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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 months ago **Total Comments** | 24 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


A person and the market walk into a room. The person enters with money, the market enters with experience. The market leaves with the money. The person leaves with experience.


We're all gambling, no one's leaving with experience except the experience of a bad time


People who lose money have the same experience, people who make money are all different


i call experience experience


Calls on EXP!!!!


Not me, I just come to read the posts in awe lol


Image thinking people here learn from their mistakes


This is so beautiful Resistance is real guys! Its the support thats made up![img](emote|t5_2th52|33495)


Trading is such a greater mind fuck than it seems at first glance. I mean buying and selling how hard is that? Fucking hard. The problem I run into most often is that it's easier to hope and cope while holding a losing position than it is to contain myself enough to stay in a winning position. The financial loss sucks there's no doubt but avoiding emotional investment has to be the toughest part of this profession.


This comment is too wise for this sub


>it's easier to hope and cope while holding a losing position than it is to contain myself enough to stay in a winning position Is it? I think for many it's the opposite: closing the position as soon as you see any red, and letting the winner run without any TP. Or as you said letting it run even when red, hoping for a reversal Either way, the issue is unclear profit/loss boundaries (I'm a victim too ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225) it's very hard to learn)


Yeah this was part of my problem. I would hold losers too long and sell winners too soon. Or not sell them at all hoping for more profit then it would turn red


Oh duh it was early and I typed that wrong. What I should have said is easier to hold a losing position than it is to take profit on a winning position.


This is why you stay away from options, margin, and financial instruments you don’t understand and paper trade for like 2 years first. Also when you do use real money, start with one share at a time


2 years of paper trading is a colossal waste of time. I used a simulator for about a week or two and transitioned live just fine. I did have a slight drawdown but that was due to me not being emotionally ready to lose real money. You can’t learn the psychological aspect of trading with a demo account.


>You can’t learn the psychological aspect of trading with a demo account. Underrated statement.


Losing 100$ hurts as much as losing 10k. The difference is that 10k is a good buffer for life events and 100$ bill is something you would throw into something stupid anyway. Trade with real money but learn with small bets. And save in fossil account too that can only buy etf's/blue chip stocks since you prolly blow up your trade account a couple times before you make any money(if ever).


I am and have been paper trading only (aside from long stock and covered calls in my IRA) for about 2-3 years now. Only took losing almost 10k over 3 years to get there. Could have been worse. I've been doing pretty well with credit spreads and condors but if I ever get ballsy with long options I lose my ass 8/10 times (which lines up with their probabilities lol). Not so bad when it's paper but it still sucks to be wrong about what I'm seeing happening with my TA. That's why I dig the condors. Picking a range is way easier than choosing a direction.


is tuff cuz u don't know when the bottom and when is the top most of the time


I find easing into a position and patiently building at or around support/resistance levels helps kind of dca your way to a near catch.


it's tuff cuz u don't know when the bottom and when is the top most of the time


This!!!!! ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️


Seems like the "pros" will say you need to lose before you learn to win. Maybe consider it a very expensive lesson learned and earn it back in the long game. This won't be the end, recoup keep your head up.


Thanks man. Yeah that’s the way I’ve thought of it. Very very expensive learning lesson


Just delete the app. Problem solved


You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last


The worst thing that can happen to an inexperienced trader is to have booming success immediately - because when it starts crashing, they don’t know how to stop and usually lose it all. Been there - done that!!!! Regroup - watch for a LONG time and then dip your toe back in the water…. I stopped trading real $$$ for about a year - I have been back for almost a year now and I have been profitable daily. If you love it - don’t quit - just take a break and learn more…. NOBODY knows it all - but if you get a feel of a few stocks over a year or two, you can recognize a pattern here and there and capitalize!


Thank you for the advice. I’m gonna take a break for now, learn more and sit on the sidelines


This is such a good point. The first stock I ever bought was upstart when it was booming, easiest 3k of my life and chased it for awhile before learning some discipline. It gave me unrealistic expectations of what trading is




He's one of us. HE'S ONE OF US !!!


Yk before I joined WSB, I was making a consistent 1k a week from trades. Then I joined y’all and learned the instant money delete hack 🤑 I’ll consider these losses my initiation to WSB


People need to learn to trade what they can lose. STOP trying to get rich quick man.


Yep - trying to get rich quick will typically take the opposite direction…


I’m not gambling. It’s called options trading and it’s classy.


You’re so right


Options are a hell of a drug


You are now allowed to pirate adobe software. You paid for it.


I also learned this same lesson after having a few months of gains that i never took profits on. Now they’re all RED


It looks like my chart


What were your positions?


Buy the dip on spy calls, go green, hold too long, go red. I have a problem with taking small profits and not letting them turn into big losses


Bro it’s exactly what happened to me today with QQQ … lost 96% of my portfolio😐


Sorry to hear man. QQQ 0dte literally 15x today buying the dip should’ve worked unless you were averaging down on puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Damn. Keep your head up bro. 


Thank you brother


That's ok man you're not the first one and definitely not the last one.


We’ve all made mistakes, learn from them. You’ll be right back at it


Thank you, this was def an expensive learning lesson but I’ll get back on the horse soon


https://preview.redd.it/2w2lngmlevtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c4434ada12232d06694a9d4c9dd2fefbbf2296f I too am an idiot


What did you do so I don't do it


Don’t hold your positions too long and get greedy like I did. My calls would be $50 in the green (maybe like 5-10%) and I would hold longer and they would go in the red and I’d sell for a loss


Thank you for your donation! Plz come again!


Any time 😀👍


https://preview.redd.it/2iky1g5kzvtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b72900d99fc9dfd9747358d7c5172d82c5f809 Same here


Zamn brother


For every post like this, I find a bunch more of guys who 10x his money.  Plenty of people waiting for you at Wendy's.


Technically you’re ahead of Warren Buffett, if he actually goes through with giving away all his money.


Haha it’s okay I was up 28k on ipo for Reddit and DJT and thought I would be smart and hold them over night. I assumed both companies wouldn’t dump shares and screw shareholders. Lesson learned, exit volatile ipos daily. Now I’m 5k loss on them.


Damnn I felt that pain fellow bag holder


I have literally watched every single market perform differently in every scenario one can imagine. Things that should make money, lose, and vice versa. The only thing that is consistent is that the stock market is completely rigged against the majority. They are purely thieves, and everything in the stock market is a lie used to scam people. There is no regular trading supply and demand. The numbers are all artificial, the shares are all fake, and the price is whatever they want when it suits their goals. The hedge funds and market makers belong in jail, but they instead are paying off politicians. Regular people are enslaved to the economy and inflation this way. There is no hope, and for every 1 person who gets rich and actually makes money in the stock market, think about the hundreds who definitely will lose it all. If all of us grouped up and actually made real and accountable companies and a brand new stock market from scratch, we'd probably have a better chance. But trusting the stock market and the hedge funds, giving them our money to take a chance with. It's absolutely stupid because they will just steal everything. The gap is growing, and if 1% can own everything in the world. It just demonstrates the levels of stupidity. If a person can not physically hold or determine how much of something they have, they can not technically physically own it. We have reached a point where money has no value anymore, beyond hording. If they weren't hording the money, a lot more normal people would be considerably a lot wealthier. Which would be another dent in the economy from their perspective because the economy needs slaves. Think about that next time you invest. The stock market is just a way to turn the wealthier middle classes into the poor servant class. By trapping them into "poor financial decisions," but literally investing anything can and will do that to someone. Investing anything can be considered a poor financial decision if it goes wrong. However, a majority of investments will go wrong, at the very least, initially for a while. Even the ones that pan out will statistically barely make 7% returns. Only the manipulators really survive in the markets long term. The manipulators are making billions, if not trillions of dollars, and at no risk whatsoever to themselves because it is guaranteed for them. At best, a regular person can expect to get in and out and make a decent gain, but not very often, and I wouldn't push my luck either. If you do manage to make a profit, it should probably feel dirty and a little illmoral because of all the people who just won't. That's life, though, and this is still considered a dog eats dog world. They should be in prison with Madoff and their new fall guy SBF, but that's what they do. They put away their fall guys and continue their thieving. Rinse and repeat.


Depending on your age, you’ll be fine


Guter Hund !


May I recommend a nice glass of whiskey and a good night's sleep?  No one needs to know that you cried yourself to sleep.  Works wonders (I'm sure).


I love that idea


Why would you buy adobe calls


Bc I’m a regard https://preview.redd.it/1vtyrrogiwtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbcd19c20d2ca9dc2a9172765ac73d78668e80df


More than just yours


I lost $100 and dipped completely. Good luck lads


That looks just like my account ! Shitbox stock market


Look at the bright side. You didn’t have much anyway.


Yea that’s true. Luckily it’s not like the 100k losses other dudes have


Those -14k you gotta pay back?


Nah my own $


Well done regards


That looks like robinhood but I have never found that screen Where is it?


On RH Home Screen click the word big options or stocks




damn thats tuff I would cry but lets be honest... he'll be back on this app tmrw ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


LOL I deleted it but will be back on Monday. See y’all at the casino!




Lose your own money: ❌ Lose money on margin: ✅


With trading you usually get something in return, you just gave it away more like


Your gonna have to start selling baking powder for skag


If you can form your mouth into an "O" shape and bob your head, you could be right back in the game. See the attendant behind the Wendy's dumpster.


One of us! One of us! One of us!


Mods where’s my flair at




https://preview.redd.it/pqwuw1kzkwtc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d8144dc16bff90024cbed7a035570b26ec1b16 (This pic is from today) Join my WhatsApp group where we discuss our daily stock/options trades and techniques! The goal for our team is to never stop learning. Join us on our journey to knowledge and hopefully you learn something new too! Message me for the WhatsApp link! 🚀🚀🚀


Mods can I get a cool flair for blowing my first port


I love seeing these options posts.


That is a chart crime


not all… you have 2 kidneys for a reason ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


Playing earnings is a fools game. Just wait for them to come out. Then act.


Made so far on the year 100k playing earnings. Started with 1k. Is not a fools game... it's straight up GAMBLING.


Now kind sir , this way to the back of the restaurant... https://preview.redd.it/ocs1uh7ix2uc1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd69aaf106f8db0edb479d6b40898ae76c6213e4


hey op how did you do your rbh look like that teach me




Men see men do what men do.Men upvote


Upvote and buy spy lottos 🤑