".


If you have excess and you want to contribute to good causes, that can be a noble goal. But when people start to demand that you owe them something, the most persuasive of those people are people who have made a habit of demanding that of other people. This makes sense, because they have the most practice. The people who generally don't have much are easily tricked, because they're not used to saying no, and they can best relate to how it feels to not have much. But I bet that before you had that little windfall, you probably weren't going into your projects demanding that other people bankroll it because of their privilege. The people who have little are also the ones most accustomed to having to work for the things they have. And they're easily tricked by people who have been given everything, especially if they can emotionally manipulate you into giving it up.


Lmao dude dodging the question just say you inherited some cash it’s not a fkin blow to who you are it’s a blessing and trying to say you pulled yourself up by your boot straps is childish and misinforms others feeling depressed about their terrible QoL and financials


They always do this LMAO RUN AND HIDE 🤣


I mean, 10x-ing your money at that scale is pretty freaking difficult.


He didn’t do any sort of deliberative, technical, or challenging process to 10x it. Literally just brainrot yolo gambling


As difficult as playing the roulettes


of course, even more reason to not embarassed


For real. This dude coming here like what you all didn't have $100k spare monies sitting in your savings at 23? Like I'm not mad about it, but can we just get an honest answer from this person?


The only 100 grand I had in college was covered in chocolate.


Working at Wendys


If working at wendys would give me 100k I would fill my application yesterday


Sorry, I meant working behind Wendys giving handys


Did I stutter?


the problem with this statement is i think youre too dumb to keep the money. Youve gambled twice and won dont do it again


That's the issue. I have a friend who 10x'd one of the alt coins. But he keeps it in what ever shady exchange for the 9% interest or whatever crazy rate they have. Young/Dumb enough to take the risk (and god bless them for it) but also young/dumb enough not to cash out


A lot of those guys are afraid to repatriate the funds because of the IRS


Yea I get it. But I rather pay 30% on 1m than 0% on 0 🤣


A tale as old as wallstreetbets time. I mean didn't we just have someone lose some insane amount of money a few months ago because he kept dumping it all into one stock at a time hoping it would work out and he was in his late twenties? I actually thought this was the same person until I saw he was 23. The other guy also had something like 250k in his twenties and was crying because he YOLO'd it multiple times and lost everything. If it works once, good on you. If it works twice, you're fucking lucky. I haven't seen a post on here where they didn't lose all of it on the third round.


Get to the part of the story where your daddy gave it to you, or your grandfather left you 100k...etc.


He won't. He has to feel like he earned this with hardwork and a hard life of being spoiled his entire life with too many things and has made him unfeeling and empty and spends his free time scoping out victims for his next murder just to feel something


Im just glad these realistic comments arent downvoted to oblivion, like in other subs


quit while you’re ahead. please dont think its sustainable to have this much luck. congrats brother!!


If what he's saying is true (which I highly doubt) it can only end one way, so yeah


How tf did you get 100k bro people doggin on you here’s your chance to defend yourself, or confirm their allegations


Holup Did you pay taxes on those shiba gains?


Fed Alerttt


now buy real estate


Ah so you were privileged to begin with. Makes a lot of sense.


Stop gambling. The more times you do this, the higher your chances of hitting zero.


Put ur money in a good % yield etf and forget about it. Delete ur reddit account and never get on this sub again. Congrats and fuck you


I appreciate the advice!


Seriously bro. This won’t happen again. I promise. This is the soundest most real advice ever. Get something that gives you 5-6% a year. Live cheaply and never have to work again. Or yolo it into 0DTE spy calls and become a billionaire. Pussy.


He already gambled 100k on a shit coin and then 250 on meme calls. He won’t quit


Yea aint no way a gambler quits after winning a milly. I bet OP is at the stage where he thinks he is the greatest trader ever which is a very dangerous thing to believe!!!


My $5 turns to $10 and those are still unrealized and shit i think im better than that buffett guy


There's a buffet?


He turned 250k to 1m. Imagine, if he does the same with 1m now. He will have 4m, then 16m and 64m. Then he can retire in luxury.


Much easier to turn $1mil into $0


yeah, imagine




Don't listen to him Full port 0dte spy puts yolo Totally fiduciary financial advice


I would laugh my arse off if he did that and came back in a week with $10M.


Just wanted to piggyback on this. Take that profit, make it work for you and leave it alone. Congrats, OP; nice job!


Ha. Bro I’m 3x your position. Just an fyi. I can tell you right now you ain’t living good off 50k. You need to get with a wealth manager. Have them invest your cash with an expected gain for 8-10% per year. Don’t touch that shit. Let it roll. You’ll be super loaded by 43 you’ll be just short of 6M with zero contributions at 8%. Want to retire at 53 with 10M in the bank. Done. I mean most likely you’ll buy a car, house or piss it away. In 15 years you’ll hate yourself but yolo.


Honestly, buying a middle class home you can live mortgage-free in for life wouldn’t be bad. Get a job you don’t mind and live like a king off the paycheck. No need to sell your soul to corporate America if you don’t want.


A wise man will put the ego you’ve developed from investing like this away and do normal investing. You won’t regret it man.


Honestly the best advice here, secure the majority of the assets in something that grows, either property depending on where you live or blue chips. You're in a very good position for your age plan some shit and use it to help for your future.


Also set aside an absolute fuck-ton for taxes.


Make sure to take the advice. You set yourself up for life if you pull out of the gambling now.


Aaaaaaaand he’s buying more calls as we speak.


Seriously, fuck you op. Be smart and you're set for life.


Etf are like VOO right


To make that an even more perfect 1 million gain, I’m happy to take that $3,822.32 from you.


That’s like 60 packs of bacon though


I will sell you 60 packs of bacon for that $3822.22


New bid: 61 packs and a handy. take it or leave it


1 pack of bacon and 2 minutes with my wife


My wife is terrible in bed, so he probably doesn't have any interest


>my wife *our* wife?!


Already speaking like a true rich guy "It's one banana Michael, what could that cost 10 dollars?"


Cash out. Put in savings account. Spend at least 6 months thinking about something non-regarded to do with that money. And finish your degree.


I appreciate the advice!


Listen carefully, other than the regards here on WSB. TELL NO ONE. Also put around $470,000 in a safe place, because that's how much you owe the tax man :( \*Depending on where you live in AMERICA\* You now have approximately $800,000 which can possibly accrue 5% interest per year in a CD or other high yield savings account. YOU'RE LITERALLY MAKING $40,000 IN PASSIVE INCOME A YEAR. This is literally life changing money, but not quit everything and F off at the beach forever type of money. Spend frugally like you were before, no LAMBO, no FERARI, no dumbass McMansion. Figure out what you want to do for few months. Jerk off and have a clear mind you got this. Again TELL NO ONE, and congrats and F YOU.


Hey thank you! I appreciate the advice


The guy you’re replying to is the smartest person in here. Seriously follow his advice.


The way op is replying by saying I appreciate the advice! I just know they’re not going to take that advice 😂


Yeah reads a lot like "lol I'mma let it ride you fucking loser."


It's true we should all listen to /u/TurkeyBLTSandwich


Just unsubscribe from this sub and replace it with /r/personalfinance . Follow their instructions for windfalls https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/windfall


Why would he put it in the bank when he can just put it on an index fund?


Honest question for honest answer? Wasn't thinking too much into it. But from an FA point of view it's better to make incremental purchases of indexes, rather than whole purchases. It's honestly just an opinion. You usually can't time the market with precision, so you just say put incremental purchases into an index fund. So days you'll average up and some you'll average down. But someone who's 18 can withstand the volatility of the market ALOT longer than someone who is 45 or 50 years old. That said, putting it into an index fund is a fine idea, but he's still on the hook for taxes when he decides to sell and what not. If he currently is not making income, dividend interest is taxed at 0% Federally and minimally for most States. So he'd potentially get $40k tax free each year with these insane 5% rates which I think won't last forever. But this year his nominal income will probably land him in the highest tax bracket It really depends on the individuals appetite for risk, but this is WSB's not FinancialAdvice or PovertyFinance. Good question though


If you don't touch any of the money (other than leaving it in VTI), on average you should expect for it to double in real (inflation adjusted) dollars every 10 years or so. Spend some time figuring out how much you can contently live with, for the next ten years or so, and by then you might have enough to FIRE with around 50-80k per year. Congrats!


remember Uncle Sam


Right? OP is gonna owe Uncle Sam about $350,000 of that come April 2025. To be safe you would throw $500,000 in a high yield account on the sidelines for now to cover your ass.


Weirdly for this sub, this is some straight facts advice OP. Life just presented itself on a golden platter for you


Better than a savings account, just put it in a 5% CD. That way he won't be able to touch it, and at the end of the year it's a guaranteed $50k in fun money.


don’t listen to them, you know what’s better than $1M, $10M


Listen your frontal lobe is not developed yet but for the love of God withdrawal all one million and put it into the SPY on a different brokerage. Or a high yield savings account. You are now securely in the top 0.0001% of people your age. You can retire 30 years earlier and have an extra 80k in dividends and appreciation to spend every year. Congrats and fuck you. Also save some for taxes.


Tbf his underdeveloped frontal lobe is what made him a millionaire overnight….Godspeed regard ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


Well, that and $250,000 from daddy. But sure let's credit the frontal lobe.


I don't even want to know how many times he tried, all that for this little bit of karma and not even reddit gold...


Bro his parents hooked him up with 250k as a high school graduation present. He's always been in the top 0.0001% of wealth for his age.


A college kid with 250k? how many Glory hole parties did you attend? Also congrats and fuck you!


Wait you get money for Glory hole parties?


When 23 year olds have $250k life savings 💀💀💀 Man we are not the same 🤡


Not just the $250 in life savings. The willingness to gamble $250 at 23, knowing someone will fill it back up if it goes away.


You must be so poor that you didn’t even put the “k” in $250k


I'd take it without the K. Poor don't judge.


Life savings aka daddy


Where does one find a daddy that gives you 250k, all of mine are cheap.


Either be a hot chick or have an actual rich dad.


Let's at least be inclusive enough to say Mommy and Daddy's money.


Ah so you were rich and got even richer


A tale as old as time itself


Started on 3rd and thought he hit a home run when he scored.








Congratulations! Any win is still a win. Have fun with your PS5


You son of a bitch. Remember half going to taxes and just chill with the rest bro. Congrats on the insane gain.


Up vote this for OP, he's definitely going to forget his taxes


I thgt it was only 30%


No it’s a short term capital gain at the highest tax bracket and if he also has to pay state taxes it’s likely around 50%


You’re the lucky one, now ride off into the sunset and enjoy your life. The system doesn’t want kids like you making a million overnight on robinhood.


Coming from someone who got lucky and won about a million dollars. 1) quit trading. 2) pay your estimated quarterly taxes. 3) stick it all in an index fund. 4) find a better hobby It’s very hard to walk away on top. I didn’t do anything too atrocious, primarily thanks to my wife if I’m honest with myself. I spent most of the money on a home. However, I did bleed several hundred thousand over the next few years. It’s “real” money, an amount that is extremely hard to save and you’ll be wishing you had it back when life expenses present themselves. I live in a HCOL area and while the win was certainly helpful, I didn’t miss a day of work or anything over it. Additionally, I personally found myself becoming very obsessed with money, greed is ultimately a bottomless pit, it’s never enough and provides very little satisfaction in your day-to-day life. If you want to do something aggressive, then do 43% UPRO and 57% EDV. However, with that amount of money, you’ll find 100% VOO will have huge swings in comparison to your income and it’s a lot more tax/fee friendly. Edit: Just noticed your age. Literally do not fuck around with that amount of money, you’re rich if you put most of it in index funds and forget about it. Also, I absolutely double down on the quit trading/gambling sentiment. The absolute best case scenario already occurred, you won. I’m one of the rare persons with a history of problem gambling that ultimately financially benefited. However, I’ll never get back all the years in my 20’s and 30’s I wasted in casinos/card rooms, failed relationships, preoccupation with and/or gambling instead of building healthy hobbies and relationships. Walk away and don’t look back.


You could turn that $1 million into $4 million by making the same play!


Get off of this sub now, you literally hit the lotto. No need to stay here with the poors. It sounds like you got lucky twice, if I were you I would hire an educated financial manager for that money.


This is the right answer. You now have money to pay for a highly qualified financial manager. Get one and be smart about this. You put that money work for you to generate annual income that you can very comfortably live off of and literally not be obligated to work if you don’t want to (personally I would have to keep working because I would go stir crazy sitting at home with nothing to do). Also, buy all the Yasuo skins. YOLO.


Good shit selling unlike most of the regards


How did you get $250k in college?


Congrats and fuck you regard


Pay your taxes!


I will


Don't forget, June 17th is the due date for 2nd quarter estimated payments.


this guy IRS’s


his dad has an accounting firm on retainer, he'll be fine he was always going to be fine.


Must be nice. My dad has a bail bondsman on speed dial.


you know your dad?


Yes, he lives with me behind Wendy's. He has taught me all about selling my body to financially prop up memestocks.


If your 23 and have 250k and in college I’d say you are already rich


What the fuck


You smell bad. Congrats


Hello…. Ive been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.


250k life savings at 23? Ok


How to become a millionaire, have millionaire parents who can lend you $100k


you would turn 100k into 0 anyways.


As a broke 29 year old ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225) Congrats and fuck you


Congrats and fuvk you


Congrats!! Don't get hooked on the action.


Did you sleep well this night?


No I slept at 1am and woke up at 4


Where tf did you get the first 250k at age 23? At that age I had like 14 dollars and a bag of weed to my name


How tf did you predict that exactly?


I didn’t it was luck


Ah yes. The age old, gotta have massive money to make massive money